LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1910. PAGE FIV. ceoic !i. WStijL ' Z : ; nr1? fir i ! ALL WILL PLEASE YOU Select the Particular Style Which Becomes You Bast s u All styles are not becoming to all persons, Our diverse assortment of designs offers wide choice, but we urge you to make your select sold. Now you can choose the particular Coat or Suit that appeals to you, and best becomes you. r There are some very pretty novelties in Suits and early Fall Coats, also plain tailored styles that are most effective for certain figures. ; Weunhesitatingly stand back of every LA VOGUE gar ment we se are Piped, Shields in every Suit, Buttons reinforced with Pearl Back Stays. Every detail of Fit and Finish in LA VOGUE garments are faultless. Moderate in Price Highest in Quality Latest in Style p. $17 .50 $22.50 $27.50 $32.50 Coats, $8.50 $12.-50 $17-50 200 (H lee THE ISIS -TONIGHT'S " Big Scoop. (Edison) The Red Girl and the Child. (Pathe) Under the Old Apple Tree. (Vltarraph) v Beautiful' dlahes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dls ' play In lobby. Hotel rule cards, trespassing cards, houses for rent cards printed In red . and black. For sale cheap at The Ob- serrer of&ce. . - The St Peter's Guild will hold a fall rummage sale Thursday and Friday, the 13th and 14th of this month at the Airdome. New goods and a larger as sortment than ever offered before. Re member the place and date. Hens a little lazy these cold days? Feed them International Poultry food j and see how ambitious they'll get. ! Good time, now, to have plenty of eggs while prices are high. 25c package. Newlln Drug Co. ... 1 l. t 1..,W.Ali A I All persons waning Biuyiojriuut , The houBewlfe wno apDlies a-lit- v A fliitroti fafrtTj- tniiot rannrt Tint I . . . later han' 2 o'clock Saturday after noon at Sugar mill. A. Thomas, supt. Try a can of Quality Brand Baking Powder and get a large premium at Dalton's. Helnze's sweet and sour pickles, pre ferred stock, oysters, salmon cover peas end tomatoes. Van Camp's pork and beans, corn and chipped beef in glass. All help to make a good meal with little cooking. Geddes Bros, have them all. Well, talk about fish. You can see more fish and pettier fish for EOc each than at any other place In this local ity at SIlTerthorn's Family Drug Store. Haradoa's Tm-Fmlt Chocolates. Made feat right Drink Quality Coffee. Save your cou pons and get your notions free at Dal- Only EOc each for those pretty Gold Fish at SHverthorn's Family Drug Store. Clean bouse with a vacuum carpet cleaner. All work guaranteed. Prices right Phones Red 662 or Red 141. Old papers, one hundred in a bun dle, 25 cents at this office. . Madame Root the Portland hairdres ser Is In the city today making ar rangements for an extended stay. She carries a full line of twitches, puffs and Janet. William Weaver wat arrested last night on a drunk and - disorderly charre and this morning contributed S10 to the financial lubrication of the city's wheels of administration. tie Cu Lem Cream to her hands Im mediately after washing dishes is quite sure not to suffer from chap ped ; hands all winter. It s guaran teed. Price 25 cents. Newlln Drug Co. PERSONALS. Hon. C. A. Barrett of Athena is stopping at the Foley. D. B. Hendrecks formerly a mer chant at Elgin is registered at the Foley. . '. ' . '. A. L. Ren, wife and children, of Imbler, are at the Foley. John Graham, a prominent citizen of Elgin, is at the Foley. . W. H. Donahue, clothing merchant of Enterprise, Is in the city taking in the fair and Is stopping at the Fo ley. G. D. Roe, traveling salesman for the Underwood typewriter, is in the city looking after his trade. , ' H. H. Hascombe, professor of mu sic and art In the Baptist college at McMlnville was a guest with friends In the city today. He was one of the distinguished visitors of the fair. J. T. Williamson, the land office man It lu Wallowa county transacting bus iness. : , Mrs. George Herr has returned to her home In South La Grande after having been at the Grande Ronde hos pital for some time. She is fully re covered. ' 1 . - . ' Allen Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Clark of South La Grande is much Improved after a serious ill ness. r.,-Vv' Mrs. I. M. Crosaland and children of Union are in the city today visit ing the fair and wire guests while here with Mrs. King of South La Grange. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rinehart, pio neers of this valley who are now liv ing in Portland, arrived in the city last evening to visit with their son,.H. C. Rinehart and other erlatives be fore leaving for the east to be gone about six months. They will go to Chicago and ; other middlewestern towns and will return via the southern route, spending some time In Califor nia. Miss Wllma Rinehart Is In Baker City, visiting with friends. Denton Bangs has returned from a visit In eastern Washington. , Rev. Upton H. Glbbs was In Pendle ton officiating at the funeral of Mrs. Barr the lady who was killed tn an automobile accident in Pendleton a short time ago. . ' , . Corn Crop Report Washington, Oct. 7 Experts of the Department of Agriculture today practically completed their report on the condition of corn and other crops but the figures will not be made pub lic until Monday at 2:30 p. m. Wash ington time. The report, will cover the condition, either on Oct. 1 or time of harves of corn," buckwheat, potatoes, tobacco, flax seed, apples and rice, giving yield per acre total production,' (preliminary estimate) , and quality of spring wheat, oats and barley. A sup plemental report will be Issued on the following day, giving a review of the crop situation, which will include the crops not given on Monday. ELGIN STRONG FOR GALLOWAY. 4 The ladles of the Catholic Altar Society will serve a chicken Pie Dinner at the I. O. O. F. hall tomorrow, be- ginnlnfl at 11:30 o'clock. Every Man From There Sings Praise of Commissioner A very noticeable feature of the bunch from Elgin yesterday was the pronounced loyalty to their fellow townsman, Cecil Galloway, county Commissioner. They all talked "fair" but would wind up by saying some thing In praise of Galloway who is a candidate for commissioner this fall. No recommendation is to strong as the one from home people end Mr. Galloway has the backing ; of the whole north end of the county, What Elgin people say Is taken as correct and the remainder of Union county Is perfectly satisfied to take Galloway on his record and what his home folks say about him. In fact, there could not be stronger praise for any man. Panama Lecture at Star Theatre. 41 W. C. Adams, late from the canal, will lecture Thursday, Friday and Satur day night at the Star theatre. Also in afternoon of each day. Moving pic tures' -'.mAi.t, ."..MHijtfi-. i . To the Ladles. ' Mrs. S. D. Vandecar will be In La Grande 'next week, Tuesday, Oct ober 11, until Saturday, October 15, ready to make up orders for switches.etc. Also will buy combings. A big line of Switches, puffs and many other things are to be had. At the Foley hotel, room next to parlor, tf iCIassifiedl '.Advertising i FOR SALE Thirty-thirty Savaee rifle and .38 caliber , Colts revolver. Phone Black 272. . - Your complexion as well as your Lmper Is rendered miBerame oj a disordered liver. By tuning Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet you can jraprova both. FOUND A red steer, left ear crop ped, right ear underblt; tome white; appeared at my place Sept 20th. G. W, Love, La Grande. FOR SALE Ten room house, fur nished and arranged for boarders and roomers, and 4-room cottage, both with bath, In one of the best locations In La Grande. Rents for $58 a month. Phone Red 3981, between 12 and 1 or after 4 o'clock. GIRL WANTED Inquire at Obser ver office or at 1616 4th street. WANTED Woman to work in ho tel, good wages. John Anthony, Ron dowa. Ore.