- ' . vol.xiy. L AGRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON'. THURSDAY, OCTOBER G, 1910. NUMBER 292 i M PORTUGAL TORN " 111 HiTS OVER RULE MANY DO SOT WANT REPUBLIC ESTABLISHED BUT SEW RULE IS PERMANENT. BLOODY BUTTLES RAGING France BelleTed to be Ready to Recog. uu iiie rtv!uv!ni uoterniueni in Portugal King; on His Way to France Siren Admits She Turned the Young- King's Head With Her Dances Civil War Is Imminent Madrid, Spain, Oct 6 Two hundred killed and 400 wounded are the esti mated casualties at Lisbon according to refugees' arriving today. Revolution ists today are fortifying Lisbon, an ticipating an attack by loyalists troops In eastern provinces which are report ed advancing. Provincial troops de mand the restoration of Manuel td the throne. : Itt is not believed they can overthrow' the Republican provisional government ' Provisional President Braga is doing everything to prevent civil war.iij.". """ ...7 His ministers are creaffcCt & favor able ImpresBion .and practically the entire navy is today pledged to loy alty to the republic. One of the first acts of the provisional government was to prohibit reprisals on royalists. Formal Announcement Made. Lisbon, Oct. 6 Prtvisional President Braga today telegraphed foreign of fices throughout the world announcing the proclamation of the Republic of Portugal,' a "Provisional government which guarantees public order and safety." ' ' More Attacks Expected. Badjoa, Oct. 6 Royalists still hold many strongholds , in Portugal. It Is reported this afternoon that a battle was expected before night. According to the dispatches Hhe republican gov ernment is unpopular and the royalists are gatierfng to resist the provisional government. ' Not Recruiting His Forces. Lisbon, Oct. 6 The royal family has fled from Portugal," announced Senor Costa, provisional minister of Justice today. fThis was contradiction of a story that the king was at Mafra rally ing hla forces. Costa said there was no doubt but that the' republic's suc cess was complete. The king escaped safely 4n "accordance with revolution ary plans." " ' , ' King Traveling Incognito. London, Oct. 6 Requet's agency to day carries a dispatch from San Sed hane which says King Manuel is exiled and the Queen Mother, Amelle of Por tugal passed through San Sebastine this mjrnlng enroute to France. The fate of the deposed king's uncle, the Duke of Oporto, is unknown. v The party is reported as traveling Incognito. Siren Admits ner Guilt ' . Vienna. Oct. 6 In a copyrighted in terview with the United Press today Mile. Gady Des Lys glorified In her re lations with King Manuel. The young woman who set the heart of the king aflame when she appeared In her dance, admitted she was the king's mistress. She said he did not give her a million dollar's worth of Jewels however.She gets an enormous sal ary for her dance she said. She saw the king the last time In Paris in Aug ust. "It's much better for him to abdi cate. I know he will be happier now than when he was king." said she. Madrid, Oct. 6 Dynamiting of Nes sidade's palace and the royal palace at Santura is reported In a Lisbon dis patch today. France May Recognize Republic Paris. Oct. 6 It Is reported unof- ? flclally that France Is preparing to y recognize the republic of Portugal. Fiends Would Burn Woman. . Oakland, Oct. 6 This city is arous ed over an attempt of flend3 to burn Mrs. E. H. Sweetzer to death in, her home at Elmhurst, a suburb this morn ing after robbing the home. When Mr. Sweetzer returned early today he found his wife drugged and uncons sclous. lying on the floor in a pool of keroslne and a lighted candle in the kerosene. He extinguished it just bov fore it reached the oil. Farmers and Breeder's Day. Oklahoma City, Okla., Oct. 6 Dis cussions of live stock and good roads problems, exhibitions and practical demonstrations will make the ob servance of farmers' and breeders' day at the Oklahoma state fair today of great value to the thousands In at tendance. Speakers on the program Include B. F. Yoakum, the railroad magnate and C. S. Barrett, of- Geor gia,' president of the National Far mer's Union. ' . i ' ' ' ' TO BE IS EDICT SOUTHERN PORTS TO BE SEARCH ED FOR MISSING LAUNCH. Believed that Burns Has . Tangible ' Clew to Work On. , - . -. . iy ii ' Los Angeles, , Oct., 6 Detectives were today detailed to search the southern California porta for the gaso olene launch Kate which cleared San Francisco on. -Sept. 25. It Is believed a part of the dynamite ; was taken from the launch Pastime and put a board the Kate and taken to Los An geles. Detective Wm. Burns, in charge of the investigation was closeted to day with Chief of Police Galloway Later he said the dynamiters would be caught Search for the bodies con tinues. LAST NIGHT HACKMAN PRESIDENT OF NEW ORGANIZATION HERE.. Specific Branch to be Followed, to be , Selected Sunday. Afternoon. Former subjects of Kaiser Wilhelm came Into their own last evening when Der Deuchter Verein of La Grande was organized and created under aus picious circumstances. With a mem bership of about fifty prominent busi nessmen of La Grande and farmers of note in the neighborhood, the asso ciation will soon become a potent fac tor in social affairs of the city. While the verein was organized, Its specific purpose has yet to be named, and this will he done at a meeting next Sun day afternoon, when the organizer, A. Olhoff of Portland will again be on hand. There are several branches of the German organization and the def inite course to be pursued by the lo cal organization will be named Sun day and a plan of action outlined. Among the different . branches are the Turner Verein, der Gesang Verein and der Unterstutzing verein, which take up athletic, musical and social and mutual benefit respectively. Among the officers are: C. D. Hack man, president, Fred Boch, vice presi dent, Julius Roesch, secretary and E. Polack, treasurer. ' . Enlarged membership and eventual ly a Verein hall are some of the pur poses to which the club will look for ward to. 0 1 T CAUGHT 1 HEARST'S CROWD NOMINATES A FULL TICKET DISREGARDS CHIEF'S ORDERS TO ENDORSE THE REPUBLICAN PARTI IX SEW YORK. E While Hearst Is Speeding Homeward from Europe his Colleagues at New T fl A - - . . . v vuimmo m A a cur to I'll I 111 the State Field Hearst for Lleuten ant Governor and T. J. Hopper is at Head of the Ticket New York, Oct. 6 Disregarding the wireless . Instructions from William Randolph Hearst who is enroute from Europe and now at sea, the Indepen dence league convention here today nominated a' ticket of its own) disre garding . Hearst's order, suggesting that the league endorse the republican ticket. ; . T. J. Hooper was nominated tor governor ' and Hearst for lieutenant governor. Hearst will be permitted to fill the remaining places when he , arrives, which Is expected to be tonight RAILROADER COMMITS SUICIDE. Section Foreman at Pendleton Ends his Own Life. James Cullen, section foreman of tho 0. R. & N. company at Umatilla, ended his life in his room at the Pen land Brothers' rooming house in this city yesterday morning about eight o'clock. His body was found about 4 oclock last evening, when Manager Penland and Coroner Folsom forced an entrance to the room after the man had failed to respond to frequent calls. Despondency because of his in ability to quit the drink habit was pro bably responsible for this rash act Cullen had been in the service of the O. R. N. for many years and was known to all the old railroad men, and his remains were quickly Identi fied last evening by Assistant Super intendent A. Buckley. It Is believed that he has considerable money in a La Grande hank but if this Is not the case the railroad company will see that he Is properly buried. Pendleton East Oregonlan. VOTE ON CHARTER MOVEMENT TO. MAKE CHIEF POLICE APPOINTAYE. OF Resolution Passes Council Give Peo ple a Vote at Next Election. Charter amendments will come up at the next city election when the people of La Grande will vote to pass or reject an amendment to the pres ent charter relative to the election of the chief of police. A resolution was introduced and passed last evening at the short session of the council which provides for this question being placed on the ballot The, resolution makes the office of chief of police appointive instead of elective and if the people ratify the amendment, the mayor will have the chief to appoint hereafter. Orders were given to Recorder Cox Cox to advertise for bids for the con struction of cement walks on Jefferson between Fir and Greenwood. AMENDMENT (1 ALFONSO LY ILL AT END IS SOT FAR HESCE SAY HIGH MEDICAL AUTHORITIES IN AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT. ;..,. '.-. I ' KInl of Spain Has Been Suffering With Hereditary Disease Since His Birth Italian Specialists nave Been Able to Retard but not to Cure the Disease Cheek Bone and Nose Bone are Disintegrating. Madrid, Spain, Oct 6 King Alfonso is fatally ill, according to a statement of high medical authorities here to day. The disease is described as carles of bone. Fatal termination is feared to be In the near future. . . The complain Involves a decay of the bones and Dr. Moore, the celebrat ed Bordeaux scientist, to whoni Al fonso has made frequent visits while in Italy, has been able only to retard the progress of the affliction slightly 'One of the king's ears has been af fected and the bones of the right cheek and nose hone have been dislntegrat Since birth the.-king has been a sufferer from a hereditary disease. He Is a sufferer, mentally also. This is the reason why be remained away from Spain during the recent troubles as it was feared by ministers that the constant worry would bring him to his sick bed sooner. FOOTBALL SATURDAY. Elgin Team Will Meet Local Second Team in Interesting Game. Manager Currey has completed ar rangements for bringing the Elgin football team to La Grande next Sat urday at &30 on that day the Elgin team will line up against the La Grande second team for the first game in La Grande. The new rules will be demonstrated to the football public. ' ' " Silver Set for Delaware. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 6 A magni ficent silver Bervlce worth $10,000, the gift of the people of Deleware was presented to battleship Delaware here. GOOD DELEGATION ON SPECIAL BUT OTHERS COMING. Indications Point to a Banner Day ' Friday When Union Is Coming. Elglns special train today was not as popularly enjoyed as was expected but the afternoon regular , train brought with it a large delegation who will remain over night, and still others who have a desire to come to the fair deferred the action until to morrow when they are anxious to at tend because Union will be here on Union day. . . Reports from Union say that all the stores are to be closed there tomor row and that four or five hundred peo pie are coming over with the train. Working on these reports the local fair committee has made arrangements to pull off some of its finest attrac tlons for tomorrow. 1 DECAYING ELGIN S CROWDS SCATTERED Bought Garden Property. . Mr. J. M. Wright has purchased and taken possession of the four acre tract in Sunnyslde addition to La Grande.. The purchaso was made through the La Grande Investment Co. The place formerly belonged to G. E. Gillette. The property lias a very good house and other buildings on the place. Mr.. Wright Intends to make it a model chicken ranch, rais ing the fancy Rock' Island Reds, of which Mr. Wright is very proud, r ' ' Two Sailors Recovered. v ' New York, Oct. 6 Two bodies of sailors, R, Karl, a fireman and J. White, a seaman from the battleship New Hampshire, were drowned in a whale bote with companions Satur day, were recovered today in the Hud son river, t . ' . ' MORMON CONFERENCE AT SALT LAKE PROMISES COLOR. nead of the Church Will Stamp Out Remaining Vestige of Polygamy. . Salt .Lake, Oct 6 Joseph Smith, head pi the Mormon church Is believ ed to have Bounded the keynote of the three day semi-annual session this morning of the Mormon church when he declared that certain practices among the Mormon's must cease, Thousands of Mormons representing nearly every state in the union, Mex ico, and Canada are here. It is rum ored a new manifesto on polygamy will be Issued before the session ad journs. The DeBert News, the church's official organ, today printed a list of several prominent Mormons who are excommunicated. They are accused of performing plural marriages. S COUNT! ORDERS IMPORTANT QUESTIONS ON BALLOTS Lane Plan and Local Option Questions Will Appear on Ballots. Two Important questions were or dered placed on the general election ballots in this county by the county court and commissioners in the Octob er session this morning when final action was taken on two petition which have been circulated for some time. The, first waa that of making the La Grande high school a county high school after the Lane county plan, The petition waa largely signed and the county court granted the .request without conditions. The, Observer will for the sake of Its readers, publish the Lane county plan in full at some future date that the voters may be come perfectly familiar with its work ing principals. . Another petition which was acted upon, was one that was signed by the required number of freeholders, ask Ing that the local option question be placed on the ballot. This too was done, and It will appear on the bal lot. ... Elgin Bnalnessmen nere. Among the prominent citizens of Elgin that are in the city today visit ing the fair are Henry Bader, D. Barnes and L. A. Stoop. PILiGflf 1ST DISAPPEAR AT Oil LANE COUNTY PLAN ASKED WEATHER FAVORS FAMKLLi CITY AGOG FOR, UNION DELEGA. TION TOMORROW WHEN REC ORDS WILL BE BROKEN. LFUIH1H1IT Phy's Talented Horse Will Entcrtala nsiiors this Evening Wlta High School Stunts of the Real Sort Records Thus Far Outdis. ' tance Similar Days Last Year Special Music Tomorrow NigLJ Planned '? '-' .'-. :' . ... . , Ideal climatic conditions . , have brought Joy to the hearts of JL. fair boomers, and today's attendance 'has been satisfactory. Things are shap i ii s mtjiuBBives up lor icxaorrow wnen ; the banner ' crowd of the week is ex pected with the arrival of the Union delegation, but before that delegation ' reaches here, the night crowds tha are expected this evening wilt wit ness one of the leading; features of 5PEGEA the week when Starlight King, the ' high school horse owned by Dr. Pfcy of Hot JLak,e will perform at the fair t'm my o u vtuuu iui LUO ' u i trail- ; nr and ntrf olnmonf vf iUa ,m.id Sam Coon is in charge of the learned animal and all the tricks that clever . circus horses perform will be put to ,' naught by. Starlight King. Starlight ! . ! J... 11 .11 I A. i. II. L 1 J iiuhh 1 1. nil mi r in i h nnn n nni m nnraa jargon that comes so near being Eng- . , Ush that the public will readily un derstand what it means. In view of the fact that it la a local horse, inter est will "be all the more intent In all probability there will he a parade tomorrow .though Doctor Charlton, the king pin 6f the stock pens has not made an official an- nouncement This' will be a special feature and will tend to increase the V public Interest during the day time. v Musical Probably . Tomorrow. ' It is possible thdt a musical pro gram will be carries out tomorrow night. Various committees are work ing on a program tow and the Obser ver will be In a position to announce definitely regarding this matter to morrow. - ' '' . The crowds thus tar have been tar . ahead of the opening day and second day of last year and If the weather continues favorable and the crowds keep coming, it will be a fair that will clear expenses. "Come and see what we have" Is the logical advice which. Manager Church gives out, and every man woman and child should make It ' a point to come early.' ' " . ' " " :,: Rope Twlrler Procured. In addition to' other , features, the committee has a new and attractive J A- l .1. T, ' rnrn in nnnmmri. in 4110 it, 1 v ul 1 E. Corbett, a man similar in every re spect to Buffalo Vernon the man who astounded the Pendleton Round Up with his features with the rope. Mr. Corbett has competed against the best In the world in this respect and has often won medals, among them one at the world's fair In Seattle. He Is a top notcher. He has spent several years with the leading wlldwest shows of the counv try and though he was not entered at Pendleton Against Vernon it was aim ply because he arrived there too late. Mr. Corbett will give an exhibition to- morrow evening at 8 o'clock without t fall. This will take place on the band platform. " ' f $5,000 for Aviator. A ' Scranton, Pa., Oct. 6 A purse of $5,000 awalsts the first aviator to ar rive in Scranton from New York via the air line. James G. Shepherd, mil lionaire, is offering the prize. -