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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1910)
t LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVEli . FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1010. PAGE FIVE fl ISIS -TOHIEHT'S PROGRAM Ingratitude. . Army Kite Flying at Relm Ur ban Eclipse. Mama's Birthday Present Ka- lem. 1 The Ro&& to Richmond. Sellg. Song-Shoes and Sock 8 Shock Susan. '- Beautiful dishes given to lady .otrnna of the matinee. See dis play In lobby. ' ' -AMISSIOM 10c- Geo. H. Sutherland of Walla Wa'la ' la a guest at the Foley today. J k J. D. McKennon and F. S. Bntin well were Union vlstors today. Jap Stevens of "Bro... Thisen were Union and Cove visitors today, ' at tending to Mr. Stevenson's businesi aff alrB. mm Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Thronson return ed to their home in Imbler this morn ing after having transacted business In the city. ' t LOCALS ! Clean house' with a vacuum carpet cleaner. All work guaranteed. Prices right. Phones Bed BC2 or Red 14L Rev. H. E. McLeod of Vale who has been detained here as a witness is in, Elgin today visiting friends and look ing after business matters. ,H. J. O'Nell. with the travellne frleght department of the 0. R. & N. Is transacting business In La Grande today. He Is a bro'her of "Jack' O'Nell. Miss Etta Foley arrived home th's morning from ajvlslt with friends t Pasco and Portland. She bas been gone about two weeks, visiting several of the larger cities on the coast. Customers having pink tea tickets, can redeem them now at the Grande Union Tea Store. . '. St 1 houses for rent cards printed to rea For sale "cheap at The Ob- E M. Hutchinson, machinist at hf Ms. theatre, arrived home this morn ing from Walla Walla, where be at traded the fair and studied the mov Ins picture business In the Garden (OMtS TO LOCATE IS LA GRANDE. TAKING OYER REALTY OFFICE. Tan Duyne and Cummins Sell Out lo Yale Real Estate Dealer. and black. server office. First class bookkeeper and steno grapher wants to locate In La Grande. Seven years experience,; lumber con struction and-railroad work. Phone Red 711.-' " Mrs. Sawyer, her daughter am' niece, arrived yesterday from Seattle, find has gone to the Hardscrabble or chard at Imbler, where they will visit with Gordon Sawyer, of the firm of Sawyer & Greene, proprietors of the tew orchard at that place. L. B. Wilson, a real estate man of Vale, Ore., yesterday evening closed a deal whereby he takes over the In terests of the Van Duyne Realty com pany, the former members, C. S. Van Duyne and. C. G. Cummlngs, retiring from the business.. Mr. WllBon Is now sole owner of the extensive business carried by the retiring men. He has brought his family to La Grande and will live at 2019 Washington avenue He Intends to conduct a regular ronl estate business, specializing In city property and In farm land. However, the retiring business men are plan ning to go to Portland late to the fall but until then will remain to the city, acquainting Mr. Wilson with the lay of the land, and attending to personal matters. Before selling out however, they closed a deal with an eastern lumoer nrm tor tne purcnase or su acres of timber land in Umatilla county;'--: ; 111 Flemish Art Goods, hand covered with Jewel' settings. We sell you the goods and teach you how to do It free. Call and see our demonstrator A, PERSONALS. A QQQ $$$$$ J. H. Scott and wife of Hilgard, are registered at the Savoy. v -mWM-WWW-W -w- -mm - I rA . a iCIassifiedt Advertising j. a. Bain of Detroit Is stopping to day at the Sommer. ' Mrs. Ellen Wade of Salt Lake was registered today at the Savoy. D. P. Henderson of Lincoln, Neb., Is a guest at the Foley. 3 nuvwiiuiiiw $ iiit. GREATEST BUSINXSS IN HISTORY HANDLED SO FAR. FOR SALE 500 Bheep, Waiter Glenn, R. F. D. No 2. . . Call of the West Being Answered by , Great Host of People This Week. iff kt , aciiaes 9 DO 1 1 I W.'iVoy IViiiilLsiLsiii i lLiA ii There never has been a season before when Ladies Head "Wear was more beauti ful, novel, neat and classy. The shape and trim is very becoming this season not too loud but modest, neat and stylish. We can please you. Our stock of Trim med Hats is complete besides our milliners are working overtime to supply the de mand for special orders. Call and look our lme over. o m s ! 1 t ! Coats and FOR SALE Furniture for three rooms In a four room house which can be rented. See Oakley Coffin at Star theatre. - , LOST Gordon setter pup, 4 months old. Reward for return to post office. J. I. Davis of Baker City was reg istered at the Foley. A. J. Elliott of Union is stopping at the Savoy. . WANTED Place on ranch by man and wife, no children. Prefer, place where owner Is leaving for the winter. Call or address H. CUne, 205 Green wood.St. Ind. phone 497, La Grande. With westbound trains running In two sections and far behind the sched ule, the eastern influx of homeseekers Is well under way this week. "We are handling more business this week than ever before under similar cir cumstances," said Traveling Passeng- mes Just in by express 10 of our popular priced La Vogue Suits, new styles, new materials . . .... $22.50 Also a dozen Coats, consisting of Long Black ; and Blue Broadcloth and Kerseys at . . ....... $10 to $17.50 Auto and street coats with the large Shawl or Military Collar .... . . . . ... . . . . . ... ...... . . . . . . $12.50 to $20 1 The La Vogue shown this season is beautiful, stylish and popular priced. QUALITY, THE SAME--PRICE, LESS :UllLi McC.U Patten No. 3611 CHIC AFTERNOON COSTUME ntUiS er Agent Jack O'Nell today while In La Grande. Judging from the amount of rolling stock sent weBt every day the present week, his statements are true, ' Commencing yesterday morning No. 17 was run In two sections and again this morning. Number 5 was run In two sections last night and every available seat was taken up. However the same old rule holds true the Easterners go as far as possible and then after seeing - the coast and coast cities commence to percolate through the various chan nels that center In Portland and lead to the scores of favored valleys and sections of Oregon. v P IT" Apple Pickers Wanted. Apple pickers and packers wanted at once. Apply to Doctor C. H. Lpton. n About Your Suit ! Y Ik III F OU may be as "touchy" in re- gard to the looks, make and fit of your Suit as you please and Btin vdii can be fully satisfied here. We had particular folks in mind: when we had our Suits made. H AST Note the hang of the Coat, the perfect fitting collar and lapels, the handsome shoulders, the grace of the Trousers! The designing, cutting and tailoring were all done by the most high salaried experts. The patterns and color ings of the fabrics are entirely new. . OCB SUITS AT $120 AND $20.00 are remarkable valueB remarkable for all round goodness. Come here, Sir. with all your Suit desires and wa'U see that you are sat isfied yeB, more pleased at every , point Ash Bros. CLOTHIERS and FURNISHERS il i:-:.- v: , .. f, . ... 1 . i' . : : PTTJHF AMKRir ATM WFFIC I Y line hoon JL JLM-d A&if 1UA Viw ai i TV m jl.m & m.m.kj ftswAA sent to your address for several weeks. Unless all subscribers in arrears pay $1.50 at once, which is the price of the weeldjr Observer, the American Weekly will be discontinued. . "V VW W I Hi I I lllllllllll lll rrrFI ' t 1' 1' T V T T T g. i. -.tyMn : I ! ti ll ! : 'I .; i . ' i