La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 01, 1910, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    LA GBAXDE EVENING OBSEKVEK . sunmY, October mo.
g Old Clothes Made Equal to New
f .' Sieam, French Dry and Chemical Cleaning at the
te Dyng and Cleaning Works
6 Ladies work a specialty
f H. B. WAGGONER, Prop
$ Mahaffey Bldg. Depot st Phone Main 6.
Have a Summer
Summer should be a
life is really enjoyed and
. . . .
I V. 11 - At
6 The pleasure of many people id spoiled by head:
g aches. Travel, outings or exposure to the sun is apt
P to bring on this affliction. Don't have headaches this
p summer. Keep a supply of our
-Uewliifs Instant Headache
i Cure
f .on hand. They stop coming headaches or cure head-
4 aches that have already arrived, A simple reliable
J rermdywitha record of ' many years back of them.
J The remedy you should always have and depend upon.
$ H V Price 2$ cents
t . i ... r
p Sold by us only
5 Newlin Drug Co.
g , La Grande, Oregon
112 1-2 acres, 5 acres bearing orchard, 75 acres under cultivation, 6
room house, pantry, bath and closets; new; large barn, 60x90 feet;
good condition; household furniture; 3 head horses, 3 cows, 1 year
ling, 1 calf, 2 pigs, 1 wagon, 1 mower; 1 rake; one sulkey plow;
1 hand plow; 1 cultivator; 1 harrow; 2 lawn mowers; $80.00 sep.
arator, and all other small tools on farm; 4 miles from La Grande;
all for 112,000.00. Let me show you.
The Real Estate Man
Its Convenience
and Economy
will Surprise
Let us tell you all about it
Light and Power
Horns cooking. Everything the
market affords. Will make a spe
cialty of dinner. H. L. Clark, Prop
209 Fir street.
recreation time, a time when
when vitality is stored for
European Plan Only
Rooms 50c to $1.50
First class Throughout
La Grande, Oregon
VUhy pay Rent? We loan you
money to build, and you
pay us as you would rent.
N. MOLITOR, M. D. Physician and
Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and
Depot street. Office, Main 68; Resi
dence 69.
C H. UPTON', Ph. 0. M. D. Physician
and surgeon. Special attention to
Eye) Ear, Nose and Throat Ofllce
in La Grande National Bank build
Ing. Phones: Office Mala 2, Resi
dence Main 82. -
A. L. RICHARDSON Physician and
surgeon. Office Hours: 2 to & p. m,
except Sunday. Sunday by appoint
ments. Telephones: Office, Black
1362; Ind. 353; residence, Main 55;
Ind. 312.
' Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7,
8, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332,
Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone,
Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. E.
Moore. , . '
DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of
Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses
Fitted and made tq order. All er
rors of Refraction Corrected. 1105
Adams Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg. La
Grande, Oregon.
DOHA J. UliLIv rr Cu jj u in c ov
er Wright Drug store. Special at
tention paid to diseases and surgery
of the eye. r
Phones Office Main 22; residence,
Main 728.
J. C. PRICE. D. M. D. Dontlst Room
23, La Grande National Bank Build
lng. Phone Black 899.
DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur
geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store,
La Grande. Residence phone, Red
701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde
pendent phone 53; both phones at
Cbas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch
ran. La Grande National Bank
Bldg., La Grande, Oregon.
T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law.
Practices In al lthe courts of the
State and United States. Office in
La Grande National Bank Bldg., La
Grande, Oregon. -
D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer.
Baker City, Oregon.
if is now
The popular COLONIST FARES ,
will again be In effect between
September 15th, and October 15,
during which period tickets to La
Grande will be on sale dally from
CHICAGO at . . $33.00
ST. LOUIS .... 32.00
OMAHA . . . . . 25.00
KANSAS CITY . . 25.00
ST. PAUL . . 25.00
and from other cities correspond
ingly low. These are Westbound,
one-way fare only, but anyone
here can PREPAY for relatives
or friends In the East. If desired.
Consult your local railroad ag
ent NOW IS
to let the world know of our vast
resources and Splendid opportun- .
ltles for HOME BUILDING. Write
to everyone you know In the
East. Send them good instruc
tive printed matter, and tell them
that the cost of getting here is
but little more than half the us
ual cost, and to call on a repre- .
sntaHv cf O. R. & N. Co.,
ul :.: Information, or
General Passenger Agent
o o
- , -
vMethodlst Episcopal Chorea.
1205 Fourth street
Opposite new High School.'
J. D. GUlilan. D. D. pastor.
F. H. Greene, S. S. superintendent
Mrs. Eva Leighton, president of the
Morning sermon at 11 o'clock, r'
Ject "Man's Longing for Immortal
and the answer."
Stewards have a meeting at 2:20.
Epworth League, 6:30, Miss HatM
Mclflurray, leader. Special music. L"'
Sunday evening the special music was
worth hearing.
Evening sermon at 7:30, the pastor
preaching. .
Next Sunday, Dr; Haley, the newly
appointed District Superintendent,
will be present for the morning ser
vice, and will speak. He will go to
the Island for the evening service.
St Peter's Church.
Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.
Sunday school .... ...... 10 a.
Morning service .......... 11 a.
Evening service 7:30 p.
Vestry meeting Monday at 7 : 30 p.
MT7 t ... . . a .
"Do I reallyr
"Yes. . I wonder"
"Wonder whatr
"Why yon look so thoughtful." f -"It
la considered rather becoming." ,
Tottl'a Thanks.
Slgnor Francisco Tosti, the famous
song writer, is very impulsive and
qnlck to resist the slightest assump
tion of patronage. One day a )ady
called on him and announced her In
tention of singing two of his songs at
a concert.
"1 thought I. would Just run. round
and try them over with you." she Baid.
Tostl remarked that he was not In
the habit of giving lessons in that man
ner, whereupon the lady retorted:
"Very well; , I will not sing you
songs then." '
Tosti's face beamed as ne advanced
toward her with outstretched bands.
"Madam." he said, "I thank you very
much for that favor."
The "Herd Laddie."
Some discussion Is taking place over
the birthplace of Wyllle. the famous
"Herd Laddie." probably the greatest
checker player that the world has
known. According to one' authority,
the late Mr. J. Iledley. who wrote a
biographical sketch of Mr. Wyllie's ca
reer In 1809, he. was born lu Plere
hill Barracks. Edinburgh, or "Jock's
Lodge." as It was known locully. in
the year 1822. His father was a ser
geant In the celebrated Scottish regi
ment of horse, "the Scots Greys.", and
this regiment was ' stationed in the
above barracks shortly after their me
morable engagement at . Waterloo, and
remained there for a number of years.
London Graphic.
It is a great satisfaction at the
close of life to fed that you have
lived not for yourself alone, but that
you have been useful to others.
You may be assured also that the
same feeling is a source of comfort
and happiness at any period of life.
Nothing in this world is so good as
usefulness. It tends to the improve
ment of your own character.
Drainage Pipe
3et my prices. I am
glad to give you estimates
on plumbing.
John Melville
1425 Adams Are.
, .Vassals That Fallad.
There wa a time wh'n It Van b
Dy means of specially constructed
sels. ar the London ChronU lf. Tin
Calais-Don vn. tin nblp. ud
on tte channel nrrrlce for mnn.v year
Great thlnp wen existed from ihU
but be proved a hIow Imjut. nd u.f
passenjrer were by no man- luimnnr
from waKlrknpss. Another nttenipt In
this direction wan thf Caxtallii. lit
which the loon wn Kuspeuded 11k
a hammock ri?u H r!w u tnluluiiziiu
the pitehins nnd rolling. TIiIh tuml
ut on utter failure. - if the r..lli
-as lex than In ordln.iry vesneln rli
ritchlnp wus ijult u bad and. more
rpr. the v.-iurliir roebiulsm otva
funull,v tU' k. After a very few irliw
mtosh the cbunnel the Castnlia wa.
taken off the xervk e.
Easy . Figuring. " "
A scum I tsui)M)w you havpu't had
time to fijruiy out yet how much your
cashier took? ,
Bank rresldent-Oh. yes. We knew
in a very short time.
Ascum-Wby, I thought he took a
great deal.
Bank President Exactly. We merelv
had to count what he left
, Why He Reaignad.
So you resigned!" . '
'Yes. , I couldn't stand the wit th
Una treated me."
'What did they do?"
Took my name off the dht roll."-.
Be always beginning. Never think
that you can relax or that you have
attained the end. If we think our
selves more than beginners It Is a sign
that we have hardly yet begua
Man thinks and at once becomes the
master of beinga that do not think.-
HAPTC AWIY Uptown office IVlain 720
V A L " Residence phone Main 25
AMBULANCE . L bussey
That's What They All Say
If you'd avoid a foolish fate, ;
Drink "Sam-O" and vote 3-2-8
If you'd seeOregon stay free, '
Drink "Sam-0" and vote 3-4-3
If you'd have business grow and thrive,
Drine "Sjam-0" and vote 3-4-5 ' ;
It's Good For What Ails You
An Indian can be happy without a Piano. But who wants
to be an Indian? v
Market Quotations.
SUGAR Cash Price Sugar, 98.75;
beet sugar $6.55.
VEGETABLES New dry onicma,
4c lb; green onions three
bunches for 10 c. tomatoes 10c lb.;
new potatoes, 2c lb.; cabbage 4c;
green corn 20c; string beans, lOc lb;
green peppers, 15o lb.
FRUIT Orangtsa, 50c per docen;
lemons, 45c per dosen; D ananas, 40c
per dot; . '
Cantaloupe, 10c and 15c; peaches 85c
and $1.00 per box; plums 2c lb.
plums 2c lb. . '
Grapes, 2 lbs for 25c ' t
MEATS Hogs, lire weight, well
finished. $9 cwt; cows, 3 1-1 to 4c;
veal 4 to 4 l-2c ; mutton 4 to 5; chick
ens, 12c; fries, 17c.
BARLEY Producers' price: rolled,
$26; brewing, $25. Wheat $33 per ton.
MILLSTUTFS Brand $23; shorts
Katie el Street Improvement.
To whom it may concern:
Notice Is hereby givee that in pur
suance of. a resolutloa adopUd by the
Common Council of the City of La
Grande. Oregon, on the 16th day of
March. 1910, creating Improvement
District No. 22 and designating N.
Ash street, as such' district, and in
pursuance of a resolutloa adopted by
said Common CoulcII on the 13th day
of April. 1910, whereby fcaiu Council
determined and 'declared Its Intention
to Improve all that portion of N. Ash
street. In said improvement district
as hereinafter described by laying
thereon board walk, the council will,
ten days after the service of this no
tice upon the owners pf the property
affected and benefitted by such Im
provement, order that said- above de
scribed Improvement be made; lhat
the boundaries of said district to te
so Improved are as follows: All that
portion of : N. Ash street, from the
North side of Jackson avenue, to the
north side of Benton avenue. Notice-
Is hereby further given that the Coun
cil will levy a special assessment on
the property affected and benefitted
by such Improvement for the purpose
of paying for such Improvement. That
he estimated cost of such Improve
ment is the sum of $462.40. That the
Council will on the 5th day of Octob
er, 1910, meet at the Council cham
ber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. to
to conalder .M t!Zic; CiU. ui '
the, levy of said assessment, when' a.
hearing will be granted to any person
feeling aggrieved by such assessment
La Grande, Oregon, September 22,
1910. :
' City-Council of La Grande. Ore.
By D. E. COX,
; Recorder of the City of La Grande.
Sept 24 to Oct 5.
HAY Alfalfa, baled, $16; timothy,
baled, $20; mixed $18.
FLOUR High patent 6.60; fapally
patent, $5.20; straight $4.80.
Portland Markets.
BUTTER Extra creamery, 35c;
store 22 l-224 1-2.
BUTTER FAT Delllver t o. b. at
Portland sw cream SS 1-1; sow IS.
EGGS Local, candled, 8029.
POULTRY Mix chickens 16c8c;
fancy 19 cents; turkeys, alive
20 & 21; pigeons squama, $2.50; dres
sed chickens, 1 to 2c higher than olive.
BARLEY Producers price, 1910;
Feed 23.50; rolled 25.50026,80, brew
ing 25.
WHEAT Nominal track, club,
81 and 88; bluestem 96; William Val
ley 80. Valley 97.
MILLSTUFFS Selling price- Bran
,$22; midling, 30; shorts, $24. chop 1
FLOUR Old crop patents, $5.W