LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1910. NEXT CONVENTION PLACE IS NOT DECIDED UPON. Adjournment Taken Last ETining Af ter Two-Day Segslon. PAGE EIGIIT IS. -WOLFE UQT OBSERVER Wlllff?5Sr RE-ELECTED GIVE RETURNS aiufe Jfa : RETURNS SnOl'LD BEACH IIEKE ut:y('tXS: 'i!'sfU& BY NINE O'CLOCK. 'f f iZM' 'Z-fiSJp .Mwi l . x imii' mi : . of the Complete System In Union and Wal. if' , Wm wft. J&'PT.. ' ' ' Z : .. V. , at this j ; iA h " 1 Without deciding where the next county convention of the W. C. T. U. Is to be held, and electing Mrs. J. W. McAllister of this city to head the county union Instead of Mrs. Hattle Wolfe, who has held that position for several terms the county convention In session here for two days ad journed last evening. Other officers elected were: Mrs. Laura M. Boyd, of Elgin vice president; Mrs. S. N. Bolton of La Grande, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Hattle Wolf, of Union, recording secretary, and Mrs. Clark, of Union, treasurer. The full list of appointive officers have not as yet been announced. TAKE RICHARDS TO SPOKANE. Pi-hate Car at Disposal of Spokane Interurban Railroad Magnate. Private Car "or" used by Superin tendent William Bollons of the 0. R. & N. Is at Hot Lake this, afternoon and will be nsed In removing Mr, Richards the millionaire Spokane railroad mag nate to his home. Mr. Richards has been critically ill at the Lake but will return home. The private car will be attached to No. 5 this evening. BLACKHAJJD AT SPOKANE. Well Dressed Italian Shot Down In Residence Part of the City. Spokane, Sept. 23 A well dressed Italian aged 30, was murdered near a residence of Fourth street this morn ing. A boy who heard the shots, ar rived in time to find the man dying and no one near. The police say the blackhand was . responsible as money was left in his clothes. All marks that could identlfyhlm, had been removed by the assassins. v Lowney's Dainty Candies Pure and Delicious With representatives in every pre cinct In Union county that can be reached by a telephone, the Observer will be able tomorrow night to give the city of La Grande primary returns from 9 o'clock on until the county has been counted. Ia year's past the Ob server has been the central news bu reau for election returns and "It will again assume that expense and re sponsibility. A corps of Observer rep resentatives will rush the news to this office at frequent Intervals giving the interested political sphere a chance to keep In touch with the way the votes are going. The primary will be held tomor row throughout the state of Oregon and In addition to furnishing the com plete Union and Wallowa county re turns, the Observer will be In touch with Portland headquarters where the votes will be compiled every few min utes. '"' " v ." '. With excellent weather apparent, politicians hope for a vote that Is fully up to registration. On the eve of the primaries politicians have called a halt , on their compaignlng and are resting for the morrow, v To-Morrow Ends It ooo Many ladies have taken advantage of this unparalleled . opportunity of buying the season's latest and best at sea 3 son-end prices, 7 here are some good things left. 1TK3D EADDD a del : maao nm. Bam TUBERCULOSIS CODSS RD ROUNDUP ' PASSENGER AGENT HOPES GET GOOD CROWD HERE. TO Arrangements Made to Give La Grande Entire Day at the Roundup. For years the name LOWXEY has stood for all that was purest and most wholesome In confection ary. The products of a house are as good today as ever. We receive them In small quan tities and often enough to Insure business. We have the Chocolates, Bon packages. popular Varlely Bona and small Wright Drug Co. The Reliable Druggists Effort to recruit an excursion party v to attend the roundup at Pendleton a week from Saturday Is being exerted by Traveling Passenger Agent Jack O'Neil today. He is feeling the public pulse in this matter and will arrange passenger facilities according to what he finds Is wanted. It is planned to put some extra coaches on No. one, the morning local and to bring the tour ists back on No. two at night, which would give the La Grande people practically the entire day at the roundup. Saturday Is conceded. to be the best day of the week. New York, Sept. 23 -America will play a prominent part In the next International Tuberculosis Congress, which opens in Rome a year from to morrow. This will be ' the ' seventh great gathering of the physicians and humanitarians of the whole world to wage warfare on the scourge of civ lizatlon the deaded white plague. The sixth congress was held In Washing ton two years ago. Next year's gather ing will be under the direct patron age of the King and Queen of Italy. According to details given out today regarding the participation of Ameri can, the United States official repres entation will be vested in a commit tee of one hundred. This committee will be able to give a most flattering report to the congress. It is expected that the number of tuberculosis agen cies In this country will have tripled In the three years Intervening between the Washington and Rome congress es. Already more than twice as much money la being spent in the fight against consumption by public and private societies and institutions as was available two years ago. " The congress In the Eternal City will meet in three sections, that un telblogy and causes of tuberculosis- ; on pathology , and therapeutics, fd- cluding both medical and surgnf I i - J I J , treatment. 01 tuts uibbubb, uiiu ui; .icq i i j Poughkeepsie, N. Y.i Sept. 23 With an enrollment of 1032; the largest in the history of the institution,-Vassar C.t'lege reopened today and brought to this city the usual great swarm of fair elrl students. The overflow U being cared for in cottages at Arling ton, the suburb In which the famous women's college is. located. Th- col lege authorities are taxed to the in most to find proper quarters foi the n-.hny new students. Vassar college was original'. in tended to accommodate less than 500 ntu'ionts. tut has been greatV enlan-; ed lb last term it held a thous and : t'gular attendants. During the va- c reason the work of enlargljg be udded to the dormitories wh'cb w 11 be t pu pped to shelter 500 cr tnoie itU'lmtS. '; - Prince to TIsIt West Point. , West Point, N. Y., Sept. 23 Prince Tsal Hsun, the Chinese naval commls- -sloner, Is expected to visit Wes Point tomorrow. He will inspect the cadets and will be entertained at luncheon by Ma3-Gen. Thomas H. Barry. . POLK'S c social defense tuberculosis. against th sprea.d' cf !h ifrtin'tion has been gjng on uc'l?.'Next summer a new hall tviH fi GAZETTEER a BnsuMM Directory or each citr. Town and Village la Oreffoa an Waahlagtos, riving Descriptive Hketch of eoh place, Location, Hblpplnir Facilities and Clawl fird Director? of, each SaalaeM aasi trofeealoo. B. X POtS CO, Xm. Seattle, Wain. ACCUSED OF STEALING GOLD. Two Miners Will be Returned to Nome to Stand Trial for Robberies. , Seattle, Sept. 23 Though both pro test InnocenceJohn Tybough and Marcus Johnson, both miners who ar rived herelrom Nome, will go back to Nome today accompanied by officers to stand trial for alleged Ihef t of about $17,000 in gold. The men were former ly employed by the Pioneer Gold Mln ing company and are charged with stealing the gold from the Blulce box es. Pueblo Woman Elected. Atlantic City Sept. 23 Mrs. Annie Kelly of Pueblo was chosen president of the Daughter of Veterans of the O. A. R. today. 2 I Samson Wnimills, Demig Pumps Richardson and Boyn ton Hot Mr Plants. Fittings, Bath Room Fixtures and alt lands of Plumbing Goods. Pipi BAY & ZWEIFEL Plumbers, Heaters and Sheet Metal Workers. ft M It rag M aeifiiMie MAKES GOOD Here are a few reasons why we stand loyally by the -Free v Sewing Machine. Read this history of a case where the Company made good in La Grande: 20, 1910. , ing machine it will afford you consid erable good advertising, we remain, Yours very truly, FREE SEWING MACHINE CO. P. R. SCHRENDER, Sales Mgr. PRS-DG. Chicago, 111., Sept. 7, 1910 F. D. Halsten, La Grande, Ore. Dear Sir; Replying to your valued favor of the 31st ult., regarding sewing ma chines to be replaced as per our in-, surance policy to Mr. Cherry, would say, that we shipped you the new ma chine on August 20th, and which we will kindly ask you to deliver to Mr. Cherry upon Us arrival. - Hoping that the machine will be re ceived in good condition and feeling confident that in replacing this aew- La Grande, Ore., Sept. 20, 1910. Mr. A. B. Cherry, Cherry New Laudry, City. Dear Sir: Under date Sept. 7th, the Free Sewing Machine Co. has advised me to deliver you the Free Sewing maching No. 848542, shipped from the factory Aug. 20th, replacing absolute ly free the machine you bought of me in June and which was destroyed in the fire of July 3rd. This complies in full with the Fire Insurance Policy of this company in Insuring all family sewing machines for 5 years from date of purchase. 1 congratulate you , In having purchased a Free Sewing Ma chine In preference to all others. Respectfully, ' F. D. HAISTEN, La Grande, Ore., Sept. Mr. F. D. Halsten, City. , ' ' Dear Sir: . I acknowledge with pleasure deliv ery of new, The Free Sewing Ma chine, replacing one I bought of you In June and was destroyed In fire of Ju!y fird which burned the Cherry's New . Loundry and which wa3 Insured against loss or damage for 5 years by the Free Sewing Machine Co. The prompt compliance with their agreements by the Free Sewing Ma chine Co. and the high grade work done by the machine they are putting out deserves attention from users of sewing machines, v 1 Yours truly, i CHERRY;S NEW LAUNDRY, A. B. CHERRY, Manager! F.D, If in the market for a Sewing Machine it means money to you to call on ' rurmiure ana nuwe Furnishings of All Kinds HA 5 mm