LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1910. PAGE SIX Salted Almonds We salt them ourselves and Peanuts are fresh. selder'S Next door to postotnce SUPPLY IS ...LIMITED... - BETTER FILL YOUR SHED BEFORE WET WEATHER BEGINS Waters, Stanchf ield Produce Co. HAY, GRAIN, FLOUR, WOOD BIG FEED TAKES T PIE III FIRE DEPARTMENT TO BE IIOST TO HUE SUFFERERS A3iD OTHERS. Itanqurt to be More Elaborate Than Customary Clam Bakes. evolutionary: Quilt wis ' tell ilta u ween. Have You an Old Quilt at Home? Or a quilt with a history? If so, enter it in our REVOLU TIONARY QUILT CON- TTCRT wriirh hfiorins next I m4 jft Monday and continues all 500.00 A! PRIZ ARE OFFERED. If You want good . Bread, Pies and . Cakes Call on Roya Grocery 1 Bacery THEY CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ANYTHING IN THE BAKERY LINE ES for the thirty most interesting, oldest, most unique or most' artistically made quilts entered in the contest and you will perhaps gain a distinction of owning the most valuable quilt in America. Get one of the Books of Rules THWTtE FUEE FOT. THE ASK.ItG r -o purchase is necessary to enter your quilts in the con test, and the entries may be seen at the store next week absolutely free. We want some woman in La Grande to win the first prize, which is now being contested for by women all over the country. Get a Booklet today AJVD LEAHJV ALL A'BOVT IT And while at the store ask to see "REDDISODE" COT "70N BATTS-stitched together in full quilt size ready or the covering. ' . ' , The'.' Peoples Store HEATERS -ALL KINDS-- r New and Second Hand Any Kind of Price You Want . Prepare for Winter Telephone: Black 1521 C. E. SUYDAM 1411-1413 Adams Ave. All who donated to the re- lief of the fire department following the fire of July 3, are urged to attend the fire department banquet tthls ev- enlng at 8 o'clock. Chief of Fire Department, JOSEPH JONES. With this urgent and warm In vitation sent out to something like twenty-five or thirty business men and women who rewarded the fire de partment after the fire In "Dutch Town" last July, the La Grande fire department under the auspices of Kescue Hos company No. 1 will be host tonight to a large gathering of fire fighters and fire fighters friends at the K. of P. hall. The banquet is to be a little more elaborate than those which the company frequently holds in the central hose house, and those who have received Invitations are deeming themselves fortunate. It will be more formal than a clam bake and that the banquet may proceed with scheduled dispatch all the guests should be on hand promptly at 8 o'clock when festivities commence. The chief and his department are especially anxious to have all those who donated to the department at the last fire attend this banquet as it is given especially In their honor. WIIY SOT GET RID OF CATARRH! Notice of Meeting of the Hoard of Equalization. Notice Is hereby given that ' the County Board of Equalization for Un ion County, Oregon, will attend at the Court House at La Grande, Ore gon, on Monday October 18th, 1909, and publicly examine the assessment rolls, correct all errors In valuation, description of qualities of land, lots, or other property, as assessed by the County Assessor and it shall be the duty of all persons interested to ap pear at the time and place given. All persons having grievances re garding the 1910 assessment may ap pear before such board and present their affidavits containing grounds of complaint. All such affidavits must be presented during the first week of the meeting of the board. T. A. RIXEHART, Assessor for Union County, Oregon. Dally Sept. 30 Oct. 17. Notice of Street Improvement the hour of 9 o'clock p. m. to consider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling ag grieved by such assessment ' La Grande, Oregon, Sept. 28, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OP LA GRANDE, OREGON, 1 By D. E. COX. Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. Sept 30 to Oct 11. . Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the estate of Claude JD. Childers, deceased, ' and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same with" proper vouchers to the under signed at the office of Cochran & Cochran In La Grande, Oregon. With in six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which is September 26, 1910. MAUDE M. CHILDERS. Administratrix of the estate of Claude D. Childers, deceased. Cochran & Cochran, Attorneys for Administratrix. Daily Sept. 26. Oct 3, 10, 17. 24. i ' .try..' -i . . '. i : 4. f SoapCliips I i Small Package, 15cv2 for 23e large Package 3oc i rot rour washing Monday t - One trial will convince every housekeeper of the superiority of these soap chips. Sot Injur, lous to the hands, but on the contrary, the Borax' Is highly ! bencflcIaL ; , I Pattison Bros. J JJse either phone SEE J. ti. PEARE o o o s o o o I 0 0 LA GRANDES LEADING JEWELER When in need of anything in watches, clocks, Jewelry, cut glass, hand pain ted China, or any other article carried by a first class Jewel ry store, investigate our prices before buying and you will s ave money, and be sure of securing first quality goods. If your eyes trouble you, have them fitted by an opti cian of experience. t Opposite the U. S. Land Office, Adams Are. I BRIDGE AND BEACH LINE i OF HEATERS 5 yA with same amount, nf fnwl thov nnll nrnAa mAVM u..i A nwj inn pivuuwg lilwi U llCdib ft 4 OIL STOVES that are positively guaranteed. t M. 6 M. CO. i Here are some symptoms of catarrh; if you have any of them, get rid of them while there Is yet time: Is your throat raw? Do you sneeze often? ' Is your breath foul? Are your eyes watery? Do you take cold easily? Is your nose stopped up? Do you have to spit often. Do crusts form in your nose? Are you losing your sense of smell1? Do you blow your nose a great deal? Does your mouth taste bad morn ings? Do you have to clear your throat on rising, or have a discharge from the nose? Does mucus drop in back of throat? Have you ringing noises in the ears? HYOMEI (pronounce it High-o-me) is guaranteed to cure, catarrh, coughs colds, sore, throat, bronchitis, asthma and croup or money back. JuBt breathe it ,in. Complete outfit. Includ ing hard rubber Inhaler, f 1.00 at New Un Drug Co. and druggists everv- where sell HTOMEI. If you already own an inhaler, you can buy an extra bottle of HTOMEI for only 50 cents. Remember that. Sept 12-23-Oct 3 To whom It may concern: Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of a resolution adopted by .the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Ore gon, on thelst day of December, 1909, creating Improvement District No. 9, and designating Fourth Street, a3 such district, aand In pursuance of a reso lution adopted by said Common Coun cil on the 2t8h day of September, 1910, whereby said Council determined and declared Its intention to improve all that portion of Fourth street, In said Improvement district, as hereinafter described, by laying thereon Bltullth- ic pavement the Council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property at fected and benefitted by such improve ment, order that (aid above described improvement be made; that the boun daries of said district to be so 'Im proved are as follows: ; All that portion of Fourth street from the north line of Adams avenue to the south curb Hm of "O" street or, avenue. Notice la hereby further given that the Council will levy a specla assessment on all the property af fected and benefitted by such im provement for the purpose of paying for such Improvement That the estl mated cost of such Improvement Is the sum of $29,745.00. That the Coun Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. ' 1 ; ; LA GRANDE IRON WORKS - D. FllZGERALD, Proprietor Ojmplete Machine Shops and Foundry Is now on the Market This will be the mos t sightly addition of La rande. The only addition to La Grande with building restrictions The lota are large nearly a full acre In each lot We are going to set out some nice apple and cherry trees on each lot ... k We are going to mak e the prices reasonable, and most fav orable terms. No interest No taxes. Come to our office and look at the plat, then get Into our automobile and go see the property. La Grande Investment Co. Owners, La Grande, Oregon cil will on the 12th day of October Want ads pay, one cent a word 1910vmeet at the Council chamber at