La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 10, 1910, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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JUll I
Cur pure andies. You will hive lots of time
during the teirts do things. Come and see me.
SELDERS-Next door to postoffice.
Waters, Stanch field Produce Co.
Drops of Ink to Make Ton Think.
Did you read Judge Ramsey 'a arti
cle In "ThTe People's Forum" yes
terday M dare to say that thi gooc
citizens of -Union county wltn nry
few exceptions agree with him. He
Toiced the facta. . '
Decent men are aaylng that the ad
Ttrt?.TcCM Iiuuiu n ii 2 Asso
ciation ought to make fond mnn)
rotes for prohibition. And do not for
get that all their work la In line with
the misrepresentation ' on , the . bill
board.' What kind of men must the
members of that organization be to
stand for such indecency? Men ought
to be proud to hold membership In
that misshapen thing!
Was Mr. Stoddard serious or in Jest
following from the Stainless Flag in
dlcatesj Mr. "H. Charlie- McCallister Chief
"Demonstrator" of the. Greater Home
Ruin Association has Just returned
(so The Oregonian, his advance agent
declares) from Eastern "Greater" Or
egon. Mr. McCallister, reports a stun
ning time east The "sixty leading
business men and farmers of Umatilla
county" who formed a county branch
of the "Home Ruin Association," is
quite a joke over in Pendleton, where
the people saw them assemble. Pen
dleton's citizens say if Mr. McCallister
can "manage" that crowd he's a dan
dy. But then, of course, he can, for
he la "paid" $6,000 a year for that aer
Tlce. Go it, "H. Charlie!" ,
Er-Governor Hake Smith of Geor
gia aays: "It la absolutely, impossible
to hare a permanent, decent, munici
pal government when the saloon dom
inates municipal politics. The elimin
ation of the saloon will help munici
pal politics everywhere." The saloon
of every
III bis article in the Observer the nth. mimt m Tt la iba anamv
er dayr He surely did not expect, thing that is good.
thinking people to take him seriously.) One of the most prominent men of
The Home Rule Association Is com. ; La Grande said the other day, "The
posed of prominent (?) people as the man who says that he voted drv two
a scheme to
' . '.' !
While You are At-
. 1
tending the Great
est Fair in Eastern
1 Oregon,
I ber
years ago but will vote wet this year
ia generally lying. It ia
Influence votes."
The Home Rule Bill Is a repetition
with a few changes of the "Reddy Bill"
which was defeated two years ago by
the people of Oregon by a majority
of 12,994. Vote it down again. On the
ticket it will appear as No. 328 and
329. Vote No. v
' "The movement for the Home Rule
Bill," says a writed in the Medford
Tribune, "is financed by the liquor in
terests, and the "Greater Oregon Home.
Rule AMnrUMnn" j-HUCil neu
tral committee o fthe brewers, distill
era and saloons to secure a perpetual
right of the saloons and the liquor
traffic? Their Interest in this matter
Just now and their great concern for
the welfare of the people is somewhat
belated. Their zeal Is suspicious.
The Telegram of Portland has made
it pretty clear that "regulation" does
not regulate. Why does not the Home
Rule Association see that there is
"stringent regulation V Oh, yes, it is
to be done after the election. But they
have had abundant time and oppor
tunity in the past The only time these
people talk about stringent regula
tion is when there is danger that pro
hibition will be adopted. Will any on'
be fooled by them?
D. W. Pattullo, President of Port
land's Municipal Association, says that
there Is not a single official in the
community that can be relied on fully
to do his duty in prosecuting cases
in which the morals of the community
are involved; that they have no effec
tive machinery to prosecute success
fully those who are undermining the
city's social life and that the situa
tion has grown well night unbearable.
Why do not the "regulators" regulate?
Regulation " seems to be a beautiful
theory in the eyes of the Home Rule
Association, but they are not able to
demonstrate it very successfully.
The Telegram of Portland says It is
criticised on the ground of its radical
attitude in relation to the dives. It
continues: "This Is not exactly what
Ic meant by those who crtlticlse. What
they mean is that the Telegram's at
titude toward the dives at this mo
ment promotes the cause of prohibit
tion." It expose's the dives under reg
ulation and shows that regulation
does not now regulate. It never has
and it never will. The Liquor people
are a lawless set. Whenever It means
dollars to them to violate the law they
do it. The only way to abate the nui
sance is to extirpate It. The saloons
must go.
Notice of Meetinjr of the Board of
Invites You to Inspect their
magnificent line of Ladies'
Notice ia hereby given that the
County Board of Equalization for Un
ion County, Oregon, will attend at
the Court Hoube at La Grande, Ore
gon on Monday, October" 18th, 1910,
and publicly examine the assessment
rolls, correct all errors in valuation,
description ofvqualitIes of land. lots,
or other property, as assessed by the
County Assessor and it shall be the
duty of all persons Interested to ap
pear at the time and place given.
All persons having grievances re
garding the 1910 assessment mav an.
pear before auch board and nresent
meir amaanta containing grounds of
complaint All auch affidavits must be
presented during the first week of the
meeting of the board.
Assessor for Union County, Oregon
Dally Sept 30 Oct. 17.
A "miscellaneous shower was ten-
rromlse' Valley's Fralt.
I. S. McDonald, who is down from
Promise Valley, Tlslting his old
friend, C. L. Davis and attending tke
fair, brought to the Observer today I
. j r , i
dered Florence McCall, daughters aamples of peaches and grapes grown j ans to be shipped to Elgin they dig."
OI Mrs. j. &L. Aicvaii lasi n eaurauaj
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Jackson with Mrs. Jackson and j the choice things grow there without Mercantile company's safe at Evans
Mrs. H. M. Bay aa hosteBses. A two
was served in a dining room very
sweetly decorated in pink and white
sweet peas. Large pink candles and
ineei jJCtto. ijoigc yiun tauuico i
dainty little place cards beauUfied I
the table. Many . beautiful presents " . '
We Carl Press Your Clothes or f
Clean Them On Short Notice.
' PHONE MAIN 6 : ;
e Dying d Ceanng iybrks J
H. B. WAGGONER, Prop. - t
Mahaffey ; Building v s Depot street
were received by the prospective bride
who is to be married next Wednesday
to Mr. Archie Bacon of this city. She
nas oeen a popular member or tne La4
Jaunessa club since it was nrennlzefl 14
about two years ago. Those present
were Misses Florence McCall, the
guest of honor, Marjorle McCall, Eth
el Gulling and Etta Foley; Mestfames.
A. W. . Nelson, Hugh McCall. Oscar
Jackson and H. M,'Bay.(
Dysentery is a dangerous diaeM but can 1b September 26. 1910
fef.W"'' Colic, Cholera and matt m
l"",n? epUemiwof dyntery. It hu
...rer occn Known to rail. 1 1 u equally t.U CWude D. Chlldera.
d:r,K.l!inM Cochran.
u i j,. , .., .uuiio, aim wnea re
A ivery Informal wedding occurred
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock
at the home "of Mr. and . Mra. . D.
Fitzgerald when "Cap" Tuttle, a well
to do young rancher of Embler, was
married to Miss Ada Andrews, also
of Imbler. ' Only a few intimate
friends were in attendance, and there
was no attempt at formality. A wed
ding dinner followed theceremony
Lien was read by ReT. W. S. See-
mann. Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle will be at
home to their friends in Imbler at
once. The groom is well known in
athletic circles, because of his ability
In basketball. He was a star member
of the clever Imbler team last year.
Kotlce to Contractors. . . ; 1
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office of
the City Recorder for the construction
of 630 lineal feet of 12 foot sidewalk
with combination curb and gutter, to
be constructed of cement in accord
ance with the specifications on file
in this office. Said walk to be built on
the south aide of Jefferson avenue,
from the east line of Fir street to the
west curb line of Greenwood street
All bids to be In by 4 o'clock p. m. Oc
tober 12 and to be accompanied by a
certified check of five per cent of the
amount of the bid. The Council reser
ves the right to reject any or all bids.
By order of the City Council. Oc
tober 5th, 1910.
D. E. COX,
Recorder of the City of La Grande.
Oct 7-8-10-11-12.
Northern Washington Church With.
, , out Its Advisor.
Spokane, Wash., Oct 8 Special
Under the heading, "Wanted A Pas
tor," prominently displayed in Its
leading editorial column, the Okano
gan Record, published at Conconully,
Wash., says in part:
"Cononcully is without a pastor for
its thriving Methodist church. This is
the first time In upwards of 10 years
auch a thing has happened and it is
to be hoped it will be several times
that many years before it happens
"Some how or other, it doesn't seem
just right for a live, thivlng commun
ity like this one to be without a spir
itual 'adviser. We have one of the
best churches in the countv and It
seems a pity to have it stand idle at
this time of the year. The church was
built for divine worship. It is a place
where the good people of this terri
tory may gather once a week at least.
and give thanks to a just God for His
tender mercies to them and for His
bounties. t :
"We cannot overlook the fact that
this Is part of God's great universe.
He created it and it will remain His
until the end of time. '
"But what we want now la n iiv
wide-awake pastor for the church of
which we are justly nroud. And
he come aoon 1"
Notice to Creditors.
Notion la hereby given, that the un
derslgned has been appointed admin
istratr'x of the estate of Claude D
Chlldera. ; deceased, and , all peraona
having claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present the same
witn proper vouchers to the uader
Blgned at the office of Cochran
Cochran in La Grande. Oreeon. with
in alx months from the date of th
first publication of this notice, which
Administratrix of the Mtt.
I. Claude D. Chlldera, deceased.
Evans Mercantile Company's Safe I
Blown. .
When Bolton & Bodmer'a men start
ed to load a car of machinery at Er
in his county that are certainly very covered a monev drawer in , ...
fine. He states that melons and all investigation showed that the Evans
Irrfcratlnn ' Trr-vm fo a naaAa .Iaiia. wnll ' ' . T . . . .
on o. xi. in. uo; aa uudicoocb. a m u i uvuo viuoci i au- t ucar LubUlie Had Been DlOWn Open
course luncheon, dainty in nature I road connections and then it will be last night and $115 cash taken there
heard from often. It lies 23 miles from. All rherira v loff ti,-. "
i - w .... uci c is no
north of the town of Wallowa. clue to the robbers.
Uptown office Main 720
i . . .
An rmw tt . Lm eaiQence pnone Main 25
AMBULANCE:- . L bussey
The George Palmer
We solicit your orders for Shingles, jlubberold RooVng
VOeadeiing -ftlKMlding Par.'7:.
; We are, prepared to furnish and deliver material,
promptly. Phone Main 8. ; - 4 ".'
yCome to the fair grounds and let us show you. We can
of norae ana gmt you the best of water.
Complete equipment for resetting and repairing
, rubber buggy tires. ,
' -! D. PlIZQERALD, Proprietor
Complete .Machine; Shops i and Foundry
? k now on tlie I
! Market
I Thia m be the t a?Fb'.ly a ltlitfovof La rand. I
Thia U1 be the t alFL'.ly a ldfci of La rande. :'
Th. on y ad, itiou t. La (.r.r.da wl' i bulldlnff reatricUon
The lea are large - near:, a fuM a ore io eacTi lot "
We are SiAug w at t it so e nlc3 ;,pie and cherry trees
'.. oa e-.t!. Jot
We are olag to e tt.e j rice. ea(.onable, and moat far-
' or.'le term,. 'o interest No taxes
; -Com, to o-ar-.p-ac id lo,,k U th plat, then get into our
auto. icb'.Ie u ! go s -e the propert:.
. Owners. La QnnH. -
v. . 1 1 ......... .
Dally Sept 26. Oct 3, 10, 17. 24.
Attorneya for Administratrix'