L.V-' -A A A. A a . 1! h H M is I U t M I I i! inn l! !i VOL. XIV. LAGRAXDE UNION COUNTY, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1910. NUMBER 252 i hiiir LL. n i i m mi ii 11 GiiiT PREHGTS REPORTS FROM STATE HOWEVER INDICATE SMALL VOTE IS THE RULE TODAY. OUTCOME IS ft MYSTERY Commencing at Noon Locnl Voters Hare Given Much Attention to the Hatter of Voting Full Registra tloa Will be Realized In Union Count j Is the Belief theN)utconie ' . 01 .lit' SIX KILLED OX ELECTRIC. Indiana Scene of Another Dlsaste on us tiectric Road System. Tipton, Ind., Sept. 24 Six were killed today In a head on . collision between two electric care of the In diana Traction line -near this city. me dead: Dr. " H. Hostchauser of Brooklyn, N. Y.r'W, H. Hostchauser. brother; Motorman Baker; Vernal Railsback, Hymera, Ind., Louis Brook, kokomo, Ind; B. T. Walsh, Ft. Wayne. Dr. Hostchauser was enroute to Tipton to marry Miss Nellie Coxen. It Is believed a misunderstanding of or ders was the cause of the wreck. Lumberman Gathering. Bellingham, Sept. 24 The vanguard of the Pacific Cast Lumber Manufac turers reached here last night and a business social session 1b being held today. Rumor to the effect that a general curtailment in lumber pro duction will be advised at the see elon by the association was denied by members already here. TdeHt CELl DISAPPEARANCE OF ! PASO RO BLES, SCHOOL TEACHER HAS COME TO LIGHT. DOM 1 THE CBf 1TIIISTPII! II BEPUT Df! CARPET York reporters and process servers.'. In her suit Una proposes to assert j that Chanler made a pre nuptial agreement In the presence of a lawyer that he cannot now set it aside with out showing extraordinary cause. FEDERAL GRAND JURY INVESTI GATING ALLEGED LAND , FRAUD COMBINATIONS. - CARROL MUST STAND TRIA Portland, Sept 24 It Is predicted the primary vote today will be light Des Moines, Sept. 24 A motion to take the libel suit against Governor Carrol out of the hands of the Jury owing to the fact that polls opened and ln8truct for a verdict of acquittal at noon and will close at seven. Poli tician! declare the political aspect is unchanged since yesterday; ' that the assembly will nominate a governor, secretary of state and state treasurer and divide the state legislature with Insurgents. The direct primary pro ponents won't concede either the elec tion of Congressmen Ellis or Hawley, standpatters, despite thp fact , that insurgents have several candidates in the field for the same offices and will likely split the vote. The principal fight will be in Multnomah . county where bractlcally - one third of the voter are registered;''; Insurgency there' la rampant and' it Is predicted they will capture the county. was denied today by Judge Howland. The case was brought 'against Carrol by John Cownle a former chairman of the state board of control whom Carrol "fired." In Quarrel Over Eighteen Dollar Debt, Fiendish -r- Crime Comes to Light Doctor in Performing Crim. inal Operation on Yonng Girl Was Unsuccessful and Bnrled Remains in a neniea nouse comessor mow Under Arrest. r , FOLLOWS BftLLUIEERS ViS.T Some Four Hundred Entries of Coal, Mineral and Grating and Timber Lands will be Investigated Grand Jury in Session and Investigation wm.-m Young Man Changes Name. New Yprk. Sept 24 Richard Frank lin Sears, aged twenty-one, was today cut on In the floyer of his youth, but was succeeded by RW-hard Franklin Weeks. The authority to change his name was granted by the courts, the official order becoming effective to day. His mother married Bartow S. Weeks nine years ago, and the young man alleges that he is generally known by his step-father's name. Pill! ill 1IT1PED THOUSANDS' COMPANY OF LETTERS AC REQUEST FOJJ BANKER'S PARDON. .Bollinger in Washington. Washington, Sept 24 Secretary Ballinger, good humored and confident arrived here today, ready for the cab inet meeting Monday. He denied the stories emanating from Spokane that he .was pushing the big land fraud cases against prominent Washington citizens. - Voting opened in all the La Grande precincts with more than; expected briskness (his noon and it is not un likely that the full repull'can regis trations will be voted. FlRht hundred and seventy-two is the toul regis tratlon in the four maW precincts but the republican registration is oly five hundred. At 3 o'clock thiH afternoon the biggest Republican ward In the city, number two, showed a vote of 100 which Indicates the full vote of 172 will be cast before seven o'clock to night when the vote eui's. City Extremely Qnlet La Grande was like unto the de serted village today. Publi.: ' ojnees, banks and the post office was closed nd as the corrupt pra stipe act Is ctlll in full force and effect, the hullabaloo of , former election dav Is , not ap parent Outcome Much In Doubt. Seers who are In .ouch with con ditlorts say that the entira county has assumed that Decu'lax mien which CHILDREN'S DAY TO USHER II EI WEEK COMMITTEE TRANSACTS MUCH . IMPORTANT BUSINESS. Special Interest Being Taken in the Stock Exhibits for the Fair. , Important matters were considered and acted upon at another meeting of the fair committee last evening. Chief among the items of Interest resulting from the meeting is that the fair is. tn onen with children's day.' This hrine-a to mind last year's monster characterizes the fourth ward It is parade when twenty-two hundred uayousiDie to tea wnai ii win no nron wer in line on the marcn til the volea are counted. This always beei the case wKh th.i :j certain fourth but wisenn's were often able to forecast soT.e.-;Un ntoi.t ,how the otliei" wards In the'vliy mid county are oin No' ?hV- s : where there is any competition. So many of the republican candidates Taftin Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Sept 24 President Taft spent a quiet day visiting old friends. Secretary Norton announced E. R. Grlswold of New York had been ap pointed secretary of railroad securi ties commission which was recently created. Taft left this afternoon for fit DEPOSITORS fill LIST ' Plan to Help BalllngerY Sifuation. San Francisco, Sept 24 To- prove that the acid-mutilated body . ' taken from a shallow grave by detectives under the cement basement of a lit tle house on Eureka street is that of Eva Swan, the Paso Robles school teacher who disappeared January 2 was the task the police applied them selves to today. , Friends are asked to come to the coroner's office to examine the body, the acid burned clothing and a blan ket in which, the body was wrapped. The discovery was made after Ben Gordon told the police that Dr. Jas Grant, assisted by Willie Sachs had performed the operation In January and that the girl died on the table, and ' that the physician. -Sachs, who has since disappeared, ' covered the body up and stuffed it in trunk in a rented house, and burled the body. Gordon says Saachs told him of the affair and he told the police because Grant refused to pay to him a debt of $18. Grant is under arrest pend ing an investigation. Miss Swan came from Paso Komes in December and secured a-position as a stenographer. ' She suddenly diopped from sight leaving all her bo longings. The search since then has been fruitless until Gordon told his tale. Besides Grant, a nurse, Miss Mes- sersmlth was taken into custody. The police are now; trying to ascertain who owns the trunk on which blood is smeared. It is helleved ' this will go a long way to clearing up the mys tery. .; : . Spokane, Sept 24 Wholesale in quiry into' the alleged, land frauds In the northwest and Alaska is believ ed to hav been quietly started be fore .the federal grand Jury ; which is now in session here. It is understood the interior department and depart ment of Justice has ordered the prob ing. - . Special agents have been active in Spokane and also other cities the last few days, following Secretary R.. A. Balllnger's recent visit here. It is said the inquiry will -cover some 400 en tries of coal mineral, grazing and tim ber lands and many prominent north west citizens wilt- be called upon to explain. Jt is believed by many that the Investigation Is a part of a plan to Vindicate Secretar of the Interior Ballinger before ' the congressional committee reports on the s Plnchot charges. A ' .J V Sailors Robbed. San Francisco Sept 24 William Sahlgran, a sailor, was attacked ly two thugs, rpbbed and thrown into the bay from which he was rescued. A few minutes later Kenneth Smith, a sailor was robbed of $2SQ near the same spot It is believed the same thugs are responsible. The occurren ces were Just before sunrise. . . Voluminous Bundles of Letters Handed to Department of Jnstlee This Morning Asking for Release of Chicago Banker Who Rntui d Big v Institution There Said to be SuN - lenng an inrnrame mainay ana ' Is Aged Too. ; CANNERIES BURNED UP. through the city. County Superintend cnt E. E. Bragg was. agreed upon as the best man suited to arrange the Children's day program and as he had the huge task last year and made such a splendid success of it, he will he prevailed upon to continue in that capacity, it is hoped. Details for the Fires Does Damnge to Herding Bus Iness In British Colombia Town. Nanalmo B. C. Sept 23 Fire this morning broke out among the local herring canneries and destroyed three of the largest salterles entail ing a, loss of $20,000. Origin Is un known. ' - we running nnpaced that where there Chlldren.g day be announced lat a connict the outcome la a perieci .4 mystery. . Build More Stock Boom. Retnrns This Evening Doctor P. A. Charlton and Manager i The Observer will -not onl7 give Will Church were out at Summertllle U the returns from Union and Wallo- yesterday looking for stock exhibits wa n,nti.. .- yn .rrftn- and they found them found so many inent. v- nnrf th that more stock sheds will have to be Entire state np with this office. Tele- built In addition to ascertaining that nM m v ia fmm the present quarters were inadequate, M parts of the state and read at this the doctor found tlu it office ,, condition of the stock is above par. Reports from the country say theThere are no contagions aisea.es go- nlendld weather, and Saturday a hal holiday has brought out a large vote od the total republican registration in the county of 1291 will he realized. . ; Quake In Arizona. ' ; Phoenix Arizona, Sept 24 Arizona as shaken by a serious earthquake fceginnlng late yesterday and contln ulg until this morning. No damage s done. This la the third quake felt ing the rounds this year and it will be perfectly safe to bring the stock in for exhibit . Further discussion came np pertata' ing to the crowd that is going to En terprise and it was the general opin ion that a large delegation Is going. Get Exhibits In Early. f Special stress ls being placed on the rule that exhibits must be in a noon on the opening day of t.Tw fair Exhibits of any sort coming later than that hour will be refused space Uvlator Will Live. - , Domodosscla, Italy, Sept 24 Avi ator George Chaveza will live, though he is badly broken up as a result of yesterday's fall. He passed a fair night and was able to see visitors and told the story of the accidents SIX IIILIED Bl CANADIAN OFFICIAL REMOVED. UPSETTI1 or Accused ,of Irregularities in Connecr tlon with Chinese Immigration. Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 24 J.W. Bowell, son of Sir MacKenzIe Bowell, controller of the Chinese Immigra tion at this port, was suspended to day by the Minister of Trade and Commerce" for alleged irregularities discovered in connection with the arrival and admittance of oriental? to Vancouver. The minister has giv en as hi? reason for suspension that Bowell reinstated a , Chinese inter preter who had been discovered by the government after an investiga tion. It Is understood the government Is investigating to ascertain whether Chinese had been smuggled into Can ada. '-'V '".v . .' 1 JOY RIDERS COME TO GRIEF IN NEW ORLEANS. Three Chorus Girls, aW Three Other Men Instantly Killed. .' GOLD BUlLION COMING. Seattle Sept. 24 More than $750,- 000 of gojd bullion Is enroute 1 1 Se attle according to today's advices, mostly from Tanana and Fairbanks. MINNESOTA IN CliEER GOES DIES HERE i WESTWARD New Orleans, Sept 24 Three mem bers 6f the Queen Moulin Rout-'e com pany, chorus, Thomas Butler, owner ;he machine, Joseph Fedioan, a perfumery salesman were killed to day when the automobile plunged in to a canal. Later reports say anoth er unidentified man was also killed. Lt' ' Vm. y ine ginn UUIUCS art) uunuvnu, nm they were out. Joy riding and was rounding a curve " when Butler lost control and the machine turned tur- tie and landed In the canal fifteen fee below. ' .'''"l '':, : : The police are trying to raise it and recover the bodies. ; Washlngtoni Sept. 24 A' move on the part of the attorneys to secuie the release of John R. Walsh, aged '73, the Chicago banker now serving a term in the federal prison at Fort Leavenworth, was made today when a monster petition was filed with the department of Justice asking the preldent to pardon. Walsh. Accora- ' panylng the petition are thousands of letters bound in volumes end Becking ' Taft's clemency. The petition says ' the banker is suffering from an in curable malady. All living officers and directors of "Walsh banks" have Joined in the ap plication for hts release. Stockholders and evefar traceable depositor sav one , signed the petition, all affecting they did not lose a cent by Walsh's alleged irregularities. " " ; ?-rr.;' ; Show Coming Soon. . " Lawrence and Sandusky are brlng thelr famous New York success, "Go ing Some" for an engagement at thav Stewart opera house Wednesday eve and with it all the merriment and fun that could possibly be crowded into five acts of any play. Twenty come dians are on the go from curtain rise to curtain fall and there- is not ... a single dull moment during the five acts. The story Is about a race for a , phonograph which occurs on a ranch In New Mexico with a mixture of cow punchers, college , girls and boys and the usual attaches of life on the south ern plains. "Going Some" ran for a year at the Belaaco theatre, New York and was hailed as the best of all the comedy success of many seasons. - LEAVES WIDOW AND TWO WEEKS OLD BABY. ' ' Body to Be Shipped East Thjs Even- lag for Interment In Home State. Succumbing to the ravages' of con sumption, William Hoast, a native of Minnesota and about thirty years of n ritPil vtaterdav In the northwest portion of town and the body will be shipped to Kimball, Minn., this ev ening for burial., Mr." Hoast Is sur vived by a wife, a two-weeks' old child and a brotfier. The brother will, ac company the remains to the eastern home, but the widow and infant' child will remain in La Grande. HOPES TO DODGE PROCESS SERV. ERS IN THAT WAY. Catholic Charity "Trust ". Washington, Sept 24 A national ! Catholic charity "trust" may result from the National Conference of Cath- : ollc Charities, which opens in the na- ' tlonal capital tomorrow for a session of four days. The meeting will mark .; an epoch in the history of the church In the'Unlted States, since for the j first time an effort will he made to co relate the varfous forms of charitable activity carried by the church on na tional lines, to discover the weak spots in the . church's philanthropic work and how the problem of poverty In this industrial age may best be solved. ..' " V .. Dependent families, the care of the children, Juvenile courts, probation, and social settlements are some of the topics that will occupy the con vention, but the principal session of Remove Ban on Haircuts. Munich Sept 24 Barbers of Ober- ammergau, wnere ine grew passion play has been in progress, are today sharpening their shears and prepar-1 the congress will be given up to a dis- In'c for a snreat rush of business., For l cussion of social reform. At the lat- Llna Cavallerl Is Busy Planning Suit ; Forcing Payment of Fortune, . New York, Sept. 23 Robert Chan ter is today enroute to the west. It is reported, while LIna Cavallerl l a year the hair-cutters of that quaint town have had no home patronage and have depended on .tourists for a liv ing. Last October the Burgomaster of Oberammergau issued an order for- bidding-all the male citizens of the ter meeting the speakers will grapple with the problems of underpaid la bor and employers liability .laws. United States Commissioner of La bor O'Nell will read a paper on "In dustrial Accidents and Diseases as Related to Poverty." Many women will town from having their hair cut, or I take part in the conference, and it is taking steps to collect a fortune whlchi even trimmed, until after September I likely that a national organization of 25, 1910. The mayor declared that tne women engaged in cnanty wora win prohibition of the haircut was neces-1 be effected. Mts. Carter the wife of sary in order that the hirsulte appear- the Montana senator, and an active ance of the participants in the passion charity worker, will preside at one of play conform strictly to the demands the seslsons. he signed over to her before the cou ple were married. Attorneys for the Diva are busily planning a suit to force Chanler to live up to his agree ment which will probably be filed within a couple of days. Chanler according to rumor will attempt to conceal himself from New of historic accuracy. The, order ex pires tomorrow and the barbers are happy. ' Pope Plus X has sent his blessinp to all who take part in the confer ence; ' ) forty years. I,