LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1910. -r.. ne muse m&ipira ever placed on Jfc mwesft A. i2 w.i. n Five'"Bto ness i Center of the City iThe ground lies beautifully eye lot is leyd 'and-Qoib.';'''', lots to be proved with CEMENT Sidewalks, Curbing and Parking and All Streets VWllBeG? ,...,-;; r. v y . :.-:' . ... -. - ; .' ' . ..i . ' v , ' ;... ; '. ' ,' . '" i. ' : Positively the choicest bargains in CLOSE-IN property that can ever be offered in La Grande. The time to buy H bmesite ;'is N o v and Let it Grow In Value !! Prices will Advance November 1st Special inducements offered to the Quick Buyer and EASY TERMS will be given. ; This is a purely Restncted Kesidence District and is destined to be the fut ure High Class residential; portion of the city. -rl cmiiifi a DELIOilUEOT : DRASTIC ACTION WUL BE TAKES BT TRCAST OFFICER. M Most of the Parents Hare Already Been Notified to Send Children. 1 j - 9 Children of school ago ar In many Instances allowed to itay out of school and backed by the school board Trnant Officer Faulk is preparing a list of official notifications on parents that ill lead to trouble If the child- red are not placed In school Imme diately. The law and Its officers can do nothiar with the children, It Is the j trents that have to atand the blame, and with Jail sentences possible, the matter Is a serious offenBe. The truant officer has ' orders " from the school board to bring these children to school and as the parents have been warned In nearly all instances, drastic action is the next step. i EUQAIl-Casa Price Sugar, IS.75; beet sugar $8.C5. :VES2TAJDLE3 New iry onlona, 4c lb; green onions three bunches for 10 c tomatoes 10c: lb.; sew potatoes. Sc. lb.; cabbage 4c: gTeen corn tOc; string bean. 10c lb; green peppers, 15o lb. mUIT Oraat, (9a pst toca; lemons, 45c rer dosen; t asanas, 40c per dcsj tm. r:it.- Cantaloupe, lOo and 15c; peaches 8Sc and $1.00 per box; plums 2c lb. plums So lb. ' Grapes, I lbs for Itic MBLtfTS Tl6tt. 11t welEht. well finished.' cwt; cows. I H to, 4c; Teal 4 to 4 l-2o ; mutton 4 U 5; chick n. 18? fries.' 17c BARi4ET---Producer, price: rolled. 926; brewing. Wbeat, 33 per ion MILLSTITF3 Brand f 23; , shorts $24.- - APPETITE COXE HAY Alfalfa, baled. ?16; timothy, baled, $20; mlied $18. t . ' FLOUR High patent, 5X0; family patent. 5.20; straight $1.80. Portland Hartcts. BUTTER Extra creamery, 35c; store 22 1-2324 1-2. BUTTEIt FAT Delllrer t o. b. at PortU&a sw emu $3 X-; tazr 13. EGGS Local, candled, SOS 29. pmrLTRY Mlx chlckoas ' IScSSc; fancy 19 ' cenU; 'turkeys, alive 20 tt 21; plteons squata, $210; dres e4 chickens. 1 to 2- hlher thta alive. ' EARLT--Proiace?t frici, 1519; Feed 23.B0;' rolled 25.60 C23i0. 'hrew 1 VfllSAT Nomlaai trasl, clab, It 'tid-t$;' Mabctea; fli-VsSaa Val ley 90. Valley $7. ; r ; - UILLGTUFFEnia pnc-i-Craa $22 mldllng.' 80 1' shorts,3 $24.' cfcop 1$ C25. :: "".''!;': 0.?V . FLOUR Old crop ' paUXta,- $Sil Indigestion is the Cause of It-Tbe . . WakIIk Draff' iTa. baa tb far. PAonl to on aufferine from stomach troubles for years and Imag-1 1 ( in,e they have a serious disease. y J ..They ovei'eat 'and 'drink and force on the stomach a lot of extra work.' , , But they never think that the stom ach needs extra help to do extra work.. It these people 'WouWtake two MI-O-NA stomach tablets with or after meals stomach misery would go In five minutes and they would be a great big help to the stomach in Its strain of overwork. MI-O-NA is guaranteed by the New- lin Drug Co., to cure Indigestion or any Btomach disease, or money back. MI-O-NA for belching of gas. ; MI-O-NA for distress after eatipg. MI-O-NA for foul breath. -MI-O-NA for bllllousneBsr MI-O-NA to wake up. the liver. MI-O-NA for heartburn. MI-O-NA for sick headache. MI-O-NA for nervous dyspepsia.. . MI-O-NA' after a banquet - MI-0:NA for vomiting of pregnancy, Fifty cents a large box at The New lin Drug Co. Oct 12-20-Nov. 1. ! i s f fie H,;f is n K1 'itr-.'-'.'i Vf-." fr 't; ,J'":- A Great Sacrifice in Household Furnishings "of all Kinds.Mf you Want to Buy' How fe the Time. Ve wiU Sell Everything in tne btore at Cost Prices, for Cash Only. If You Want a Bar-.. .gain :ve Us a Call and Avoid the Rush. H1M3 ADAMS AVE a Modern Sweets VV VlUUUiO Treats . X n H4tn SfX i$ Ouarmtti qf fMrt and Candy PatroniMttWMixlem Dealer ConlKtlmwry Co., ttln., ftrtlud, OftfM If you'd avoid a foolish fate, ( r DrfiV'"Sj'n.a7aWrofe' 3-2-5 If you'd seeOregon sfay free, OfM "Sam-OT, and irofc 34-3 fy ;. d have business grow and fftrve, Drne "Sam-0" and vote 3-4-5 ; It' s Good ForMat AHs Yoii Of New Orleans, one of the foremost speakers in Dixie Land, cheerful; magnetic and convinc- ing, will speak m La urande at the x yjMilsssteSSei j- ' ' , Steward Theatre On "Prohibition is not Temperance.,! Mr. Storey's treatment of this subject has brought tears and laughter to thousands of his listeners. It is worth going thousands of miles to hear. ' V 'jV;;:'';:':,;'y..Vh THE ADMISSION IS 1 i 11 11 4xftW 'i I " - : . I '