La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 12, 1910, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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.Shoes Rubbers ilcolory
S .
. 6 nil'
. .warn
I have no land of my own to offer. I sell strictly on percentage. .' Both owner and bajer receive the
same fair treatment I mean that your property is offered at exactly the price yon place on it We In
Tlte yonr consideration of the following listings. -. f r
Four room house, two lots, good cellar, 1414 Z avenue. This place has been Hated for some time at
11100. A special price, if, sold during the next ten days, at $950. $500 cash, time on balance.
Two story house, with barn, lot 65x90. one door north of M. E. church, South; $1400, $600 cash, bal-
. ance on easy terms. . ' v.- . :. ' - ,. ' . ' ; ' j-.., :" .
Seven room house, situated vest end of Pennsylvania avenue, plastered stone foundation, city water in
house; price $1,000. Why pay rent? Terms J100 down, balance $15 per month. "
Fine large home in North La -Grande, two blocks, splendid house, barn and out buildings. Fine or
ard; an ideal home with ample room for garden, poultry, cow and horse. This Is an exceptional fine
' offer. Price $4,000. 1 - . ' " -' . ' , ' .'' -' ' . ' .'
Nice new home, two ldta In West La Grande; price $2,000. 1
A well built house on Main Avenue, facing North;' close In; price, $2,500. 0"e-half cash, balance on
". time. '.. ,
Four room house on Monroe Avenue; nice barn and extra well built poultry housed Three lots, four
room house with cellar, city water. . All in good condition. $1400, easy terms. i
House add two lots in Block 1. Q randy's addition, for $1100. .Three lots. In same block at $900. vThls ,.
' is desirable property, . , : , ' .
a new seven-room house on East Adams, avenue, roomy basement, plastered, well finished throughout,
. , $2,500. ; : ,...-.;. -',.:.r ..! ":' . , '::V,:,".v - .- ' --r..:J
12 room house, barn, 8 acres of. land, 100 fruit trees, barn, spring, well and city water. Sightly view; .
nice home in South La Grande. :; :- ', ,,' . . . .
Large 10-room bouse with entire block of ground. Here is chance for Investment; five houses can be built
on this property. All close to the high school building. Good barn on, piace, price $3500.
Five room house, modem plumbing, lot 60x110, near court house, beautiful location. $1800; $800 csh,
balance two years. v
1 Seven room house on Adams avenue; well built plastered, basement, desirable location, $2500. $500
, .' cash, balance on easy terms, .j' ' ' :y- ' .'. ,-; :' :: ,. V
Four room house, near big brick school house, north of track, $1100. . v ! ?
: Plastered house in North La Grande, entire-block, $4,000 on easy terms, s
' Nice home in North La Grande, fruit, barn, accessible to new K. R. shops $1700. V
Recently Returned from Atlantic City
Where He Attended Reunion.
Town Lots
I have some splendid buys in town lots in all portions of the olty. Very good , lots for $100. 8ome
extra choice locations at $300 to $750. ' y
v Farm
Fine Steele Ranch
2600 hundied acres near La Grande, 300 acres of meadow land, from which 400 to 600 tons of hay
can be cut annually. Well watered; reasonable, terms. ",, , V
Nfcar La Grande
Fine foothill farm four miles from La Grande,' 800 acres, well improved, $16,000, tern "
? v Sandridge Farm :
160 acres well Improved. All good land, 70 acres of summer fallow seeded, one hau mile to nine
months' school, less,than one mile to depot. This is a snap, $92 per acre. Terms,
Sandridge Farm :
: J 60 acres near good Bchool and depot adjoining place. Good roads all theway to La Grande, 6 miles.
Fruit Farm
20 acres commercial orchard In Fruitdale, trees 8 years old, well cared for and In splendid condition.
$7,500. ;' ' ' .' ; ... V v ', .,',.''.
Ten-acre Fruit Farm
Situated near school house In Fruitdale, trees 12 years old, crop estimated between 2,000 and 3,000
boxes; $6,500, good terms or will exchange for city property. v
I 80 acres one quarter mile from the city, modern house, fine cellar with spring;, five acres of fine or
chard, crop goes with place if taken at once. Fine dairy, fruit and' poultry farm, $5,000.
, v ,Here is a Snap
320 acre farm, 300 acres summer fallow and seeded to grain, water right- six miles east of La
Grande, $52 per acre. Investigate this. 1 . ' '
Look This Up
, X,5u0 acres of land eight miles east of La Grande, well Improved, fine stock, alfalfa and grain ranch.
$50 per acre. .. -, ; . ':'
;;;7: . Mt; Glenn Farm -
80 acres, all good land, 5 acres In orchard, large barn, several springs near school, rural delivery,
arm produced 40 hushels of wheat to the aere last year. $8,000, very: reasonable Jerms. .
y:: r 5d-acre:Fridt Farm; '
Situated near Summerville, will trade for''ciy property or will sell on very easy terms.
Fine Farm . v :
760 acres tight miles from La Grande. Last year this land produced 129 bushels of oats to the acre.
Veil improved, $65 per acre. Terms.
' In Lower Gove 1
320 acres, 60 cultlvatable, 400 fine fruit trees, flns spring. $4,000, easy ternu.
. Grazing Land
240 acres, well watered in lower Cove, $7 per acre.
r Mountain Ranch ; ' r
Splendid fruit land, large meadow, several acres In alfalfa, three miles south of La Grande, $8,000. .
T " Timber Land '
.. .... ...
80 acres south of La Grande, $800, one-half cash. v '
LiJo A il
t?.i ! ,r.
ct-mWr -REAL
General A. J. Goodbrod the Union
G. A. R. leader, who returned yester
day from New York and other eastern
cities after having attended the Na
tional encampment of the O. A. R. at
Atlantic City, now carries the distinc
tion of being a member of the national
administration council of the G. A. R.
One of the many Interesting things
which Mr. Goodbrod reports is a story
of the long march of the G. A. R. at
the grand review. He also affirms that
the old soldiers are dying off at the
rate of 150 per day according to sta
tistics carefully complied at a meet
ing of the council recently. Mr. Good
brod found the east to be a great
country and he saw about all there
was to see in the time alloted to his
Wc are striving hard to
decerve your shoe trada
Depot Street
.; Bear Investigation, . Yt 'are Agtnls
': T 0t a Pond Full of Fish.
To one pond add three small fish.
Btlr thoroughly and set out In a basin
to air.' Select four plump, well fed
fishermen, peel and place them on top
of the pond.; Let the whole bake In a
hot aun four hours, occasionally bast
ing the fishermen with selected llkker
When thoroughly brown remove Jlh
fishermen, carefully draining off their
Stories into separata receptacles. Al
low the sediment to settle, and a care
ful comparison of the' results will
clearly prove that the pond contains
sixty unusually, large 'fish. Philadel
phia North American.
All He Wanted.
Carl Schurz was dining one night
with a man who had written a book
of poems, so called, and who was'
pleased with himself.
1fiA Aaat tra si Aatrr ncr em An tti
JV fcvr-v vi av , utavvuiaiug vu vua
time worn, topic of politics and of the
men who take office. ,
."1 consider politics and politicians
beneath my notice," he said. "I do
II not care for office. "I wouldn't be a
senator or a cabinet minister, and I
doubt If I could be tempted by the
offer of the presidency. For the mat
ter of that, I would rather be known
as a third rate, poet than as a first
class statesman." V
'Well, aren't you?' Schurz shouted
at him. Saturday Evening Post.
.. . 8pakr and Speakora.
There Is a tale to the effect that
while Hon. Thomas Brackett Reed
wielded the gavel in congress a gen
tleman took his little boy to the gal
lery of the house of representatives
Looking down upon the more numer
ous branch of the federal legislature,
the child asked. "Father, who is that
large man sitting in the pulpit with t
mallet In his hand?"
"He. my son," replied the fond par-
i ent, "Is the bouse of representatives."
"And who are those other men sit
ting In semicircles around him?" In
quired the tiny chap.
Tbey are the speakers of the house
of representatives," answered pater
A Legal Wondtr.
There was a. prosecuting attorney In
Texas whose methods were so dra
matic and uniformly successful that
he not only became the terror of evil
doers, but an object of admiration, es
pecially among the negroes. Upon re
tirement, from office he was at once
much sought after by those charged
with crime. The first two cases which
he defended resulted in conviction,
much to hlit chagrin. An old negro
who had watched bis prosecution in
admiring wonder and looked on with
equal Interest when he conducted the
defense accosted him just after his de
feat and said: "Mars Earle, you sbo'
la a wonder. No matter which side
you's on, they go to the pen Just the
same." Case and Comment
, Weighing the Baby.
The grocer's first question to the
man who had asked him to weigh a
flatiron, a pair of curling tongs, a
French novel and a Jar of ground cot-
fee at the same time seemed Irrelevant
"Boy or girir said he.
"Girl," said the man. -
Then the srocer dumoed the miscel
laneous assortment lntothe scales and
said, "Nine and three-quarter pounds.'
"Happens every. little while down
here, where not many people have
scales of their own," he explained.
"They want to weigh the baby the
minute it arrives. So tbey balance it
with odds and ends that exactly tip
the beam. Then the next day they
weigh the things and find out baby'a
' .i .''-; I 't
".- v ... . , . !;! :-..." .. -ti
Directory of the Fraternal Orders
of La Grande, Oregon '--.-f.'.'-
A. F. & A. M. La Grande Lodge No.
41, A. F. ft A. M. holds regular meet
ings first and third Saturdays at
7:30 p.m.' V'
A. C. WILLIAMS,' Secretary. V.
a P. O. E. -La Grande Lodge No. 433
meets each Thursday evening, at 8
o'clock In Elk's dub, corner of De
'pot street and Washington avenue.
Visiting brothers are cordially In
vited to attend. ,..
DR. G. L. BIGGERS, Ex ul.
HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec.
REBEKAH3 Crystal Lodge No. CO
meets every evening in the I. O. O.
, Ft hall. All visiting members are
Invited to attend. .'v.
Grande 'Lodge No. 169 W, O. W.
meets every second and fourth Tues
day in the month. All visiting mem
bers welcome. : , .
J. H. KEENEY, Clerk.
M. W. A- La Grande Camp No. 7703
meets every Monday In the month at
the I. O. O. F. hall. All vlBltlng
neighbors are cordially Invited to
attend. ' ' '
D. B. COX, Clerk.
Lodge No. 27 meets every Monday
night in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall.)
A Pythian welcome to all visiting
Knights." v.-:' J-'-. -,r,r
' , JESS PAUL, C. C. i
R. L. UNCOLN, M. of 1L S.
O. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E.
C. holds stated communications the
second ' and fourth Wednesdays of
. each month. . Visiting members cor
dially Invited. '; ' ' ,
Ronde Circle ' No." 47 meets 4 every.
first ana tmra Tnursaay evenings
In the month at the I. O. O. F. halt
All visiting memberi are welcome.'
i ' ' . CHLOE ROBINSON. G. M. ;
' 'see
r Lttiiiiia.
When In need of ,
cut glass, hand pain
by a first class jewel
. buying and you will s
first quality goods.'
anything In "watches, clocks, Jewelry, 4y
ted China, or any other article carried V
ry store, investigate our prices before (v
ave money, and be sure of securing ,
- . :. '. ' - ,;
. If your eyes trouble you, have them fitted by a optl-
clan of experience. ' " :
.... .-. . . ; - ... ; 4
Opposite the U 8. La nd Office, Adams Ave.
heft." New York Sun.