La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 10, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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The big red apples and the long cucu mber, the largest and best proposition
horse, or the chicken with the reddest comb and the best pumpkin are all sugges
tive of what is doing in thh community, and all looks good, because they are real,
and not outclassed by any. ;
The assertion is not too broad when we say our line of goods is in reference
when completeness' of v stock, newness anc style are the object desired, and our
stock is always suggestive of what is doing.
Mi Vi T
ypf"11 Suits for ladies wear are most satisfactory, because
cJfc& U&4' from the ti219 you make the purchase, you realize
; 7 are getting real value received. The prices,
style, goods and fit are right, and the in dividuality of the La Vogue line is a very
desirable factor. V.';.v-j ''.iV1
(?Ti H if' ' ' ' ThInk ' rktly tailored suit, Unci Tvlth good Mtln, made of fine wor
Vj D a E H sted or some neat patterns In wool suitings, the price and garment, In e?
4 e can get aid sell a good salt for, and the price Is within reach of ever?
who wants a suit' " '7'" A
Coats teis season, our models are nerfeet. As the lonsr !
coats are the most popular garments, every ener- i
gy seems to have been put in this line to make it j
perfect, and In quality and style, the desire it seems, has been accomplish- , ;
ed. Thongh we feature onr $1740 coat as oar popular priced garment, onr
line begins down as low as $740 in the la Vogue, and at $10.00, $1150 and
. , $154)0. They come In staule eolort In riwuwv iz iii
fancies. , v...,-7 : ;v, -. Vv
A hat trimmed to become every feature is what is wanted.
No one can come to our hat department and put on any hat
and have it look well, but an experienced trimmer can shape and
trim a hat that is becoming. ' .
Our hats range in prices from $2.75 up, and we are confident
that we can please you. We would at least be pleased to show
you the most beautiful line in the city.
as Good or Better and
Prices Less.
Rule Co.
r .
,,,5 'ft."
Men's Furnishings
Fancy cloths in men's overcoats. 54 inch model, fancy pock- d
ets' made up with Presto Collar. "Style For You." They are the p
neatest that money can buy. , j
$12.50, $13.50, $15.50 and $18.00
VJandess School Suits
The boy, you must remember is very hard on his clothes, and fr
we can recommend the Wandess line, Pants are lined througout, A
and two pair with each suit. Popular prices ranging from $3.50 to a
ss Ciol den fflfe C. !
-77--::?V7vA , y.7-::.:-:;;;.S
- "..7.
7ftt '7fJ
THE Coat of Coats for the Man vho
is out of doors.
' An Ideal Coat for the Man who Mo-
' '.. tOrS. ;' ' ; 1
The great call for the Military Or
" ercoat has brought forth many won
v derful results.
; Never before have our Makers pro
duced such splendid garments. 7
. They're perfect In every detalL
TUe e v button up collar the lay
btk L"pjsl tbe Juat right shoulders
ttfl' f rat. tful haug of the Coat all
win inal to you. - 7
T&c3 Coats are the greatest pro
te tloM tt t.e Mea who Is oat In bad
. o'fj.thi's. ,7 77'.' '7. -
ThTfilric8 are Cti-nlots and Tweeds
Li ait uuliturts ac4 colorings
Br.yl! or Powbi reaste1 Models.
Both ih right.
IIfi arc OfcrtABt Luxury acd Pre
toctiou f 'ftioblued. f;ir!
. Copyright 1907 by
Friend Brotbrn Oothtag Comp ij
sir y.JHtwu.
Better Clothes
Arties to Tropics.
Bumptious as a Fireman.
7 7 (Edison)
Her Mother's Wedding Gown.
(Vltagraph) - '
Cheyene Braves.
Beautiful dishes given to lady
patrons of the matinee. See dis
play In lobby.
The housewife wno applies a lit
tle Cu Lem Cream to her hands 1m
mediately after washing dishes Is
Quite sure not to suffer from chap
ped hands all winter. It's guaran
teed. Price 25 cents. Newlln Drag
Co. :.
Baradoo's Trt-Frult Chocolates.
Made Just right 1
Old papers, one hundred in a bun
dle, 25 cents at this office.
Hotel rule cards, trespassing cards,
houses for rent cards printed In red
and black. For sale cheap at The Ob
server office. . .'.r7.
The St. Peter's Guild will hold a fall
rummage sale Thursday and Friday,
the 13th and 14th of this month at the
Alrdome. New goods and a larger as
sortment than ever offered before. Re
member the place and date. '
Hens a little lazy these cold days?
Feed them International Poultry food
and see how. ambitions they'll get
Good time, now, to have plenty of eggs
while prices are high. 25c package.
Newlln Drug Co.-
Mrs. N. K. Mitchell and daughter,
Miss Katherlne Mitchell have decid
ed to locate In La Grande. Miss. Mit
chell, whose card appears elsewhere,
desires to organize classes In elocu
tion, dramatic work and physical cul
ture. Miss Mitchell comes highly rec
ommended by the faculty of North
western University ' at Chicago and
by prominent people who have known
her work as reader and teacher.'
To the ladles.
Mrs. S. D. Vandecar is now in the
city ready to make up orders for
switches, etc. She will also buy comb
ings. A big line of switches, puffs and
many other things are to be had. At
room 34, Foley hotel.
-. . ,, -v-V'-:-
' ' ' ' ''-''-i . - -
Looking Ferwtrd.
In the great future there will come a day
Wbn we a pth of confidence may tread
And learn exactly what our great men say
Instead of what somebody eaye they aald.
., Wublngton Star.
' Mighty Particular.
Ella She's very exclusive.
SteUa-Well. I should say sot She
will not order half a chicken at a res
taurant, unless she knows who la to
bar the other ball-Cynic.
Don't forget to register this week.
Vacuum carpet cleaning, taking up,
sewing and laying. L, F. Billinger,
phones Red 562 and Red 141. ,
Engine Off Track.
Engine 147, the Joseph branch line
locomotive on today's train, "went In
the ditch," figuratively speaking this
morning when she Jumped the rails
while being hostled out to hook on
her train. She was righted In short
order and found to be damaged but
very slightly.
Wherein It Differ
Tou may lead a horee to water, but
You can't a mule, you know.
If the cranky, meaaly long eared mutt
Just doeaa't care to go.
Chicago Tribune.
Not Hungry.
"How do you like this oatmeal
soapr Inquired the barber.
"Seems nourishing." replied the cus
tomer, "but I've had my breakfast"
New York Journal.
Not In the 8wim.
He What s that I hear yon want
more new shoes? v
Bhe-Certalnly! 1 can't go around',
without shoes. When you married mel
you didn't think you were getting
mermaid, did you? Yonkers States
man, '.
- An Unpleasant Tendenoy. ' -
It gives a married man the chUls
Aod chronic blues
; When marriage merely runs to bins
' Instead of coos. -
-JlUhurf Post
DR. M. P. MtfiOELSQiltJ
: ' 'Diet '
U all the world was cake and pie.
And all the sea was sweet
And all the woods were starchy foods,
What should we have to eat?
" 7 ' . -Lif '
.'' ' ' ' Valuable.
"That stock you want to sell to me
la worthless."
."If s been worth a lot of money to
me,",, replied the ; honest promoter.
Phlladelphld Ledger. 7.
; , Ever Think of It?
How well a pen behind his ear
The profile of a clerk will grace!
Why does the barber never hang :
' Bis raaor In this handy placet
Buffalo Express.
. AT 1105 ADAM3 AVE. Y
rvT civ unTiriT. uTTTT.rTMri '
are no extra charges for the exami
nation' of your eyes. One charge pays
for examination, frames and glasses.
The service and material are far su
perior to any in the county. Dr. Men
delsohn carries the best stock that
can be had In the country.
HONEST WORK calls for exper
ience, skill, equipment, facilities, re
sources and high moral business and
professional purpose. Our 29 years of
practice and experience, the complete
ness of our equipment, the Immense
stock we carry, the satisfaction we
have given others, la our guarantee
to you that we have ALL these quali
fications. -7 ' : '"
' . mm aft a m m aa
jjr. Aienaeisonn is maorsea uv an
I the . leading oculists of the Faclflo
coast and by all the physicians of La
All broken glasses replaced while
you waiu ,
OFFICE HOURS, 8: 80 a. m. to 13 m
t to 5 p. m. and 7 to 8 p. m.