i . gpx- ' " 1 - rl- I, iumMiiTnirwEm , lt! 1 r 7. ! 1 I I gilt UtJBtJ fOIjEKI'S FHESEl'Jf "AWhlte Man Moaeyis the ' ndi&n's Cnree." Kalem. ' -i Statutaxy Lesson." Bio- ! "le Wooing O't." . : StfG "A BufcfieH of Elseee," . . ;. BeaUful dishes' given to lady -srtrna of the matinee. Be dis- il4 to lobby. ... ." L0C71LS CBan house with a vacuum carpet cleoer.-All work guaranteed. Prices rigt Phones Bed 662 or Red 14L fotel rale cards, trespassing cards, hoses tor 'rent carjs .printed' ia ted ad black. For sale cheap ax The Ob- sever Clce. 'JJ'l -Vi: ' First clus bookkeeper and steno f apher wanti to locate Id' La Grande, (even years experience, lumber con jkructlon and tiiHoad ' worfr phone ied 71i: : 1 ' ; 3 i Haradon's " Tru-Fruit tMa'de Just right1 : - Chocolates. Doctor Mendelsohn will 4 be at his 'office every evening from seven nntil eight so that everyone who cannot see 1 hm In v the day time, can have that opportunity 'at night ' DresB Making, Mrs. McCarter, 2005 Greenwood. - ft ; PERSONALS. C. W. Fisher, of Elgin, was at the Savoy last evening.' , V, . ' Judge Shehan, of Enterprise, is In the city on legal bnsmess. A. W. MKenzle la her today from Saeramento. ',. , .,,.v. W. H. Qrares . of Enterprise, Is etoppmg at tl Foley hotel. WilMam II. Spenoe of Wallowa, Is at the Bomrasr house today.: . About i Youir S Suit ! f5vnv- -'1 " it ' ' I Violin 1 iij' bfe. fff''' Jack W. Halley came in frcca Pal mer Junction yesterday afternoon.'" Henry -Wearer la down from Eater- ,prim for a few days. I C. 8. -Van Duyn left this morning 'for point in. Wallowa. -Hugh Soott came In from Joseph Saturday and kg' stopping at the Som mer. Ed. Hayles cams la from Hunt ington last evening and is quartered at the Sarpy hotel. William Kllnker, of the Pacific Pa per Company, is at the Sommer Hotel today. . 8. L, Maglll and wife came over from Loetlne yesterday and are gueset at the Foley today. ; ; - ,. J. B. Normancame ia la the city tromHillsboro, Oregon, a guest of Savoy .S; ; . Fred Cur'rey and Dr. Pby passed through the city this morning enroute to Hot Lake from an extended trip through northern Idaho. ' "Senator" Alllnson left this morn ing for points In Idaho on Business for the local flouring mill. : . 1 Mrs. J. H. Bitter and daughter Fla- via, - returned home v-feataraj j nJght from a monin visit ta romano. "Dave Brlchout, the land 'attorney. left Saturday evening for the John Day country to be absent from-the city tor BeTeral days. ' Is6ldore Fuchs, who sells the f am ious Sam-0 mineral water Is speeding today ta La Grande and shaking handsrwith friends. :. : Traveling1 Passenger Agent : Jack 0Neil is Ii the city on railroad busi ness today He Is stopping at the Som A, Bert Smith the .Joseph contractor was in - La Grande yesterday on . his way to Vale to attend to business matters. 7, v'v... ' : t'-C. - Miss' Era Coehowof of B;ood , 'silver, who has been visiting here' with Mra Ed. Rnmble for the , past two weeks, left Saturday night for Jacksonville, 111.' v. V ' .. i. . ; ",. ; B. T. Hubbard Is In the ctty (rom w ana w ana oa Dusinees. Ha is a guest at the Foly. . Rer. H. E. McLeod, former Uetbo diet minister of the city, returned to hie home in Tale; Saturday evening. He reports a good eongregatloa el tu uu m in mi j town. ' OU- "may be as "touchy";, la re gard to the looks, make and fit of your Suit as you please and still you can be fully satisfied here. We had particular folks in mind when we had our Suits made. ' , ;' : Note the hang of the ,. Coat, the perfect fitting collar and lapels, the handsome shoulders, the grace of the Trousers! ' The designing, cutting' : . and tailoring, were 'all' done by; the most high salaried experts. -'; The patterns and color ings of the fabrics are ' entirely new. ' OUB SUITS AT $IU9 AND 12040 are remarkable values remarkable for all round goodness.. ( Come here. Sir, , with all your Suit desires and well see that you are sat isfied yes, more pleased at ' every point ' ' . ."' ros. CLOTHIERS zni FURHISHERS Ash B - tACZ&Kns nvranto orsiT.te: - Beats ar. no, on. saJe at -Van Ea. ren's Clar,.Eior, for "Going f oae.". MWhat is meant by the cew wo oanr , , ; . "The new woinanr' - Tea." v "The lady who my crows ell" ."'-. Mls.irt.,v , "X U a etedoloua. pr8Cln. "Do your "Tea; I think it shows s good heart" "Ahemi 1 believe you are a pro moter, arent youf Itueh Peorerb "TIow art you fixed f 1 "1 haven't got a cent, yon?" Cow art "Worse than that I tavea't got a collar." .-' ' . v Weuld He Pall? "What are you looking for? "An honeat man." . "Got a lantern r "No; just a little grafting propod- tioa:w . . Fortoni Hope. " " "He is trying to attain the cnattaln able." . . v "To please bis wife?" .. 1 "No. to please almself,V , , . ' ', Ne Time to Ee Frivetewa. "lie hasn't taken a vacation for six, yeara" : t ' .'-: . ; i . "Poor man! What's bis business?" .He is to the pea." I " ' V. Net Flttlnj. v f ' la wlatr Ice U klat." . t To have a bU in nuiMr1 . .. .Js ot the proper thJt CMssifm FOR BALE 500 sheep. Waiter Glenn. tt. F. D. No 2. FOR SALE 19 .thoroughbred Wy andotte chickens. Frank E. Gray. FOR SALE-Honsehold goods, also Oliver typewrites and roll top desk. Phone Main' 708 or call at 1104 1 M. ace. Frank E. Gray. Ut FOR SALE Two heaters and .cpok? stove. Calji at 1104 M. Ave. Frank A. Gray. . ? V;" ,,; ' . . ;i ' . LOST Gordon setter pup, 4 months old. Reward for return to post office". WANTED Place on ranch by, man and wife, bo children. ' Prefer place where owner is leaving for the winter. Call or address H. Cllne, 205 Green wdod.St Ind. phone 497. La Grande. Apple Pickers Wanted. ' - Apple pickers and packers wanted t onoe. Apply to Doctor C. H. TJpton. FOR SALkV-Vsdern six room house. Ordinary sized lots. Inqaire at 707 Fourth street or call Red 1101. SIGHT TESTING i If you haTe any trouble with your eyes difficulty In seeing 4Is tlnct, or reading, aching eyesi tJred eyes. If you suffer from .headache, If the child cannot see well r at school; or If the child's eyes soon become tired, call and LaTe them . examined most carefully. No Charge for Examination ' . I have all appliances for careful examination. All work guaranteed satisfactory. I GBI3TD ALL MY GLASSES. Eyesight Specialist Next door to Pest Office. . ndvertisina uonday, bephsibebss, ioio. : v. - W ' 7 .f .. .. C V1 I . I1 lit L t Z i 1 ' , - f :i 1 ill" ; i viu i . r. ; i Sal rTT Jv ' . -T -ti J - -'-.Ell' ' , ' The line that Is most complete affords one. a greater opportunity of Our Trimmed Hat line affords this opportunity as does our Hue ordinary Turban shape to the large Beaver' that is eo fashionable "V' SUKDAT AFTEES005 WE DDI 50. Henry B. Stacey Karrlod , Testesday , . Afteraeon at State j Heme, Wtth Rev. Frank K. Gray ofllciatia Henry B. Stacey of this city, was mar? rled yesterday afternoon at r S:80 o'dook to Stella L. Horn also of this city. The marriage was solemnised in the Stecey horns In North La' Grande. - SUSDAT gOIOwL ELECTS '1 ' P. H. Green SueeWs-41L''Cnmj i A8:SuperJucutS..S. ' The Mtethodist Sunday;school held , Its . atmual ,, election -of officers Sun- toy.' FHi Green-takea. the .place of Geo. IL Currey. who refused- re-elec- tlon on account of having held the of- flee, sovlong. He was named u assist- ant " " te. Vinacke was re-elected secre - tary and librarian. E. W. Kammeren r Is. treasurer to succeed himself. ' and , Miss Pauline Newton is continued as organist. Most of the teachers were retained as for merly. '' -';.'.''' . v ' Koted IrlHlimeu fa Buffalo. - ' Unffsl XT e na vrru pea to b. tVe mosT rS Mil naHntlal mni.mtnl In im.rluviihi.fL. augurated today with the arrival of hundreds of Irishmen from all overi OiaitB MMU VOilOUU VU WIHV . ' , , . . . . . . pan in me session or ine united Irish League of America. Four dlstingulsh-1 ed members of the British parliament, John Redmond, chairman of the Irish parliamentary party; T. P. O'Conner, Joseph Devlin and Daniel Boyle, are here to address the convention.. The Buffalo gathering will be followed by a series of meetings throughout this country and Canada, to be addressed by the famous ambassadors from Ire land. Today was devoted to the recep tion of the visitors and a meeting of the executive committee.- A smoker will be held this evening, and the ,J CO z Garaent3 111 be Found In STILE, EATErjAL, HT and the i line is Popular Priced. "When jou caa buy' a g&od grade Croud Cloth er Eersey made ap In a trj llih, neat ly trhamed long cost, at f 12-3 Its a farrnat tlat any body can afTord and a garment that any bod caa wear wI2i saSsfaciien. "'J y A ' CUR..... For popular veaved, v colore Ladies Suit to close eat, some of them samples and tie others heavy weight spring suits la exceptional valaes. 7oS(! lVliiliLciLsiilNJ Quality the Same-Prices lii meetlnc will formally convene tomor row. w,, 1, Cagress. ; pblo, Colo.. Bept 20-Wita the fourfold object of saving the forests, . tnf reelalming the desert and making honiM oi the land, tb eigtheenth National Irrigation coliKress waa formaliv onnei tn Pueblo today. Mexico, Canada and several central and eastern states, as well as all the states of the west, are ' rePted at tb PVt gathering of re2?,i U lamation project, under he Carey act are to be considered by the , vftrloug problems connected with the reclamation of the "great American de8err wlll be dlpcu88ed by expert8 connected with government bureaus, state commissions, agricultural and forestry organlzatlona - and Institu jtlong of learning. A great exhibition , illustrating irrigation methods and displaying products of irrigation method8 , being held In connection with tha conventtnn . . ' Nearly a dozen cities are competing for the honor of entertaining the 1911 and Oakland. Cal.. Kansas 7890$ tfH 'a?3J4 SOFI . i iTfW J ......... .' ' TTTTTTTTT During the long evenings to come you will appreciate a musical iastrument. " , : Moef people want to learn v to play on some Instrument and this is the most favorable time to take , up' tbls WOrk.: - '.V-,. 'A:' j4- - j " , 1 Remember that we have Violins, Mandolins, Gultors. Accordions, Flutes, Ean Jos. Etc. We have good g- kIs In this line and we sell them at right prices Drop In and talk it over.',, , ? Edison Phonographs,. Victor Phonographs. l . V, fin1!! in nnnir Fin cTTin?!rDv pn iiliiuii uuui pagi: riv t : Ladies All tlio and -Gtyl; 0. i choice,. of shapes anything from the this season -y.. '.....-...', . . : less m-0 congress, including San Francisco, and Oakland, CaL, Chlcaso, : Kansas. City, St. Josepb and St Louis, llo., "' Charkston, 8. C, and several Tfiaf, lUea. s ff?7 ;'rfi i 'Ifjpf'- ., . v : ' . ' : Kaamerrer Birta r;.:'', William Kammerer was ' bora la Upper Saiony, Germany, m 1837, Mferch S. He came to America In 1847 " and landed at Milwaukee. Wis., when that mighty city was but a fort of twelve block bouses. In 1868 he mar ried, Mlsaatrlna Webber to which age-jloug;:and happy union were born five chililrc'n. of which three survive. Aaron D,., Edward W., and Ella Zwei fel. The last two reside in La Grande. The bereaved wife still lives. Many years ago Mr. Kammerer cont. nected himself with the German Evan gelical church and for Borne years was an effective local preacher in it He had resided In Oregon twenty years, and seven In La Grande till the dare of his death, Sept. 24, 1910. The funeral was from their home, No. 2004 Washington : avenue, ; this morning at 10:30. Dr. GUlilan offletet Dg. The floral contributions 4 were I beautiful. ; : i . . t It ''9 US1C nuu uiniiuiiLiii UU1 ! ' 1 1 . i - ) ! I..' j i ,