'fMY i.I',p,n,D.i'fnj. pvr n Rircdonj of (hz fraternal Ore!: cf Xa (JrcrM. Orc;;n A. F. & A. M.-La Grande Lodge No, REBEKAIIS Crystal Lodge No. 50 41, A. F. St A.'M. holds regular meet- meets every evening in the I. 0. 0. ; lngs first and third Saturday! at F. hall. All visiting members are v 7:30 p.m. V;1' ; ', - Invited to attend. ; . , JOHN C H0DW1N, W. M. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. 0. A. C., WILLIAMS, Secretary., . , , ( MRS. JENNIE M, SMITH, Sec. ttW. "OF PnAS Croi. o'clock in Elk', club, corner of De- hoJ 2j pot street and Washington avenue. Castle hall, old Elk's haU.) Visiting brother, are -cordially In- t fh,n com, to all visiting vited to attend. , :',c DR. Q. L. BIGGER3, Ex RuL , V t ,v?r . . HUGH McCALL, Rec. See. R. L. LINCOLN. M. of R. & S. "WOODMEN 1 OF . THE . ..WORLD-La A ES. Hope Chapter No. 13, a E. ' GraadT'Lodge No. 169 W. 0. W. C. hold, stated communications the meets every second and. fourth Tues- second and fourth Wednesdays of day lri the month. AH visiting mem- each month. Visiting members cor- bera welcome. V ' dlally lnvto. ' , V " i , NERl ACKLES, C. C. 1 ! ' MARY A. WARNICIC, Sec. U ' ; J.JB. KEENEY, Clerk. . y ,1, " PACMNE EDERLEE, W. M. -' 1 M. W. 'Ai La Grande Camp No. 77S3 WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Grande meets every Monday in the month at ' Ronde Circle No. 47 meets every the I. 0. t&. F. "hall. All vislfing first and .third Thursday evenings neighbor, aire cordially invite to fa the saonth at the I. a 1 F. hall. I' attend. '' 7" 'All vlsltftg members are welcome, f R.ENOOKT, i VCHLOE ROBINSON. O. M. fii D. E. COXi Clerl ' : . ; UE&E : ELLSWORTH,:Clerk. FRurrssioAL miui'citssY. PHTSClASS aid stjegboss. N. MOMTOR. ID. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adanm Ave. and y Depot street Offlce,,MaInC8; Resl ; , dence 09. . ;. rv' . C. H. UPTON, Ph. 3. M. D.-Physician : anil surgeon. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in la Grande National "Bemk Build ing. Phones: . Office MsQn 2, Resl ,, denoe Main 32. - J'l ) ; A. L. RICHARDSON Physician and . Burgeon. Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. excepf Sunday. ' "Sunday fcy appoint ' ments.; Telepihones: TDtflce, Black ; 1362; Ind.;8W; residencw, Main 65; Tnd. 312, : '.'. a GEO. W. ZIKMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Swnmer Blflg-, Rooms T, 8, and 10. Phones: , Home 1332!! Pacific, Mala 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. E. Moore. . . - , DR. M. P. MEKDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted and made to order. All er rors of Refraction Corrected. 1105!( Adams Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg. La , Grande, Oregon,- , ; DR.. H. L.. UNDERWOOD and ; DB, DORA J. XIKDERWOOB Office ov- . er . Wright Drag atore. Special at tention paid to diseases and surgery . of the eye. . PhcmesOfflc Main 22; residence, Mala 72.... : :"' T..r; J,C. PBICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build lng. Phone Black m DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. : Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande. Residence pfcone, Red 701; Office phone. Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 53; . both phones at residence. '.. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. COCHRAN & COCHRAN Attorney. : Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank Bldg.,' La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney atTLaw. Practices in al lthe court, of the State and United States. Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. ' : ' v ' ' D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer. Baker City, Oregon. Koitee 0f Street Improvement To whom it may concern:.. :; i , Notice Is hereby given that in pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon on the fifteenth day of December 1909, creating Improve ment District No. 12. and designating Pennsylvania Avenue, as such district, and in pursuance of a resolution adop ted by said Common Council on the wventh day of September 1910, where 7 said Council determined and de- that jortIon of penaaytvanSa Avenue, in aata improvement distflct M' bera l natter described, by laying theron Cemnt Sidewalk ead Curb, the Coun-,; cil will, ten days after he service ol this motlce upon the nwners of the prqperty ; affected nnA benefitted by sudh ' Improvement, onfter that salfl' alwte " described Inynrovement ; e maQe;'. that the boundaries of ., said district to be so Improved are as foQ lows: All that portion of Pennjofl-" vanla Avenue, from cSie East Cacrb Line of Fourth Street ta the Souffli west line, of Washington Avenue. No tice ia hereby further given that Che Council , will levy a special assees raent on all property affected and ben efitted by such improvement for the purpose of paying for such impnpre ansct That tW "estimated cost . of euch Improvement 1b the ' sum Jbt $1440.00. That the Council will on the 38th day of Sejrtemiber, 1910, meet) at the Council chamber ot the hoar of o'clock P. M., to 'coedder said esti mated cost, anl the 'lerx of said rs cessment wten a hearing wljl le iranted to any person " feeling ' sig erleved by andh assessneient , La Grande, Oregon, 49eptember S4, W10. CITY COUNCIL OF QA GRANDE, , OREGON. '; . V- ' V' ; By ID. E. COX, Recorder of the City ot La Grande, i Oregon. ' . . V- ' ." ' ept 16-27. 4 . V,-"; KotSee U ContractOTs. ; .... , ,., lds will be received tat tthe office of the undersigned itocrder ontll Sep tember 28th, 1910, at the hour of 8 '3ock p. m. tor the construction of 14267.7 square yards of, aiitttlltblc yefaent-together irith rAe taxa tion, drainage and onrblng as shown by the plans. and specifications on file ia this office, the Bame to be con structed on Fourth street from the North line of Adams arenue to the south line of "O" avenue, Adams ave nue from the west curb line of Fourth street to the east curb fine of Third street and Chestnut street from Adams avenue to the south curb line of Jef ferson avenue. Certified check of 5 per cent of the amount of the bid to accompany each bid. Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the City Council, Sep tember 21st, 1910. - ; D.E.COX. ' " Recorder of the City of La Grande. Sept 23-24-26-27-28. ; 1 Hotice of Street Improvement. To whom it may concern: rlotice is hereby given that in pur suance of a 'resolution adopted by the Common Council ot the City of La Grande, Oregon, on the ninth day of February, 1910, creating Improve ment District No. 17, and designating Jefferson Avenue as such district, and in pursuance of a resolution adopted by said Common Council on the twenty- fourth day of August 1910, where by said Council determined and de clared ita intention to improve all that portion of Jefferson Avenue, in said improvement district as hereinafter described,, by laying thereon cement walk, curb . and gutter, the Council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the prep-, -erty affected and benefitted by suchl Improvement, order tLat said above! described Improvement be made; that the boundaries of said district to be bo Improved are as follows: All that portion of Jefferson Avenue, from, the East Curb line of Fir Street, to the west curb line of' Greenwood Street Notice is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such improvement for the purpose of paying for such im provement That the estimated cost ol each improvement is the sum of 11563.00. That the Council will on the twenty-eighth day of September, 1910, aseet at the Council chamber at the "hour of 8 o'clock P. M., to consider said estimated 'cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling ag grieved by uch assessment'. " La Grande, Oregon. September 14, 1910. ; ' ' , CITYj' COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, " OREGON. - By D, E. COX, Recorder of the City of La GraiiiJe. Oregon. V--:: Sept 16-27. 1 ..' Sotlce of Street lmprovemtnt To wnom it may cosevrnr 370tice Is hereby given that In pur vuoncs of a reiolatlon adoptel "by the Common Council cf the City of La Grande, Oregon, m the 16th Qay of Slarch 1910 creating Improvement )istrtct mo. Z2 autd aesignmng . 4Ash street as such Olstrirt,' and In 'pursuance of a reuolutlcs cSopted by said Common Council on the 13th day vt April, 1918, wnereby said 'Council determined and 'declared ita intention to improve.aU that portion df N. Ash street in saHl 'improvemeBt district as hereinafter aeBcrlbea Ty laying thereon board -walk, the -council -wilL ten days afttr the service xt this no--tice upon tie -ownera of the property affected and Trcnefitted 'by such im provement, urSer that saW above de scribed improvement be -made; that the boundaries -of Bald district to be so Improved are as follows: All that portion ot. N. Ash street, from the North Bide ot Jadkson nvenue,, to, the north Bide T 'Benton avenue. Notice is hereby hrrther given that the Coun cil will levy -a special assessment on the property -affected -ana .benefitted by such hnpTovement for the purpose of paying for wtch improvement. That the eBtlmated 'cost of audi improve ment la tbe um of $462.40. That the Council win on -the tth flay of Octob er, 1910 meet -at the Council cham ber at the tour -of '8 o'clock p. m. to to consider ald estimated 'Cost, and the levy of said -assessment, when a hearing will "be iranted to any person feeling aggrieved "by -such assessment La Grande, Oregon, September 22, 1910. ' .O, City Owwncll, of "La Grande, Ore. ' ,i''-;t " Uy D. E tJOX, Recorder of the City of La Grande. Sept 24, to Oct oY " V . Want ads pay, mre cent a -word Gf y of La Giznde, Oregsa y Impweatnt Bonds Notice is hereby given that seal ed proposals will be received by the Mayor aad City Council of -the City of La Grande. Oregon, until Wednesday. v - . - ' October 5lh.i9i9 , At the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. lor the purchase of $65,000 improve ment bonds, the proceeds to be used for the construction of Blth ullthie pavement, bonds ot the de nomination of $1000 each, rate 6 per cent per annum to be paid an nually, matarity ten yeari ; from date thereof, subject to call by the City Treasurer at any time that there ia money in the Local Im provement Funds bonds to be paid in numerical order. Bids shall be sealed and marked, "Bids for Local Improvement Bonds," and shall be accompanied by a certified check of $5,000. The Council reserves the right to fe Ject any or all bids. Bonds are se cured by Hen on abutting proper ty. ' . La Grande, Oregon, September.9, 1910. t '):; . ' ' - P. L. METERS, Mayor. D. E. COX, Recorder, D-Sept 9 to 28. r : : . : STATUE. Mmoril Erccttd In Portland t Fpmr Epuk.r f House. A aatlonai Cure of a few years ago and one whose reputation was not con fined to bis own country was honored in his home city. Portland. Me- re cently when a bronte statne of the late Thomas B., Revd. for many years speaker of the house of representa tives, was unveiled.' The memorial stands on the western promenade over- y A ' UXlIOatAI, TO THOMAS B. BSSO. looking Casco bay, la ifht feet high and repreMnts Reed la an attitude of repose, with a scroll In the left band. The pedestal Is of Maine granite, nine feet high. The memorial was modeled In Paris by Burr C Xllller, who not only , worked from accuratt photographs, but who bad the advan tage of having seen Mr. Reed many times daring his congressional career and who met him frequently after his. retirement from public, life. : It gives a fine Idea f the statesmam as he looked up to about two years before bis death, The cost was about $40,000. Esperanto and the Polio. . We may poke fun at Esperanto,' but have you beard the latest? So many, it is said, axe using the language that the police ia many cities are now to be taught it la order that they may reply intelligently to the Esperantlat whe Is in need of their 'services. '''As It sow stands. ! what; r I would happen to a ' man whe walked op to a "oop" on the corner and t said aggressively: ' "Lao nla pregr Why, '".he" would immediately., be battered lain ln : sensibility. Ia "bxat rrr Washington, during the meeting of the Esperanto congress, one ot the mem bers from a foreign, country asked a bloecoat la Ssperahto to be directed to the capltoL now that visitor would have praised our police abroad if be cotud have been sent os Ills way re joicing! Instead, believing himself In suited, the indignant officer shook his club and shouted: "Put an egg is your shoe and beat ltr While the police are struggling with the new language, however, it would be Just as well for us to find our own way about A" Fair Ratio. ; "We wish to arrange for an exchange ot prisoners, announced the South American dictator. "On what basis T inquired the lead er of the other aide. The usual basis eight generals for a good,; husky private.H( Louisville Oourler-JournaL . But He's Oead New. I ; Be painted the woodwork tastny ' : Tor the fair trust macnate's daughter. And be penciled a sketch ot the rasing Did this artlf t ebap who taught her, ' Tor I am a hue-r of wood," said he, "And eke a drawer of water." ' '-Cleveland Leader. : THE HEED, ; r.":f ;,:-.:r- n ' ' " ' j.. ----r " I - S Ea;ie:Valley;:Impcriai:;',;;? ; Sj,;- v.- Jrf .' ; - On the Installment Plan. ' One day Robert said, "Uncle Wm, how much do you want for those pups?' , '; ; "Oh, about 12 apiece," was the reply. "But Uncle Will," eaid Robert, "what could I do with a piece of a pup T De lineator. ' . , . The Old, Old Story. - ' Lovtef cups may be all rlfM, ' , ' But with a silver spoon. And two in a hammock beneath a tree An, then Dan Cupid likes to -, A good old loving spoon I -Chicago Newa Man Who Succeeds !o . The Man Who Triss. -'Vi.i-.. t. HfsrraT Tit rni t luriunni. . j ' .wfc., wwu, OULD it net be a very would wish ot pray for W ' KO RESPONSIBILITY, be b no dar-er end net bt , - ; forced to exercise his ITo cna who hat really faced the poor creature who CIlAvED A JOB THAT WOULD HOT RE QUEUE HALF HIS POWERS. f 'THE MAN WHO 13 WORTH WHILE HIM, AND IF IT 13 A HARD ONE PRAY3 MADE LIGHTER, BUT THAT HE MAY BE GIVEN THE 8TRENQTH TO CONQUER. ' '' , :--v; ..-:..;,,,,-.; . . And be usually U, given the prrr ' i gtrdnflf tenoxeb. 0 i .-r -;.--:Vv:;vrfr'.- P5 BRIDGE AND BEACH LINE with same amount of fuel, they will produce more heat -' OIL 'STOVES that are positively guaranteed. : :- 3 6 Samson Windmills, Demlg Pumps Richardson and Boyn p ton Hot Mr Plants. $ Pipe Fittings, Bath Room Fixtures and all kinds of 5 Plumbing Goods, BAY & ZmiFEL plumbers, Heaters and Sheet, Metal Workers. .'.Steward's Opera House.V 0N NIGHT - ONLY IMUgH! 66 BY:REX BEACH AND ONE YEAR AT BELASCO 1T 1 mm Great Comedy Cast ALL SPECIAL SCENERY PRICES: SAME AS PORT I,A'D tunor or in KUrmt KW TO! it?, x, speclncn cf a xzzz. who an ea3j job where ha vrcnLl live powers of body or niadt etorm could bava rcrpect for a TAKES THE JOB THAT 13 GIVEN NOT THAT THE WOR MAY EE f5 i if k V '.4 ..28.. Lawrence & Sandusky Pre ; ; sent the Screaming Funny Comedy 5S li 1 PAUL ARMSTRONG 1 THEATRE, NEW YORK MM, 75c, BOr, 23c 1 i i I