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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1910)
PAGE FOUR IA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1910. THE OBSERVER Published Daily Except Sunday. Bruce Dennis, Editcr and Owner. EDtered at the postofflce at La Grande as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Daily, single copy.. Daily, per week...,, Dally, per month 6c 15c 65c This paper will not publish au ar ticle appearing over a nom de pi line. Signed articles will be revised sub ject to the discretion of the editor. Please sign your articles and save f lsappoIntmenL ' THE LAST DAY BEFORE PRIMARY. This is the last day before the nom inating primary. Tomorrow the event comes off and candidates will be named for state and county offices. The importance of nomination of proper candidates is apparent to every good citizen, and the primary is the foundation of all government. It is therefore necessary for the right of suffrage to be used at. primaries as well as elections if the state and coun ty cz!i hi"? officials. This Is overlooked by a good many and then complaint is made if things do pot go to suit Under, the direct primary law reg istration Is necessary. All know how well this feature of the law has been carried out this year, and what effort It has been to get what registration that has been obtained. Yet if you would say to the unreg istered voter that he Is not a good citizen he would resent it The same man refused to attend mass primar ies In. old-time political days, yet he complained of machine rule. Had he attended the primaries and taken a hand In affairs he would have either annihilated the local political bosB, or deposed him and taken his sertt him self. That is human nature, and there is no use denying it. . ' But whether you are, registered or not, there is to be a primary election held in Union county tomorrow and candidates are going to be named for different Offleea from governor down the line. Those who favor party organiza tion and straightforward state gov ernment; those who believe in Judg ing things by results rather than as sertions; those wno believe in seeing economy in practice rather than in theory Jn Oregon, should vote for Jay Bowerman and the ticket named by the gathering of republicans in Port land last July. Those men are recom mended by 1200 reputable citizens of your state. Hofer is recommended to you for governor by himself. That Is the difference between organization and no organization. The polltlrnl ; money spent this year has been spent by those who claim to be anti-assembly, and for statement No. one, ctr. They have spent, the 'money not in buying votes, but in circulating liter ature. But the money has been spent Just the same. So do not get the idea that campaigns are run without expense, evea in this day of "let the people rule." Take your choice of the candidates tomorrow. Remember the Bowerman ticket nominated means a Btralght out republican line-up; no trading on can-j honest purposes. It is the fashion dldates; no dodging issues. That tlcK et offers you everything that is in rea son for economical and decent govern ment. " ' ROOSEVELT YS. LAFOLLETTE. .(Portland Oregonlan) "Will Oregon, the home of the in itlative, the referendum, and the re call, continue to allow itself to be mis represented in the House (Congress) as it has so emphatically declined to be in the Senate, my 'system' statesman of the caliber of Ellis and Hawley ?' This sounds like Tom Law- son; but it is not. It is the exordium of a formal attack on the two Oregon representatives by Senator LaFollette, of Wisconsin. What LaFollette wns Oregon to do is to send men to Wash ington of the "caliber" of Bourne and Chamberlain. We think Oregon will do nothing of this kind; but we do not know. Oregon does queer things, as the election of Bourne and Chamber lain abundantly proves. The LaFollette Indictment against Hawley and Ellis is that they support ed throughout the "regular" House organization. They did; they also sup ported all the great Taft measures such as the postal savings bank, rail road control, publicity of election ex penses, ana trie line, mat maae. me Taft administration one of remark hU achievement. They, aided the Taft programme as they had conspicuously upheld the Roosevelt programme in the previous congress. . Ellis and Hawley do not suit La Follette, but they suited Roosevelt. It may help a little to reprint part of a formal statement Issued May 29, 1908, from the White House: "' The President (Roosevelt) today paid goodbye to the two Oregon Con pressmen, Messrs. Hawley and Ellis, r.nd stated publicly that he took the occasion to thank them for the atti tude they had consistently maintained In support of the Administration poli cies, and to wish them success in the election which is to take place on Monday next. The President stated that he wished publicly to express his appreciation of the cordial manner in which the pentlement had backed up the policies and the measures which the President felt were of such consequence for the welfare of the country, In connection for instance, with such, matters as the upbuilding of the navy, the upbuilding of merchant marine, the conservation of our natural resources, including both the reservation of the forests and the construction of the waterways; securing proper employers' liability legislation, both as regards interstate commerce and as regards the employ es of the government itself; securing child labor legislation and the effort to secure the proper administration by the courts of the power of injunc tion, and finally securing by the na tion of thoroughgoing and adequate control over the great interstate cor porations, a control which shall be both effective to prevent any wrong doing by them and at the same time of, such a character ts will permit the reward in ample fashion of all busi ness which Is so conducted as to be for and not against the public inter est The LaFollette method is to-assume that everything done in Con gress by any otherB than himself or his Immediate following was wrong, and that the men who did It were in spired hy unworthy motives and dis- nowadays, when in doubt, to- believe and assert that public men are crimin als and thieves. Doubtless Hawley pnd Ellis would .be in a bad way withsom,e people except for the ex plicit testimony oMhe ex-President in their behalf. . REFORM HITS SEATTLE. Youthful fonncilnian Acting: as Major iCansIng Consjderable Worry. Seattle, Sept. 23 While Mayar Gill is cruising in waters on the Sound on a vacation and Chief of Police Wap penstein is spending his in California, Acting Mayor Max Waddell, a youth ful councilman is effecting such radi cal reforms In restricted districts that privlliged Interests ' are frantically searching for the missing official. Waddell closed dance halls and bade the acting chief of police enforce the liquor law to the letter. Baker Conple Married. William Jensen and Edith' Rows, both of Baker City were married this morning by County Judge J. C. Henry at the court house. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Cherry Blossoms are marshmellows and cherries. Delicious confection, at SHyerthorn's family drug store. Flemtsl Art Goods, something very new and pretty, being demonstrated now at Sllverthorn's family drug store. It will be worth your while to call and see It Haradon'g Tru-Fruit Made Just right. Chocolates. BLACKSMITH FOR SENATOR. John F. Brockenridgo, One Perform ing Cowboy, Out For Missouri SaatV John F. Breckenrklge of" St Joseph, Mo., the blacksmith who announces himself a candidate' for United States senator from Missouri and whose pe tition, with the required-number of names, has beeu filed with the secreta ry of stafe at Jefferson. City, in hia early days followed "the trail" as a cowboy. He uow runs a horseshoeing establishment at the stockyards in South St Joseph. ' While with wild west shows as a rope and cattle thrower Mr. Brecken ridge visited Europe and every part of U?? FDUl States. In Brussels tea years ago he saved the lives of fir persons iu a hotel fire, and again at Jacksonville, Fin., seven years ago he rescued two persons from being suffo- 6ated by smoke. As a farrier in Jer- seyvllle. III., six years ago he made a strong race for congress as a Socialist and labor candidate. Mr. Breckenridge Bays he will make a strenuous cam paign for United States senator, 'it Ing every county in the state. " II GEORGE PALMER, Pres. W. L. BRENH0LTS, Ass't Cash. F. J. nOLMES, Ylce-Pws, EARL ZUNDEL, li AssXCash F. L. METERS, Cashier. v LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000.00 DIRECTORS ckobqi rusxa w.j. cHimcii F. J. HOLMES W- L. BUENHOLTS F. I. MEYERS W. M. PIERCE c c, peninoton a CLEAVER F. M. BTRKIT rTItk ear Maple mmi ani facilities we can render jon efficient service an tandle jenr batliei to your entire satisfaction. Six Teams In Intereollegiato Shoot.' Six colleges, Yale, nnrvard. "Co lumbia, University of Pennsylvania. George Washington and Massachusetts Agricultural college, already have sig nified their intention of sending rifle teams to compete In the intercollegiate rlfh mntch to be held at Washington on June 18 under the auspices of tho National Rifle association. Araongthe members of the Yale rifle team are a Chinese student and a son of Secretary of War Dickinson. This will be the fifth meet' The team winning the cup oftenest out of twelve meets will rev tain It permanently. The cup has been won once by Princeton, once by Columbia and twice by George Wash ington university. - Bay Rum. Bay rum Is manufactured from the dried leaves of Pimento acrls. Bay rum Is procured by distillation, and this in a very simple manner. The leaves are picked from the trees and 'then dried. In this state they are placed in the retort, which Is then fill ed with water, and the process of dis tillation is carried on. The vapor is then condensed in 'the usual way and forms what is known as "bay oil," a very small quantity of which la re quired for each puncheon of rum. Ho Citod tho Rivtr. Indignant Wife You talk about hav ing "meandered all over the neighbor hood" while you were waiting for your breakfast. You haven't been out of your bed! Husband (half awake) Well, didn't you ever Bee a river mean der without getting out of Its bed? Chicago Tribune. Turning tho Tables. lie (after a quarrel, bitterly) I was a fool when I married you. She I knew It but I thought you would improve. Exchange. People who fish for compliments do not need long lines. They will get their best bites In shallow water. , E mlmwe m . t .'V f 1 f , Ve t i at i !-.., ; .- ;:--.,.V:- . Best of Quality, the very latest of shapes, styles, combined with reasonable prices Is reason that our MIHJnery Department is so popu lar with the well dressed women of this city. and the 7 New Shipment 'Arrived of , .... " . Gage Pattern Hate OUR MILLIXEBY DEPARTMENT IS A BUSY PLACE, BUT NEVER TOO BUSY TO SHOW I0U THE NEW STYLES IN CORRECT MILLINERY. V Oti fall a:d m i:; nr. i::,rs aus ?ft".r complete in fyfrv department, merch andise OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY ONLY. IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT THIS STORE. N. 'V- WEST THE QUALITY STORE This is the Store that sells WOOLTEX If Our Wagon Does Not Call Please Phone ,We startedj'with a business much larger thanjexpected,! and 'our. driveKwas unable to reach everyone.- " In order to more promptly handle the business, we wiliradd another riew wagon to our delivery service on Monday. r -. . Monday we whl again start our REPAIRIN SDEPARTMENT lfo71ingle"menr" ' CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY -Chsmberlain's Stomach and Liver iawei invariably bring relief to women auilemi from chronic constipation, headache. Iiilituv ness, diin88, Ballownet of tlo tu a dyspepsia. FARMERS' BUSINESS WE GIVE PARTICU- - LAR ATIEHT10N TO THE BUSINESS FARMERS. AVE CORA DIMLY INVITE THtM TO MAKE THIS 7 HE? BANKING HOME The United States National Bank, LA , GRANDE, OREGON. i Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the undersigned Recrder until Sep tember 28th, 1910, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. for the construction of 14267.7 square yards of bitulithic pavement together with the excava tion, drainage and curbing as shown by the plans and specifications on file In this office, the same to be con structed on Fourth street- from the North line of Adams avenue to the south line of "O" avenue, Adams ave nue from the west curb line of Fourth street to the east curb line of Third street and Chestnut street from Adams avenue to the south curb line of Jef ferson avenue. Certified check of 5 per cent of the amount of the bid to accompany each hid. Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the City Council, Sep tember 21st, 1910. D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande. Sept 23-24-26-27-28. reason revr ivmsir During the long evenings to come you will appreciate a T musical Instrument. ' . , . Most people want to loam to play on some Instrument ' " and thla is the most tavorable time to take un this work. . Remember that we have Violins, Mandolins, GAItors, Accordions, Flutes, Efln jos. Etc. We have good g ) d9 in this line and we sell them at right prices. Drop In and talk it over. - J. Edison Phonographs, Vie tor Phonographs. NEWLIN BOOK AND STATIONERY C0