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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1910)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1910. PAGE THREE r -J o LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER 0) (Des QDay dMy lll.Ull≪;ll, 35c; .FalOpeiiiini TT1T1 or Uegamfc The 4 Also Great showing ihnc in Hats. of Ladies' Tailored suits, coats, one-piece - V '' V IT TT : 1 ' suits and jruraismngs. MISS MARY 0. SPIERS. Young Woman Appointed at So cial Secretary For Mrs. Taft I vv;'.i :';c4s:::'v;- 1 rrn.iii Z . . . I " ' : ' I i ii ip'i.iiiiii J--,. -' T'" ii i in n i'i i-rYi.n" ' "'" " '"" 1 ' ' '' I 1 wm-m.m , . , . i , m I l Horace FogeU President of the Philadelphia Na tional League Team. DR. H. F. BIGGARr SR. Phyelclan Who la With John D. Rockefeller In the South. &5 .i 4 ii U nnrM Fn?el. nresldent of the Phlla- floinhtn National lea true baseball club. ts one of tbe best known newspaper men of bis city. , ' "V :- 'It . .. AJl SafpH Afmbnds IVe salf fhem ouseves " - and Peariufs arc fresh. selder'S ' p"'' U mmfmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmin ' J ' " ' nirrTll , f , " Ml M , , , h i m M inn m- nam 1 1 n n " " nai mi hih ' mi tmW AAAAAAAAAAAAAA t SEE r i J. if. I tanab o I j imirirn I V V fl CRiNDtS UflUIWU iLWLLLK Q v Warren G. Harding. , Editor of Marion, 0., Who h Will ing to Be Governor. supply is;.. , ; : ' - r ', . itirrrra FILL YOUR SHED BEFORE WET WEATHER BEGINS Waters, Stanchf ield Produce Go HAY, GRAIN, FLOUR, WOOD r1"1 1 :'- i " ; 4 - . -.- . I . ' - ' PEOPLE I! of OREGON it is now UP TO YOU When in need of anything in watches, clocks, Jewelry, cut glass, hand pain ted China, or any other article carried by a first class Jewel ry store, investigate our prices before buying and you will s ave money, and be Bure of securing first quality, goods. If your eyes tro uble you, have them fitted by an opti cian of experience. Opposite tbe U. S. Land Office, Adams Ate. AV 1 Kegula 171 Yi. 01 r KepuDiican, nai oaiary Candidate for State Printer Opposed to Present System 3t Natural 'Mineral, Water BoWed as It Flows From fhc Spring f's s'sd forvvhaf flls You warron . nardlnir. editor of the If V- Marfan i star, who has been active in Republican politics for many years, baa announcea nis aeiernimauuu iw seek the party's nomination for gov ernor. He Drew the Line. am Tnhn tvn a lawyer's confidential -i v .ni h had the oernlcious habit of going to a nelghooring aaioou nnrnlnir at Tl OCIOCK B1IU small glass of whisky. He was not proud of this naDii; neuwe tnok a clove. wuio, - .... But one morning it napiwucu ai there were no cloves on the bar, and John, after having considered the mat- The popular COLONIST FARES will again be in effect between September 15th, and October 15, during which period tickets to La Grande will be on Bale daily from CHICAGO at . .. $33.00 ST LOUIS . . . 3Z.UU OMAHA . . . . 25.00 KANSAS CITY . . Z5.uu ;T.PAUL . . . Zo.uu and from other cities correspond ingly low. These are Westbound, me-way fare only, but anyone l.die can PREPAY for relatives. , cr friends in the East, if desired. Consult your local railroad ag ent ' NOW IS THE TIME to let the world know of our vast rpanurcea and SDlendid opportun ities for HOME BUILDING. Write nvorvnne vou know in the Eaat. Send them good instruc tive nrinted matter, and tell them that the cost of getting here is but little more than half the us ual rost. and to call on a repre- ntaMv c' O. tt. & N. Co., ii: information, or ad'iresa WM. McMURRAY I General Passenger Agent WILLIAM J, CLARKE REPUBLICAN, FUL AT SALARY CANDIDATE FOR STATE PRINTER Annual Income of State Trl liter nndcr present fee system, $30, 000 would pay the expenses of any two departments of State. . . Printer's income much greater under new law which goes into effect In January, 1911. ; 4 . ... . Greater than combined salaries of Governor, Secretary of Mate, State Treasnrer, Superintendent of TuMlc Instruction, Bank Exam iner and Attorney General. ' , Wlllam J. Clarke, only Republican, Flat Salary candidate for State Printer, wonld save $25,0000 to tbe State annually which now goes Into the pocket of the Slate Printer. Has had over 80 years' successful experience la the printing and publishing business and a lifelong Republican. Will the taxpayers vote to rob the State to enrich the Individual! Slate printing office the last relic ol the old fee sjstem. i . . (Paid Advertisement) Uptown office Main 720 AMBULANCE e. L bussey HACK AND ; PORTLAND, OREGON