La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 08, 1910, Image 1

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    vol. xir.
NUMBER 29 i'
1 flc tm nnv
Id L U U
r SOOS. :
Baby Show Will Doubtless Break All
v. Records for Entire. Fair Week Be-
; canse tbe Stores AY1I1 be Hosed
. Parades ou Monday "Will be Banner
' Affairs Increased Interest and lu-
creased Atteudance.
Roosevelt Is Chief Speaker at Memor-
' lal Services Tonight
, .' J Sunday. Afternoon. .
!0 Exposition grounds will be
open as usual, but all concesr
slons will be closed the enA
tire day, v .
''. ',2 p. m.: Sacred Concert by -
La Grande Concert Band.
, 8 p.u.: Union Services by
local pastors and combination
9 a. m.: Stock Judging In
Exposition arena.
11 a. m.: Stock parade in
which jell stock on exhibition
will participate-
3 p. m.: Exhibition ty Star
light King, ' the celebrated
High School Horse. This ex
hibition is repeated by spec
;. ai rnnuest ot ' management.
8 p. m.: Automobile parade -v 4t
!and pyrotechlc .display.
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 8 "Brer Teddy
Bear," otherwise Col. Theo. Roosevelt,
win be the principal figure In today's
observance ot "Uncle Remus" day in
Atlanta. When he speaks tonight "at
the auditorium, paying tribute to the
memory of the late Joe Chandler Har-
rls, he will doubtless be greeted by
one of the largest and most represen
tative audiences ever present at a
lecture in the South. Hundreds of the
leading men of the south and many
from other sections of the country
united In a common love for the mem
ory, of the Bouth's greatest humorist
hare come to Atlanta today to take
part in the- movement which has for
Its purpose the raising of a fund for
the purchase of the home of Uncle R.e-
mus in the West End as a permanent
memorial to the author, . V
Col. Roosevelt and Joel Chandler
Harris entertained a high regard for
each other ana many were the appre
ciative letters .: that 1 nassed between
'them. Quiet, retiring and almost bash
ful, Uncle Remus' seemed to find in
the strenuous statesman the comple
ment of his own nature, while "Ted
dy" was always eager to go far out of
his way to meet ,tbe Georgia author.
The two men never missed an oppor
tunity of meeting, and. they always
parted regretfully. When "Uncle Re
mus" passed away he had no more sin
cere mourner than Col. Roosevelt, and
the latter, in his address tonight, will
speak words of love and admiration
that some straight from the heart.
Mr. Roosevelt received the invlta
Hon tft address the "Uncle RemuB"
memorial day meeting before his re
turn from his trip abroad, and lmme
diately cabled his acceptance.
All Criminal Cases Acted on by Gnuid
Jury Which Afcks to be Excused at
...Soon Today Court Adjourns Until
S est Week When Important Cases
Are to Come up Jury in Anstrlun
. fuse Disagrees. -.
Tuesday. .
3 p.m.: Baby show. Babies
two years and under are eli
gible. . ,
Pronortlonate to the approach of the
end of the county fair is the Increase
i attendance, and one day is breaic
it. nf forerunner in
numbers attending and as the Increas
'ed attendance is noticed, the Increase
Id Mtiallv evident The really inter
esting things In connection with the
fair are being held for the last and
today a movement was started to close
tho -nlaces of business from 1 o'clock
Tuesday for the balance of thedaj
so that everyone In town ml"?Sfse
the babl show. While there has been
Republicans Ruling Portugal .With
Iron Hand, Killing Eueiules oud
rroiuotiuu: all the Friends of the Re
publican Leaders-Fljrht Sear Mon
'. nstnrr 'RAnlta In Tlouth in Vnv
Injury to Scores.".
Fifty Homesteads in Umatilla County
are Sot Much in Demand.
Two men from Chicago, Knut A.
Paulson and Reinold F. Paulson, took
up a claim each today in the Uma
tilla government land opening which
was thrown open to entry, last Feb
ruary. This leaves eight tracts un
settled which Indicates that the land
is not much In demand.
R0IUR1S 10
The Isis is Running Two Exceptional
Iy Fine Fictures Today and To.
' uight.
.One is the story of a big scoop on
a metropolitan newspaper and the oth
er is a thrilling out-west story where
an Indian girl plays an Important part.
Both are educational but exceptionally
thrilling. They' are perhaps the best
picture seen here in many months.
Dead Bodies Found Along Railroad
- Track by Escaping Trains.
Fort William, Oct 8 A special from
Baudette, Minnesotta, a town of 1500
inhabitants was destroyed last night
by a forest fire and says a number of
lives were lost. Property to the value
of millions was destroyed. It is the
most disastrous fire in the histdry ot
Resorting seven true and one not
true bills, the grand Jury asked to be
excused today noon and in pursuance
with the request,' the inquisitors have
been allowed to disband for the pres
ent. 'All of .the ''indictments are crim
inal in nature.' Two . are accused of
murder in the first degree and the oth-
ra nm for theft or assault. Chief
among the indictments found was that
of T. R. Ellexson and Jesse Parker,
the first for killing Waldo Perry and
the second for the shooting of defend
ant's father-in-law. Sterling Stiles, &
young' man accused of forgery was ex
onerated by the Jury. - ; ' '
One Man Pleads Guilty.
Among those indicted was rank
Babbet, an aged sort -of fellow, who
pleaded guilty, to Btealing"from ' the
Crystal cafe on Fir street. Judges
Knowles sentenced him to one year
in the penitentiary."
', Others Indicted.
In addition', a Greek by thw name of
Ferropoplus was indicted for stealing
from the Greek lunch counter on De-
t.ot street. '
Fred Wisdom and Ernest Edes were
jointly indicted on two counts for the
stealing of horses from James Moss
near Alicel. An Austrian, tried yes
terday, was accused of assault. -
, Next week will hear some of the
more important cases tried. '
Jury Dlsngrced.
The jury which heard the case
against an Austrian who spells his
name about thusly kjlmnsdrawqa-i
charged with attacking an Irishman in
this city sometime ago and being ac
cused o( being armed while making
the attack with intent to rob. disa
greed this morning and all trial Jur
ors are now discharged until Monday
morning. Court haB taken a short re
cess that attaches, officials and Jurors
may attend the fair this afternoon.
Lisbon, Oct. 8 It is unofficially re.
ported that a decree ordering an reuj
no official action taken on the closing Northern' Minnesota. Down coming
question still it is presupposed that train3 on the Canadian Pacific report
nrh nrtion will be the case and bus-. ed tne right of way strewn with corp-
inesBmen should shape their affairs seg. pive were found within five miles.
accordingly. The fair will in that way The city ja charred
he able to close down with a blaze ,g feared the settlers In the south
ot success. ' , . perished by Bcores as the fire swent
.The program for the rest of the the country town ofSpooner,
week is published above end will be whlcj1 lt likewise destroyed.
carried out in toio.
tvia cttonrfnnn todnv Indicates a
new record again ahd tonight's earn!
val crowd will doubtlessly be lar
It is to be the lucky baby at tte
baby show. A solid gold locket will
be won' by the lucky youngster, thus
In Dixie Land.
Another good house witnessed the
Lowe Stock company in the produc
tion of Dixie Land last night at Stew
ard's Opera House and to say that all
Mw WVA v- o- ' I -
arolding the delicate act of awarding were pleased hi to put it mildly. Tne
Approach to Fair Building Sow Com
pleted and Street S early Done.
I'ious orders to vacate Portugal wit h
tl 2i hours will be issued by the Re
pjblicans Sunday. - ."
, , The Republic of Portugal today for
mally proclaimed the order of the ban
ishment against K'ng Manuel, Queen
Mother Amelie' and Duke Oporto.: ' .
President Bragai'today Insisted the
provinces do not up rise to aid the
king. .. . ; ,. :,'' . r ;
The new government, It Is report
ed will execute Royalists and Clericals
who are most active in opposing the
new rule. It Is certain that undesir
able Catholics will be exiled and that
Itnonastaries and convents will be clos
e. arid their conTenfaeizedlini mdn
astlalc convent lands will be preemp
ted by the republic. Many priests are
aroused to sedition and are under ar
rest awaiting trial. :
5 Monks '.ore Tenacious.
Serious fighting accompanied the ex.
pulsion of monks from the monasteries
and It is reported a heavy loss of life
was Inflicted at various parts of the
country. The last reports from Quel
po's , monastery say two regiments of
Republicans fought several hundred
monks. Later the monks were allowed
to depart taking their dead and wound
ed with them. ,''''
Priest in Fight , .
It is officially announced today that
the officials of the army and navy who
helped establish the republic will be
promoted. Details of the capture of the
Fuelpos monastery a"re reading here
today. The monks fought fiercely for
two hours with small fire arms sus
taining a heavy loss under a he.avy
fire of the beselgers.
It is reported the monks began tp
fight by firing on a small bapd of rev
olutlonlsts. marching to meet the roy
alists. The church men were victorious
in the first, battle but reinforcements
arrived and the monks were compelled
to surrender with the loss of 12 men
and. fifty wounded.
i Congressional letting. V
.Boston, Oct. 8. Hundreds of dele-
..... I . . ' :r: , .
part in next week's national 'council
of the Congregational chui'the3 and
affiliated bodies. Religious services
of a special character will be held in
all the Congregational churches , of
the city" tomorrow, and in , the after
noon a mass meeting for men will be
held In Tremont Temple, as the. op
ening feature of the national conven
tion of ;the Congregational Brother
hood. The Brotherhood of St'.' Andrew,
the Baptist Men's Christlaa Organized
Bible classes, the Presbyterian Men's
Organization and the Young Men's
Christian Associations of Boston and
vicinity will co-operate in the meet
inK. The Bession is designed to pro
mote ; more active Christian serylce
among men 1 connected with Boston
churches. J. Campbell White, of New
York, will be the principal speaker.
Americans and Other Foreigners Who :
Have Sot Been Arrested Already
are Fleeing to Points of Safety So
Compunction About '., Slaughtering vi..
iin moks" inreaten: to uurn
City if Ship Comes. -.. : ; '.
.'i Guatemala City, Oct. S Foreigners
are fleeing in terror fioirt Amnlpa,
Honduras, following the '. lmprij- ;
onment of English ' and ' Americana,
and the seizure of their property by
the city commandante.' Jailing of
Americans' and English Isjielleved to
be tantamount to SSSIIdemnatlon io
death. ' ... ... ,
Foreigners are accused of ferment
ing a revolution. Anarchy prevails and ,
the authorities are making no efforts
to prevent pillaging. The English con
sul at Amalpa has fled to San Salva
dor and has cabled for a cruiser. The
commandant announced he will burn
the city If .warships approach. Ameri
can interests are threatened and refu
gees are appealing for protection. .. . '
tailed "Taft'S Dogs. ;
New Orleans',-. Oct. 8--Prlvate cable
grams stated that Americans cabled. .
Washington for Warships. - ' , ;
"Death to Taft's dogs" is Honduras
slogan at Amalpa. ; , '
Accused of Incompetency and Several
, - Other Serious Charges.
Demand for Instruction In Public '
Schools Gives Good Positions to
Girl Graduate's. ; ,
Corvallls Ore., Oct. 8 Special Ex
cellent instructional appointments in
the Oregon public schools have been
secured by nine young women grad
uates of the department of domestic !
sjfence and art at the Oregon Agrt- .
cultural college of last June, as a re
i suit of the general awakening to tho
Immediate need of special training,
for the girls who will be the house
j keepers of the next generation.
Miss Hedwlg S. Bleeg of Hillsdale,
0. A. C. '10 is the domestic science
Instructor at Lincoln High School,
Portland, where a four-year course
Seattle. Oct. 8 The Public welfare
league today began the circulation of
petitions for the recall election to re
Mo c CAW is charged in
4111. V u 1, vi "
ha notitinn as heinz unfit and incom
petent and tavlng made improper ap- will now be given, including two years
nolntmenta and failure to enforce the 0f cooking and two of Bewlng. The
The South end of Depot street is
nearly paved. By redoubling their ef
forts the Warren Construction com
pany has been able to hurry the com
pletion of the street bo that the ap
law and other things. It is reported
that Chief of Police Wappensteln has
written out his resignation which hi
will possibly hand in soon. The peti
tion is the result of cnarges niea ry
Former Acting Mayor Wardell, fuat
new course, Is to prepare the 4hlgh
school girls to meet Intelligently the
ordinary problems of home life after
graduation, as well as to give a
good foundation to those who may
wish to take college work afterward
hito 1 1IAWC
IDljXiJ J ilVJllil iiviu- .v.o - . .
Union Man Conies Here and Decided to the Seatttle police department harbor- to become domestic science teachers.
I -. t "' . 1 A1 MM . rt 1 A. "
Locate Permanently In City.
Mr. David B. Cohners, formerly of
Union, has decided to make La Grande
his future home, He has purchased !
ed grafters.
pletwn or me street bo mm m ;
them aocordlng to beauty. Those hav
ine babies to exhibit should notify
Mrs. A, L. Richadson by phone, Main
55 or notify Mr. Church pie manager,
at tho. administration office on the
fair grounds.
All persons having bills against the
fair should present them at the tick
et office before Tuesday night
i ' : k
Pierce In Sanatorium.
Senator Walter 'E. Pierce Is at Hot
Lake suffering with an injured knee
Thia is an old injury and has been
giving him trouble of late. It may be
necessary for the senator to spend a
couple of weeks at the Lake before he
will be able to resume his
'business life.' :
!,- ...
' - '
Lowe company is certainly a good one
and contains much more merit than
more pretentious companies play
ing at high prices. The play la a com
edy drama with a southern atmos
phere. It Is quaint, pathetic, and hum
orous. The parts were all sustained in
a. capable manner and it would be an
injustice to any one to mention one
over another. New specialties were
presented between the acts and the
performance was wost 'enjoyable
throughout. Tonight the same com
pany will present a laughable comedy
written expressly for Mr. Lowe, en
titled, , Reuben and Mandy. All who
can enlov a good hearty laugh should
active j not fail to see this play. Get your re
served seats at Van Burens.
with teams might be more easy. The
street will be finished up to Fourth
street, its present terminus by to
the cottage located on the west side
of First street between Adams and
i Jefferson avenue, formerly owned by
Miss Gertrude Mitchell. Mr. Conners
Intends to make this a modern home,
I as he considers the location ideal.
Odd Fellows Celebrate.
Providence, R. I.. Oct 8 A two
days' celebration of the centennial
anniversary of the organization of
Manchester Union, the parent body
of the Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows, was commenced today in this
city. Gov. Pothler and many other
prominent men participated in to
day's program. Grand officers of Odd
Fellows lodges In different, parts . of
the country are In attendance.
Manchester Union was organized in
England 100 years ago and from lt has
sprung all the Odd Fellows lodges
now to be found in every quarter of
tthe globe.
Prominent Stockman Here.
Elmer Barton, one of the most prom-
Inent stockmen of the Imnaha country
Is in the city today taking in the fair.
OldUme Editor Here.
Slqan P. Shutt, editor of the Joseph
Herald, is in La Grande today, enjoy
lng himself seeing the exposition
"And a great town this La Grande is,"
said Mr. Shutt to the Observer, "it has
got every other city In Eastern Oregon
skinned a block and we people up the
branch are proud of the way you folks
are doing things. We need a passeng
er train to connect us with La Grande
and we want you to help us get it."
The Dlttebrandt Auto company is
today installing its vulcanizer, me
first of a series of pieces of ma
chinery that will be put to use in
the Lewis building. The macninery
for the machine shop is here and will
be installed as rapidly as possible.
The shop Is hemmed In by a partition
in one corner of the room, and office
and show window facilities are locat
ed in the diagonal corner. A floor
snace of cement measuring 50x110
gives splendid show space room for
automobiles. The shlpmen of various
cars which the company is to han
die will be in the city early ,next
week, and while the company is do
ing business now, lt will be all the
better equipped Just as soon as the
machinery is Installed and the antos
reach here.
In the Trade School at Portland
the position of Instructor of domes
tic science and art has been given
to Miss Ruth Jesnette Hess ot that
city who graduated in Miss Bleeg's
class. The instructor in sewing in the
Salem public schools for this year is
Miss Alva Altken of Portland, another '
of Miss Bleeg's classmates. Miss Al-
chlld Romtvedt of Toledo of the same
class has been retained h; the O. A.
domestic science school as an as
sistant in the faculty V ,1
Four other members of last June's
senior domestic science ' class are
teaching on Oregon-schools, as fol
lows: Miss Mabel Rae Snow of Boise,
Ida., near Astoria ? Miss Bessie Flor
ence Parsons in a school near her
home in Albany; Laura E. Jackson of
Lorane, in the high school of her home
town; and Miss Myrtle Lay at home
in the Molall schools. '
Gnnboat Ordered to Honduras. '
Washington, Oct. 8 The gunboat,
Princeton, was today ordered to pro
ceed to Honduras to protect Ameri
can interests there. - '
, V