La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 22, 1910, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Well it Is high time to be thinking. about them. There Is a de.
elded sniff of Autumn In the air. Then too, there Is more to select
from now that there will be later.
Hay Will lie' Delivered ' on Ground
Dally for the Stockmen.
Fourth Street Paiing Plans Modified
Other Business Transacted.
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To' avoid having loose hay In the
stock' sheds at the county fair the com
mittee has decided to pay the differ
ence between loose hay and baled hay,
and Insist on stock exhibitors using
only baled hay for feeding stock dur
ing the progress of the fair. The
committee does this for the con
venience of everyone and to meet a de
mand for hay room. A load of baled
hay will be hauled to the sheds at the
required times dally and stockmen
can buy direct from the load Just what
they want, paying the price of loose
hay but receiving baled hay. v
This additional expense will be met
by the committee gladly, -
Winter Arrives in Alaska and Traffic
la Now at Standstill Again.
tlon In Alaska is closed today until
next June. Most of the Yukon steam
ers reached St Michaels this week ac
cording to today's cables. Several
freighters were caught in the Ice and
will be Imprisoned all winter; .
3!rl Tells How a Blotchy Skin Was
Cleansed by a Simple Wash.
"I was ashamed of my face," writes
Miss Minnie Plckard of Altamahaw, N.
C. "It was all full of pimples and scars
but after using D. D. 0. Prescription
I can say that now there is no sign of
that Eczema, and that was three
years ago."
D. D. D. has become so famous as
a cure and Instant relief in Eczema
and all other serious skin diseases,
that its value is sometimes overlooked
in clearing up rash, pimples, black
heads, and all other minor forms of
skin Impurities.
The fact is, that while D. D. D. Is
so enertatlng that It strikes to the
very root, of Eczema or any other ser
ious trouble, the soo'hlng Oil of Wln
tergreen, Thymol and other Ingredi
ents are so carefully compounded
there is no wash for the skin made
that can compare with this great
household remedy for every kind of
skin trouble. ' .
D. D. D. is pleasant to use, perfect
ly harmless to the most dellca'e skin
and absolutely reliable. A 25. cent bot
tle will give you positive proof of the
wonderful effectiveness of this great
remedy. Newlln Drug Co.
. La Grande's council Ib still minus
one councilman, from the third ward,
for the deadlock which was created
two weeks ago, is still in full force
and effect for two ballots taken last
evening show that the council la
hopelessly divided on the matter of a
successor to the late George Krelger.
Victor R. L. Lincoln's 'petition is the
most liberally signed, while B. W.
Grandy also had a good list of names
on his petition, yet the council broke
even on these two, voting three for
each 'at both ballots and casting cite
vote for ex-Mayor M. K. Hall on each
ballot. Mayor Myers called a halt as
soon as it was evident that there
was no swinging one way or the oth
er, and other business for the evening
was resumed.
A full attendance was noted. ;
Fourth Street Tlans Modified. -,
For the benefit of the citizens pres
ent, the order of business was chang
ed to let the citizens have their say,
first, George Stoddard, representing
three fourths, and Turner Oliver,, rep
resenting the other fourth of the
property owners on Fourth street be
tween 0 street and N avenue, appear
ed before the council with a request
tor the modification of the present
paving plans on Fourth street. They
are not adverse to paving but desire
that the entire hill be paved when the
proper' time comes, and not a part of
it as at first planned. The original
plans called for paving on the hill to
the old L. D. S. tabernacle, but the pe
titioners prefered to have It come to
the new tabernacle street, or 0 ave
nue as It Is called. When the city can
pave the entire hill to M avenue then
these men will acquiesce with the city
They claimed the hill is drier than
any other part of Fourth street. Mr.
Oliver Is anxious to see the hill paved
to the top for the benefit of the school
children, but until that was done, hs
recommended the street be graded and
rounded. The prayer of the citizens
was granted by the council and the
call for bids will include one block
less than originally planned for.
H. A. Stoner wanted the council to
find out where he lived. The laughable
situation arose when Mr. Stoner was
assessed lor paving on Depot street
and on Fourth n'reet as well. Mr.
Stoner always believed his property
faced on Fourth but he was assessei
for Depot and thus would have to pay
about $1000 for paving a thirty-foot
front. He said he would be perfectly
Athena, Oregon. .
Republican candidate tor joint sena
tor on Statement No. I and anti-assembly
Vote for No. 89 on Oftldul Ballot.
Royal Tailored Suits Are
Better Suits
Built specially for YOC Not for the average man. Guaranteed
to please yon in every respect.
Why not have your Raincoat made to order! They cost no more
they fit better and you have an endless line of patterns to select
from. ' - '
We take your measure and guarantee satisfaction.
J . I
A '
TOtE wim,
content to live anywhere council might
stipulate be it on Fourth or Depot.
There were no remonstrances for
paving Chestnut street ,
Commissioners repo.ted favorable
on the creation of an improvement
district on North Ash street between
Jackson and McDonald avenues. This
includes new board walks. '
Sewer Petitions Denied.
The water committee, recommended
and the report was later adopted, that
the prayers for an increase in size of
the alley sewer In block 108 between
Adams, Washington, Greenwood and
Fir. The taxpayers there wanted the
pipe increased from eight to twelve
inches, but the prayer was denied.
A carload of Wood pipe Is needed
for the continuance of prospective
water extensions and steps will be
taken to secure It at once.
Cedar treet from C avenue to A
avenue In' South La Grande is to be
Improved with grading and new board
walks. Councllmen Orvls, Monroe and
Church will do the estimation of cost.
Many complaints of poor conditions
of sidewalks in certain parts of the
city have reached the executive and
the matter was discussed with the re
sult that the street committee Is to
ascertain all the districts that are in
need of repairs and something will be
done, to improve matters.
,The council, on suggestion of. Coun
cilman Church, took up the matter of
providing office facilities for the city
attorney, and by the next meeting
something will have been done In this
matter. In addition a tool room Is to
be provided for street superintendent
The matter of the garbage dump
came up for more consideration and
though Councilman Logsdon made it
plain that he would not receive any
enumeration from the council for his
work, he agreed to "look after", the
rip rap construction now going on
at the dumping ground. -
- Married Last Evening.
John W. Clarke of Weston, Ore., and
Hattle B. Stevenson of Elgin were
married last evening by Rev. Ford
Ellis at the Ellis home. They .will
make their home near Durkee.
-Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tallet
invariably bring relief to women suffering
from chronic constipation, headache, bilious
ness, dirtiness, sallownesa of the skin and
Two Prominent Portland Firms Be.
fuse to Sign the New Wage Scale.
Portland, Sept 22 One hundred
grain handlers, employed by the Pa
cific Coast Elevator company, Camp-bell-Sanford
Company and Frank
Thorne returned to work' today. The
firms granted the demands for 40
cents an hour, sixty cents overtime for
which the strikers went out yesterday.
Balfour-Guthrie, Kerr, Glfford and the
Northwestern warehouse' company
have not signed the agreement yet, and
consequently fifty men are still out
Aiediqtnea tb&i aid nature are alwv nm t
juccesHful. Chamberlain's Cough ftemwU
acts on this plan. It loosen the cough, re
lieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids
wtnr in restoring the ?vi9tn a health!
Tj 0
1 ' -ted rr
Here are a few reasons why we stand loyally by the
Free Sewing Machine. Read this history of a case
where the Company made good4n La Grande:
in'g machine it will afford you consid
erable good advertising, we remain,
Yours very truly, ,
P. R. SCHRENDER, Sales Mgr.
Chicago, 111., Sept. 7, 1910
',F. D. Halsten, La Grande, Ore.
; , Dear Sir: .
Replying to your valued favor of
the 31st ult, regarding sewing ma
. chines to be replaced as per our In
surance policy to Mr. Cherry, would
ay, that we shipped you the new ma
chine on August 20th, and which we
will kindly ask you to deliver to Mr.
Cherry upon its arrival.
- Hoping that the machine will be re
ceived in good condition and feeling
confident that in replacing this sew-
La Grande, Ore., Sept. 20, 1910.
Mr. A. B, Cherry,
Cherry New Laudry. City.
Dear Sir: Under date Sept. 7th, the
Free Sewing Machine Co. has advised
me to deliver you the Free Sewing
machlng No. 848542, shipped from the
factory Aug. 20th, replacing absolute
ly free the machine you bought of me
in June and which was destroyed in
the fife of July 3rd. This complies in
full with the Fire -Insurance Policy
of this company in insuring all family
sewing machines for 5 years from date
of purchase. I congratulate you
having purchased a Free Sewing Ma
chine in preference to all others.
La Grande, Ore., Sept. 20, 1910.
Mr. F. D. Halsten, City.
Dear Sir:
I acknowledge with pleasure deliv- :
f ry of new, The Free Sewing Ma
chine, replacing one I bought of you In
June and was destroyed in fire pt July
Srd which burned Jhe Cherry's New
Loundry and which was Insured
against loss or damage for 5 years by
the Free Sewing Machine Co.
The prompt compliance with their
agreements by the Free Sewing Ma- -chine
Co. and the high grade work
done by the machine they are putting
out deserves attention from users of
sewing machines. , "
, . Yours truly,
A. B. CHERRY, Manager. .
If in the market for a Sewing Machine it means money to you to call oh
Furniture and House
Furnishings of All Kinds