PAGE TWO LA GRANDE EVEKINO 0B3EU VEK FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1910. rat he Home cooking. Everything the market afford. Will make a spe cialty of dinner. H. L. Clark, Prop 209 nr street Old Clothes Made Equal to New- 4t Stein, French Dry and Chemical Cleaning at the f 5 PtiA flffirtv rA fei ' I VmmI K p kmc isjiji ajju itizauiuy uuinz Ladies worft a specialty H. B. WAGGONER, Prop i f A Mahaffey Bldg. Depot st Phone Mam 6 4 I ! r ! s i 01 3 Nave a Summer ..." Without Headaches f: Summer should be a recreation time, a time when life isreaHy enjoyed and-when' vitality is stored tor the more trying seasons. ' :: 1 ' v .The pleasure of many people w spoiled by head . aches. , Travel, 'outings or exposure to the sun is apt : to bring on this affliction.' Don't have headaches this summer.' Keep a supply of our UevMs instant Headache Ingratitude. "You remember Lit guy. Jim Burke J" asked an Irate Bowery denizen, -He's dt stiff Jat d:ilu' time up tier rirer SIdk Sjiij-boij:lury tii jeurs. Well, you know kII duta fr d.u nX r. liea be wax i!ui u-d dV.u't I put np der tti'.u fer r li.u;.r M.hi't I ty cr wit litres': Sure 1 I mlder d.iy I t'lukw I'll jn-r iz i h:i" -e da: ir.i:;, Ju' 1 f liin l.ji.iu- h.s f i leti- .ila't ihd .de f.m 'lv.,. S I :r i'U li de J;ii! ha' lati t wntdc-ii -il3 e. km', tit nuy??' I j;ti..-r f:.l r..- a;d lu. ' .'; raid! IT ;:et di; Well. v..y v. 1 v.rh.'s 1. i:;-..::e 41:1 a ji:e e 4.', i:sju r. i;u' 11 ir,:y i.-.Iie I: !:;: Jl.j I'.urke. hir'ttluit d' u t'iuk 4L.I Miff iV!J tuy tn It'll i.i;-';" "I've !ii K.'H " mi id tin- li ;e:ser. "llv ti'Iln tii:n." torn lt'de.1 l!ie iiq-ry one. ,'t4 tell iiie ue aiu't iu'-Ku-ceiw Mapiriue. Clear Aii The ulr U so near ut Artfquir a. Peru, that from the observatory at t'aat pla e. 8,050 feet above the sea, a black Bpot one Inch la diameter placed on a white disk Las been seen on Mount Charcba nL a distance of eleven miles, through a thirteen Inch telescope. 4 44 444 4 6 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. 4 ' 4 0 4 4444 PHISIOASS AND Sl'EGEO.NS. on hand. They stop coming headaches or cure head aches that have already arrived. A simple reliable remedy with a record " of many years back of them. The remedy you should always have and depend upon. Price 25 cents " Sold by us only J V v Newlin Dru gCo. La Grande, Oregon ABARGAIN 111 1-a acres, 6 acres beating orchard. 75 acres under cultivation, 6 room house, pantry, bath and closets; new; large barn, C0i90 feet; good condition; household furniture; S head horses, 3 cows, 1 year ling. 1 calf, 2 pigs, 1 wagon, 1 ciower; 1 rake; one suliey plow; 1 band plow; 1 cultivator; 1 harrow; 2 lawn mowers; $80.00 sep arator and all other small tools on farm; 4 miles from La Grande; all (or 112,000.00. Let me show you. - C.J. BLACK The Real Estate Man Use ELECTRIC LIGHT Its Convenience and Economy will Surprise You Let us fe1 you all about it EASTERN OREGON Light and Power Company European Plan Only Rooms 60c to $1.50 First class Throughout SAVOY HOT. D. G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEP0) La Grande, Oregon HJhy pay Rent ? We loan you " money fo build, and ' you pay us as. you would rent I R. OLIVER.. MOI-HYV nThirUn and , Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot street Office, Main 68; Reel dence 69. , C H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. PnyBlcian and surgeon. Special attention to : Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office In La Grande National Bank Build lng. Phones: Office Main 2, Resl- ' dence Main 32.' A. L. RICHARDSON Physician and surgeon. Office Hours: 2 to 6 p. m. except Sunday. Sunday by appoint ments. Telephones: - Office, Black 1262; Ind. 353; residence, Main 55; Ind. 312. GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and, 10. Phones; Home 1332, Pacific, 'Main 63,' Residence phone, Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. E. Moore. DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted and made to order. All er rors of Refraction Corrected. 1105 Adams Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg. La Grande. Oregon. DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD and DR. DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office oy er Wright Drug store. Special at tention paid to diseases and surgery of the eye. Phones Office Main 22; residence, Main 728. I. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build lng.- Phone Black 399. DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande. Residence phone, Red 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 53; both phones at residence. . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. COCHRAN & COCHRAN Attorneys: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices In al lthe courts of the State and United States. Office In La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer. Baker City, Oregon. " Xotlce of Street Improvement To whom It may concern: Notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, on the 16th day of March, 1910, creating Imprevement District No. 22 and designating N. Ash street, as such district, and In pursuance of a resolution adopted by said Common Council on the 13th day of April, 1910, whereby said Council determined and declared Its Intention to improve all that portion of N. Ash street in said Improvement district as hereinafter described by laying thereon board walk, the council will, ten days after the service of this no tice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such Im provement' order that Bald above de scribed improvement be made; that the boundaries of said district to be so Improved are as follows: All that portion of N. Ash street from the North side of 'Jackson avenue, to the north side of Benton avenue. Notice is hereby further given that the Coun cil will levy & special assessment on the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such improvement That the estimated cost of such Improve ment is the sum of $462.40. That the Council will on the 5th day of Octob er, 1910, meet at the Council cham ber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. t to' consider' said estimated cost an ' the levy of said assessment wben -hearing will be granted to any persf feeling aggrieved by such assessnier . La Grande, Oregon, September 2. 1910. City Council of La Grande. Ore. By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande. Sept 24 to Oct 5. .' L I ( HACK ANBv ptown ce ?2o Li 4W .r ; Residence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE e.ldussey PEOPLE of OREGON it is now, , UP TO YOU The popular COLONIST FARES will again be la effect between September 15th, and October 15, during which period tickets to La Grande will -be on sale dally from CHICAGO at . . $33.00 ST. LOUIS ... 32.00 OMAHA ... . 25.00 KANSAS CITY . . 25.00 ST PAUL ... 25.00 and from other cities correspond ingly low. These are Westbound, one-way fare only, but anyon? . here can PREPAY for relatives or friends In the East, if desired. Consult your local railroad ag- ent ' NOW IS THE TIME to let the world know of our vast resources and splendid opportun . ities for HOME BUILDING. Write to everyone you know In the East. Send them good Instruc tive printed matter, and tell them that the cost of getting here Is but little more than half the us- ual cost, and to call on a repre sentative c' b O. R. & N. Co., ' '.:';' Information, or address ' WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON That's What They All Say -. . If you'd avoid a foolish fate, Drink '.'Sam-O ' and vote 32-8 you'd see Oregon stay free, Drink "Sam-0" and vote 54'"5 If you'd have business grow and thrive, Drine"Sam-0n and vote 3-4-5 It's Good For What Ails You Jiiii'LswC 40444$ X0&$ Rn Indian can be happy without a Piano. But wha wants tobe an Indian? ' y 4, t STEllMAY, LUDWIG, KERTZm NN, A. B. CHASE and 4 C0N0VER Pianos for sale by 4. 4 4 4 4 4 r Market 0 SUGARCash Price Sugar, f 6.75; beet sugar $6.65. i VEGETABLES New dry onions, 4c fb; 'green onions three bunches for1 10 c. tomatoes 10c lb.; new potatoes, 2c lb.; cabbage 4c; green corn 20c; string beans, 10c lb; green peppers, 15c lb. FRUIT Oranges, 50c per dosen; lemons, 45c per dozen; nananas, 40c per dot; (. Cantaloupe, 10c and 15c; peaches 85q and $1.00 per box; plums 2c lb. plums 2c lb. Grapes, 2 lbs for 25c. MEATS Hogs, lire weight well finished, $9 cwt; cows, S 1-2 to 4c; veal 4 to 4 l-2cr ; mutton 4 t 5; chick ens, 12c; fries, 17c. BARLEY Producers' price: rolled, $26; brewing. $25. Wheat $33 per ton. MILLSTUFFS Brand $23; short $24. notations. HAY Alfalfa, baled, $16; timothy, baled. $20; mixed $18. . ' FLOUR High patent 5.6"' fawiw patent $5.20; straight $4.80, Portland" Markets. BUTTER Extra creame store' 22 l-224 1-2. BUTTER FAT Delllver t 1 Portland iw cream U 1-2; s t ?. EGGS Local, candled, 30J POULTRY Mix chickens 16c8c; fancy 19 cents; turkeys, alive 20 ft 21; pigeons squaba, $2.50; dres sed chickens, 1 to 2c higher than alive. BARLEY Producers price, 1110; Feed 23.60; rolled 25.50 26.80, brew ing 25. WHEAT Nominal track, cln:, 81 and 88; blueBtem 96; William Vs. ley 90. Valley 97. MILLSTUFFS Sellmg prtce-Cn a $22; mldllng, 30; shorts. $24. chop l 25. ' ' FLOUR Old crop patents, $5. " . Clairvoyant, Healer t a n "n Madam Me Palmist Imar ; The Most Wonderful Life Reader who has ever visited La Grahde YOUR PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE LIFE REVEALtffi "Do You Wish to Know3? ' "Do You Wish to Know" How Ut hate good lock. How to succeed in business . How to make heme nappy How to conquer enemies How to marry the one yon lore now to marry well How soon you will marry How to conquer a rival How to remove family troubles now to Improve your position now soon you wOl receive a letter How to Win any one's lore How to remove bad Influence How to control aiyoi How to Make a person think of yea now to Invest your money . How to get wen The cause of you sickness ' . For what best adapted How Ions; yon will lire How to obtain the money yoi need How soon to make a change How soon to (rare! .Where to go to be successful , . M adame Del mar Tells all and nerer asks questions Better see her at once She can and wQl help yon 1422 Adams Ave. nextto Keefer o: el m 1