PAGE EIGHT LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1910. BEST LOBBIED III STORY IKS SHILS PROMINENT SO SATS DEMOCRATIC LEADER HUOC TO PRIMARIES. DrnoraUe Candidate Was Working 1 Interest of Corporations h Charge 80CTHERX REFORMER COMIXG HERE 3 EXT WEDNESDAY. Sidney .Story, Man ef National Repu. tatloo to Address Andience. During the recent primary cam paign, Judge A. S. Bennett, Demo cratic leader and antl-corporatlon man, of The Dalles, In a circular let ter, addressed to the democratic vot er of Wasco county charged Oswald West, democratic nominee for govern or, with baring lobbied before the last legislature In the Interest of he cor legislature in the Interest of the cor letter was that West worked against a till for the regulation . of livestock abipments, on the railroads a meas ure demanded by and directly affect Ins the livestock Interests of this state. ' Judge Bennett's letter follows: "The Dalles, Ore., Sept. 19 1 "'Ier irMsuu: i Know that many democrats are In doubt as to who Is the best and strongest candidate for governor on the democratic ticket. "Knowing both the candidates, Jef ferson Myers and Oswald West, I earnestly recommend Mr. Myers as the trongest and best nominee for the po dtlon. and I hope that you may at tend the primaries and give him your nipport as against Mr. West for the "l have reason to believe that Mr. West Is too close to the corporations and that he is not in sympathy with progressive democratic ideas. ' , "He went before the committee in the last legislature and lobbied in the Interest, of the corporation against a ery good bill for the regulation of livestock shipments on railroads, which was being asked for by myself mnd other livestock men, and for this and other reasons I do not believe him to be a proper man for democratic candidate for the high office of gov ernohr. "I think Mr. Myers, on the contrary Is thoroughly honest, and. if nomi nated and elected (as I believe is possible) that he would take great pride in making a good governor. "I sincerely hope, therefore, that you will not fall to be at the polls uu ocuLcuiuci it auu alio uii, uijcio the benefit of your support. With kind regards, I remain, very truly yours. (Signed) "ALFRED 8. BENNETT." Sidney Story; for fifteen years Park Commissioner of New Orleans, ex- member of New Orleans' Municipal assembly, father of reform measures which have absolutely solved civic problems In his native city,' and one of the foremost speakers in Dixieland, will deliver an address In this city at Steward's theatre on Wednesday ev ening, Oct, 12, his topic being "Model License Law, the Only Cure for the Evils of Intemperance." Mr. Story's address on this subject, delivered scores of times, has gained him the plaudits of tens of thousands of his listeners. Mr. Story will deal with facts con cerning prohibition and its failure to prohibit. He will support Initiative Bill No. 328, which gives to every city cense, regulate, control, or to sup press or prohibit the sale of Intoxi cating liquors within a municipality, and which also embodies the present local option law. His address will deal principally with this law, operative in Philadelphia, which has made thei latter city the best governed in the country from this standpoint McAllister buys home. Charles Stanford I1L Charles (Doc) Sanford, an employe of the Light company is quite ser iously ill, with symptoms of typhoid fever. He was taken to the hospital last evening. Catch the O 11 Farmer Will Move to Town for the Winter and Bays 5Ice Home Here. Hon. J. W. McAllister who resides Just east of La Grande, today pur chased through the Geo. II. Currey Ileal Estate Agency, the Jos. P. Price residence Just north of court house for $1800. Mr. and Mrs. McAllster will make their home in La Grande. This Is a modern house, a sightly location and a delightful home. HOME FROM PORTLAND. OOOj 000 In a strict sense you do not catch cold, but rather the cold catches you. it catches you when your vl ratltf is low, when the circula tion t impeded by sudden draughts of cold air, etc. The right thing to do 13 to re verse things and catch the cold In the start and stop It before dt Jus you firmly caught. Tent can do this with Blue Mountain . Cold Cure They stop colds in the begin ning nd cure settled colds in one-fourth the usual time. Price 25c, Guaranteed Alternate Delegate to State Committee Meeting Returns Confident Home from Portland where he at tended the meeting of the Republican state central committee with the proxy of C. E. Cochran, George T, Cochran is confident that Bowerman will carry the state in November. The meeting was an enthusiastic one, the reorganization and other business be ing transacted with dispatch. The out look from the entire. state is that Jay Bowerman is going to be elected, and that the republicans will rally to his support. Chairman Nottingham was an anti-assembly man prior to the election and was opposed to Bower man, but he believes the primaries is final as far as the republicans are concerned and he Is now out whole souled for Bowerman. C. E. Cochran was named as a member of the state executive committee. WE WANT YOUR Laundry Work IlISltlT TO APPEAR LIGHTS LAST EYEXIXG PRETEXT . niS BEST PERFORMANCE. Fair Committee Urging Dr. Phy Permit Daylight Exhibition. to Starlight King was greatly handi capped last evening by poor light and though the audience which witnessed the animal's ."stunts" was greatly pleased with the exhibition of the high school horse. The fair manage ment has voiced the wishes of the people by clamoring for another per formance and it is likely than an exhibition will be given In daylight during the latter part of the fair. . However, the exhibition was good. Starlight King can do exhibitions that are above the ability of the average trained horse that perform la circuses and as the horse Is a local animal, more interest is attached. However, men who have seen the best horses in the business, say that nothing is bet ter than the ThiM h ?-rVzZ ZZzZ- (Continued from Page One.) confined to natural resources, exclud ing manufacturers, and the United States got "distinctly the worst .of the bargain." In 1874,' the writer points out, an other reciprocity treaty was proposed but failed of ratification by the Unit ed States senate. In 1891 Sir Alfred Laurler, prime minister of Canada, proposed "reciprocal and absolute commercial, freedom, between Can ada and the United States." But adds the reviewer, "the general election which ensued had a chastening effect upon the party and taught it that the country suspected that annexation was lurking in the background." After summing up the difficulties In the way of reciprocity, the writer Indulges the hope "that for the mo ment, at any rate, this blow will be averted," "If any such treaty is made," he continues, "it will be because the Americans realize the enormous po tentalitiee of Canada and are prepar ed to make smaller demands with the purpose of securing the future. The outlook, from the Imperial point of view, Is of the utmost gravity, and yet the British people decline to say the word which will banish forever all such anxieties and establish the fu ture of the empire." Another writer on the same sub ject says that "president Taft is ex actly the Bort of man to succeed in such a project. Heedless of the noise and clamor of transient Issues, he is silently working put a plan, which may result In the annexation of Can ada and win for him an immorality greater by far than any fame to be de rived from beating the tin-pans of partisan politics." Wright Drug Co. Tht Rtliiblt Druggists BOTH PHONES TWO WAGONS Cherry's New Laundry WILL MAKE RTE FLOUR. North Towder Miller. Will Introduce w System In Flour Making; Mr. and Mrs. Chrla Johnson of North Powder are in the city today anft. tonight will leave for Portland where Mr. Johnson will secure some French burrs to make rye flour, a process not practiced extensively In this country. Mr. Johnson bought heav ily In rye to help the farmers out in that country and in order to dispose of It he Is going to make rye flour, thus keeping all the money necessary for the transfer of the ownership in North Powder. He Is also connected with the Farmers' warehouse in North Powder. r? rm BIT -1 oooo Ladies Might Robes, warm and handsome, 75c, better ones $1.00, ' . better ones $1.25. Childrenswarm Night Gowns . 60c. men's Ouiing Flannel W : special . . . . ; i . 65c. Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear, worth; ojc, i ac ana up special me gar ment, . Men's $3.50 Hats, SlZQSf Blankets, great values, $1.00, $125. 50 c. good shapes, all . . . . $2.00 the pair, 75c, DUE FAD0SI011E DAD0S IF PLEASED TELL OTHERS, IF NOT TELL US Roosevelt Aids Slemp. Knoxvllle, Tenn., Oct. 7 Former President Roosevelt will speak to day at the Appalachian Exposition on the subject of conservation. He is al so scheduled for a brief address at Bristol, on the Tennessee-Virginia border,' where he will advocate the cause of Congressman T. B. Lemp, of the Ninth Virginia district Slemp is engaged in a vigorous contest with Henry Stuart, the democratic nomi nee. He was an ardent supporter of Speaker Cannon in the rules fight in the house. , the price of admission and the com pany will certainly enjoy a liberal patronage during their short stay here. Tonight they will present for the first time here, The Sweetest Girl in Dixie or in Dixie Land.. The price of admission is only 10, 20 and 30 cents and 'reserved seats are on sale at Van Buren's news stand. FAIR VISITORS MARRIED. Couple from Union Miatiefr Opportunity To "Drag Down" Bonns Money. R. L. Herkimer and Miss Delia Bal lard, popular young people of Union were married today by Rev. J. D. Gil- Ulan at the Methodkt parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Herkimer evidently did not dare brave the publicity of a public wedding and consequently did not get a share of the "bonus money' which the fair donated the popular I Cove couple the opening night , A Good Show. The Lowe Stock company opened at Steward's opera house last night to a large audience and gave univer sal satisfaction to all. "Tempest and Sunshine" is a dramatization of Mary J. Holme's novel by the same name and no more beautiful play has ever been seen here at cheap prices. The characters were all well por trayed. Miss Lowe as Sunshine play ed her part beyond criticism. Her act- ng is easy and natural and she is a favorite with tne audience ironi , her first appearance on the stage. Miss Bea Curtice as Tempest made a very good Impression and Miss Car rie Godfrey was excruciatingly tunny as the negro mammy. Mr. Walter R. Boss played his part In a faultless manner. As a character actor Mr. Doss holds a place among the best Mr. Edward F. Bernard was seen in a difficult role and sustained the part to the entire satisfaction of the large audience. Mr. Frank M. WeeTcs as Un cle Juber, the poor hen-pecked color ed man. was immense "and his trick banjo playing was greatly enjoyed. Mr. E. Ryerson Howland made a very good Dr. Lacey, although he appeared new in, his part and not certain of what he was going to say. Mr. Mott Howland played his double role very acceptably and taking it all In all. the show was well worth more than Natural Inference. A whole train load of babies went from New York to New Orleans." "What forr "Adoption." . "Have poodle dogs become as scarce as thatr THEY. ALL DEMASD IT. La Grande, Like Every City and Town In the Union, Receives it People with kidney ills want to be cured. When one suffers the tortures of an aching back, relief is eagerly sought for. There are many remedies today that relieve but do not cure. Here is evidence to prove that Doan's Kidney Pills cure, and the cuve is last ing.' H. P. Swisher, 2467 Hadlson street, Baker City, Oregon, says: "Kidney complaint in my case was caused by riding. The backache steadily became worse as time passed and there were other annoying symptoms of kidney complaint in evidence. Learning, of Doan's Kidney Pills I began their use and they not only reaored my kidneys to a normal condition, but rll me of the backache and pains. I shall al ways take pleasure in recommending Doan's Kidney Pills." (Statement giv en November 4, 1907.) Lasting Results. Mr. Swisher was interviewed on May 28. 1910 and he added to the above: "The cure made by Doan's Kidney Pills in my case has teen per manent I gladly confirm ail I have previously said about this remedy", For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Playing 8afe. "I see you have bought an auto." Tea, and It is a dandy." "I thought you considered autos dan gerous?" ' : "I do to the people who are walk tag." - i : All Alike. "And how much money does root wife spend V i "Much as any woman does." "How is thatr : "Ail her husband earns." III i Unexpectedly T Yesterday we received a load f Eagle Valley Tomatoes Some green, bat the majority ripe, and of a very nice qnal- Ity. Pat your order In early as they will not last long. 90c a Box I Pattison Bros. Use either phone i ' -