'lA GtfAXDE EVENING OBSERVER. THURSDAY, OCTOBER G, 1910 r jj v w . ' r t 1 - X f i ... ; s I i THE OBSERVER Published Daily Eifept Sondaj. Bruce Dennis, EJlur and Owner. t Entered at tbe postoce at U. 'J? xi gecond-elsss matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dally, single copy Dally, per week Daily, per month., lie fine This paper will cot, publish au ar ticle appearing over a torn Je pi ime To the voiine peop!? who w-?r? aisr ried last evening In "the paVilJen:' Here's to your good health, and may you" both live long and prosper. The Levy hand of Shetland po:ii-?J at the fair is phasing th children, and when the children are p!ea3?l tho whole world should smile. ! . Tontgbt "Starlight IVng." the only hlph. shool 'horse In Eastern Oregon, j trill be the chitf attract r.i t te e- position. He is w-'l frrt.zfd and is aUays a 'favorite with those who see him work. The horse is owned ly Dr. I'hy of the Hot Lake S-aaitoriiini and the dvtor ls consented to p'.r the d articles will be revised. ..ub- j horse through th mny acts of 'he Sisn' ject to the discretion of the ediir.r. Please sign your articles and si.ve !lsappo!nttneiii. procrara this evening for the exposi tJcn committee. PI3IICK IS BUILT KK.1IT. In the d'ispat h.-8 ;: ir'?y f'.nu: Oregon City it is related that Jay Bowerman uomlr.ee for governor, vis ited that city and Judge Gran: B. lli.-mnick. wh i wt3 Ijoweriiiaa' op ponent, escorted Jay around the i:y and renewed bis-pledge of Joyr.l sup port. There Is something decidedly re freshing about Judge Dimiclc's c-.ction. , for . in this state of free 1aiK? . poli ties too many men prominent in poli tics only think of the scalping Vnlfe. It Is not so with Dimkk. He went into tne ngnt lor governor 10 uouoiVoij Tin and w hen he 'ailed he showed the manhood In him by supporting 'the successful candidate. As a 'matter of common knowledge, there were only two candidates In the race for the governorship nomination Bowennan and IMmm'lck. Both are good and able men, and had Judge LMmmkk been nominated Instead ot Bowerraaa the latter's friends would have given him unanimous support. The manner In which Judge Dim mlck views things Is ' far superior to the way some leaders view them. Dlmmlck says Btand by the ticket that was fairly and honorably nominated while some others Insist on knifing the man who was chosen by the people. rjemetr.ber thru apple show at F. a little later. This is jeweled. Elgin day and it is Welcome, nic'n. If Bowerman was not fairly and squarely nominated and If he does not represent the will of "the people" then pray tell what Is there to the direct primary law. Ho was the choice of the people Just as much as Chamberlain was the people's choice for senator, so let's line up and get busy. OM.Y .'D ( EMS That's Ml It f.osN f 't KM of fit digestion. Ail stomach misery will go" in minutes if you will put your fa't't in Mt-O-XA stonwh table w hich the Xewllu Drug Co. things so well of that they guarantee them. to cure any sto;.!i-' ach ailment, or money back. After ti3ing MJ-O-XA for pne short da yo-j will .cjolce and be sincerely thankful that at least you have found ; a prescription that acts quickly atid beneficially on the stomach, i Just as soon as you start to take MI-' O-XA stomach tablets fermentation,; of food will be a thing of the past.1 Waterbrash,' pain In the stomach.! belching of gas and heartburn will j disappear, and ina few days danger j of dizziness, biiliousness. nervousness ' and sick headache will vanish. j For sea or car siknesa, vomltlnar j during pregnancy, or after a night of j sociability, .MI-O-XA Is better than the best remedy you can find. Largo box for 50 cents at Xewiin Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. Oct. C-1S-27 II ' ' - ' ' 1 J. ( I '-v 1 v :A X Ail- ": 4 ; 'j'i j'fl 1 :'"''; v :B' k I NEW SHIPMENT OF ARRVED We have just received some of tlvs season s latest models in Ladies' Suits and Coats. If you have been waiting to see these styles before choosing your fall Suit or Coat we would advise you to come ri?ht away while the assortmen's are complete. From Union, Elgin and other parts of the county comes the story of dis Batisfactlfu with the prysent local op tion law and tho expression is gen erally given that the people prefer regulation to what Is row In exis tence. It oply requires a little reas oning to determine the defer ts .of the present system, while a little stam mRny and earnestness will ri',2ul..tte liquor In 1'nicn county In fiuch a way that protection Is assured wl: h a cus that protection is SBsured. 1 1 It ia now quite iintural for every if case of dynamiting to be connc-'ed j with the IT.nrvcv Brown incident (if N Baker City. The latest is the Los An- j Cfdes Times trogedv and yest-Tday'H ia dispatches told of the criminals pro bably being in eastern Oreswn. It made a live story but It win probably bo like many other storletj since Brown's fearful death, lose ItS'lf In a week's time. WE WANT YOUR Laundry Work BOTH PHONES TWO WAGONS ire LA m n i n Some New Plaid Effects in Grays and' Browns, $12.50 to $27.50 4 In Black, with either Military or Roll Collar, $22.50 and $25.00 Welte Smite ancfi Ceate A complete assortment of the ?atest Parisian styles. Every garment strictly all wool. All lining guaranteed two seasons. New Seigel Garments for Ladies and Misses We now have these popular garments in all of the new models in both Coats and Suits. COME IN AND SEE THESE TO DAY. .vfi:i"'".J I, N 1 o V WEST The Quality Store 7.4- mm IZSl Ch erry s New Laundry I rikVVQslVlivjQ i elgn Imports." And to "show 'that he could practice as well as preach, at that moment ho put his foot down on the skin of rn imported Imnnnn. And his friend walkx on alone. London Globe. Accidental Dischargs of a Pun. A capital pun may arise by pure ac-, cldent. ns recorded In Bucko's "Book cf Table Tntk:" . "A Mr. Alexander Gun was dismiss-. . assme i Advertising FOR SALE -Thirty-thirty Savage vifle and ."S caliber Colts revolver. Phono Black 272. FOUND A red steer, left car crop ped, right ear underbit; pome white; I appeared at my place Sept. 20th, G. ! W. Love, La Grande. ed from a p st In the customs of Edin burgh for circulating some false ru mor. The dismiss;!! is s", i J to tmve been thus noted lu the customs book at the time, "A. Gnu discharged for mak ing n fab'e report." i 1 Slack Knowledge. A seiut-ir ooniplnii!d of ti'rt;ila f.ilse i. ..... i toa-ivifi- he f(,r:wr!i represent eJ. "The spirit Iu which some of these charges were brought,", be said, "makes me think of the blackmailer who declared: ' " 'Knowledge 1st power.' "Then.'witli a wink, he added: '"Yes. knowledge Is power If you know It about the right person.'" very - mannish, don't, yon GEORGE PALMER, Pres. F. J. HOLMES, Vlce-Pres. FOR SALE Ten room house, fur nished and arranged for boarders and roomers, and 4-room cottage, both CSSCTZSgBSS j with bath, in one of the best locations In La Grande. Rents for $3S a month. Phone Red C9S1,' between 12 and 1 or after 4 o'clock. "She's I think?" "Yes even rocked 'the boat when she was out with another girl." Buf falo Express. W. L. KREN HOLTS, Ass't. fash. EARL 7.UNPKL, 2d Ass't Cash. F. L. MEIERS, fashlrr. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository Capfa, Surplus and Undivided Prohts $200,000.00 DIRECTORS 1 GEosai riuoa W. J. CKtTSCH r. j. nouns W. L. BSE9H0LTS F. I SETERS W. X. FIERCE C. C. PES1SGT0S 0. 1- CLE ATE R F. X. BTREIT Witt iu tm)k mtvcei Ml faelUtks we can render y efflfieat errfet ai4 baidl jcvbistaeit to yoar entire Mtisfactloa, GIRL WANTED Inquire at Obser ver olllce or at lfilG 4th street. WANTED Woman to work in ho tel, good wages. John Anthony, Ron dowa. Ore. Punama Lecture at Star Theatre. W. C. Adams, late from the canal, will lecture Thursday, Friday and Satur day night at the Star theatre. Also in afternoon of each day. Moving pictures. Ndt No Lightning Red. A building 0.000 feqt above sea level hould be protected by lightning rods, one thinks, but the astronomical rtW Tatory at Mount Etna has not and does not need such protection. The observatory Is near the summit of th. Tolcano, and the stream of vapor con- wuuy rising rrom the crater acta as a natural conductor, draining the elec tricity out of the clouds, bo that light- (uog u seldom seen there. Put Hit Foot Down. "What we must do," thundered thfc politician, walking rapidly down the Krm ueswe Ms bored acquaiutance "wnat we Englishmen must do la t mim. 1 IA If- I' c IfLigh tl il Greatest of modern time s to perfect cooking. Makes Biscuit, ;e, Pastries, Crusts, Delicious. Wholesome. Best famiiico, world over, usq IU m 1 Each year the moth comes forth to view To fill us with mlglvlng3, An ultimate consumer who Fears not the cost of living. Washington Star Bachelor-Thope that marry In hast, repent at leisure. Benedict-And they ain't the oulj ones. Cleveland Leader 1 You Doubtless Appreciate Prompt, Painstaking affen- t Hon to the details of your Banking Business. Wis is I where we can be of real 1 Service to You, 0 9 I The United States National Bank, LA GRANDE, OREGON t . ; Hit until nun mm ii Put our foot down firmly on these for-