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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1910)
PAGE K1UHT LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1910. EDUCATED STOCK PENS Among the splendid steeds now at the fair grounds to enter the exhibit ' - tomorrow and for the rest of the week ' la Doctor Phy's high school horse. Starlight King No. 1990. He Is seven years old and was presented to Doc tor Phy by J. P. XL Richards, t&e Spo STARLIGHT KING; HI A Household Medicine. To be really valuable must show good results from each member of the family using it. Foley's Honey and Tar does Just this. Whether it Is the chronic cough of elderly people, or whether It is with children or grown persons, Foley's Honey and Tar is always safe, sure and effective. It cures coughs, colds, croup, whoop ing cough, and all affections of the throat, chest and lungs. Earl Fair, Waukesha, Wis., writes us recently: "For some years past I have been a great friend of your Foley's Honey and Tar cough remedy, and our fam ily ubos It for all coughs and colds. I had a most stubborn cough which gave me much distress and incon venience and failed to respond to or dinary treatments. I finally resorted to the old reliable Foley's Honey and Tar and less than two GO cent bottles ; effected a complete, cure. I consider it the greatest and best Cough rem edy ever made and recommend It to all. 1. t Dainty Candies Pure and Delicious . For years the name LOWJiEY has stood for all that was purest and most wholesome in confection ary. The products of this house are as good today as ever. We receive them in small quan tities and often enough to insure business. We have the Chocolates, Bon packages. popular Variety Dons and small Wright Drug 3 Co. r- The Reliable Druggists pu J nn if . ' r.v-w' . lb", i. mi i ' " ' i .i.i.iifciii. i Mm 11 i It t.ifc?tyui;&. J- : : : r i ....... m Fan mi Nrnmi - iuk itiukuli( I: ! r I At 4 o'clock this afternoon T. R. 'ii it ; J Ellcxson was Indicted by the grand I SVft A tW Sl S IT IT THE FAIR kane banker. The animal took the first prize at the Alaska-Yukon ex position for educated horses. During the past year he has been the envy of all horsemen who have seen him. r-ijii' Zh 'uuuI Horse. GH SCHOOL HORSE. Foley Kidney Pills Without an Equal. E. Weakley, Kokomo, Ind., says in his estimation. Foley Kidney Pills are without an equal. He says: "I have had kidney and bladder trouble for over three years with severe head aches and Irregularities of the blad der, accompanied by much pain. I secured a bottle of Foley's Kidney Pills and must say they certainly did the work. In Just a few days my back ache left me, kidneys became stronger and 1 am now over my trouble and glad to recommend Foley Kidney Pills to every one suffering In this way. They gave me quick and permanent relief and are In my estimation with out an equal." ' Hills Drug Store. Beef, Iron and Wine is a partic ularly good tonic for those debilitated !; colds. Makes new, rich blood and increases strength rapidly. EOc pin. Newlln Drug Co. HOWAMATCH WASMADE By EMMA R. SHORTALL Copyright, 1H0, fcy American Tress A-'soi-t!itlon. Mua ll.'inirillvr worrit d alio;.' Lor sou. li.tstoa. vlIo wtu tlilrty-llv, years ukl iu.1 ii. fuurrit'il. T.ut oiii tiling would (uu.oi-t Lis lxWmi; un that was t r; h.T la t C.xys lav I il ins upon n rraiUstjn t'jt um she l:a long Wtn u.mki'.I t!u- plea.-;;iv of t. pending up..u Lor u u. Tut (.fiistiu li.ul au uawo, u t ru t; old bachoh.r, v.-ho hud boon Jilted his jvuth nul wh.t hnied nil v;n;e.i for what h had suffered fr-im m ThU uu. It In, I iSv)iuhI UU mhiw t Uiliul ugalnst tho mx. DosIiIim ih'.x Ga.,!(in iu,,t;,o.l his bai hi'li s well iliat ho til to lar.;, 0:y day tlio j-inm., uiau houi from PurU im.l wrat to l,t d with a se rious lllnoss. A tloitrr examined thv patlont iin.l Inf.Tjr.od his uu-thtr that her Piii must lun o a trained nursi'. "But he wiiu't lot a wouau. except me. come near hliu." "He must." The doctor aul Mm?. Benardler con ferred for nn hrtir, nt tho end of which : time the doctor luforuiei (Jastou that La must have a tiv.rso. The young j man said no woman should enter hU i room. Whcreupiitt t'.io doctor told him ; that he would sond a lima uurse. "Well upon, uiy word!" exclaimed I Gaston whon he first saw hid nurse "You're nothing but a boy. What the ; dickens are you going to do for me?' ' "Take your temperature and your pul?e, give you your medicine and when you need amusement amuse i FEATU R E Mury for the murder of Waldo Perry at Upton a short time ago. Ellexon was arrested at Echo and brought to La Grande and has been In Jail since. This brings the case to trial this term. It Is expected that It will be the most Interesting case that has been heard In years (or the preliminary evidence points to a crime of unusual atrocious, ness. KO JURY REPORT. At Late Hour the Grand Jury Has Not Reported This Afternoon. Though they have been In session jrou." "Well, I don't see any objection to that This is dull music lying here alone. Go and get a book. I wish yon to read to me. What's your name?" "Antolne, monsieur." "Judging from your appearance, you had better have been christened An toinette. Go to the library and bring The Count of Monte Calsto.' I've read it half a dozen times, but that doesn't matter." Antolne got the book, placed a chair by a window, Bat down and began to read. "Bring your chair closer," said Gas ton; "I can't hear you bo far. away. Where did you get that soft voice of yours? You'll never do to shout or ders to soldiers." The boy brought his chair nearer and commenced again. Gaston lis tened rather to the musical tones of his voice than to the story. It seemed to him that he was lulled by some one playing on a ulther. The nurse read a couple of hours, when, looking up, he saw that the pntlent slept. Closing the book, he stole away and left the in valid to his repose. .When Gaston awakened he felt much refreshed. He called for his nurse and told him that he had heard all he bad read for nearly two hours, then had fallen asleep, dreaming that there was a harp in the room upon which Antolne was playing, only An tolne was not n boy, but a charming girl. "What are you blushing for?' Gas ton nskod. "Why, monsieur. I have alwavs suf fered from being called effeminate. I'm very sensitive about it. I beg of you not to speak of it again." "Well, then, you little fool. I won't do it again. I don't blame you for not wishing to be considered like a wo man. I have no use for them mraolf The Count of Monte Crlsto" is a long book and a very entertaining one. tteroro Antolne had half finished read ing It the doctor called one morning, told Gaston that he would not need a nurse any longer and that Antolne was to go to another patient. "Not on your life," said Gaston, "till he has finished reading 'The Count of Monte Crlsto' to me." "This will put me to a serious in convenience," protested the doctor. "Can't help it. You must get some one else." "Well, then. I will tell you some thing that will induce you to part with Antolne. You would not Lave a wo man nurse, and I could not get you a man, so I got a girl and dressed her ln manjsf lothes." ii- ' ' i i ii iiiiii i ' in mi- 11' " ' i ii in'iTT i ' '' I Isie extend a Cordial Citation to make our store head, quarters and resting place during their visit to the f.0. ! Our store is ready to supply all your Fall and Win, ter needs. Men, UVUU'IV A VVS 1 lb IIVIIMIi J1 IWd IU' A A JllWt ItlVl AAUMAMawwe We hope you will find much to interest you at the fair, as well as at ' nearly two days, the grand Jury had not reported any bills this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Circuit court hopes to end the Lefebure case against Hen ry et al this afternoon and take up a North Powder case in which Herman Rothchlld is a participant. "Phew!" , "Now I suppose you give up." "I don't care If she is a ghoul; she shall finish the book." ' The doctor gave in and reported the matter to Mme. Benardler, who seem ed ; delighted with what had taken place. . - "I leave you, madame, to tell him the rest at the proper time." When the nurse appeared again to her patient she was In the apparel of her sex. Gaston was enraptured. He told her to go on with "The Count of Monte Crlsto," but to read only a chapter a day. What puzzled him was that she had the breeding of a lady and when not in nurse's uniform her costumes were of a fine texture. "Mother," said Gaston one day, "1 am in trouble. You know that our family has never made a misalliance. Well, you have done very wrong in in troducing this girl as my nurse. I have fallen in love with her, and life would be a burden to me without her." "Be comforted, my son. The doctor and I have conspired to win you from your contempt for women. The girl is Antoinette du rierris, the daughter f our neighbor Count du Pierris. Wishing as well as I to make a match between you. two, the count consented to our scheme. Antoinette is a love ly girl. I congratulate you if you have won her." "I have, mother." WANTED NO FUSS. Any Old Thing Would Do For Dinner, So She Said. Mrs. Betsy Barter was the last per son in the world to want anybody to make trouble on her account When she "dropped In" on Mrs. Doollttle un expectedly for dlnuer one day she made her position on this point quite clear. "Don't you go to a mite ol bother on my account Mis' Doollttle. You know that I'm a person for whom you can Just lay down an extra plate and set before me anything you hap pen to have in the house. "If you Just fry a chicken same a you wor 1 for your own folks, an make up n pan o' your tea biscuits that no one can beat an' open a glass o your red currant Jelly, an' nav a dish 0' your tiultict preserves, hu' some o the pound -uke ymi most always have lu your i-ake Jar. you du that, an' hnvf some plplnu hot npptt fritters with hot maple sirup in v with em. an' some t" your iroul rotJVe. hd' mii.v vegetable yon tutpiteii to uav in the House-1 HUe sweet potatoes Hie way you hs em inutility Inn. in. just nave uu thing eie y.ui happen tt have "I'm ne that experts an' U wllliio. to eat wlats tet liefore tne. au n question Mketl ot-r tatin founil whet I go visit !iu So tti ii'i yon put Melf out ii mite for me If ynii tia tint I ve uifiitioiii-tl nn Hityiiniiu mi want to haw I'll i- iitih-il. in't tine thai tares vr: mtu-h iiIm.i what I eat anyhow .- s-ayins I any onl wiit tl.. i te " I'u. Women and Children outfitted from Faiir Recipe For a Flower Garden. Take twenty square yards of sand and pebbles, stir in' sufficient clay to make a compact water tight mass, ram down bard and score the surface with a rake. Add carefully ten pack ets of seeds of the most magnificent flower known that will grow anywhere and under any conditions, throwing op a continuous succession of enormous uvwer trusses trom March to Novem ber, each petal live inches across and of the richest and most glowing tints. This Is the commonest of all flowers and will be found listed on any page of any florist's catalogue. Set the whole out to rise, keeping it moist and warm. After allowing the mass to rise four months sprinkle red spiders and green aphides plentifully over the top and soak well with tears. The net result may be preserved in a small bottle of alcohol for future ref erence. Philadelphia North American An Open Air Hotel. ' A man trom the west, was looking for a friend in New York who had gone wrong. He beard his friend had been sleeping on the benches In Bryant park and went over there to )ook for him. There were a good many unfor tunates on the benches, but the par ticular friend the westerner wanted to find was not there. However, the westerner did And another man from his own town whom he knew and who knew the man for whom he was searching. 1 "Where's Jones?' asked the west erner, prodding the man be knew. "Aw," replied the hobo sleepily, "he ain't come in yet" New York Sun. Nothing More to Be Said. "My wife always lets me have the last word." remarked the meek looking man. "Indeed!" exclaimed his friend In tones which implied a donbt of the other's veracity. - "She does, really. Whenever I say "Yes, my dear, you are quite right she stops talking immediately. SCHULTE IN GREAT FORM. Chicago Crack Outfielder Hitting the Ball With a Vengtance. , Frank Schulte, right fielder on the famous Cub baseball machine, is hit-' ting the ball with a vengeance this fall and attracting the attention of the ball fans, in all parts of the country. He Is one of the most natural hitters In the game today, and his long drives are made with as much ease as if he were simply laying down a bunt Frank Selee picked Schulte up In Syracuse, N. Y.. and said at the time that the youngster was destined to be one of the greatest batters In the his tory of the game. Frank Chance, who succeeded Selee. has always had the same opinion as bis old leader, and the opinion of the two great leaders has been brought to pass, for Schulte is now one of the leading sluggers in the game and is the envy of every player when he swings on the balL Schulte has every one of the pitchers scared when they face him, for he has the most deadly swing of any of the batters in the game. Is Toar Skin on Fire. Does It seem to yon that you can't stand another minute of that awful, burning Itch? j That it MUST be cooled? That you MUST have relief? Get a mixture of Oil of Wlntergreen Thymol and other soothing ingred ients as compounded only in D. D. D. Prescription. The very first drop STOPS that aw ful burning Instantly. The first drops give you a feeling of comfort that you have not enjoyed for months, or perhaps years. Take our word on it as your local druggist Get a 1.00 or a 25 cent bottle today. Newlln Drug Co. You'll doubtless have to use more j less drugs and drug store goods du ing 1910. Why not buy them at a sto having a , reputation for quality at square dealings'? This is such a stol and we would like to serve you. Nej fx lln Drug Co. -1 W Hill! Ma PORTLAND. ORtfa 3 A Splendid Boantic and Day flrhool (or , lumu nit rj Art 13 xauio. .1 . ExtoBrtva eonmaa la Ool; wa. oarmlBOontwa. High School Matlnl k. Grammar mdeataaiiht to bon over merclal work, Grammar araai Y.ra. School omuiHiiU. IS. 1910. Oatalo Fn AddMM, Kir. Jofxra (3LUkenra, 0. B.C., Ptmj Columbia Uviravsizt, Posha lOMttU J0 Baatdttnt and Dot School for Otrtitmdar VT f earaot b later cf Kt. JohnBaptitttfcpiai'opalii uiuttun, Atnuemio anafj iMonienuirr iMipU. MihIo, Art, bloeailnn, Oymuaalum. (Hetidrat papila moat ba otter 14 jaa ot atta a will recommnndad. The Bamber la limited to flftr. Appllcetloa ehoold be made earl jr. Addra. The Slater Suprliif,Otliw 28. St.Hskme Hill.Pertltnd.Cr. Change of Tirm Soo-Spokane-Porllan AT Train De Luxe Now Leaves Spokane at 2:00 Pi l All trains from the Inland Empire make connection train. with thta nnmilo . r if f J) A card will bring a traveling repres sentatlve to explain In detail any trl aesirea. , ;, j, Any agent ct the O. R. & N. will is1 sue through tickets at lowest curren i avoD., i : i - it G. M. Jackson , Geo. A. Walton r T. P. A. Gen. Agt . 14 Wall St, Spokane 1 WE WANT YOUR W BOTH PHONES TWO WAGONS - Cherry's New 'f Laundry Laundry ork ;1