LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER.' SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1910. PAGE THREE I i 4 4 it if I I I T f : :1 : . : - ill i . . I tendinsf the Greats I 7 V est Fair in Eastern Oregon, remem- SP01RTMGNEWS T T FEATURE OPEXS THIS MORNING AND CLOSES TUESDAY. .- Judging Villi Take. Place Monday Af ternoon at 3 O'clock. o) c3: To) To) inapan; 1 V V. ' .- . --..'.7 With, forty pure-bred dogs on exhi bition at the county fair opened this morning at 9 o'clock and the ani mals will be on exhibit all day, Mon day and probably Tuesday. The' Judg ing takes place next Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock and John Dordaa has named Bob Masterson, O. E. Lemmons and F. G. Wise as Judges. J This number of dogs is far in ex cess of the number on the show last year and it is evident that bench shows are to be annual events here after. Mr. Dordan who hid the mat ter in hand, is greatly delighted at the showing. Bird dogs outnumber the other breeds, though practically ev ery popular specie in the canine fam ily ds to be found, on the benches. The show Is unusually attractive, for ' La Grande, aside from having the' best there is in horse flesh and stock of all kinds, incidentally raises excellent canines. The dog show itself is worth a whole lot more than the price of admission. O o o o o A- 4 A. IMBLEB PRACTICING EARLY. Invites You to Inspect magnificent line of Ladies' Furnishings. Boys and Girls of Imbler School Have . Team and Practice Dally. F. N. Fox a basketball fan and ad ept of Imbler was in the city today and reports that two teams are con-1 stantly at work In his home town this week. The boys and girls each : have a good-sized squad out and the school teams promise much this year. Basket ball is popular at Imbler and the can dldates show knowledge and skill in the game that Indicates they will be hi the running for the county cham pionship this year... AUTO DICTIONARY. A Trap a rural get rich quick scheme. Puncture A small body of ah? surrounded by rubber, Speed Law An arbltarary J rate of progress. j t Good Roads A foreign & luxury, comparatively un- known in the United States. Crank An instrument for removing skin from ' kniick- " :: ,1 Radiator A contrivance for keeping engine warm. Tall Lamp A danger elg- nal, meaning,. "Look-out! & I'm coming back." ' 4) Tonneau A place for, f holding guests lunch bas- kets and repair kits. . Steering wheel The pilot & house of the Joy wagon. - Cylinders Nothing , like ' asparagus, though they come In bunches. , A , uttBunutj -a (ragnuti itum u that makes the wheels go O round. - . . K ' Carbureter Soot collector. A Spark Plug Like the ad A . brain, the place where all A the hot stuc comes from. , A Goggles An automobile A ' beauty mask. v A Chauffeur The life of the A t party, the terror of peden- A trlans, the friend of the sup- A : ply man. f A Visitos to the County have invitation. to call-on. pecial La Grands Leading Shoe Men A Large Assortment All New Stock They Fit the Feet SM Shoemen Depot Street IX CRAXDE MEETS E18IS. TAKE A TRIP TO THE Wonderful Panama Canal And See How Uncle Sam's Boys are aking the Dirt Fly M On His 500,000,000 Job GIRLS ORGANIZE BASKETBALL Local High School Girls Elect Officers and Prepare for Work. Yau may not be able to travel all the way there you don't bare to! Just go and hear ' . ' WAYNE 0. ADM, Foreman and Engineer on the Isthmus for three years, deliver his . famous lecture ir - - "The Truth About the Panama Canal" 1500 feef of 'Panama Moving Pictures, Over 200 Superb t Slereofliton Views in C6lors. ; : Including pictures oFpwgTes's of the work, labor conditions, sanitary problems, such-as mosquitoes, swamps and conditions to the towns . the great shaiels at work, the enormous slides of earth; the great dams and locks; the work of morlng'a moonta!n controlling the' wicked torrential Chagres Rlrer nd other fint'vllwa. rr;: . t Wayne ,0. Adam) Is the Gentleman who taught the foreigners to re. , spect the American flag; ' ;-. , t! "H'-' - i V'..-;v .-h M This Lecture Includes Fads EVERYBODY SHOULD KNOW Parents, bring yon children. To hear Mr. Adams will 1e a part of . If yon are not satisfied, I will cheerfully refund yonr money. rREMEJTBER; THE-PLACE AXD DATE. - - ' . Two Reels and Illustrated Song jn connection with Panama Pictures STAR THEATRE, TONIGHT, Friday4 and 'Saturday, 10 cents. Basketball is to -play an important part in the g'rls department of ath letics at the high school this year. The candidates for the squad elect ed officers this week and arrange ments are now under way for com mencing practices regularly during the fall months. Miss Runa Bacon, who played basketball exceptionally well last year is captain and Miss Ca lista Lore another star of last year's team Is manager. There is consider able new material and a greater per centage of last year's team to work with :'. ' :'" ; '' '". ." Coming Gladiator's for la ' Grande Tale on Elgin Team Today. La Grande's second team and El eln's first-team--battled tbia afternoon on the local gridiron for practice and. for honors. The game; introduces La Grande's future football material in a large way, for few in tbe lineup for La Grande have ever been seen In football togs that, the high school sup plies before. The game was of con siderable interest in that it is the first of the year, and many who are thirst ing for football noise and eights were pacified at the Lincoln grounds. La Grande's team lineup follows: Grtmmit, fullback; Will Rush and RusBell Ralston, halves; Reynolds quarter: Howard Richardson, center; Robert Wines and Huff, tackles; Scri ber and James Corbett, guards; Craw ley and Peare, ends. ' SILVER TIP SCARES nUJJTER. Man Runs "Like a House Afire" When lie Meets Monster Animal '. - I.-'. M. R. Hibbs. who was in town this week from Snake river.-met with narrow escape recently from a mix-up with the notorious grizzly bear which has been running at large in that sec tion for many years, says the Joseph Herald. He met the big brute face to face on a mountain trail and at first glance he says she looked as big as a haystack; but after he ran several miles and cooled off he figured that she would no weigh much over about 1500 or 1800 pounds in her stocking feet. Two cubs were with her, which no doubt was her reason for not mak ing a more vigorous chase. Thin ht bear recently chased Elmer Barton down the mountain side a mile or I two, and the boys say that wherever Elmer bit the earth," about every 50 feet or so, it made a hole big enough to bury a cow. At last accounts El mer was still running. Stockmen over there figure that the horses, cattle and sheep that have been killed by this monster within the last 20 years would make a man Independently rich. -It la reported that an enormous silver-tip grizzly bas been seen sev eral times lately on the headwaters of Wallowa river south of the Lake, and that many cattle and sheep have fallen prey to her tolerable keen ap petite this summer. Two cubs were also with this bear. ion County, Oregon, will attend at the Court House at La Grande, Ore gon on Monday, October 18th, 1910, and publicly examine the assessment rolls, correct all errors In valuation, HorinlB . 1.-- or other property, as assessed by the County' Assessor and it shall be the duty of all persons interested to ap-v pear at the time and place given. : . . All persons having grievances re garding the 1910 assessment may ap pear before such board and rresent their affidavits containing grounds of complaint. All such affidavits must be presented during the first week of the meeting of the board. , T. A. RINEHART, , Assessor for Union County, Oregon. ' Dally Sept 30 Oct 17. , I -Jr A A A A A A t ati ilS tn rfi iA dki nfW ifti iJh irff A nftii rutin iN nfti rTi rini nr irt ir TTT tf n If You are wanting to Buy, Sell or Trade a (arm, a business or city property, see what I can do for you. Results will come toon, and satisfaction guaran 1 teed. I have no property of my own,' I ell for other people on a straight com mission basis. And ' treat everybody alike, t have some good bargains and ' will be pleased to show them to yon. L B. WILSON, Notice of Meeting of the Board of f Equalisation. ' " Panama Lecture at Star Theatre. W. C. Adams, late from the canal, will lecture Thursday, Friday and Satur day night at the Star theatre. Also in afternoon of each day. Moving pic tares. ' Notice is thereby given, that the County Board of Equalization for Un- Tbleu you can improve both. Your complexion ai well u your temper U rendered mlwrable by Aditordered liver. By biking Chumherlain'i Stomach and Live Directory of the Fraternal Orders ' of La Grande, Oregon';'. A F. & A. M.La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M. holds regular meet : . ings . first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. " . JOHN S. HODGIN. W. M. A. C. WJLLIAMS, Secretary. !. a P. O. E. La 'Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Elk's dub, corner of De pot street and Washington avenue. . Visiting brothers are cordially in cited to attend. . v- . . DR. G. L. BIGGERS, Ex Rul. HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. WOODMEN rOF THE WORLD La Grande" Lodge Nov 169 W. O. W. meets every second and fourth Tues day In the month. All visiting mem bers welcome. . NERIACKLES.C.C. , .J. H. KEENEY, Clerk. REBEICAHS Crystal Lodge No.' SO meets every evening in the I. O. O.. F. hall. All visiting members are invited to attend.1 ' , MISS ANNA ALEXANDER. N. G. ' MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH. Sec. M. W. A.La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every Monday in the month at the .L O. O. F. hall. ; All vlsiUng neighbors are cordially invited to !' .attend. . . I. R. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX, Clerk. iviuma uv rx iuias uea uross : Lodge No. 27 meets every Monday - , night In Castle hall, (old Elk's hall.i . A Pythian welcome to all visiting ' ' Knights.; ' 't - jess paul, c. c. ''; R. L. LINCOLN, M. of R. & S. O. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. C. holds stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cor- ' dlally invited. . V r MARY A. WARNICK, Sec. ' . PAULINE EDERLEE, W. M. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT -Grande . Ronde Circle No. 47 . meets every J first and third Thursday ' evenings iu iue uiuuia i ma i. w. u. r , ami. - . All vlsltlig members are welcome. CHLOE ROBINSON. G. M." ' UZZIE ELLSWORTH. Clerk. V Successor to Van Puyn. Real Estate. 220 Depot St : :::V' :v SEE LAfRAHDES LEADING JEWELER, When in need of anything in watches, clocks, Jewelry, cut glass, hand painted China, or any other article carried by a first class Jewelry store, Investigate our prices before ; buying and you will s ave money, and be sure of securing first quality goods. If your eyes trouble you, have them fitted by an opti cian of experience. ' , . , , ,, 3? , Opposite the V. S. Land Office, Adams Ave.