La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 12, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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f '
. Scenes n. Norway. .
Trouble of a Policeman, comedy.
The Tout'a Remembrance.
A great racing scene. , .
Pure Gold. '": .
Beautiful dishes given to lady
patrons of the matinee. See dis
play In lobby.
In buying a cough medicine, don't be
afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
There is no danger from it, and relief is sure
to follow. Especially recommended for
coughs, colds and whooping conga.
' Copyright 1907 bf '
Fneod Brother Clothing Company
Milwaukee - '
Bids will be received not later than Friday, October 14th
at 4 o'clock, p. m., for- the Tabernacle Building located at
comer of Fifth and Spring Sts., formerly used for union re
ligious meeting and later purchased by the Union County
Exposition Company.
Bids will be received f or building, 'as it stands, or for the lumber, per thous
and, torn down and piled on ground. Lease 6n ground expires November 1
and the lot must be vacated by that time All bids should be sealed and left
with MAC WOOD, at the Golden Rule Comoiinv's Sterfi.
I IOC115
Haradon's Tru-Fruit Chocolates.
Made Just right v v -.'. . :
Old papers, one hundred in a bun
dle, 25 cents at this office.
Girl for general house work for two.
(5.00 per week. Inquire Henry & Carr.
Hotel rule cards, trespassing cards,
houses for rent cards printed in red
and black. For sale cheap at The Ob-
seror office :
One show case, 10 feet long and 3
short cases all in good condition and
2 or 3 wood counters for sale cheap
at Silverthorn's family drug store.
The St. Peter's Guild will hold a fall
rummage sale Thursday and Friday,
the 13th and 14th of this month at the
Airdome. New goods and a larger as
THE Coat of Coats for the Man who
is out of doors. .
An ideal Coat for the Man who Mo
', tors. ' ' , .
'. The great call for the Military oV
, ercoat has brought forth many won-
derful results. -
Never before have our Makers pro
v duced such splendid garments.
They're perfect In every detail
The aew button up collar--the lay
back lapels the Just right shoulders
the graceful hang of the Coac all
, will appeal to you.
These Coats are the greatest pro
tection to the Man who is oat in bad
. weather.
- The fabrics are Cheviots and Tweeds
.; in neat mixtures and colorings
Single or Double Breaste l Models.
Both are right
Here are Overcoat Luxury acd Pro
tection Combined, Sir!
Ash Bros.
Better Clothes
sortment than ever offered before. Re-1
member the place and date. -,
Clean cotton rags wanted at The Ob
server office. - ';. . ;
.The next time you have a prescrip
tion to be filled try our service. Your
doctor will tell you that you are in
sured purity and accuracy by coming
to us. Newlin Drug Co.
Just a few doses of our White Pine
Cough Cure will rid you of that dis
tressing cough. Better get a bottle
today. It's guaranteed. Costs but 25
cents. The Newlin Drug Co. .. . .
- Mrs. S. D. Vandecar is now in the
city ready, to make up orders for
switches, etci She will also buy comb
ings. A big line of switches, puffs and
many other things are to be had. At
room 34, Foley hotel.
-Vacuum carpet cleaning, taking up,
sewing and laying. L. F. Billlnger,
phones Red 662 and Red 141.
Fi A. Choate of Summerville will
give a public sale on Saturday, Oct
29th at his farm one and one-half
miles from Summerville, consisting of
live stock and farm machinery.
. - The W. C. T. U. meeting scheduled
to take place at the home of Mrs. J.
D. Glllllan on the 13th will occur on
the 20th. ' - ' ,
The department president, Mrs.
Lizzie Smith of Salem, will visit the
local "W". R. C. . tomorrow afternoon
and a special meeting of all members
has been called for 2:30 o'clock at the
I. O. O. F. hall when the president
will be heard.
Attention is called to all those hold
ing bills again the fair association to
have their accounts with the manager
before 8 o'clock this evening.
Position wanted by man and wife
as cook and helper. Camp preferred.
o o$ 6 6 $
Jesse Crum of E'rIu Is stopping nt
the Foley today.
Dr. BIggers took the Democratic del
egation to Joseph this morning in his
new Franklyn.
F. S. Bramwell arrived home from
Salt Lake where he attended the con
ference of the L. D. 8. church.
F. and John Grinera of Elgin, spent
last night In the illr seeing fair
and registered at the Foley.
who lives at Durkee is a guest . at
j the Foley.
J. R. Conveisj tpiesentlng the Pa-7
cine Hardward.j & Steel company at
Portland is hcro ,ioday. Mr. Cor verse
is a crack blue rock artist.
H. G. Kimball, a rrominent citizen
of Pendleton is noping at the Fo
ley while transacting buslnes tratters
in the city.
. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rinehart and
son, Llyod of Summerville spent fair
week as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. P.
A. Charlton. ' ' "
Mrs. Mi L. Oliver returned t'j her
home in . Summerville this morning
after having visited at the homes of
relatives in this city.
Clarence True Wilson, formerly
pastor of the leading Methodist church
are no extra charges for the exami
nation of your eyes. One charge pays
for examination,, frames and glasses.
The service and material are far su
perior to any in the county. Dr. Men
delsohn carries the best stock that
can be had in the country.
HONEST WORK calls for exper
ience, skill, equipment, facilities, re
sources and high moral business and
professional purpose. Our 29 years of
practice and experience, the complete
ness of our. equipment, the immense
stock we carry, the satisfaction we
have given others, Is our guarantee
to you that have ALL these quali
fications. Dr. Mendelsohn is indorsed by all
the leading oculists of the Pacific
coast and by all the physicians of La
'Grande.. .
All broken glasses replaced while
yon wait ; .
OFFICE iHOt'RS 8:30 a. m. to 12 m
to 5 p. m and 7 to p. m.
' A.
In Portland la him' tnAnn " tntttno I
friends. : ' , '
Attorney George T. Cochran, can
didate for water commissioner of the
second district, is in Baker City to
day transacting business matters.
Mrs. F. C. Bramwell, wife of Reg
ister Bramweil, of the land office, is
critically ill with heart trouble.
Though she Is slightly improved today
she is in a precarious condition still.
"Doc" Sanford the Electric light em
ploye who was threatened wijth ty
phold fever has recovered consider
ably and left today for Baker City to
rest up. '''. 1 ;
George Craig, a prominent banker
and stockman of Enterprise is tn the
city today on hia relurn from Wash
ington points wharo fce was called by
illneBs of relatives.. , - .. '
t '- '--' v,'..-
Mrs. M. S. Block of La Grande, and
a sister of R, Alexander, the local
merchant, passed " through Pendleton
this . morning on her way to Port
land. Pendleton East Oregonlan.
O. R. & N. Ehglrtpe: O. R. S rtlth has
resumed his run a'.ier a thir dnys
lay off. During his vacation Mr Smith
was married in femlleton. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Smith vi' ini-ke their, future
home in this dK . ,'
Clark. Wagner, formerly with the
Patton & Humphrey barber shop on
Star lllheatire
Wednes. 12-Thurs. 13
A magnificent and Realistic production in motion pictures by
the Vltigraph company of America '
A Serial Dramatization of "Anto Bollum" Days from one of
the most famous publications of
for emotional, dramatic and varied situations; unapproachable in
t;-ue characterization of people who made a great epoch of Ameri
can history. ; j ,; . ,.'
' . PART II. '.
Probably the most picturesque
of the most pathetic scenes in all dramatic history the Death of
Little Eva . i:. '. , ,'
"'.'-.r " ' : - ; part in. ; V'.: T:;" .
This part is. filled with thrilling situations,- bringing the ten
sions to the highest pitch of ex treme interest that draws us toward
the picture and, makes us feel like grappling the villainous Legree
and defending his defenseless v ictlms. Our scorn goes out to the
one; our sympathy for the others.
court street, has purchased the O. K.
shop of Charles Follensbee on Main ,
street and took possession last even
ing. Follensbee will leave in a few
days for Chehalts county, Washing-
ton. Pendleton East Oregonlan.
F. D. Arlington of St Louis is a
guest at he .Sommer today.
?W. A Black of Portland is a guest
at the Sommer today.
Bob Wlthycombe has returned to
union after attending the fair here
for a week.' ;!
C. F. Walker of Seattle Is here on
one of his regular tours. He is at tha
Sommer. - ;
Scott Stevens, . with the Oregon
Home Rule association, Is in the city
All members are requested to at
tend a business meeting of the East
ern Star, tonight; , :
, Last Day of the Big1 Fair. ,
Knoxville, Tenn., Oct 12 Knights
of Columbus, all over the south are
holding a celebration today at the Ap
palachian exposition. This is the last
day of the big fair, which has been
one of the most successful ever held
in theSouth. It is considered that the
conservation movement has been given
a big boom in Tennessee and sur
rounding suites as a result or the ex
position. " ''' '
American Literature. Unequaled
part of the whole story, with one
W. L. Kirby an O. R. & N. ttslneer
SMAltl- MM. m.