'Mm n ; VOL. XIV. LA GRANDE. UNION CO UNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1910. NUMBER 2S7 mmm iLD POLICIES NATIONAL REPUBLICAN LEAGUE TO CONVENE THIS AFTERNOON tIN NEW I0RK. TftFTS SPEEGB IMPORTANT Campaign Platform of Republicanism Vf ill Depend Largely on What Pres Ident Taft has to say at His Key note Speech, the Only Important Speech He Will Make This Fall Leajrne Meets, Every Two Tears. palgn. "The ritual of tha league Is the party platform. As individuals, members of the leaeue mav take part In preliminary differences of opinion. After the issue has been decided, the league member Is bound to give his whole-souled Influence to the success of the ticket.". New York, Sept 30 A little .cry, a call to arms was sounded today by the leaders of the republican hosts assembled In the metropolis for the biennial convention of the National Republican-League. It is admitted by all that the army of the Democracy, wnicb. seemfed two years ago to be making la last vain stand in the final ditch, bis recovered wonderfully and has gain become -a menace. The re sult in Maine and-6ther republican strongholds 'bodes ill ' for the repub lican majority In congress, unless Im mediate action is taken to stop, the A advance of the enemy. That sucn steps will be taken by the league's convention today and tomorrow, is the declaration of the arouaed party leaders It(.ls ' asserted -tharine . herents of the 0. 0. P. policies .are , A0a a 'hut tleenina-. and that only 11V71 ww a clarion call Is needed to turn back the Democratic advance. President Taft haa been chosen as the man to sound the alarum and awaken the republican sleepers, and his address, the oniy qibuucuj , lltlcal .'speech he will make during the campaign, is expected to be a masterpiece. The President's address -in k th feature of a banquet Indians Observe Feast , ' ' Albuquerque, N. M., Sept. 20 This is a great day for the redskins of the soon-to-be state of New Mexico. It; Is the feast of San Geronlmo, which ' is celebrated on September 30 of each year at the quaint and ancient town of Taos. For many days the Apaches, Utes, Navahos and Mexican half-breeds have been trailing toward their Meo ca In their annual pilgrimage to .the famous Indian shrine at Taos, From the moment a black-robed Indian de Hvei a long harangue bt the assemb led hosts this morning, until long 'af ter the setting of the sun tonight, ev ery hour will witness some Interest ing ceremony or rite reminiscent of a century ago. Fantastically clad fig ures of braves and sauaws will flit Vtfc mr -tfcltfc In wtlril llancM while fleet footed warriors will de cide" their supremacy in the annhal foot races.. ' ; - v-l ... Duke to Return Home. A New York, Sept. 30 After an ex tensive tour of the United States, 1 IlllflU IL GIW ENGLISH AND AMERICAN JECTS ARE SAID TO BE , SOME DANGER, SUB IN II HEM THOUSANDS OF. DOLLARS M0XTI1. LT REVENUE CUT OFF FOR BIQ CITIES. ' TROOPS REftOY TO DEHH IT American Troops at Manila and Naval r Fortes Also at Manila are now Ready to Sail for Honk Kong and Shanghai, Where tne seal oi me : TrnnhlA Lies -Conditions are the Same as Before Boxer Riots. LAST I I1T QUIET Radical Law Forbidding Gambling In State f Nevada Great Wealth Rep resented in Paraphernalia That Will be Useless After Todaj Contrary . to Expectation Last; Day Is Quiet liames uose tanyj , . . Duke Frans Joseph of Bavaria, return ed to New York today and will sail shortly for home. His trip extended as far as San Francisco and other coast cities.. He expressed himself Manila, Sent. 3d A strong force of American troops are held In readiness tf embiark to Hunan, province of Chl- "na, to 'protect American citizens who are endangered by. a reported upris ing of Chinese. - v J., i- '' Missionaries Alarmed, i , London-EnKllsh missionaries In Chi na are flooding the foreign office with demands that steps be taken Jmmedl to hope against hope that the new law will be repealed and the stae of Ne vada return to the "good old days" of naushty devllishneas. but there Is 1 unall chance that such a dream will ' never be realized. V Under the old system ' of licensed Rambling, the city realized vast suais frcm 'he f.oijrfsh'n , tndus'ry.- The keeper of a gambling resort had to P8y 100 Initial license for the year am" a monthlv toll of S7a for each ame. noker excented. on each rou lette wheel! crap table, or faro layout operated. At times when business was brisk, some of the larger places bad as nilfry as eight games going at ona time Involving for each place so eqlp ted a monthly fee'of $600. With it all !t haa .been the proud boast of Reno "sports" that the game here was on the square, and this hs apparently be n true of a majority of the places Tli players have been given a run for their money with the percentages, of course, favoring the house. - Today many places which have been open since the Bret Hart days are making their last turn. There Is . very little playing, today although it was ex peCted it would be a big time. A nnm ber of games are already closed. HUMS IT oBerS NEW 10RK CONTENTION AI-4 JOURSS UNTIL TONIGHT TO RECONSIDER PROBLEM. ROOSOtOTIIOLlittD Tariff Revision to be Attacked In Planks to be Adopted by the Demo cratic Convention Roosevelt Comes In for Tongue Lashing by Prominent Democrats at Contention Roose velt Himself DlssatlsSed. as amated at the extent and greatness j ately to protect jugllBh subjects In Tfinir rhftll and GOD DOB itiiniM'CTniitk lUiraiuiLU; ARRESTED ON 'PORCH OF MRS. POTTER PALMER HOME. Fnse Ignited and Then Put Ont Indi cating Careful Plot China, provinces of King cnau ana Shangsha. It Is reported the condition Is critical. Chinese are ready for an uprising. i i ' Manna Fleet Ready. ? ' f- ; Manila. Sept. 30 The Asiatic fleet of the United State la. ordered to be m rMfltness to sail aVonce for Pong Kon and Shanghai. Ofjlcers art astir hut wont admit the orders were Is an from Washington. The situation in China resembles closely that which proceeded the boxer uprising. Socle- ties are organized and it Is understooa the nurnose is the overthrowing of NaiiMiii dvnastr reinstating the Mongol regime. GAINES IN TROUBLE. Chicago, Sept. 30 What is believ- Baker to which will terminate the sessions of ed to be an attempt to dynamite the . . . iti (Via la . nnuAM 1 Da1mni . tha ti. tm tniiaraTruin luul iuo i nnmR in mi s. ruimi . aiuivi , tne league. - - . . . . . wealtnr socieiy leaaer, wa wauo yuu- He today. Fred Waplenmyer, aged 26, ! o.r.t has iwrestled with this ad - dreBS.ifor many weeks, and that u wUl elactly represent his ideas and policies,' on which heN is willing to sund or fall. Beyond all , doubt It will be the most Important political .... t,a vBftr. and will be Is under arrest under suspicion of be lne a maniac or plotter to kill a mem- her of the family. He was arrested on the norch of the house last night. A bomb filled with nitroglycerin was ) Meerlv'read and discussed through- found ln Ala possession. He rang the h nUnn.and ln foreign lands John Hays HammondoT Massa ..., la nrealdentf of the league and will preside at. all the sessions. President .Taff tops a list of disting uished .speakers, which includes some of the' foremost republicans of the nation. WfllUto-- B, McKttley. chairman of the Republican ' Natlop Pmnmittee. will out- bell and when the butler answerea he told Waplenemeyer Mrs. Potter was .Mr Th fellow hUnz around the place and the : police, were notified. Aftei- a struggle they overcamei him. New Embassy In Berlin. ' Berlyin, Sept. 30 Uncle Sam's head quarters in Germany, after today, will h at No. 16 Rauchstrasse, In the tash- ai uongres-iuui-i v"""""--' . . line various phases of tne campaign jonable Tiergarten section o Berlin . M ttiaa itph i .itAA a rrx naaaanrir nni tv ill av 9m nrtntfnl CT r(ILlK.l CDO. I tv a. o Connty Farmers Anxious Shake Off Contracts. The farmers gave F. W. Gaines of 1'endleton another jolt -this morning i yat fltrht in circuit court to f'e6 .hemselves of certain contracts undr which Gaines' claims they must 1.87 him a . large sup for securing reduc tion in freight rates on grain between Buker county and Portland. A second demurrer to Gaines' compiaim win this morning sustained by ' Judge Smith and it; Is probable that this will be tne end of Gaines' attempt to make this collection, as he has once before been ruled out of court and now that he has again failed to make a case ftt driubt ho will not again be heard from Baker City Herald. Reno, Nev., Sept. . 30 For sale: Hundreds of perfectly good roulette wheels, faro layouts, crap' ' tables, poker outfits and other devices util ized by professional' gamblers to en- I hln their natrons to' woe the fickle goddess of chance. "After today, all the gambling pliar aphernalia within the state of Ne vada will become only ao much use less Junk, by act , of the state legls itin.. in other words, Nevada nas put the ban on gambling of all kinds anil varieties and the new law will be in full effect tomorrow. The last stronghold of tne gambling clansJs lost to them, and nought 1slet$ lor the sporty Nevadan but to get runk or a divorce.- , . -. '.' .. When--the Johnson-Jeffries argu ment of last - July attracted inous- anda of visitors to Reno, the ; town wan wide open and (hundreds of gambling places sought to separate the credulous tenderfoot from tneir rash. That occasion was the last great saturnalia of public gambling.. Reno win become ' tame and respectable. Reno's ireat white way. the most bril Uant of Its size in the world, will be come a thing of the past without the .Miatance of the myriad lights which streamed all night from the doors and windows of the "gambling halls." City improvements will also suffer, since in the past' the money derived from the eramlne- license enabled the City coun cil to conduct municipal improvements on a large scale. The splendid pave ments of Reno streets and the many other modern Improvements which at- ra,-.to,i th attention of the tourist it H v . were all nald for by the gamblers or their victims. Many citizens proress 10 believe that the city will now go to the bow-wows, but . public sentiment generally favors the strict enforce ment of the now anti-gambling law. The events of last July provided Reno nth 'ita last ereat fling at license wickedness. After today, the devil a saint will be, despite the protests of those who would prefer to cling to their sins. Some of the latter continue NEGRO GIVEN OFFICE. President Taft Names Negro to Im . portant Office In Government Washington, Sept. 30-Presldent Taft today appointed J.- E.' Napier, a negro of Nashville, Tenn., as regis ter of the treasury, Napier's signa ture hereafter will appear on the new currency. . mmm SPECIAL TRAINS CARRT VISITORS TO ROUND UP. . Additional Sektlng Capacity Ordered for Convenience of Guests. , . Rochester. N. Y.. Sept 3d-Charles Murphy, democratic boss of New York ( and Judge Alton Parker, temporary ' chairman of the democratic state con vention and Chairman Dlx, of tthe . state central' committee, carefully -conferred today on the chief plan of ' the platform. Planks on the Payne Urlff bill and high cost of. living, and other national lssuea will be the strong arraignments, of the republican party. The tariff plank will be partlc-' ularly radical It la said. As it could not agree on a candidate for governor. r the convention adjourned until to-r night, f;'-.-. "--: . ; ; -p "v Herbert Btasell, permanent " chair man of he coaTfaiitlon stltlvour dutxr Is to present the. plain facts. I do not believe the people's attention will be diverted by claptrap tumultously relt- -erate by an uniquely Interesting Hon hunter who lathe wiles of Africa, seems to have been able to forget his share of the responsibility for a car nival of extravagancre And dishonor in tariff revision." . J. ROOSEVELT DISAPPOINTED Pendleton, Sept; 30--Special trains are today pouring in visitors from all parts of the northwest who came to witness the second day of the north west round up. To care for visitors Is becoming a problem. All , hotels are full and private homes are now being thrown open. This afternoon carpen ters completed arrangements so that fully two thousand more persons can be seated in the stadium where , the cowboys performed. The show is un doubtedly a success. . , ' '.'.:. dent Sherman will also speak. Nich olas Longworth, of Ohio. Is expected to announce some of his distlng Ailohed father-in-law' policies In hlB add: home in the future. The lease on tne Aia rnlted States embassy at No. 68 Unter den Linden expires today, and official nossesslon of the Rauchstrasse building will be taken tomorrow. The 1 ' r'i, rt,iipnn League n0w hntn of the ambassador Is a com meets every two years and its ses- mod0Us. three-story sructurev and sions always have an . important win aff0rd room under one roof lor bearing on the campaign.' The the office' of the embassy, the prl- league'haa played an Important quarters .oi t the sadorjud in all congressional and presiaeuwa, u, Bl0rinK oi tuo ' L " Vt.nd. campaigns since 1896. when.it orga- ,The new embassy bdlding stand nized the young Voters of the aloof from . other 'ta trv 1b a "Drosnerlty crusaae.- nwnw- anguiar dil i -- vetULcTcortelyou and other bonnded by Drake., an' Corneliu ISTW.1""" the most streets. If ta surrounded by .ma 1 acte and enthusiasUc worker, of but well laid oul : ground, and over the league The organization has at looks the river Spree. Although the an S been fcapt free from fac- embassy does not compare in magni- 1 Tn feud., and has worked on- flcence with the t ja, ,y ,or the access of the party at Bador. of European PH polls. No distinction is mane oe- an impwTtuwui: i- Can nenuquoi icid iu SPURIOUS UK GILL RETURHSTO BILLS OUT SERHLE Great Vanderbllt Race. New York, Sept. '30 Out on Long Island today the drivers entered In the Vanderbllt contest are engaged in the final practice for the great mo toring classic. A big field of starter. is assembled for the race and the two sweepstakes to be run in connection with It. All records for number of entries have been broken and with a However' Admits Radical Planks , . Would Endanger Chances. . New Yorkv Sept. 30 Friends 'of Roosevelt today assert that he was reatly disappointed over the adop tion of the tariff plank by the state convention and endeavored to have the platform according to his per- r sonaFv,lews. It Is claimed that Roose velt acquiesced to the plank endorse ment rather than chance imperiling the party in November. It Is reported that the Colonel asserted that a rad- ' leal platform in New York was a mis- ' . Roosevelt Big W V Albany. N. Y. Sept.' 30-WlllIam Barner. Jr , in an editorial today urg ed republicans of New York to sup port the state ticket nominated at, Saratoga. "It was Roosevelt's con vention," he said. "RooBevelt made himself temporary chairman, Roose velt dictated the pfatforra and -Roose velt named the candidates." : a GOVERNMENT SENDS OUT . TICES T' ALL- BANKS. NO- I DEPOSED CHIEF OF POLICE TO BE v REINSTATED. Flaw In Picture ef MeKinley Will Help to Identify It : Mayor Finds Acting Mayor Has Cre. at4 all Sorts of "Repairs." The in the tween stalwarts, stand-patters, reB niora inanreents or progressives. - 0 - leaeue officially takes no pan i jiiA.nn.oa et nnlnfon. but mil i' II iiiiiri ciiv,vb v i - acts only after candidates have been named bx primaries, or conventions. "All Republicans look alike to the league," declared Secretary Ather ton, in discussing the present cam- Golf Team Matches. South Hamilton. Mass., Sept. 4 30 Crack Golfers representing BoBton, fcew York and Philadelphia, commenc ed today the sixth annual contest for the. Lesley, cup over the linns or me Myopia Hunt Club. Washington, Sept 30 Circulars warning banks . and people against a counterfeit ten dollar bill are being ant nut hv the secret ssrvice. The wn u s national note on the Pas adena California national bank. It has a portarlt of MeKinley on it A bad break on MeKinley'. left shoulder , will serve to Identify it. Seattle. Sept 30 Mayor Gill re- tn Seattle earlv today, after a vacation, and immediately began an investigation of graft charges against the police department made by Act- lnz Mayor Wardell. It is understood r.in will reinstate Chief of Police Wappensteln, who was discharged by Wardall yesterday afternoon and also filed chareea with the civil service commlBS,lon charging the Chief with gross neglect of duties. favorable day, it is more than pos sible that past speed records will go by the boards. The track and the country roads Included In the circuit have been put into first class condi tion.' !y ;7. The course la made up or a por tion of the Long Island Motor Park way and the adjacent roads of Nas sau county. The circuit 1. 13-64 miles in length and the Vanderbllt Cup con testants will cover it twenty-two time. the race distance being 278.08 miles. The big race will start at daybreak, and all the hotels in the vicinity , of the course are filled to tbelr capacity with people who want to be on the ground early. Dozens of special trains will be run early tomorrow morning to carry spectators from this city and Brooklyn. Interest in the- race is by no means confined to this section. Mo torists from all over the country, from a. far distant as San Francisco, Chi cago and New Orleans have wired for box and .eat reservations. Great HUnols Fair. . Springfield, Sepi 30 Illinois will maintain its supremacy as the home i. of the greatest state fair in the land with the big institution opened here today. The agricultural displays are far and away the best of any fair in . the United States this year, and the management declares that the same ; statement 1. true of nearly all the de partments. A. no fair is complete thi. year without an aeroplane meet, the ? Illinois State Fair haa engaged the i Wright brothers for dally flights. An automobile meet will attract some of the speed maniac tomorrow and, If weather conditions are propltuous the ; spectators will see a five-mile race tomorrow between an automobile and i an aeroplane. On. Monday, in a Wright biplane, Hoxey will attempt to beat : the world's record of 4500 feet. Speaker's engaged for the fair in- . elude William J. Bryan, who will de liver an address Sunday; and Gov. , Deneen. who will speak next Thurs-' day. Nearly all of the leading bands of Illinois have been engaged for the fair. . , ., t ,'..' ...