7T 1 VOL. XIV. L AGRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. ." WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1910. Number 297 9 i ; 1 ; t ; i s; i BOIRlilll FRIEIS llll ADVOCATES CONVICT . ROAD BUILDING INSTEAD OF PRI v TATE ENTERPRISES. F Mr. West Too Has His Inning at the I Fair, Last N ight and Doth Candidates i are Heard from the Same1 Platform : Bourne's Presence bat Selfish Mo i tires Says the Republican Standard Bearer Music Follows. RlEfiD QF PRIf.iARY AUiAYS Pointing ont the presence of Bourne In the present campaign is instigated V by selfish, motives only, that state con victs had better be building roads' for fee state than working for a private . ; Corporation making barrel staves, af firming and reiterating , with vehem- nee tnat ms auegiance is wuu an eople made statutes on the books f Oregon and that the only way o have them repealed or permit their repeal is by the people who made khem,'Jay Bowerman the republican candidate for governor' last night .Wade himself many rotes by a brief speech at the fair grounds. Mr. Bow erman Is not an orator but he is a forceable talker. His address was short but to the point. ; West Also Heard. Oswald West spoke and dwelt on his political career. He pointed out- some of the things he did while cleaning up the state land board. He referred to what he did as railroad commissioner and again what he Is doing to defeat the assembly plan. His address too was brief. He. like Bowerman,. paid his compliments to the character of his opponent and then went off on po litical tangents. Mr. West emphasized what he had done in the capacity of railroad commissioner, but It was Mr. Bowerman who later showed how he, Bowerman had been responsible for the creation of a law that made the commission possible. 1 ' Mr. West promised to publish at a nearby date, data showing that the railroads had doubled their earnings since the establishment of the commis sion, his purpose being to counteract the charges that the" railroads could not financially bear the rate reduc tions and wage Increase. Rousing enthusiasm followed the speeches and the band marched and the Republicans sang B-o-w-e-r-m-a-n that's Jay, while the children Joined In. It was a signal success and made the closing night of the fair one of . the nols'est and enthusiastic of any of the week. . nattiesburg Celebrates HattieBburg, Miss., Oct. 12--Inn con nectlon with the annual reunion of the Confederate Veterans of Mississ lppl, a "prosperous celebration" was commenced here today which has at tracted visitors from all over southern Mississippi. This section of the state Is sow enjoying a steady growth In industries', population and agricultur al prosperity, and It Is in recognition of the Tact and to further advertise that the "prosperityCMFWYPPPUPU the city and surrounding country, that the "prosperity celebration" was Inaugurated. A similar occasion was observed last year, with flattering re sultsl The festivities and the Confed erate reunion will continue through tomorrow. . Bay State Police. Holyoke, Mass., Oct. 12 Delegates representing the police forces of all the Important cities of the Bay State are In attendance today at the con- vention of the Massachusetts Police Relief Association. A banquet will be given tonight , 1 . TROUBLE. IN MORROCCO. Spanish Troops are Sorely ; Prewsed and Revolution Seems Coming. Madrid, Oct.' 12 Active operations of Spanish forces In Morrocco against tribesmen were received .today and the troops were sorely needed to preserve order in the Spanish cities. The cabl-y net Is genuinely alarmed at the turn of affairs and deem it time for a revo lution. Republicans are openly elated at government's difficulties and pre dict success of their, party. Reports received here are that General Alder vas at .the head of. a large body, of troops, left Mellla for Yazama. ' Prominent Judge: Stricken. Spokane,' Oct 12 Judge Howard Whltson of the United Slates "court was stricken with paralysis this morn ing just after he had sentenced C P. Howell, a train robber to a life, sen tence. The sentence together" with the nervous strain is held responsible tor the collapse. His right side Is affect ed. He was found lying on the' floor of his chambers shortly before noon. He was appointed In 1905 and previously had been a lawyer, having practiced at North Yakima. , PORTLAND'S LEAD ON PENNANT . IS CUT UNMERCIFULLY. Northerners Still Have a Fraction of ' a Game tc the Good. - Rerised Leaders' Percentage. .1 - Won Lost Per ' ." ''. . cent Portland. ...98 76 .563 Oakland ...109 83 .562 San Francisco,; Oct 12 The Oak land-Portland baseball games played on September 28, 29 and 30th in which Gus Heltlng participated were de clared forfeited to . Oakland today by the president of the Coast League, Judge Graham. The Oakland manager protested the games on the ground that Helting was ineligible to play as he had signed contracts with Spokane McCredie Will AppeaL Portland, Oct. 12 Walter McCredie, manager of the Beavers today said he would appeal from Graham's decision which gave Oakland three games won by Portland. He asserted the "whole thing was a frame up to rob Portland of the pennant. He said he would ap peal to every baseball court until he reached the national commission. Notwithstanding that Portland's comfortable lead has . been whittled down, she is still a fraction of a game ahead. Compiling: yesterday's score, and not counting the outcome today Portland is one point to the good. The revised standing, compiled prior to this afternoon's games, Is indicated above. X New Steel Trust Plant. New York, Oct 12 A great steel plant, the largest west of the Mississ lppl, said' to have the financial back ing of the "steel trust" Is projected for Pittsburg, Kan., the center of the Kan sas coal field. Preliminary steps have been taken and' work on the mills, it Is said, will begin within a year. The plant will be among the largest and most modern In the country and will eventually employ 10,000 or 15,000 men. Pittsburg now has a population of about 18,000 or 20.000, and it is al leged that the new mills will have the result of making It the largest city of the state. In view of the prospective "boom" in the Kansas town, a meeting was, held In New Tork today to orga nlze a company which will erect fifteen story office building to be the home of a new daily newspaper, with j New York newspaper man, formerly J of Kansas, aa editor and manager. Gil CIS IX BLISTERS SHIP IS RUSHII1G ROOSEVELT IN TO RESCUE SPEECH PHIS DEMOCRATIC. NOMINEE 1 MAKES BATTLE ROYAL ON ROOSE. : TELT AT THOMPSON, N. Y. lUENfi TO IIWIOII Roosevelt's A flack on the Supreme . r- Urn M - -- - pie's Freedom that all the Arms of the World Cannot Overcome Says the Speaker Roosevelt Classed as a Public Enemy to Nation. - Thompson, N. Y., Oct 12 Calling Colonel Roosevelt, "an apostle of dis cord and dissension," and charging he la able to disturb business to the verge of a panic, John Dix the democratic gubernatorial candidate for New York' today virtually opened his campaign with a speech formally accepting the nomination. ' . ' Dix blistered the Colonel and said, Any American occupying the posi tion of authority and having the pub lie ear, who assails the courts should be regarded as a public enemy If he be allowed to weaken the supreme court and substitute the president's for the people's will, we shall see In times of peace a dangerous disturber bring ing destruction to free people against which all forces of the world In arms can be hurled vainly." 4 v Roosevelt Is SHeat - . . . .:.. Peoria, III., Oct 12-r-Whea informed of the Dix attack today, Roosevelt declined to answer, notwithstanding Dix branded him as a dangerous dls. turber. v ' . ' '( ; Wedding in Seminary. ; New York, Oct. 12 The first wed ding in the new edifices of the Union Theological Seminary was performed today, Miss Louise Godfrey, a school teacher, becoming tn bride of the ReV. George Jeremiah Becker, pastor of Grace Presbyterian church at Mont clair, N, J. V PUBLIC BURIAL OF CUARfiED RE MAINS HELD TODAY. Brass Checks Only Method of Identify ing the Recovered Bodies. Starkvllle, Oct 12 Three bodies In addition to the 11 taken out yesterday were recovered today from the explod ed mine. The bodies was charred and identified only by brass checks. A public burial took place today of all the bodies recovered thus far. The coroner's inquest is set for this af ternoon. Rescuers this afternoon approached a series of entries in the mine where it is believed there are 20 men. New fans are being . installed and debris is being rapidly removed. Charges are made that ventilation fans were care lessly watched and that one old fan frequently threw sparks sufficient to cause an explosion. ' Starksville, Oct 12 ElghC more bodies were recovered late today, mak ing a total of 22. It is almost certain all the 65 are dead inside. 22 BODIES ARE TUNNELS VALLADARES HAS WHIP HAND AND ALL PRISONERS ARE IN dire danger. WILL BURfi THE ALIERICANS Man Who Is on Top of Situation In lea and England at bis Merer. Signs of Bombarding WBI Mean the Death of the Prisoners Under His Control-City Is Fortified by Him. San Salvador, Oct 12 The Ameri can gunboat, Princeton today prepar ed to land marines at Amapala, Hon duras, to. liberate Americans held as prisoners by Commandant Evallada res. The Princeton demanded yester? day that Valladares surrender. He re plied, "I am no aubordlnant to Amer ican soldiers." w. ( Valladares has the whip hand ac cording to dispatches. . He notified the Princeton and Hon duran president that he will kill all English and . Americans imprisoned at the first slgnf hostility and burn the city. The foreigners were impris oned for alleged revolution. . During the night Valledareous sup erintended the mounting of guns at the customs house to resist the at tempts of the American and British marines to land foreigners at Ampala 'and barricaded his home. The British consul, who fled to Oau- temala flty declares the conditions bordering on anarchy obtain on the island.' ,.. ... : Bottlers Close Session. Philadelphia, Oct. 12 Delegates to the twenty-second annual convention of the American Bottlers' Protective Association will wind up their busi ness and adjourn today. All parts of the Union have been represented at the session, which is expected to have a great influence for betterment in the trade. TUFT PIS FULL SESSION OF CONGRESS TO BE FULL . OF RESULTS. Important Recommendations Being Prepared by, President Taft Beverly, Oct. 12 President Taft. is mapping a strenuous short session for congress when it convenes this aut umn. His recommendations will in clude several measures which the in surgents are fighting according to authentic Information obtained today. Foremost among the recommendations will be for a more economical admin istration. . -Taft Is also to recommend the pas sage of a law permitting developing water power on public lands by pri vate capital with government claim ing the power to use the restraining order when necessary. He will also urge an amendment to the Sherman Anti-Trust law so as to allow rail- I roads to enter into limited agreements regarding rates. FOR INDUSTRIO SESSION DUS WANT DELEGATES APPOINTED. .... Commercial Clubs Asked to Send Rep ' resentatfres to Suiuptcr Congress. President Collier of the Commercial club has been asked to name delegates to the mining congress at Sumpter on October 20 and 21, -and 'Mr'. Collier will be glad to furnish the proper cre dentials to any persons wanting to at tend. .'.. . ' ' . . Crlppen Is Indicted. London,' Oct. 12 Dr. Crlppen. the American dentist, accused of murder ing his actress wife, Belle Elmore, was indicted today ! by the grand Juhy for murder I nthe first degree and Mile. Leneve, his companion,-was Indicted as an accessory after the fact on, the grounds she had guilty knowledge of the alleged crime. If Crlppen is faun guilty he hangs and Mile. Leneve will be given a long prison sentence. Everything Is in readiness for the trial or tne couple.- - t" ;r " Prohibition Convention. . Providence, R. I., Oct. 12 State and congressional candidates will be nam ed by the Prohibitionists of Rhode Is land in today's state convention in this city. .. . ; ; ' t PESTILENCE CONDITION IN FIRE ZONE IS BE COMING HORRIBLE, Spooner and Beandette Commence to ' ; Rebuild Cities at Once. , International Falls, Mann., Oct 12, Famine and threatened pestilence will follow-in the path of fire which swept this region. It is now believed 175 will cover the number of dead, and 120,000,000 the amount of dam ages. Hundreds are working under the rifles of the national guard, burn ing the animal carcasses. The stench is terrible and volunteers and sanitary corps are working night and day to prevent contamination of the streams Governor Eberhardt ' has commanded the national guard and surgeons to take command and supervise the work. General Wood, commanding general, has asked for additional troops to preserve order and assist in burying the bodies. Fire fighters today were rushed to Poposky. Funully and Black Diamond, which are threatened. . ' , ' Lumbermen '-have been detailed to bring out the bodies found In Isolat ed sections. Martial law is enforced In many places. , The unquenchable spirit of Beaudette was heard today when a message was received asking that hundreds of carpeters be Bent to Beaudette to rebuild the burned town and Spooner. Both communities will be rebuil Immediately. : Big Dairy Show. - Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 12 Pittsburg's third annual milk and cream exhibi tion and dairy contest was opened today under the auspices of the local Bureau of Health, assisted by the Un ited States Department of Agriculture the, Chamber of Commerce, medical societies and women's clubs. The Un ited States Department of Agriculture occupies an entire floor with .its' dis play. The object of the show is to arouse the public and the dairymen of the state to the necessity of pure milk and dairy products, to the end that the public health may be conserved, Health officers from many clt!es-"at-tended today's Inaugural exercises The Allegheny County Medical Society will be in charge tomorrow, and the clubwomen will take charge of the show on Friday. Tuberculosis in cows, animal diseases and the scientific and bygenlc handling of milk are among the subjects to be discussed by ex perts. . AFTERMATH TO FIRES BITTER STRIFE IN FRANCE IS SPRH1G ENORMOUS ARMY OF MEN WILL BE WITH THE STRIKERS BY FRIDAY MORNING. v FQHiCH JBr.il T ESSE. Ktrlk ftf PallM France has Entirely btopped Trans portatlon In : Paris Tramway and Underground Lines Will Join the . Strike Bloodshed Expected , .. Mo nientarily by Authorities. ' Paris, Oct 12 Three hundred thous and French railway employes in alt. the affiliated branches of the transpor tation service voted this evening to strike tomorrow night. At that time every steamship, packet and train unv der the Jurisdiction "of the French un ions will be tied up. Government is preparing to take strong surpresslve ' measures. ' , .: , " Paris, Oct. ' 12 Employes of the Eastern railroad, - numbering 40,000 and of the Western, numbering 2000, Joined the strikers of the Northern, railroads today. Eighty thousand , workmen of Paris, Lyons, Medlterran-, ean, Frances and Largesllne have planned to quit tonight Other lines will strike tomorrow. By Friday not a wheel will be moving into Paris, it is expected." Clashes between strikers ;'''" and troops began early. Strikers tam pered with the telegraph wires and! disarranged switches and caused two serious wrecks. The entire French ; army is under arms awaiting orders to disperse the growing mobs. The Western employes quit without 'Warning. Efforts on the part of the Northern line to operate with ' the V government engineers is meeting; with poor success as the men are en tering half heartedly Into the work and the numbers are inadequate. Op eratives of the Metropolitan railway which Is the Paris subway, met today and favored a general strike. If they quit they will be followed by the Om- . nlbus tramway employes and the city will be not only cut off from the prov inces, but will be dependent upon the ' street railways solely for tranBpor- . tatlon. Serious rioting with bloodshed is expected. V - - Oppose Moving Pictures. New York, Oct. 12 What are term ed "the vile attractions of the moving picture shows" were vigorously de nounced today at the state convention of the Catholic Knights of America in Brooklyn. ; 1. Resolutions have been prepared, and will probably be adopted, warning Ca tholic fathers and mothers against permitting their, children to witness the "vulgar dramas" depicted at these "haunts of shame." . : Increase in CapltaL Salt Lake City.Ttah, Oct. 12 Share holders of the Oregon Short Line, a Farriman property embraced .In the Union Pacific mileage, held their an nual meeting here today and voted to ; increase the capital stock from .$27, 460,000 to $100,000,000. Considerable construction work Is contemplated. ' Vermont Good Templars. ? r Cabot, Vt, Oct 12 Vermont Grant Lodge, International Order of , Good Templers, convened here today for a session of two days. Postal Officials Meet. Chattanooga! Tenn.,' Oct 12 Na-' tional officials of the postofflce : de partment and postmasters of several cities will deliver addresses during the three-day session of the national postal convention, opened today in thiaclty. .',