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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1910)
8 Wt Forget Our pure candies. You will hive lots of me during the hirt$ do things : Come and see me. SELDERS-Next door to postotiice. AWAnDSFORDEST WELCOME FAIR VISITORS and STOCK EXHIBITORS CALL US-FOR HAY and. GRAIN Waters, Stanchfield Produce Co. LARGE CREW AT FACTORY VIE have just recieved a large shipment of Phonographs for the fall trade. Both Viulur and Edison, and we wiii take pleasure in showing our beautiful line whether you con template buying or not Gome in and let us play the new records for you. , , Newin Book and Stationery company pwy-vy" yiry ay While You sire At tending the Great est Fair in SIX.WEEKS' BUS CONTEMPLATED BI THE MANAGEMENT. Found Two Miles From Surface. Grade as to Quality as Well With 125 men employed and room for a few more, the Amalgamated Su gar factory commenced Its 191Q run yesterday morning and for a period of about six weeks will maintain a day and night shift continually. The beets now on hand are, sufficient to keep the wheels turning until more come in and as the best fields from Wallowa county are turning out a large supply, It is presumed that the run will be considerably longer than is usually the case. In addition to being large quanti ties of beets, there is a noticeable im provement In the quality and from ev ery Indication the output will be a high class product throughout Eastern remem- 1 Oregon, : W. W. fo) Ic? o) To) v7 I Ik Gornpany Not guilty. "Is your huatmnd a bibliomania?" asked Mrs. Olilj-ustle us rIk nu bela permitted ti view the treasure iu rhi library of the now neighbor. "Mercy wikea. our replied Mrs Packenhaui. -He never blbblea a bit. Ob. of course dou't say that wouldn't tike a little at bis meals if the rest whh dln' It. but jthni's hh far as. he evrr 'xoex In them kind of thlngs."-Chfcu)ii IJword-IImld. J Invites You to magnificent line Furnishings. Insp ect their of Ladies' . Notice to Contractors. ; Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder for the construction of 530 lineal feet of 12 foot sidewalk with combination curb and'gutter, to be constructed of cement in accord ance with the specifications on file in this office. Said walk to be built on the south side of Jefferson avenue, from the east line of Fir street to the west curb line of Greenwood street. All bids to be in by 4 o'clock p. m. Oc tober 12 and to be accompanied by a certified check of five per cent of the amount of the bid. The Council reser ves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the City Council. Oc tober 6th, 1910. D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande. Oct 7-8-10-11-12. Notice of Meetln? of the Board of Equalization. Notice is hereby given that the County Board of Equalization for Un ion County. Oregon, will attend at the Court Hoube at La Grande, Ore gon on Monday, October 18th, 1910, and publicly examine the assessment rolls, correct all errors in valuation, description of qualities of land, lots, or other property, as assessed by the County Assessor and it shall be the duty of all persons interested to ap pear at the time and place given. All persons having grievances re garding the 1910 assessment may ap pear before such board and present their affidavits containing grounds of complaint All such affidavits muBt be presented during the first week of the meeting of the board. T. A. RINEHART, Assessor for Union County, Oregon. Daily Sept. 30 Oct 17. , noes 11 INTEREST MANIFESTED ENCOl'R. AGING TO PROMOTERS. . Next Tear Will See Bigger and Better Bench Shows In This City. In a bench show characterized by four or five entries in each class al most Invariably, and where the keen est competition imaginable was ram pant throughout, twelve different classes were awarded prizes yesterday afternoon at the county, fair. The awarding of prizes ended the show as far'as governing rules were concern ed, but several of the dogs were left on show today as a special attraction. John Jordan, the man engineering the show affirmed when the Judging was done that the dogs had paid their own expenses, eliminating the heavy expense to the fair committee which existed last year. "Not alone will there be a bench show next year but it, will be doubly Interesting" asserted Mr. Jordan-further. It is certain that he horn b a vfMf i 4 - fCT the bench show had been one of the most popular attractions at the fair. ' , The Prize! Winners. The winners of prizes are: Female Engllnsh pointerNathan Zwelffel, first. . , ' Male English pointer G. L. BIggers first. ; v Cockrel 1 Spaniel A. T. Hill first, Arthur yan Fleet, second. Chesapeake Retreiver P. A. Charl ton first " ' English Pug C. P. Caylor first, W. P. Chllders, second. Scotch Setter J. A. Jordan first, F. G. Van Vlack, second. N Lewellyn Setter D. W.l Jackson, flrst, Frank Leavit, second. 1 Fox Terrier Mary Newlln first, R. E. Reynolds second. ' v Scotch. Collie Earl Jackson first, W. T. Phy second. Airdale Terrier T.; Phy first, (First on pair and Bweepstakes.. General dog O. M. Heacock, first English Bull V. A. Townsend, first. Greyhound W. T. Phy, first. Russian Wolfe W. T, Phy. The Ancient Pest On the level, It Is blgb time We arose and cut out fly time. And I hope 'twill be in my time . That the awful blow will fait On the pesky little sinner Who bores in and takes his dinner On the fatter and the thinner As he makes an evening call. Very truly It Is awful ' That the creature should be lawful. I have often got my craw full Wben 1 stretched to take a nap. On my pate, rotund and glassy, Though admitted to be classy, . Trailed the little varmint sassy And then deftly dodged a slap. We are told by doctors skillful That be carries round a bill full Of the kind of germs that kill full Many a man before his time. All too long wltb him we trifle. We should get the family rifle And with lead should All him nigh fuU Ending thus bis life of crime. Sending a Substitute. "I heard a men planning to .break tnto your house tonight" "Good. Let him alone." ' "But he Is a burglar."; "! : "I don't care what he Is. He will get there about the time I usually arrive In the morning, and never fear but what my wife will tend to' him." LOL'GlJO TRIP HMD i WILL FRENCH LEAVES TOMOR ROW FOR LONG TRIP. Hopes to Accomplish 1100 Mile Drive , In About Seven Days.' Home Mads i Chili Sauce Nectarine -1 ' Preserves! . The DIttebrandt Auto company gar rage Is today thoroughly overhauling the 1910 Cadilac owped by the Wad hams & Kerr company preparatory for a H00 mile trip through Malheur and Harney counties and Into Ne vada as well. , Will French, the man who makes the trip hopes to accom-! plish the Journey in Beven days hut his friends are scouting the possi bility of his doing so; The trip - takes Mr.' French over the roughest section of the interior, and he must call on his patronage along the way, it gives him perfect acquaintance with every mile of the distance. - Plum Butter - - - i - r Fancy Iwhite; combHoney RoyalGrocery and Bakery j We Can Press Your Clothes or Clear) Them On Short Notice. ' v " ; l PHONE MAIN 6 " " Z ) r -,'V; . : " Dying and Cleaning Works y H. B. WAGGONER. Proo- I Mahaffey Building r: p. V . : ; - Depot street HACK AND AMBULANCE Uptown office Main 720 ooiucnwo puune iviain zo .1. BUSSEY The George Palmer LSIOS EOS CdDo ; RETAIL DEPARTMEN1 We solicit your orders for Shingles,' Rubberoid Roofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. . , i - , "-: . ' : ' ' ' ,',''. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. - , : Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA' GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FllZQERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry Dyeentery ii a dangerous disease but can be cured. Chamberlam's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea lmedy lm been uecefully used in nine epidemic of dysentery. Mim never been known to fail. It UequalW tuL uable for children and adults, and when re dcid wiih water and sa ettened. it U plew ant to take. v 1 Hew Could Hef "She says her husband won't llste to reason." 'WelL he won't.- "He must' be fierce." "Meek as Moses." Then why won't he?" There Isn't any wisdom at home to listen to." a , Explained. , fc I'a." "Yea. dear." "What" Is alimony?" -Alimony?' ' "Uh-huh." . Z " "it Is the booby prize In the m&trl monlal game."' . ramdviiew .. . . T II . ti a A mm Is how oii the Market " 't ' This will be the moe t sightly addition of La rande. ; The only addition to La Grande wit A building restrictions. The lots are large nearly a full acre in each lot We are going to set out some nice apple and cherry trees - on each lot ... ' -We" are going to mak e the prices reasonable, and most fav ; V orabe terms. No In terest No taxes. Come to-oar Office' a ad look at the plat, then get Into our automobile and go see 'the property.. La Grande Investment Co. ' Owner8rLa4jrandeOregoru-u