HIE ISIS An Arcadlaa Maid Blograph. The Men Haters Club Vita graph. . A Vacation In Havana. Bumptious Papers the Parlor Edison. Song Modern Love. Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dis play Is lobby. -AMISSION 11c- I LOCALS I Clean house with a vacuum carpet cleaner. All work guaranteed. Prices right, rnones Kea t or na mi. Our Cascara pills replace all pills and liver remedies as a general lax ative or cathartic and are better in every way because they yield perma nent results. Price 25 tents. 2t Hotel rule cards, trespassing cards, bouses for rent cards priited la red and black. For sale cheap at The Ob server office. First class bookkeener and steno grapher wants to locate hi La Grande. Seven years experience, lumber con struction and railroad -work. Phone Red 7ii. Haradon's Tru-Fruit Chocolates. Made Just right. Dress Making, Mrs. McCarter, 2005 Greenwood. . , J6t Take our Instant Headache Tablets when the symptoms of headache ap pear, and no headache win come. 25 tablets, 25 cents. Agent wanted for Phoentx Mutual Fire Insurance Company, f Oregon, 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. ',-..:'. . ... , . '. (. ... 5flc Yeomen. All candidates for. the local lodge of Brotherhood of American Teomen are requested to meet at the office of Doctor Underwood t 7:30 Wednesday evening. This meeting is called by L. E. McNabb, district manager for the Teomen for Eastern Oregon, with headquarters at La 'Grande. About Your ilk III ; t - FOR SALE Columbia cbalnleas" bi cycle, good "condition, one new tire. First to come with 20 takes it En quire at Whlton's Prlntery. Levis building. Doctor Mendelsohn will be at his office every evening from seven until eight so that everyone who cannot ate him in the day time, can have that opportunity at night. Any one desiring to secure an 18 horsepower Franklin in trade for city property can do so by Inquiring', at this Office. . The Lady Maccabees will serve a cooked food sale at the Russel Meat market October 8th. Anyone desiring pears can have them by phoning to Red-952. ' oo o o OO O O PERSONALS. A o P. McMahon of Nes Perce, is visit ing In La Grande, a guest at .the Sommer. J. V. Cummins of Walla Walla Is staying at the Sommer while looking after business matters in this city. F. C. Bramwell, register of the lo cal land office is a visitor in Hot Lake today. Ralph J. Allen of Sharon Springs. Kan., is a guest in the city, stopping at the Sommer. Mrs. Evans 1b visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Evans of La Grande.'. . : -. ,, Attorney JoTin L.: Rand of Baker City, was ' registered at the Sommer last night while attending to, legal matters in this city. ., ; ; -'s H. A. Caldwell, the Walla Walla man, who sells the best headers and combines is In the city again, stop ping at the Sommer. Attorney Dan W. Sheahan the En terprise lawyer returned to hishome in Enterprise this morning after transacting "business of importance here. - t -:. ' - MrB. Frank Holm, a former resident of this city, "but now living hi Seattle where her husband Is an engineer on the O. & W. Is here viBitlng with "her daughters, Mts. Edna Swart and Miss Laura Holm. Larry . Larison took a party tit "drummers" to Wallowa county today In the Allen & Lewis Maxwell "Which .that company Is sending Mr. Larlson through Eastern Oregon on his regu lar business taTls with. . Suit ! YOU may he as '.'touchy" in re gard to the looks, make and fit of your Suit as' you please aad still you can be fully satisfied here We had t particular folks in mind when we had oar Suits made. Note the hang of the Coat, the perfect fitting collar and lapels, the handsome shoulders, the grace of the Trousers! The designing, cutting and tailoring were all done by the most high salaried experts. The patterns and color ; ings of the fabrics are entirely new. 01 R SUITS AT $12X0 A5D $20.00 are remarkable values remarkable for all round goodness. . Come here, Sir, with all your Suit desires and we'll see that you are sat isfied yes, more pleased at every point Ash Bros CLOTHIERS and FURHISHERS LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. mere wui be a business meeting tonight of the Eastern Star. All mem bers are urged to attend. Bruce Lydell, one of the largest sheep owners of Wallowa county is In the city. .He 1s quartered at the Fo ley. Pat Foley, one of the proprietors of the Foley hotel, will leave In ' the morning for Pendleton to be present at the Roundup and incidentally rope a few of the outlaw horses If neces sary. - . ' , Miss Nora Casey Is down from Hil- gard for a few days. She is stopping at the Foley. . W. E. Miller came in from Spokane today. Attorney L. Denbam of Elgin is in the city on legal business. A. W. Hlllis la here from Butte on business. He ta at. the Foley. Martin King, a mme owner of Ida? ho, is visiting old La Grande friends. B. T. Hall and wife of Salem are at the Foley today. . ' HELP WASTED. Nailers and Packers la Demand at Rasmy Warehouse at Once. Nailers and packers are wanted Im mediately at the Ramsey warehouse. Applicant should see C O. Ramsey or phone to Maln-38. ' EYUTY AVAILABLE E00M W CITY SHOULD BE LISTED. .-, Abeolately Necessary That Fair Van ogers Be Given Liberal Assistance. In -view of the fact that hotel ac commodations during fair, week will be at a premium, the management iJ the fair finds that It willhave to re ly -on the public at large for assist ance In this matter. Every one who has an available room should notify the "management' through Mrs. C. P. Newlm, (Red 3951) and state the price to be charged. The city will be filled to overflowing with citizens from Union, Elgin, Cove, Wallowa county points and other sections of the valley and it win be absolutely necessary to gain more facilities than the hotels can give. The management of the fair will deem It a favor If lib eral response is given to this request for it will be an absolute necessity for the convenience of the visitors dur ing fair week. If this feature 1b at tended to at once, the management will have a list available that will prevent -visitors from sitting up at the hotels all night long which is to often the case where a great number tf people are in the city at one time as they will be fair week. I lilLIII ; DOCTOR OF OPTICS. ; i AT 1105 ADAMS AVE. ' ' FOLEY HOTEL BUILDING " Ten take great f isk when you trust your eyesight to those without exper ience, without proper equipment, and of whose competence you have no guarantee. You do not tae any chan ces when Dr. .Mendelsohn fits your glasses. He ia strictly reliable. As far as experience, equipment and guarantees can protect you, you are protected. We have the experi ence,, skill, equipment, facilities re sources and high meral business aid professional purpose. Our. 29 years practice, the completeness of our equipment, the immense stock we car ry, the satisfaction we have given others, is our guarantee to you that we have ALL these qualifications. Dr. Mendelsohn located In La Grande, on the special request of all the physicians of this city and has successfully treated over 2,100 people in Union and Wallowa counties, in cluding about 190 children. In employ ing professional service you get the best service and material for less than you would pay others for infer ior material and no professional ser vice. He guarantees satisfaction In ev i FAIR ASKS FOR SSilfiE 1.11 JLLUUIIII ery respect ' v ; All broken glasses replaced while yon watt. OFFICE HOURS 8:30 a. m. to 12 m. 1 to 5 p. m. , EVEXIXGS, 7 TO 8. ' WEDNESDAY", SEPTEMBER 28, 1910. - Birth Eord. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Reed in South La Grande, September 26, a 10-pound boy. W. C. T. T. Meeting. There will be a meeting of the W. C. T. U. at the home of Mrs.. R. L. Mathews, 1607 Seventh street Thurs- aay arteraoon. All members quested to 'be present. are re- Business Announcement I do business in a business way, if you want to buy, sell or trade a farm or city property, see what I can do for you. I have a modern 5-room cot tage in a splendid location, and a very reasonable price, with terms. Also some other good bargains. See me before buying. L. B. WILSON, REAL ESTATE. 220 Depot St La Grande, Ore. . . Successor to Van Duyn. i . LIQUID CUBES ECZEMA WHEY SALVES FAIL In regard to skin diseases, medical authorities are now agreed on this: Don't imprison the disease germs in your ssin ny me use of greasy salves, and thus encourage them t muuipiy. a true cure ror all ede matous diseases can be brought about only by using the healing agents in the form of a liquid. WASH THE GERMS OUT. A simple wash: A compound of Oil of Wlntergreen, Thymol and other In gredients as combined In the D. D rrescripuon. ion penetrates to uie disease germs ' and . destroys them, then soothes and heals the skin as nothing else has ever done. ', ' A 25 cent trial bottle will start the cure, and give you instant relief.. : Newlln Drug Co., La Grande Ore. Tingling Ears.' II your ears burn, people say. some cne Is talking about you. This la very old. for PUny says, J when our ears do glow and tingle some do talk of, us Id our absence." 1 ' : Shakespeare In "Much Ado About Nothing" makes Beatrice Bay to Ur sula and Hero, who bad been talking of her, "What flr? Is In mine ears!" , Sir Thomas Browse ascribes this conceit ta the superstition of guardian angels, who touch the right ear If the talk is favorable and the left if other wise. This Is done to cheer or warn. OMear tingle, imm there be -. Thatara anarltas now at ma I The Advtos Saekar. . "When a man asks me for advice," said the godi nature! person, "I al ways find myself setting Into a dis cussion." . - ! "rWeU." , repUed Mr. 8trlus Barker, "most of ns ask for advice because we would rather argue than work ". Washingtea Star. Unpaalad. ' Mr. Reoentmarrie (who has plunged a spoon Into dish preparatory to help ing to -the pudding)-Why. Mary, I feel some bard, smooth, round things la the dlfih. I wonder what they can be. Mrs. Becentmarrie Why, tcyre eggs. John: there are six, just as the recipe says. Chicago News. Stupid People. Traveler-flaven't you a time tablet Station Agent We used to have one until the people began to think the traius were supposed te keep to It Fllejcende Blatter t Advertising FOR SALE--500 sheep, Waiter Glenn. . F. D. No 2. V LOST Gordon setter pup, 4 months old. Reward for return to post office. WANTED Place on rat.ch by man and wife, no children.' Prefer place where owner is leaving for the winter. Call or address H. Cline, 205. Green wood, St. Ind. phone 497, La Grande. Apple Pickers Wanted. Apple pickers and packers wanted at once. Apply to Doctor C. H. Upton. FOR SALE Modern six room house. Ordinary sized ' lots. Inquire at 707 Fourth street or call Red 1101. ' FOUND A bunch of keys. Owner can get same by paying for ad. FOR SALE Driving team, will sell one horse or both. Home. Ind Tel. Co. GIRL WANTED For general house work. Wages $5. Mrs. T. J. Scroggln, Washington and Fourth streets. Casstied CAHr.IED CFF BY a uz:i Thrilling Exprino of Rangr In the Transvaal. Two men at least nave given ac counts of their sensations when they were carried off by IIon-the great ex plorer Livingstone and a man named Wolhuter, a ranker of game preserves In the Transvaal Wolbutera adven ture Is not secondary In interest to Livingstone's experience. Ills story, which was attested by the certificate et the magistrate of the district was substantially as follows ne was riding along a Kafir path ' about an hour after sunset It had i been a Ion march, and he had Dushed on aneaa or nut companions, uis aog barked at something, and a moment later Wolhuter saw a Hon crouching close to him on the right nand slde.i,wn,,e "teadfastly and then with a The ranger turned his horse sharply. a circumstance that no doubt caused the Hon to miss the spring. ' Wolhuter was unseated.. At the same moment be saw another lion coming from' the opposite direction. The horse rushed off. with the first lion In pursuit and the second Hon picked , P"licrf a deep Impression on bis Wolhuter up almost before be touched , m hlch to many "8Pcta was so the ground and gripped him by the superstitious that we thought It proiv right shoulder In such a position that 'r ta CCUM hlm of Pt!tion. To be was face up. with bis legs and body th t0' "severed bis lordship, dragging underneath the beast The , a It eqnaUy difficult to taowwbat lion trotted down the path, uttering a 001 t0 believe. You will. I loud, growling, purring noise. ( know, ridicule my belief In lucky and Wolhuters sensations were not those plucky days, but no consideration can of Livingstone, who said he was In a no,r lnfluce m t0 undertake anything state of apathy, with entire absence of ltDer 00 or m pain during the time the lion batfbim. Positive it would terminate unfortu The game ranger sulTered terribly. t nately- 009 ot "J ortunes both mentally and physically, and aaw ,a QA know 1 haT bad ,hare no possible way of "escape. The lion hPPeoed to be on one of those I took him nearly 200 yard. : Suddenly womnter betnougnt mm ox i his sheath knife, which be carried in his belt behind his right hip. On reach-! Ing a large tree with overhanging roots the lion stopped, whereupon Wolhuter stabbed him twice la the side with his left hand. It was "ascertained after- ward that the first stab touched the bottom of the heart and that the sec ond one slit It down for some distance. ; The Uon Immediately dropped Wol huter, and again the game ranger struck hlm, this time In the throat severing an artery.. The lion jumped back and stood fac ing him, growling. Wolhuter scram- bled to his feet shouting at the top of hips, would be quite long enough for his lungs. He. expected the beast to any one who wished to put It to prac come at him again, but It did not In- tlcal use. It is six feet tw inches In stead. It turned slowly and, still growl- length. tog, wtnt Jaw pacesv Soon its growls f Of gorgeous swords which are not . turned, to moans. - These, in tnfa, ko much weapons as settings for P re ceased, and the 'ranger knew that the jdous stones the most valuable In Eng- beast was then dead. Ush Is said to be the one presented by Wolhuter got np the tree as fast aa'ithe Egyptians to Lord Wolseley and i-ji t. LUB 1UJUICU BIIU XUUHI (ICtUiik, ouu hardly was he seated when the first linn, whloh had hiwn after tha hnnm came back on the trail or blood. By v,cl lv etu nKu mo- this time the plucky ranger was so m 'hih of Persla-namely, $50,000 falnt that he tied himself to the tree ta.ke.n of what a dla- to prevent hlnmelf from falling out , iona tm,lea eaPn : 10 5oat- He ws found by .his companions. ; Competent authorities on the subject who took him to n place of safety. The ,'aml"ar ,"ith nat famou? weaP lion he hnd killed wn- nn old male. nndl'D0fPtlan keptteU the w.p ul wns an ordinary j " "lnce of tne gaekwar of shenth knlfe.-New York Tribune. , ' 1 Baroda'a gorgeous blade, which Is sup- s tk.0 Paculiaritits of Llchans. The lichen U remurkuble for grent ng,. to whic h It liven, there belnR Rood KroundH .for believing that the plunts endure for 100 years. Their prowth, Is exceed Incly slow, almost be yond belief. Indicating thnt only a lit tle nourishmeut . Ih necessary to keep them nllve. . in a dry time they have ,w iw ,0 "ilH'na growm aiio- thor, bis erratic methods of work con tfetber. renewing It again at the fall trlbuted equally to bis early death. jf rain - Thin peculiarity alone U U wrote invariably with the printer's " ' ""- a.a- ta-LS fV(,rUJUIC UCTU HI Xl IClJUUlK 'H ' ' wonder, as It a property possessed v "I can-onceive nothing more harass by no mlir Miieclea of plant Another Ing in the literary way," wrote Motley lntfretlng fact HlMiut lichens Is that , to his wife in 1858. "than Thackeray's i they stow -only where rbe air Is fre way of living from hand to mouth.. 1 from iluxt and Hnioke. They may be mean . In regard to the way be fur naUl to be a sure Indication of the iu nisbes food to the printer's devil rity of the air. u ihpy are npver found Here be Is Just finishing the numbc frrowlns In cities uud Iowoh where the MfinoMihfre Ih linpifgnuted with dut twxrt. smoke mi1 (Uwt Impurities. Artificial Mummies. Artificial nitimmle tire niiide in Italy. Germany and Fmnce mid tlwu-e shipiKHi to Cvpt. whi-re they iv mud to dealers In mitlipiitlw A n-n! '-kuil Is used, but nli the rent Ik nut ulmir Imitation. , S easori During th A lrtTl ft AVOn musical instrument MoBt people want and thlB is the most work. for Remember that we have Violins, Mandolins, Jos, Etc. We have good at right prices. Drop in and talk it over. , Edison Phonographs, Vic tor Phonographs. : ; BOO PAGE FIVE TVQ CrD L n Y Om Lord By r "i Had a PoHiv Dreij cf Fridays and Sunday, T iiflj. f in (iHlsulfts jn;l-8wth--i.i i M'it. a U Hocu-times su mi. .i . nvnin d to tin l-nomnt and the r- . m: Lord Kyrou wus not a hw. j-k- tu iluf mutter Just before ii it-Hill, m rw-ortled in "Byron The Lni I'Luse." by IlUUard Ednitumbe. "he anld be hnd reflit ted great deal on a prediction whUh had ben made to blm when a boy by a fumed fortune i feller In Scotland. Ills mother, who I"" Deneveu m chiromancy and as- woiogy. oaa sent for thw pewon end desired blm to Inform ber what would be the future deatiny of her son. Hav Ing examined attentively the pnlm of his band, the man looked at him for solemn voice exclaimed. 'Beware of your tblrty-eeventh year, my young lord, bewnrer He had entered on his thirty-seventh year on Jan. 22, and it was evident from the emotion with which he related this circumstance that the caution of the palmist bad .IT B FA?J0U$ SWORDS. The Monster Weapon Used at Welsh i . Elateddfode. : h largest sword of which there Is record is the seven foot ceremonial sword that was made for Edward IIL and Is now preserved In Westminster abbey. Next comes the "sword ot ceremony" that Is used at Welsh eis teddfods. This weapon If placed In the bands of a modern Godfrey de Bouillon, who. It will be recalled, with a two banded sword cleaved a Turk Into halves from the shoulder to the iTainen at XlfinrWV Thin mm la mm. . - - - PHtlvely Insignificant for a bejeweled SWOrd If the Value Of the SWOrd brought yvocu iv ue wunu more man iwency j swords of equal beauty and value to .the shah's, but It Is popularly supposed thnt tha iKnmnnili mhlu and amMMa W whlcQ it 1 thickly lncrusted br&ig if. -i ,v n- t change. 1 !-.' How Thaoksrsy Worked. If ecarte Is to be held . responsible for Thackerav'a annanrnnra as an n. . wai must -appear in a few days. ( course whether 111 or welL stupid "" fertile, be must produce the tan amount of fun, pathos or senttmen His gun mnst be regularly loaded an discharged at command. I sbouh think It would wear his life out" ' Motley's fears were realised within ft few years. London Chronicle. Hspptness is reflective, like the jght of heaven. Irvine:. . US1C In CO tA nma mlM anM.ti. "T to learn to play on some instrument f favorable time to take up tbls ? a...- 1 ' Guitp.rs, Accordions, Flutes, Ppn- J g- ds In this line and we sell thorn f TV7 M STATIONERY