PAGE EIGHT LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1910. elated mm EXPOSITION JWiegauon irvm dmc v' -"- ' at Completeness of Exhibits. Would do Credit to Portland or Any .Other City," Ws their upinwn. -Surprised Deyona f"1""" a bunch from Baker City yesterday when they attended the Union county exposition and saw the exhibits. "1 had no idea that there -was such a show in progress nero. E. Kenendy of the Baker City Her- aid. "It is the best I have ever seen," re sponded A. E. Tunnecliffe. manager of the Western Union, "and did you rh an elaborate exhibit of everything.- remarked Elmer Swayze. of the Western Union. They came down In an auto to visit friends in La Grande and expected to see a small display called a fair, such as many t..t Mnntlmi ahow. But when they passed through the gates wey snoweu surprise. After they had seen the pa Tlllion exhlblta they were surprised to notice the live stock section and spent over an hour carefully examin ing all stock from the Belgium stal lions to the dog kennels. : i "This is certainly the proper way to hold a fair," remarked Kennedy, fit beats anything ! have seen and the paintings, fancy work and school displays would be a credit to Portland or any other city, t am going home and Insist that a number of Baker's . . A , ,nil ousmess . men cuuie , uuu pee this Institution before you close the gates." A AAAA 6 A A PEBS0XA1S. v f AAAAQAAAAAAAAQA 8. Brooks' of Imbler was registered at the Savoy last night H. F, Shoemaker of Elgin is at the Foley today while looking after busi ness matters In t!e city. H. L. and B. G. Hedge prominent residents of Lostine, were Sunday visitors at the Savoy. Nate Ardrey, the piano tuner Is .in the city, stopping at the Foley. He in tends to remain for several days. ; ; Mrs. Edna McCall Seltz, and son, Gifford, of Eugene, have- reached the city and are guests with Mrs. Seltz's mother, Mrs. J. M. McCall. Frank Jolly Hs slated to leave the hospital this evening after a week's stay at the hospital following an op eration for appendicitis. J. A. Burleigh a prominent attor ney of Enterprise was registered at the Savoy last night. Mr. Burleigh WE WANT YOUR Laundry Work BOTH PHONES TWO WAGONS Cherry's .1 Laamdry was on his way to Portland on busi ness matters. ;. "Uncle" , George Hansen,, engineer on the helper engine at Telocaaet Is in the city today while enjoying a breathing spell. He has been in poor health for some time. Retor Nodine, Vera Nodine, N. D. Bieldman, Miss Ryan and Jflss West all of Union, were registered at the Foley yesterday while here attend ing the fair. C. C Hamilton of the firm of Ham ilton & Son, general merchandise, of Summerville is in the city today on his way home from Union, where he was on business for his firm. ' Guy E. McCully, a former of the La Grande band has the local uniform on again today. He came up from Bak er City to visit friends and was re cruited into service for the day. Mrs. Hattle MfcCrary and her daugh ter, Luclle, write from Spokane that they have enjoyed' the Spokane fair immensely. They will visit at Pendle ton before returning home. George H. Clark of Pendleton Is at the Foley. Mr. Clark is heavily inter ested in the grocery and produce business in his city and is looking ov er the supply of various fruits and vegetables that goes with his line. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and son of Marionvllle, Pa., arrived in the city yesterday to make their future home here. Miss Gertrude, their daughter, is a teacher In the high school and Charles Thompson, their son, is em ployed by the 0. R. & N. Mtt-s. W. H. Dilworth of Enterprise, widow of the late newspaper man of Enterprise, who committed suicide as the result of brooding over the death of his two boys, passed, through the city yesterday with a relative from Everett, Wash. She will make her future home there. ' , ! . Mrs. J. C. Ardrey, wife of the reg ister of the Portland land office, and a former resident of this city, is ex pected to arrive tonight, and while here will be the guest of Doctor and Mrs. C. T. Bacon. Mrs. Ardrey will re main over for the wedding of Mr, Archie Bacon ami Miss Florence Mc Call which occurs this week. On Time. By tht time a Cblueae boy Is five renn old lil mother bus got a wife picked out for bint. and. though be may uevcr et utr until be Is a yoyng man, he is experted to marry her when he I j eighteen, if hf doesn't the law stepf In and wauU to know what's the mat ter, Tbr? are uo bachelors In China. Tbiv most nmiT.v or, come over to America to do laundry work.-Pbi!a-delphla Ledger. Two Bullseyes. Senator La Follette was talking about two corporations hat had been attacking one another In the press. , "They both scored." he said. "They made me think of two prisoners In At lanta, one of whom had been convicted of stealing a watch, the other of steal ing a cow. These two prisoners hated each other, and as they passed one morning In the exercise yard the cow stealer said, with a sneer: '"What time is it?' "'Milklug jluie', the watch stealer aniwered." Before and Aftor. - The young Trlnce Tsal Tao during Lis visit to America welcomed criti cism of Chinese customs and retorted politely with counter criticism of the customs of the United States. The prince at a fashionable luncheon in New York sat beside a lady prom inent In a rich and rather fast set. "Prince," said this lady. "I think It's dreadful that In China a bride never sees her husband before the wedding day." 'Well,' "aid the prince, with a grin. "here in America you never see him after It" New York Tribune. PRINCIPLE. Every opportunity needs to be looked at through the gUu of prin ciple. It may mean, apart from con science, a chance of money, social position, power, but if it does not rai muster morally it also meant loss. Conscience w a man's best pro tection. He Was On. "Are you fond of music T "Well. 1 like fine to bear the bag pipes tuning up." '. "I said tnusle." "Oh. 1 see. No. to tell the truth 1 don't care anything about it." L!ASCAG?rS NEW OPERA. An American Girt to Star In the Com- J poser's Latest Work. Several years ago Pletro Mascagni ! the famous Italian composer, left these shores vowing never to return, tie had come over to hear Americans ap plaud one of his operas. But every thing seemed to go wrong, and he de parted holding both hands high above his head and declaring, "Neve'r no, never again!" Since then, however, he has laughed heartily over his trou bles In America and forgotten them What's, more, he is coming back to us with a , brand new production that promises to be the biggest hit of the grand opera season.. This is called "Ysobei,' In which Miss Bessie Abott the American prima donna, will star. . "Ysobei" is the first opera that Mas cagni has composed in .five years and XASCAOin AMD BESS IS ABOTT; bis very first treatment of an English subject The story has been taken from the legend of Lady Godlva. Ten nyson's poem about the fair lady who rode through the streets of Coventry with beauty literally unadorned that she might save her husband's under lings from cruel exactions offered the most accessible material upon which to build an operatic story, but more was found in the British museum. In the opera the central character, will not be named Lady Godlva, but Yso bei, the young daughter of the oppres sive lord. Newport's Latest Fad. For boird walks go to Atlantic City. For noise and excitement go to Coney Island. But for freaks In fashion and fads you'll have to go to Newport It has been a season of startling innova tions in this re spect at that re sort and-lhe end Is not yet The latest fad to be taken up by the fashionable w.o Mnen there is the carrying of canes, and ,,odd Indeed does milady look as she trips along swinging her light bamboo. For three years no walking stick had been seen In a feminine hand at Newport until re cently, when Mrs. Frederick C. Uave meyer began using one on her walks to and from the casino and when at-, tending dinners. The custom quickly spread, and it is reported that it is to be taken up by the fair sex & over the country. If true it is to be hoped that, all canes will be left at home when there is a big bargain counter sale on. Humor and Philosophy PERT PARAGRAPHS. TM'ERY man has plenty of friends who can tell blm just where be made his mistake, but the friend who can and will give him a straight tip l more rare than fresh water pearls. Paddle your own canoe, but don't let a large pink Idiot rock It. - Continual, pegging away and going without sleeD Is the price of three square meals a day. The end seat bog Is the only one of bis species that basn't a market value. i Mjny. alas, too many, cooks spoil the broth Call no man happy till the graft In restlgatlng committee has O. K.'d him The world is full of men who can .... V-:-'- W '"' ''js'''' ''''' . s ..XT ! ' ' ' ' V" vi- v -" . ' 1 - w tall the other fellow bow to do It I r- .- - 1 W0k ' : -not. cott5i9n- ; CI TIT, ' ' : ' and W wnfWt WdM h u ' Ms Uu ' 'COATS 1 .llWlfeMlp ; lip V ill ' 111 ; , I fcas afWirc(f;af our Wi'Wk i! V 1 1 IP (- i I' i 1" ':. store in time for : TDUE TM GEERS IS GREATEST DRIVER. Without Apparent Effort Gets Best Out . of Horses He Handles. Ed F. Geers, grand old man of the sulky, for thirty years a daring and successful driver on the grand circuit Is still. If not actually in harness, ma nipulating the reins with greater skill than any of his younger rivals. .The turf has had its Garrisons, its dare deVil Fitzpatrkks, its Isaac Murphys andits Tod Sloanes scattered through all the years Geers has been a figure on trotting .tracks, and there would easily be a dozen named in answer to the query, "Who was the greatest Jock ey of aU timer But the trotting turf has had one particular luminary, outshining all Its other stars Ed Geers. Truly, this old gentleman Is sul generis. An expert who has watched Geers In action pays him this tribute: "Geers style of driving is peculiarly his own. No other man has ever been Photo by American Press Association. XD QEEBS, OBASD OLD UAH OF BDLKT. ; seen who exercised such control over bis horses with so little apparent ef fort He sits immovable in the sulky. no matter what the crisis, never rais ing bis hands, spreading his arms. bracing himself by lying back in his seat or in any way showing the em ployment of any particular physical force. Only on rare occasions does be touch bis horse with the whip and then with mere taps, even in an eyelash finish. For twenty years or more the Tennessee trainer has made a practice of falling back at the start and bring ing his horse np with a well timed drive in the last quarter of a mile to win by a head or a neck in the final strides. . By letting the other horses breast the resistance of the atmosphere and form a wind shield for his own Geers probably won hundreds of heats before anybody woke up to the fact that he was taking advantage of an unseen but Important factor of speed which has lately been shown to mean four or five seconds to the mile." , . J IF PLEASED TELL'OTHERS, IF HOT v iAdve rtising GIRL WANTED Inquire at Obser ver ofllce or at 1616 4th street. WANTED Lady Demonstraor. In quire room 45, Savoy hotel. TO TRADE Model F. Ford touring I car will trade for Teal estate Smith's I fiarae-A - At FOR SALE i room house, modern in every respect, good barn, corner lot 60x120, 1108 Penn Ave. Inquire R. E. Smith at Smith and Green's. , FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 acre apple orchard in Fruitdale, quarter mile from( school, trees 12 years old, will trade for city property, easy terms. Inquire of R. E. Smith at Smith & Greene's. -,- . , - FOR SALE A baby cab cheap. Red 462. . . ,' v j ' . ' ; FOR SALE--Dlning table, one car- pet, one rug, heating stove. 1314 Jack son ave. . - FOR SALE Thirty-thirty 'Savage rifle and .38 caliber Colts revolver. Phone Black 272. . : -:: FOUND--A red steer, left ear crop ped, right ear underblt; some white; appeared at my place Sept 20th. G. W. Love, La Grande. . FOUND Silver ; watch on fair grounds. Owner can have same -i by calling at this . office and paying the expense. . '' y . 'Want ads pay. one cent a word. massmem . ; . . ,-4 General Ck ifxactor of Cement Work Plain THE SlDEMLh l OmiY U U ULL U r'SAUucr TELL US When the digestion ii all right, the action of the bowels regular, there is a natural end ing and relish for food. YY hen this is lack ing you may know that you negd a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They strengthen the digestive organs, im prove the appetite and vgulate the bowels. Want ads pa, one cent a word. Catch the In a Btrlct sense you do no ' catch cold, but rather the cold, catches you. '. . It catches you when your vi tality Is low, when the circula tion is impeded by. sudden draughts of cold air, 'etc. The right thing to do Is to re verse things and catch the cold . In the start and stop it before it has you firmly caught. You can do this with " ' Bue Mountain Cold Cure They stop colds in the begin ning and cure settled colds'in one-fourth the usual time. Price 25c, Guaranteed Wright Drug Co., 'Tie Reiabc Druggists &:yi , .: V-.:.. and Reinforced Concrete' MAKES ST AHI) THE WEAR