LA OlIANDE EVENING OBSERVER. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1910. PAfJE FIVE estioinv of it m it What s i.;MHf' 5 , i fey tsj jjv'W1- jO or' , QQ' l"iiiiin I r. .. .wt"" i y 6uu o igub, uiu nio xiiuiviuuauiy ox ine f desirable factor. ;.' :- ji - : uwft VA a "v"jr Kiuutcu suu, uuea wiin gooa saun, maae oi line worsiea 4 or some neat patterns in wool suitings, the price and garment, in every detail. is right. This is our popular priced suit It is just the price that we can get and sell a 4. good suit for, and the price is within reach of everyone who wants a suit. ( A hat trimmed to become every feature is what is wanted. No one can come to our hat d epartment and put' on any hat rA and have it look well, but 5 trim a hat that is becoming. rv " " 2 Our hats range in prices from $2.75 up, and we are I that we can please you. We would at least be pleased j you the most beautiful line in the city. - - r ; ! f Qualify as Good or Better , Prices Less. s THE ISIS TOHIGHT'S PIIBM Big Scoop. (Edison) The Red Girl and the Child. .! (Pathe) Under the Old Apple Tree. (Vitayraph) v Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dis play In lobby. ' 10c- LOCALS The housewife who applies a lit- t tle Cu Lem Cream to her hands im- ' mediately after washing dishes Is Quite sure not to suffer from chap ped hands all winter. It's guaran teed. Price 25 cents. Newlln Drug Co. : " Drink Quality Coffee. Sare your cou pons and get your notions free at Dal- Ions. Haradon's Tra-rralt Made Just right ' Suits for ladies wear are most satisfactorv.' because f rom the time yu make the fllilf mil ora rvai'nn ainnl . j gtium icai vaiuo retcxveu. ine prices, : . ':v.V'-K::"'-----V Millinery an experienced trimmer can oldenMMleCa Hotel rule cards, trespassing cards. houses for rent cards printed In red and black. For sale cheap at The Ob server office. The St Peter's Guild will hold a fall rummage sale Thursday and Friday, the 13th and 14th of this month at the Airdome. New goods .and a larger as sortment than ever offered before. Re member the place and date." All persons wishing employment at the Bugar factory muBt report not later than 2 o'clock Saturday after noon at Sugar mill. A. Thomas, Supt Try a can of Quality Brand Baking Powder and get a large premium at Dalton's. Heinxe's sweet and sour pickles, pre ferred stock, oysters, salmon cover peas and tomatoes. Van Camp's pork and beans, com and chipped beef In glass. All help to make a good meal with little cooking. Geddes Bros, have them all' , . Clean house with a vacuum carpet cleaner. All work guaranteed. Prices right Phones Red 662 or Red 141. Old papers, one hundred In a bun die, 25 cents at this office. . Hens a little lazy these cold days? Feed their. International Poultry food and see how ambitious they'll get Good time, now, to have plenty of eggs while prices are high. 25c package. Newlln Drug Co. Mrs. J. A Branson of Joseph, arrlv- Chocolates, ed In the city today to visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Caviness. The big red apples and the long cucu mber, the largest and best proposition horse, or the chicken with the reddest comb and the best; pumpkin are all sugges tive of what is doing, in this community, and all looks good, because they are real, and not outclassed by any. v ' '' . The assertion is not too broaojwhen;we say our line of goods is in reference when completeness of stock, newness and style are the object desired, and our stock is always suggestive of what is doing. . . purchase, you realize J mi..' -! ' jja vogueune is a very ; V-'" it:-.: r.w.-.C: shape and confident to show ; : , ; and ..... . '.1. V A PERSONALS. A MJbs Frances Massee arrived from Baker City this morning and will be an over-Sunday guest with friends and; relatives In the city. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver and children leave Monday for an extended, visit in Iowa and other sections of the middlewest. Charles Hugg, the Enterprise base ball fan and C. N. Lock wood, a prom inent real estate man of Enterprise, are in the city today visiting the fair. '.- ' . . ' i A. C. Huntington is somewhat im proved from a long and serious ill ness. He has returned from Hot Lake but is still confined to his room, al though he hopes to be up in time to see the finish of the fair. Ed. Morris the crack blue rock art ist. Is coming to La Grande Monday to await the beginning of the Wal lowa shoot ' Miss Ethel Gulling leaves tonight for Portland, to be gone for the win ter. She has accepted a position as stenographer In the railroad offices and will consult a specialist while In Portland In regard to a disease of the ear. . . . '' Harold H. Dabney, one of the In structors in the Hood River school ot apple packing has come to La Grande at the expense of the Thronson Or chard company to do their packing. Some of his best packs are now at the Thronson exhibit booth at the pavil ion and those interested can see the work there. perfect, and in quality and style, the desire it seems, has hAn oCCApeic : Though we feature our $17.50 coat as our popular priced garment, our line, e- x 4 gins down as low as $7.50 in the La Vogue, and at $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 p They come in staple colors, in broadcloth, and cloakings in staple and fancies. 4 7 Tfte Deputy Sherlf George Llndren is in North Powder today attending to some legal matters. Mr. H. A. Caldwell who represents the Best Mfg. Co., of San Lauerdo, Cal., and Walla Walla, Wash., Is again In this territory taking orders for the JBest Combine Harvesters to be deliv ered July 1st, and is meeting , with great success. Harry Bays it is no trou ble to sell combines this year after making the record that the Best made this year in the valley. The Best has proven their merits over all the other harvesters in the field this year. Mr. Caldwell can be Been at the Sommer hotel, call or phone. WILL ORGANIZE AT ELGIN. tlon of Yeoman Lodge at Elgin, ralr Visitors Encourage ' Organiza- After discussing the matter with guests at the fair from Elgin, Orga nizer L. E. McNabb for the district of Eastern Oregon, has decided to or ganize a yeoman's lodge at Elgin 'and he will take the matter up at once. The people seem anxious to have a homestead there he finds, and he will fulfill their wishes to the letter. He leaves soon for the Elgin country and will remain there until the new homestead is well on its feet. - CHURCH. NOTICES Methodist Episcopal Church. Opposite High School, J. D. Gillil an, D. D., pastor. Sunday .will be a gala day at this church on account of Its being the oc casion of the first quarterly meeting. Rev. Dr. Haley the sucessor of Dr. Gillllan on the district, will be pres- Ml - . . - ... . - ... . . i ; 1 V U? r'fv , . f!. I'1 l -k-r . . ' y i. j ''" "' , p- p ; 'Vv- ;'"':i'hii ' - ; .. A - Coats this season, our models .a k Men's Furnishing Fancy cloths in men's overcoats. 54 inch model, fancy pock- g ets made up with Presto Collar. "Style For You.?' They are the neatest that money can buy. ; . : i . $12.50, $13.50; $15.50 and $100 Mandess School Suits? The boy? you must remembe r is very hard on his clothes, and , p we can recommend the Wandess line, Pants are lined througout, .and two pair with each suit. Popular prices ranging from $3.50 to - K . . . ," : . . ....... i. -.. ..(.., - ent and preach in the morning at 11 and then will go to the Island for the evening. The Epworth i League will meet at 6:30 and be led by, Howard Richardson. There will be special mu sic, provided for the occasion. The Sunday-school 1b at 9:45, F. II. Green superintendent. , V , , St Peter's Church. . '- ' Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. Holy Communion, 8. a. m.; Sunday .If. DOCTOR pF OPTICS. . PERMANENTLY LOCATED ' v AT 1105 ADAMS AVE. FOLEY HOTEL BUILDING. DO NOT BE MISLEAD, as there are no extra charges for the exami nation of your eyes. One charge pays 1EHDELSQH for examination, frames and glasses. The service and material are far su perior to any In the county. Dr. Men delsohn carries the best stock that can be had in the country. HONEST WORK calls for exper ience, . skill, equipment, facilities, re sources and high moral .business and professional purpose. Our 29 years of practice and experience, the complete ness of our equipment the Immense stock we carry,' the satisfaction we have given others, Is our guarantee to you that we have ALL these quali fications. ' Dr. Mendelsohn is indorsed by all the. leading oculists of the . Pacific coast and by all the physicians of La Grande. ' AH broken glasses replaced while you wait " K ' - OFFICE HOURS 8:30 a. m. to 12 m 1 to 5 p. m. and 7 to 8 p. m. are perfect. As the long t a 1 I school 10 a. m.; morning service, 11 a. m.j Evening service 7: 30 p. m. ' UPTON II. GIBBS, Rector, Birth Record. T V '" Born to Mr. and Mrs. SUlwell ot Enterprise October 7, a seven-pound Bon. Mrs.', Stil well was formerly Jau nlta Ruryea of this city.". iClassifiedi i Advertising "y.i FOR SALE Thirty-thirty Savage rifle and .38 caliber Colts revolver. Phone Black 272. i ? , FOUND A red steer, left ear crop ped, right ear underblt; some white; appeared at my place Sept 20th. G. W. Love, La Grande. FOR SALE Ten room house, fur nished and arranged for boarders and roomers, and 4-room , cottage, both with bath, in one of the best locations in La Grande. Rents for $58 a month. Phone Red 3981, between 12 and 1 or after 4 o'clock. GIRL WANTED Inquire at Obser ver office or at 1616 4th street. WANTED Woman to work in ho tel, good wagesJohn Anthony, Ron dowa. Ore. ' FOUND Silver watch on fair grounds. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying the expense. , . FOR SALE A baby cab cheap. Red 402.