La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 12, 1910, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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U .- , . I I UULI III Ll Lll I Well Know Medicine . la rnatU. V?v PH10T,TJ?
II III I ' llinnr ' '' 'ta Beservatlei r Crave Ckarge. . ' iTMPf
ll THE FAIR IS OVER j J RF That an IndDe mafl
if I !V
We are
at the same old stand
-vjr . v
1 i -.i
. 'j - Be sure and take a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Kerned? with
' too when starting on your trip this summer.
teamen. Change of water and climate
cfieh cause sudden attacks of diarrhoea, and
It ia best to be prepared. "
.-. I ii I i. J !i) :. "!
-O. !- i
Redwood Tanks
John Melville
123 Adams Ave.
112 1-2 acres, 6 acres bearing orchard, 75 acres under cultivation, 6
. room house, pantry, bath and closets; sew; large barn, 60x90 feet;
good condition; household furniture; 3 head horses, 3 cows, 1 year
ling, 1 calf, 2 pigs, 1 wagon, 1 mower; 1 rake; one sulkey plow; WA
1 hand plow; 1 cultivator; 1 harrow; 2 lawn mowers; $80.00 sep- 2
nraiur nuu nil utuor suiait luuto uu laiiu, uiues iruta im urauue; m
all for $12,000.00, Let me Bhow you. '
The Real Estate Man
Its Convenience
and Economy
will Surprise
Let us tell you all about It
Light and Power
still selling
Good Things to Know.
If you now own a Hyomel hard
rubber inhaler, the Nfcwlitt Drug Co.
wants you to know that they will
sell you a bottle of HYOMEI for only
Remember this, all who Buffer with
catarrh a bottle of HYOMEI (pro
nounce it Jllgh-o-me) is put up in a
separate package and sold for 50 cents
to accommodate the vast army of peo
ple who already own a Hyomel inhal
er. ' .'. - '-fv v' :
They will 'sell it to you at that
price and give you the opportunity to
begin at once to rid yourself of vile
catarrh and the snuffling, hawking
and spitting that go with it.
Many people through years of neg
lect have let catarrh get a strong hold
upon them. Some of these people un
reasonably think that one bottle of
HYOMEI ought f o cure them.
No matter how chronic your catarrh
al troubles, HTOMEI is guaranteed by
the NEWLIN DRUG CO. to cure them
if you give it half a chance. Just
breathe It, that's all, and its healing,
soothing antiseptic properties will
make you feel better in a day.
If you own an inhaler get a 50 cent
bottle of HYOMEI Jtoday. If you do not
own a Hyomel Inhaler, ask for a $1.00
outfit, which includes inhaler.
Oct 10-21-31. '
European Plan Only
Rooms 50c to $1.50
First class Throughout
La Grande, Oregon
1 fl.hy pay Rent ? We loan you
''" money to build, andyou
pay us as) you would rent,
Skilled l'onltrymen Secured to do th
Judging at 3iext lien Show Ilere.
One of the best instructed men In
the poultry business in the, United
States has been secured to judge the
Grande Ronde Poultry associations
second annual poultry show in this
city December 13-15 Inclusive. Secre
tary George O. Wagener, secretary of
the Jocal association announced last
night that Miller Purvis, editor of
the "Poultry", a poultry periodical
of authority and standing, published
at Peatone. Ill., will be brought here
to judge the exhibits when the show
starts. Mr. Purvis is at present at
Wendell, Idaho, and has promised to
come to La Grande on that date; This
is an important item in connection
with the poultry show before compe
tent judges are always hard to find. ;
Secretary Wagener expresses con
fidence in a banner show this winter.
Much intermit t tVn in if v-
will willingly gife out any information
to anyone who may inquire for it
For (her Three Decades.
Foley's Honey and Tar has been a
reliable household medicine and the
""children's children" find it today the
Bame safe and sure remedy for coughs
and colds that their grandslres did.'
Mahala Stockwell, Hannibal, Mlasourl,
writing under date of August 28, 1910,
has this to say about this great medi
cine. ""I have recently used for the
first time Foley's Honey and Tar
Cough medicine. To say that I am
pleased with it does not half express
my feelings. It Is by far the best I
ever used.' 1 had contracted a bad cold
ana ,was nearly sick in bed, having a
terrible headache as well as a cough
and was threatened wlfh pneumonia.
I used but one bottle of your Foley's
Honey and Tar and was completely
cured. It beats all the remedies I ever
used and I have used many different
kinds." ' ' . ;
Want ads pay, one cent a word.
it is now
, will again be In . effect between
September 15th, and October 15,
during which period tickets to La
Grande will be on sale daily from
CHICAGO at . . $33.00
ST. LOUIS . . . ' 32.00
OMAHA . . . . 25.00
KANSAS CITY. . 25.00
ST. PAUL . . . 25.00
and from other cities correspond
ingly low. These are Westbound,
one-way fare' only, but anyone
here can PREPAY for relatives
or friends in the East, If desired.
Consult your local railroad ag
to let the world know of our vast
resources and splendid opportun
ities for HOME BUILDING. Write
to everyone you know In the
East. Send, them good Instruc
tive printed matter, and tell them
that the coet of getting here is
but little more than halt the us
.... , ... . )
intaMv of O. It & N. Co.,
v..' :!.!.'; 9 information, or
General Passenger Agent
That an Indian medicine man who
Is well known on the reservation is
responsible for the death of his wife,
and little daughter Is the expressed
belief . of George Marshall, '. a well
known full-blooded Cayuse brave who
was in the city today to report the
death of his wife to Major Lee Moore
house, says the Pendleton East Ore
gqnlan. Mrs. Marshall, whose Indian
name was E-nep-yet died October 5
on the mountain near Little John Day
while she was with her husband and
other Indians on a hunting and fishing
expedition. She was buried near where
she died, ,
According to Marshall,' the medi
cine man who was assisted by two
women, "shot the poisonous medi
cine" into his wife's breast thereby
killing her. He said the medicine
man and his two assistants were off
on a mountain several miles away, but
through their magic, power they were
able to kill her just as easily i as
though the medicine men were stand
ing in front of her and used a real
gun. ; ' . .
. Marshall was half crazed with grief
and rage when he called at the office
of Major Moorhouse, to report the
death and seek ."advice. He thinks he
knows, the name -of the guilty; Indian
and was anxious to have him arrested
OT 4 ffat "aw TfT,
by Major Moorhouse that he could not
do this he appeared greatly cast down
and discouraged.
In the course of his narrative he
frequently referred to the 'case ' of
Columbia George and ,Toy-,Toy, the
two Indians who killed an old Indian
woman they believed had been respon
sible for the death of some of their !
relatives. Marshall Bays this man has
the same power that was exercised by
that woman. Though he knows the. ac
cused man well he said he did not de
sire to see him and exhibited signs
of terror when a possible meeting was
suggested. According to Marshall, the
guilty Indian is still out in the moun
tains but will come in In a few days. -Marshall
says the medicine man
not only killed his wife but also his
little daughter whose death occur
ed about 14 weeks ago and likewise
Red Hawk, a prominent Indian who
died about a year ago.
All Sprta of Bravery.
To his teacher's request that he give
the class ideas on the subject ; of
"Bravery," little Johnny delivered blm
Belf of the following:
"Some boys is brave because they
always plays with little boys, " and
some boys Is brave because their legs
Is too short to run away, but most
boys is brave because somebody's
lookinV'-Brooklyn Life. - '
A 8keptio.
"I love you more than life." he said.
"Wlthput yojvl should wish to. die.
The sun wouldcease to shine o'erhead.
The stars cease blazing in the sky."
"And what about the wlndst' asked she.
"Would they knock oil ejid cease to
The streams that murmur to the sea
Would they back up and cease to flow?"
Be left her In the dewy eve
. And thought what time he stratched his
- head,
"I cannot more than half believe
She thought I meant the things I eald."
v ',-! ' ' -a B. KUer.
Disturbing No 8lumbsrs.
Nero wrs fiddling while Rome burn
el. "I guess I'll fiddle to my heart'
content on this occasion," he chuckled,
beginning the "Roman Washerwoman's
Jig." "The neighbor all appear to be
too busy with other argent matters to
register any kicks about my fracturing
the anti-noise ordinance." Illustrated
Sunday Magazine. s
He Wondsrsd.
It was a little lawyer man
Who softly blushed as he began
Her poor dead husband's will to scan.
He smiled while thinking of his fee,
Then said to her so tenderly,
"You have a nice fat legacy."
And when, next day, he lay in bed
With bandage upon his head
Be wondered what on earth he'd said.
. : Upplnoott's.
Well Supplied.
An Inveterate wit and punster asked
the captain of a craft loaded with
boards how he managed to get Aimer
on- the passage. "Why." replied the
skipper, "we always cook aboard."
"Cook a board, do your rejoined the
wag; "then I see you have been well
provided with provisions this trip, at
all events." Tit-Bits.
The Real,Truth.
Three blind mice! Three blind mice!
They all ran after a farmer's wife.
She was armed with a gun and earr
ing knife
But ehe Jumped on chair and bowled
for her life
At three blind mice!
Cleveland Leader.
yyilEN a man begins to grasp the
1 fact that he will do well If be can
keep himself within bounds. he begins
to get over the Idea of reforming the
All the world's a stage, with nobody
to play willingly the dog.
The. woman who hankers to be un
conventional, it is safe to bet doesn't
know what unconventlonality is.
There may be more pleasure In pur
suit than In possession, but most of
OB are dead willing to Bit comfortably
down and rest awhile. ,
If most, of knew we had but flf.
teen minutes., to , live , we probably
would be, wondering if they would
print our ages In the obituary notices.
We are all -anxious to have better
civic conditions and also .willing that
the other fellow should win laurels by
doing th necessary Work. .
A man may own an automobile and
still feel ashamed to meet his coal
dealer. tVi l (U 4
I Many , men of many minds. Many
women to offer and bring about
amendments to those same minds.' .
Pride goes before a fall, but an in
vestigating committee also often pre
cedes It '
K a-; - .V- ' ' '
There Is no use crying over split
nllk. - Hustle out and get some cream.
. I ,s .
The Antidote.
vThe man of might and hustle '
, May call hi work but sport.
May revel In his labors '
And pleasures of that sort.
May find In toil a blessing.
The very thing to please.
The charm that fits his fancy-
But, oh, you life of easel , '
To wrestle with a shovel '
- ' From morning until dark -May
be for those who like It
A sUver plated lark,
May seem a way of spending
- ' A life composed' and sane,
- But give me rest In plenty,
' " And I will not complain.
' To push a pen or pencil
Across the printed page
, May suit the simple sinners
- Who thus their time engage.
They claim that they would rather
Do that than sleep or eat.
But It would not be needful
, To make my life complete.
. t
I know that some .must labor. "
. From me far may It be
To Interrupt their pleasure!
May It with them agree 1
And I will gladly watch them
And stay to see It through
If they will truly promise
- That's all 1 11 have to do.
Certainly 8till.
"What Is Wilson dolngr ,
"He Is on a still hunt for graft"'
"Private detective?"
"Not on your life."
"Then why the still huntr
"Because he can use the graft'
Their Delioaey. ' .
"Cheer up, BilL What's the matterr
"Nobody loves a fat man."
"Oh, that's a mistake."'
"Well, whor
' "Are you forgetting the moaqulroesr
Drawing the tine. "
Mistress-Bridget. 1 wunt you to go
to market with me this afternoon.
New Mnld-ril resign -me Job first
mum. I'll not walk down th', street
wld a lady th't's carryln' a market
basket Toledo Blade. A
When you to till the' soil begin
Tour terms prepare to choose.
It's "agriculture" If you win
.And "farming" If you lose.
1 Washington Star.
A Counter Proposal.
"Sir. I came to. ask yon for your
daughter's hand." t !
"How tlnmt supporting her. young
man?' If she gives her hand, can you
foot the Ulls?" Baltimore American
' - 1 1 Cheer Him.
The man who wins Is always cheered.
So save your mite of loud applause
And give It to the brother who
Is fighting In an uphill cause.
. , , -Pctroit Free Press.
Further Proof.
"He's as regular as a six day clock."
. "1 noticed that he always looks run
down on Sundays."-aeTeland Plain
X:$,0;0, 0 O o o
NMOUTORr M. D.-Physician and
Surgeon. Corner Adams -Ave. and
Depot street Office, Main 8; Resi
dence 69.
C H. UPTON, Ph. G. M.. D. Physician
and surgeon. Special attention. to
Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat - Office
In La Grande National Bank Build
ing. Phones: Office Main 2, Resl-'
dence Main 32.
A. L. RICHARDSON- Physician' and
' surgeon; Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m.
' except Sunday. .Bunday by appoint
ments. Tejpphones: . Office, Black
. 136;' nd.oSS;. residence, Main 55; ,
Ind.-313: '; '-' ' X.
PhyBiclan?'Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7,
: ' 8. 9 and 10. 'Phones: Home -1332,
, Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone,
; Black 951. : Successor to Dr. C. E
Moore. . '
DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of
' Optics. : Spectacles and ye Olaaaes
; Fitted and made to order. - All ei
rors of Refraction Corrected. 1105
Adams Aye. .Foley Hotel Bldg. ' La
ii Grande. Oregon. . .;.v .
,,-,-...-t .i' '"''
" er' Wright' Drag1 store. Spaeial at
tention paid te diseases and surgery
of the'eye.."- r'K;"-"' ',;'"i ,
Phones Offlee Main 22; residence,
' Main 728. ,
J.; C. PRICS, D. M. D. Denttetv JRoom
23, La Grande National Bank Bui'd
ing. .Phone Black 399. j 1
DR. P. A! CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur
; geon. Office at Hill's Drag Store, j
La Grande. Residence phone,' Red
701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde
pendent phone 63; both phone at
residence. '-. , j -
, Chaa. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Cch
ran. La Grande National Bpnk
Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. -
T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at ifw.
Practices in al lthe courts of the
State and United States. Office! in
La Grande National Bank Bldg.. La
Grande, Oregon. i
D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer.
Baker City, Oregon.
Professional Elocutionist
Miss Katherlne P. Mitchell, gralu-
ste and p'ost graduate In Oratory and
English, Cumnock school, Northwest
ern university,. Chicago, 111., Privite
and closs work. Elocution, Oratcry,
Dramatic work. Physical Culture, Tu
tor and Critic, English Literature and
Composition. Phone Black 331. 1403
N. 'Avenue.
Skin Sufferers I Drop Greasy Sals
and JVasty Sledlcines.
That mild, soothlnz liquid, D. D.
PrescrlDtlon. stops the awful ltth
with the first drops. A prescription
of acknowledged value.
Get a trial bottle at 25c. It will take
away the itch right away and you will
bleep soundly. We assure you per
sonally of the merits of this remedy;
for we KNOW. The Newlln Drug (jo.
From the Santa
PaulaXal., dis
trict. I Royal Grocery