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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1910)
PAGE SIX VK GkANDE EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1910. j 1' j: 3 s 3 3 1 3 I " "" lsVv 1121 aii aiil LL5 We will start our Saturday Special zz Salei I By selling STEIN-BLOCK SUITS at reduced prices L1 LOOK OVER OUR LINE BEFORE BUYING ATURDAY'.ONLYi E O ooo o 000 A. V. ANDREWS I mi 11,1 ft.'.. ' ' "' """JL1"" IILII""",l-7 111 1 """ . "in mi' 1 1 1 1 u uiumi ii in mm . Htmnummmm' . - ' ' . , . .. . M - . " ' " 1 I . -J ' , S X " .Ml Y ,,fc,wn' Whether or not he would be willing S evoMionao mmmm flit WW! Have You an Old Quilt at Home? Or a quilt with a history? If so, enter it in our REVOLU TIONARY QUILT CON TEST which begins next Monday and continues all week. $500.00 IN PRIZES ARE OFFERED. Just Arrived from St. Louis A fresh shipment of Swiss ' Cheese Brick Cheese llmburger Cheese Cream, Cheese Mackerel Codfish Boiled Spiced Herring: Royal Grocery and Bakery Pormar White Sox Manager Contem plates Move, Says Ban Johnson. , Fielder Jones.' the former manager of the Chicago Americans, contem plates returning to baseball next year somewhere and somehow, probably as part owner and manager of an Ameri can league club. ' - ,-; President Johnson of the American league is authority for that statement on his services as player and manager. Whether or not he would be willing to surrender that claim in order to per mit Jones to buy Into and manage an other American league team only Comlskey knows, and he Is keeping his own counsel Two years ago the master of the Sox refused absolutely to. entertain any proposition to sell Jones a part of the White Sox stock in spite of Nan earnest desire to retain him as manager of the team. It Is doubtful if the Old Roman has chang ed his mind on that proposition, 'inac Joiies w iu a posiituu i iwcuuiv a partner-magnate is unquestioned. He was noted for being as shrewd in business as in handling a ball team before bis retirement and had been successful enough in oil and timber deals to make his offer to purchase a large holding In the White Sox gen uine.. In the two years since he quit the game he has been even more suc cessful in a business way and has no need of resuming baseball as an occu pation; hence the practical certainty that he contemplates returning as part wner. Baseball always has as strong a fascination for Jones as checkers, chess and bridge whist, his pet amuse ments, although be would not admit it, and he made a deeper study of the science of baseball than of any other game. i Before he retired from the game In the fall of 1008 Jones was considered to be one of the greatest managers baseball ever produced. As a diamond strategist and tactician he had few If any superiors. In spite of deficient batting, he kept his team among the leaders for many seasons. In 1906 he won the American league pennant and the world's championship from the Cubs. Jones' return to the game will be hailed with delight by the fans. . recently called on Mr. Johnson for the purpose or learning 11 there would be any opposition on the part of Mr. Johnson or any of his associates indi vidually or collectively to the Fielder returning to organized baseball Ee ex plained that his brother, although suc cessful n his business ventures, was unable to shake off the lure of the na tional pastime and was getting more uneasy with every month he kept away from It V "I told him," said President Johnson recently, "that there not only would not for the( thirty most interesting, oldest, most unique or most artistically made quilts entered in the contest and you will perhaps gain a distinction of owning the most valuable quilt in America. Get one of the Books of Rules ; THEy'TlE F-REE FOH THE ASKIffG , No purchase is necessary to enter your quilts in the con test, and the entries may be seen at the store next week absolutely free. x We want some woman in La Grande to win the first prize, which is now being contested for by women all over the country. Get a Booklet today AA2 LEA.HJV A.LL A.HOUT IT i '..' And while at the store ask to see "REDDISODE" C0T-. ON BATTSstitched together in full quilt size ready or the covering. Tine Peoples Store H EATERS . ALL KINDS- New and Second Hand Any Kind of Price You Want Prepare for Winter Telephone: Black 1521 C. E. SUYDAM 1411-1413 Adams Ave. rilEFEBUED STOCK. PORK and BEANS With Tomato Sauce. A new addition to our three other brands or Pork and Beans which retail TWO CANS FOR I a v . v wf . S " 'r rt- p vK 1 I !S k r ' vl ' v 25c No mention Is necessary of the above Roods as iheir name indicates No. 1 quality. . f Pattison Bros. Use either phone PERT PARAGRAPHS. Some persons are exceedingly straightforward and truthful, while others are merely diplomatic. People will be exceedingly Interested in you if you will make your personal ity entirely subservient to theirs. A girl's idea of a perfectly lovely summer Is to be engaged to three men at the same time and drive herself frantic Juggling dates. A good example of nobody In par ticular la rich people of the second gen During the past three winters at Washington Congressman Ellis has: . Secured appropriations for three fine federal buildings for Oregon cit ies. . Been honored by being placed on the ranking committee in 'the House of Representatives Ways and Means. This is the first time . Oregon has ever had a place on this great committee with the In fluence It gives. ' ' Been a consistent friend of the "old soldier" having supported ev ery bill intioduced In his behalf;' secured passage of many private bills for very needy old veterans and their ' widows; and handled many hundreds of different claims or pensions which were acted on by the pension bureau. The Second Oregon district stood at or near the head In the sums appropriated in .the last House bill for Its river and har bors. ($1,800,000.) Congressman Ellis has Haed In the district over 26 years; he knows the j people and what they want and need. I He has been In congress ten years, i and gained an experience on the floor : of the House and In the committee rooms and an acquaintance with the membership of Congress which puts him In a better position to satisfy the needs of Oregon than any new man could be for many years. WHY MAKE ANY CHANGE? Paid Advertisement. v VnELDXB J0NBS, FAMOUS BASEBALL MAN AOKB, WHO MAY JKETUHN TO GAME. . be any personal objection to Fielder Jones returning to baseball, but that he would be welcomed and that I would help In so far as I could. Base bull need such men as Fielder JiJhes, and Lis retirement was a loss to the g!un." . : y . Wliethw or not the former Sox lead er's plans have Rone any further than to put out this feeler for the purpose of ascertaining bow he stood la not ap parent It Is practically certain, how ever, that he would not return to the game In the role of player-manager only. It Is doubtful, Indeed, If his days as ah active player are not over, on account of the difficulty he would experience in cettinir hack to snrthinir jllke playing weight after two yean or care free prosperity. How Jones' return to baseball can be arranged Is not known. Under the rulM of the business end of the game President Qomlskey still has. first claim m C3 Arrif IMnpMaB a . aaaaaaaiaiiMMMiMBMiw. BUY DIRECT AND SA VP Mnurrv huFr tflSnvf-?Krfect bu,ldlnf material, cut to a nair. to fit like the paper on the wall, shipped dally J??Td'crofs panfLl 1M Dor a the best value ilfL .ff-eIe.d f nyhere for this remarkably low price, ana It Is only a sample of the many good thwian,, Pr'c-savers contained ln ouruCe. We own and operate our own mill In Seattle and SAVE YOU MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS vHvlmssj) us show - w. . f , u"",a wuai wo save you. BirildersNeed lius Catalog ........ D U 11 LO , w Send for Catalogue. 'FOR THE CHILDREN Save One price to everybody The George Palmer C3EDS m hETAJL DEPARTMEN1 We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8." ,