PAUE SIS LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1910. s 8 i 8 Don't Forget Our putt candies. You will have lots of lime during the fair t$ do things. Come and see me. SELDERS-Next door to postoffice. SUPPLY IS i imiiTc:r 0 M.L.IIII1 1 UU... BETTER FILL YOUR SHED BEFORE WET WEATHER BEGINS I n iiti ni Aim t r r r . n i t UK Ai ii t r luui v j j u SPLENDID FEED LAST NIGHT MAST GUESTS EXJ0I HOSPITAL ' ITY OF FIBE3TEX. Some small boys are bators, constantly hatcbln brood of trouble. ilar Incu oat a fresh " There Is thlspbont Ideals they some bow don't want to work Just this min ute, but like to Illumine the future with their roseate light Wouldn't Stand For It Firemen are Fresent and Many Guests are Present Banquet Flue. W e Warn 4 Yon To Call at Our Store ; DURING THE FAIR ' We realv renresent he strongest and best line of Vehicles and Wagons in the United States. The famous Studebaker-Izzer buggy is what the name implies. We find out bv I our loner experience that Studebaker wagons and buggies have more satisfied friends man any orher line. We want to talk about seeding machines. Superior disk & hoe will sive re sults thatwill satisfy you when you see the gram growing, it is perfect seeding that gives good yields. One Word During the fair we wants everybody to visit our harness department I as we are giving good vriues in this depart ment and will make the horses proud if you will let us dress them up. 01! Yoi! what a feast. What spooches. What a time! Hospitality was uncorked "with un stinted liberality last evening at the K. of P. hall when the La Grande fire department was host to about fifty In vited guests at a banquet Intended to both enliven the dreary routine of the volunteer fire department and to ex press appreciation to the men and business men who had donated to the department when the disastrous fire of' July 3rd broke out and gutted the entire block of "Dutch Town." The La Grande band Prof. Hill with the ba ton and the members with their In strumentswas on hand early and be gan to tune things up with several selections that both pleased the ear and hurried the call of Chief .Jones to mess. Clams, chicken and acces r,r)o rv1 a la fire department. were toothsome Indeed as some of the record clam eaters will attest to. Then came Hackman cigars and speeches. Presiding Chief Jones brought forth some of the best talent In the audience and Rev. J. D. Gilli lan was the principal speaker. His wit and his praise for the department and eulogy on fire fighting enthused everyone. District Attorney Ivanhoe, City Attorney J. F. Baker, Ex-Chief of the department J. H. Peare, Doctor R. L. Lincoln who with Mir. Peare was a maiber of La Grande's world-ree- ord-tlelng Hose team, C. T. Bacon, Chief of Department Morelock of El gin, Cigar Maker" Hackman, Fred Boch, 0. F. Coolldge and others were called upon and responded' with words of praise for the company or laDsed into a reminescent state and retold some of the experiences of the old time departments when things ath letic were dabbled with. With more music and plenty of fun and frolic, the banquet adjourned with the un animous acclaim that It was the best thing ever arranged by the company and one of the Jolliest banquets that has been held In La Grande for many a day. "She was drowning, and be swam ut to rescue her." "It was a thrilling rescue, I sup pose?" "Nothing doing." "No?" "No." "Why?' "She asked him If he had a good rating In Dun's and Bradstreet's, and Rhen he said he had nary rate she ihowd him off. Haying she preferred to lie rather than marry a poor man." Some Smack. The earth and sky once fell In love. Their love there was no flies on. The sky bent down and kissed the earth Right square on "the horlxon. H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 M- I BULK PICKLES I $ We received a sripment yesterday consisting of ths following varieties I. ' i Dill Pickles Sour Pickles Sweet Pickles Chow -Chow -k ca 4 t ' Fresh Grape-Fruit, Extra Fancy Package Dates : Pattison Bros. U use eitner pnone , . ' o SEE E 1. C ompany HEATERS -ALL KINDS-- New and Second Hand Any Kind of Price You Want Prepare for Winter Telephone: Black 1521 C. E. SUYDAM 1411-1413 Adams Ave. 'oHco of Street Improvement. ) To whom It may concern: Notice is j hereby given that in pursuance of a i resolution adopted by the Common I Council of the City of La Grande, Ore j gon, on the 1st day of December, 1909. j creating Improvement District No. 9, I and designating Fourth Street, as such district, aand in pursuance of a reso lution adopted by said Common Coun cil on the 2t8h day of September, 1910, whereby said Council determined and declared its Intention to improve all that portion of Fourth street, In said Improvement district, as hereinafter described, by laying thereon Bitulith ic pavement, the Council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the nroDertv af fected and benefitted by such Improve ment, order that said above described Improvement be made: that the houn- darles of said district to be so Im proved are as follows: All that portion of Fourth street, from the north line of Adams avenue, to the south curb Ha of "O-' street or avenue. Notice Is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assessment on all the property af fected and benefitted by such im provement for the purpose of paying for such Improvement. That the esti mated cost of such Improvement Is the sum of $29,745.00. That the Coun cil will on the 12th day of October, 1910, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 9 o'clock p. m. to consider said estimated coBt. and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will oe granted to any person feeling ag grieved by such assessment La Grande, Oregon, Sept 28, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON, By D. E. COX. Recorder of the City of La Grande. Oregon. Sept 30 to Oct 11. Want ads pay, one cent a word. "C?iarb? d.efnded upon" is an expreiwfoa connection with Chamberlain's CoIicWler. and Diarrhoea RjmedT n mni ti iub m, cure aitrrtioea, dysent! Humor and Philosophy r VVtCAfr M. SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS. rpiIERE may be room at the top, but to think he Is occupying all the space. It doesn't matter at all to a man how much a woman doesn't think If she Is pretty and lets him look at ber. Plenty of money would be a good thing to have, but who ever had plen ty? We are all quite willing to help the other fellow at his expense. The only wny to be brave Is never to think of being afraid. The devil may have claims on every man. but even the most straightfor ward refuse to acknowledge them. The onlj way to suppress some peo ple is to place them In a cold storage house. The way not to keep a secret is by getting into a pickle with It When you call a man's bluff the an swer Is sometimes swift and sudden and overpowering. Lots of us are too busy loafing t-u have any time t all to work. Silence Is said to be golden, and it Is also said that money talks. Still, we don't find any free silver. o o t t o LA GRANDES LEADING JEWELER When In need of anything in watches, clocks, Jewelry, cut glass, hand pain ted China, or any other article carried by a first class Jewel ry store, investigate our prices, before buying and you will s ave money, and be sure of securing first quality goods. ' If your eyes trouble you. have them fitted by an opti cian of experience. Opposite the C S. land Office, Adams Ave. BRIDGE and BEACH LINE with same amount of fuel they will produce more heat OIL STOVES that are positively guaranteed. M. & M. CO. Gomplete equipment for resetting rubber buggy tires. and repairing LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. Fil2GERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry - a ii I bowel complaints. It is pleasant to i finally valuable for children and . No Longer Goes Fait "They any that she has been going a fapid pure lately." 'Indeed:' "Yes." "1 don't think Rhe Is doing so now." "Isn"i she?" "Her enrwr has received a check." "Lost her money?" "No; iHHight a hobble skirt" Faodview:. Is now on the . Market TJ" be the moa t sightly addition of U rande n? itlf 'J?? 10 rande buUdin 'tHcUon.. The lot. are large- nearly a full acre in each lot We are going to set out some nice apple and cherry trees -on etch lot We are going to mak e the prices reasonable, and most far- t fabl terms. N0 in terest No ta. Come to our office and look at the plat then getl"o our 2 : automobile and go see the pfopertr. La Grande Investment Co. uwners, U Grander Oregon- t t t t t t t t t t t