LA GEAKDE EVEOTJG 0L3ZIIVEII HOOTAT, SEPTUHBEB 23, 1310. PAGE EIGHT , OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO O. O OOO THE tSAL ISSfE. gome seem to think that the pr-es-ent contest Is between tha prohibitlon tta and the tlquorlte They . mUap prehend the situation. The contest is between the law, the government, the law abiding people and free institu tions on one hand, and the violators of law and theft sympathizers on' the other. Let us be clear la these matter. If you are a good cithern you must be In favor of an Impartial enforcement of all laws. If you believe that a mi nority has the right to refuse to obey a law enacted by the majority of ctti rens you are aa anarchist Because a nan Is a "booze fighter" is no valid reason why be should assume superior airs and say. "I and my friends 'will not obey the law. Tou can not make us toe the mark!" If such rot advocated. hr the liauor-people does not makj votes for prohibition the people of vunmunltv are sot the kind I Judged them to be. . It Is written "Good people see that local option has failed.H Where Is the rooff I 'gave the statistics to show the difference of arrears under license and nrohlbltlon. The difference was overwhelmingly In favor of local op- tioa. The town never was prosperous as new. Two years ago we were told that if local ootion carried our. town would be ruined." our houses would be vacant, business would stop, and grass would grow In our street. A( tnaa from Baker City can not tell us that local option has been a failure. The law can not. be called a failure because it dont suppress all drinking and because some undesirable citizens persist in its violation and the officers do not attempt to enfore it until they are compelled to do something. That conditions have Improved under prohl tlon no fair minded man will deny. Local option Is not a failure In La Grande. And when we haye officers who are In favor of enforcing laws lm partially we will have conditions bet r than now. , ..;..."' Again It has been written, "For two years the same men who are now eag erlr suDDOrtinc It as a .good law have practically led the community,' " If It Is meant that the friends of pro hlbltlon have had the offices and the administration of law In their hands this statement Is not true. With any . other interpretation the statement has no sense. ' And again it is said that "statistics by the score can be quoted, on either side of this Question." I wish the sta tisttcs in favor of the saloon would be quoted by Its friends. , Again the question should be asked, if we return to license who will regu '" late the saloons? We know what kind of a regulation that would be., Will the men who conducted the saloons here In the past and who are now In the majority of instances according to the liauor people violating law with ' impunity conduct these proposed mod el. regulated saloons. We knew 'what j f-Z-- that would mean WW the editors of our B8Cr guar&Bvea ui catcicr ire these proposed saloons? . We are given a laudation of Ur. Lot tea "as a fair man and as a square man. Then ws are told that FroniM- tlon does not prohibit. Can you see the inconsistency? Evidently the edi tor did not If Ur. Lottes ls not , vio lating the law prohibition Is prohibit ing, for Mr. Lottes did sell intoxlcal icants under ' license. Either prohi bition Is prohibiting or Ur. Lottes is violating the law anej therefore not a fair and square man nor an honor able one. Will the editor tell us which? I am criticised with reference to my statements abou "blind, pigs." In the great prohibition parade In Chicago which was led by General Grant In spite of the liquor people to prevent him, the statistics were carried on tne banner and I have not seen them con tradicted. Every Intelligent matt knows how it Is in New York City, and In Portland the facts have been gathered and are as I have stated. One wonders whether a man Is sincere when he raises that question. If he Is one has s right to question nis ntness to dis cuss the liquor problem. To say that if there had been license it Is very doubtful it this man Town- send would have been running a Joint In a remote part of tha country excites one risible muscles. Even ths enemy recognizes the act ual situation, as the following reveals: President Wittenberg, of the Greater Oregon Home Rule Association bits the booze peddlers and makers a (re spectable) Jott wnea na saye, w ter, that his Association is composed rJ tW heat citlaenshin of Oregon." and then adds In' the same paragraph, that "no saloonkeeper, wholesale .liq uor dealer, or brewer can become a member." , .;.(', ; .' , That ought to Jar them. ' '' aw. SEEM AN. (Continued from rage 10 i! r v '... .' v.-v.-1-- ' 1 " 1 - - iiliie H aul! : Jiirecss-j) stands out from the croyde That pref ection of detail in a correctly tailored suit is apparent at a glance, from any distance. : mm, ed. sunn are at the pinacle of ; per fection of tiie tailors art We show the ;lme rcom- Iju Ami A(S cnmnlDG" 1a to select If WMB IFIPLUSED TELL OTHERS, IF HOT TELL US country votes come in. In Morrow at the same hour, Wilson is twenty aheaa which gives the final score at that late ; hour, twenty-eigty in " Wilson's favor.' i , The Observer does not carry any democratic votes today. West is con ceded to be the winner .throughout the state, and the Union County re turns as far as completed, show htm to be In the lead. ' ' T With only a, few very minor pre cincts to hear from, the Union county vote Is indicated in the table. North Powder gave Bowerman four and Dimick nine; Ellis seven and Latter- ty nine; Rusk eighteen and Hockett five; ejeven each to Hart and Craw ford; nineteen to Punnlway and four to' Clark. ' ' will be considered by the court pro vided fines and costs are paid. . , . Taift Heels Cabinet ' ; Washington,.. Sept. 26-rPresIdent Taft and his official family are as sembled in Washington today for the first cabinet meeting of the autumn. The President will remain here until the latter part of the week, when he will go tO'New York to address the tabllshment of postal saving, banks, on the congressional campaign. National League of Republican clubs. He has spent much'' time; on .this speech; which will sound the keynote of the republican campaign and will be the only political address he wHl make this fall, i At the cabinet meeting this, week the president will take up the ques tions of Canadian reciprocity, the ee- the .work of the commission for the Investigation of stock and bond Issues and the introduction of further econo mics In the conduct of the executive departments. ,' The cabinet "Will also consider "the political situation, and doubtless arrangements will be made for several of the president's official advisers to deliver speeches bearing Attorney General Wickersham and Secretary of Commerce and Labor Nagel visited Alaska this summer and have a long report to make to the president regarding conditions there. On this report depends the recommen dations to be made by. the president to congress for legislation affecting Alaska. ,v ' ' ' . , 1 1 ; , ,..:,,;.. LiJ j,...:.! . . ' 1 1 "-1 .?. 1 8'7.7iTi i hT.iim.i,i ,J.l'i7.r.. I I nil I. li ' I 1 m 1 m I I' 1 MII.III...I. s n Hi S a w n n g ivJi aciii me 1 ' 'TfQ ''-' Lowney's Dainty Candies ' Prince to See Mint ' - Philadelphia, Sept, 26 His' imper ial highness, Prince Tsal Hsun of China, will learn how to make money today, having accepted an Invitation from the treasury department to vis it the Philadelphia mint Pure and Delicious Plasterers In Session. Columbus, 0., Sept. 26 The Opera tive Plasterers' International Asso ciation of the United States and Can- ada convened here today, with a large number of delegates from nearly all the states and provinces in attend--ance, ' ; v -v.W, ': ' ' ' " " For years the name LOWSEY has stood tor all that was purest -anf most wholesome In confection ary. The products of this house are as good today as ever. We receive them in small quan tities and often enough to insure business. . . We have the popular Varle'.y Chocolates, Bon Bons and small packages. .. , , v-; ' , " Dorden Will Ofllclate. ! , The Fair Association has turned j the dog show feature over to Johnny . Dorden who will have full and com plete charge of it. Anyone wanting i Information regarding the entry of degs tor the show should call on him at his residence or at the Commercial club rooms." - . Wight Drug Ie ReiaWe Dtmisis.,: THAT TMAKE5 GOOD Here are a few reasons why we sfand Joyaly by the Free Sewng Machine. Read rts case I w made good in La Grande : Ing machine It will afford you consid erable good advertising, we remain, ' Yours very truly, ' FREE SEWING MACHINE CO. P. R. SCHRENDER, Sales Mgr. PRS-DG. litvs tin I'lntpt, opaiM the Bcreuni ml aids CASES WILL BE APPEALED. Indications are That Liquor Cases ; : r Will Ga Up. Y The cases of L. Remlllard and Dell Kennedy will likely be appealed to the supreme ' court according to re ports today Each of the men receiv ed a verdict of guilty for violation of the local option law in circuit court. The court assessed' h fine of $400 against Mr. Remlllard and ' $250 against Mr. ' Kennedy; Jail sentences were also imposed, but the- parole feature regarding the Jail sentences Chicago, 11U Sept 7, 1910 F. D. Haisten, La Grande, Ore. , Dear Sir: , ; .' Replying to your valued favor of the 31st ult, regarding sewing ma chines to be replaced as per our In- 1 surance policy to Mr. Cherry, would say, that we shipped you the new ma chine on August 20th, and which we will kindly ask you to deliver to Mr. Cherry upon its arrival. Hoping that the machine will be re- celved in good condition and feeling confident that in replacing this sew- La Grande, Ore., Sept. 20, 1910. Mr. A B. Cherry, ; ( : ' Cherry New Laudry, City. Dear Sir: Under date Sept. 7th, the Free Sewing Machine Co. has advised me to deliver you the Free Sewing maching No. 848542. shipped from the factory Aug. 20th, replacing absolute ly free the machine you bought of me in June and which was destroyed in the fire of July 3rd. 'This complios In full with, the Fire Insurance Policy of this company In insuring all family sewing machines for 6 years from date of purchase. I congratulate you In having purchased a Free Sewing Ma chine in preference to all others. Respectfully, - F. D. HAISTEN. La Grande, Ore., Sept 20, 1910. Mr. F. D. Haisten, City. r Dear Sir: ' ' '' . '.'!v :' rl'' I acknowledge with pleasure delivV f-ry of new. The Free Sewing Ma chine, replacing one I bought of you in ' June and was destroyed in Are o! July 3rd which burned the Cherry's New Loundry and I which was i insured ' against loss or damage for 6 years by . the Free Sewing Machine Co. 'The prompt compliance with their " agreements by the Free Sewing Ma chine Co. and the high grade work . done by the machine they are putting out deserves attention from users of sewing machines, ' ;,; : .Tours truly, . . CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY, " A. B. CHERRY, Manager. ' If in the market for a Sewing Machine it means money, to you to call on MM Furniture arid House a ass wr . s or aw Furnishing A r I 1