LA GRANDE V JOKING OBSEKVKK. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1910. PAGE FOUR f 1 i ." i .1. i 1 'i.: 1 ! v f THE OBSERVER ' rotlished DaBy Except Sunday. BRUC E Denni S, Edltcr and Owner. Entered at tbe postofflce at La Gmnde ai second-class patter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dally, single copy.... Dally, per week 6c 15c 6Ec Dally, per month... Toll paper will not publish au ar ticle appearing over a nom de pi ime. Signed articles will be wised mid Ject to the discretion of the editor. Pleat slga your articles and llsappolntme&w . WELCOME. JAY, WELCOME. Today La Grande greets Jay Bower, man, the next governor of the Btate. Yes, we made no mistake In that as sertion. It Is In the air for Jay to win this fight and the only thing to guess 'upon now Is his majority. But there Is reason for winning It. Here It Is: A For several years there has been the cry of economy In public state ad ministration, yet each year taxes hare Increased at enormous rates. of politicians that they would cut down the expense have awoke to find that instead' of using the pruning knife more offices have been created and new boards born that took salar ies from the people's money. As usual, the politicians could not feel the peo ple all the time. This year when Jay Bowerman entered the race for gov ernor the good, hard-thinking citi zens of Oregon turned the matter carefully over in their minds remem bering what the alleged "people's friends'1 had done and they came to this conclusion. Bowermi) is a young man whoBe future is before him. He comes from a remote county and a re mote town. Ills record is an honest one and he has the right breeding to remain honest. That he has courage all agreed from tbe stand he has tak en in several matters of state Import ance, and those hard-thlnklng taxpay . era decided to give Bowerman a ' chance. ' - : - V , ' : They nominated him In the face of a strong opposition made stronger by a dislike for 'the assembly and his majority was about 3,000 in the pri maries. Is that faith In Bowerman going to falter at the polls? No, those same people are going to elect Bowerman only they will be re- inforced by many others who see things In the right way by this time. He will have the support of the Dlm .mlck men and he is proud of that fact, for had Grant Dimmlck been named for governor there Is not a man who supported Bowerman that would not have laid oft his coat and helped Dimmlck win at the polls. ' So, today La Grande welcomes with Grande Ronde hospitality the man who Is to make good; the man ii'ho Is promising nothing but clean, honorable methods and to run the state's business with as little expense as possible; the man who will break flown the Salem graft In purchasing supplies for state Institutions; the man who will treat everyone on the square and play no favorites; the man who is from Eastern Oregon GEORGE PALMER, Pres. W. L. BRESIIOLTS, Asst. Cash. F. J. HOLMES, TIoe-Frcs. EARL ZUXDEL, 2d Asat Cash. F. L, METERS, Cashier. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANIfl OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000.00 DIRECTORS W. I BSXNHOLTS F. I METERS W. M. PIERCE AEONS riLBza vr. J. CHURCH F. J. HOLMES Wltk ear aavle mesne aal facilities we cu reader joa effleieat service aiAoaadleTtvrVtstiM to je enUre saUifactien. j where the hunch grows. Now, all together, let us sing the ' . 1 1 : song of success ana ciean pomit ioi the man who believes In honesty In public office above everything else in this world: "B-o-w-e-r-m-a-n spells BoweYman: He's the man for the place and He's sure to win the race, Bowerman, that's Jay." LOVE FOR HORSES IS LASTING. We may talk of the" high priced au tos and get excited at the "honk, honk" of the horn, but there Is an inward love for the horse that time will never erase. This was demon strated at the parade yesterday. Many horses were admired, but when Dr. W. T, Phy's high school horse. "Starlight King," passed the crowd the applause was loud.' And when our old friend Joe Wood passed the throng with, bis three horse tandem more applause could be heard. The three horse tan dem team is owned by Duncan Mc Donald who delights in raising good horse flesh. When Joe Wood asked to drive the three well bred animals tandem-style . he was told that they were green at such work to which Joe replied, "don't make any differ ence, they've got good sense!" And that told the story. The three horses were immediately hitched up and Joe grabbed the reins as he used to when he drove stage. The rest waB easy. It that th hnrnen enlnverl the exhibition, Just as Starlight King de lights in performing his many grace ful acts for his owner. The picture of satisfaction on Joe Wood's face when he would turn those three horses in a ten foot space was worth seeing. It brought back the story of his frontier life; of the daS when he drove stage coach in Colorado Wyoming, New Mexico and Oregon, his last work In that line being done for the M. & M. company on the stage from Elgin to Joseph. He loves a good horse, and bo does everyone else, and the longer Joe lives the more he grows to believe that next to man is the horse. The satisfaction of raising good hor- B6B Is great ana Duncan jicuuuiu belongs to the class of ranchers who raise the best. At the fair that closes today there' was exhibited positively the finest breeding animals In the country. Already this desire on the part of ranchers to Improve their stock is plainly showing in the young er stock and within another three years it will be hard to find a mongrel colt in' the entire Union county. THE RECORDER'S GROUCH. The Elgin Recorder has its usual criticisms to offer regarding the Un ion county fair management and other hinirB Thflre annarentlv never was an event nor a time when the Recor der was satisfied. It always sees cal amity in the air and whines and whimpers without cause. La Grande did everything possible to make the fair a success and It was a success the greatest ever known in tne nis- tory of the valley. But the Recorder Imagines things should have been done differently. As a final grouch It takes the people of Pumpkin Ridge to task for placing their exhibits in the SummervUle division at the fair. Now, hot la ft mnttetr of no concern to La Grande, only that this city 1b de lighted to have the exhibit and Is per fectly willing that the people who produce them should place them un- C. C. PEMXGTON 6. L. CLEATER . F. M. BTRKIT ' YOUNG -MEN We Bought Clothes for For this season's wear we made it a point to look out for the young men in our clothing department. We are showing the most complete line of Bright, Snappy Styles f or Young Men ever shown by this store Suits $12.50 to $30 - Overcoats $10 to $25 Better select your Fall Suit today, while the style assortments are complete JQk O der any name they saw fit Summer- ville people have no hesitancy in stat ing that Pumpkin Ridge is in their district, that they neighbor back and forth and have many things in com mon. If Elgin people would but teach the Recorder how to look pleasant and get in the great game of building up this valley rather than continually putting it up that Elgin people are dissatisfied when they are not, they would confer an act of kindness on the entire community as well' as be doing themselves a righteous act. Charley Fisher, editor of the Eu gene Guard, is about to. have a spasm because Jay Bowerman stands ior Statement No. 1 and all other meas ures adopted by the people. It is an old game with non-partisan editors like Charley to start a scrap so that democrat can fill tne office. By the way ."non-partisan ' wnen properly translated means democrat in this glorious state of Oregon. Of course, Bowerman is straight up for State ment No. 1 and he Js for all the other measures adopted by the people, tie belfeves the people the the Jury to decide these matters and if they draw a bad law they will see it and repeal it. Bowerman is the kind, of a friend to the people who does not howl him self hoarse on one point and then pack the state with thousands of dol lars of useless expense In order to make offices for his friends. Watch him and see If we are not telling the truth, for Bowerman Is the same as elected governor today. Bear that In mind. There is 'to be a high school fund election In Union county this year and It is important that everyone take a deep interest In the matter. Do not think that any one city or town is to profit alone by the undertaking, for any place having a high school shares the benefits. This includes Union, El gin, North Powder and La Grande. Itj is a good thing. Anything In the way of education is a good thing for what you put in the child's head cannot be taken from him. Union people ought to realize this statement's import ance and quit quarreling over their school. Ane of the reasons why prohibition falls lies In the fact that a normal American Is never a spy nor an In former. To search a neighbor's house or to divulge information as to his use of liquor Is repugnant to the Amer ican spirit. Even the most ardent pro hibitionist bftlks at serving as a de tective. Portland Oregonlan. The statement that Bowerman Is a railroad candidate is another demo cratlc move. Some of the hardest cases he has ever fought In the courts have been against corporations. He believes corporations have rights as outlined by law, but when they step over these rights he 1b In favor of making them be good. Union county Is putting on the fin ishing touches to this fair In a way that will long be remembered. Great WEST; The Is the county, great is the fair, and greater still are the earnest, loyal hardworking citizens who have la bored day and night to make it the glittering success it has been. ' How about sending that apple dis play to Chicago? It is time that' a trick or two was turned If the Grande Ronde is to be represented. Open "Kindness" Exhibition. , Washington, Oct. 11 The "kind ness" exhibition held in1 connection with the itnernational humane con ference was opened to the public to day and was viewed by thousands. All varieties of human devices are dis played, and also pictures photo graphs, models, diagrams and de scriptions of model child shelters, an-ti-cruely inventions and allied exhi bits. The anti-bull fight campaign now being waged in Spanish-speaking countries is the subject of a special exhibit, which Includes many inter esting examples of bull ring phara phernalla. Humane killing devices for slaughtering animals are shown in a wide variety of models, including some of the celebrated new devices now us ed in German abbattoirs. Models of lethal chambers for kill ing dogs and cats and various phases of pound work are shown. There are also models of improved stock cars for shipping cattle, sheep hogs and hor ses, and Inventions for the humane street feeding of horses. Women who take lap dogs with them on their trav els will find new models of hand bags for such purposes. Fire escape In ventions for animals and safety ap pliances for barns and kennels are also shown. Today's session of the international conference was devoted to the lnstruc tlon, care and protection of children, especially in relation to child labor laws. i Ilear Rig Cases in January. , Washington, Oct. 11 The Supreme court today reaBlgned the Standard Oil, the American Tobacco cases for hearln on January 3 on motion of the Attorney General, Wickersham. These cases attracted nation wide attention as they were brought by the govern ment to dissolve the two corporations under the . charges that they are trusts. Langford vs. Jeanette. Boston, Oct. 11 Sam Langford and Joe Jeanette, the colored aspirants to the title now held by Jack Johnson are matched to fight another battle before the Armory Athletic Associa tion tonight They recently boxed fifteen-round contest at the same club and as the bout was one of the hardest ever seen in the city of beans and culture, Matchmaker Pierce arranged to bring them together again. Jeanette alleges he was not in good shape when he met Langford before, but says he will be fit tonight and will show up his opponent. Sam has also dropped i few remarks to the Bame general effect. , Cholera in London. London, Oct 11 It was learned to- You m lB9mmamaBmaaaMm,M m day that a man taken from the slums at London under, contagion and it is hllghly probable he will die of viru lent cholera. Every effort was made to suppress the news. Physicians assert there are no other cases. It is feared however that they may be wrong. v ... They are still saying that "Loeb did and if any one asks, "What has Loeb done now?" the answer ' is: Haven't yon beard? Shaved off his mustache." Factl If you don't be lieve It, look at the picture. This is William Loeb, Jr.. up to date. The fell deed was done on a very hot day. When a smooth faced man, with classical features, wearing eye glasses, entered tbe custom bouse the next morning the uniformed attendants- in the outer office 'of the col lector jumped to their feet and ask ed the seeming stranger what business he' had within. They told him the collector had 9 American not arrived yet for the day. Aisociation. WILLIAM LOEB, JB "I am Collector Loeb." be said quietly and with a smile after some deliberation, weigh ing what he should say. He then entered the inner office. where he surprised two deputies and A secretary. When Collector Loeb wu asked why be had shaved off his mus tache he replied, after a little thought that he did it because it was hot ami le wanted to be cooler. Tour achievement will never rise higher than your faith. , - 8ure. "She has a good head for business." fHas she? I never noticed 'it I thought her quite stupid." "She may be, but her head la good, it I said, for business." "What business?" "The business of any first class, high srtced milliner." Proof. ' - 1 ' ; How is your house finished?" ' "Everything is up to date." . "Modern plumbing?" "The most modern they may make. fra can Judge for yourself. We have to call In a plumber every week to fix Cheerful 8lde. "Jones has broken his leg. Iran It iwfuir , "It might be worse." , -"How could It?"." ' "Hasn't he two legsT MMB rtV4 '"HIS 3 MMMM0 Ma) lHI "VKh tl -turns m m mi ma oot ApUl33 at orad 901 jo isoiu 5 v - 1 7 -? til jlj v ..." . CanlMAIMMirtCataV Deptj. Mi1c, Art. tJoctTu",V,muMiu,B KoaldMt MDila mut h . 'UH1 1 T7?m??d,d. Ttt Bomber U limited c Th S.Hw Swtrior.OHk 28, St, Httms Hill, Pwtl.nd 7. PORTLAND. OKlaOH A Splradld Botrdixf nd Dtj School for EiteiitlT coune in Ooll're, High Hohool tad Cora. iwwiu flic., AKU BU19 mercial work. Grammar gri ami eataairht Co tova ovarii . Addim, Kir. Johefh (&LLAGHIB, 0. 8. 0, years, muooi opena P iaa iviu. laiaioi Change of time Sob-Spokane-Portland Train De luxe Now Leaves Spokane at 2:00 P, M. All' trains from the Inland Empire make connection with this popular train. C.' : . A card will bring a traveling repre sentative to explain in detail any trip desired. i ' - Any agent cf the O. R. & N. will Is sue through tickets at lowest current rates. G. M. Jackson T P. A. Geo. A. Walton Gen. Agt. 14 Wall St, Spokane. iTou Doubtless Appreciate Prompt, Painstaking atten- X i lion to the details of jour J I Banking Business, this is i where we can be of real X Service to You, The United States National Bank, LA GRANDE, OREGON vr- . mm fif thiiiiiimumihii4- T P r s r' I i i in 2 I i