La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 20, 1910, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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H. C. T. .11. HOLD
Two-Day Seii'ii Villi Re Held ('dm
mcnclnar Tomorrow Hurniuir.
Commencing tomorrow and contin
uing two days, ;he nineteen a annual
convention of the V.', C. T. U of Union
count)" vvill be lul.i at the Baptist
church in this city. The rounty officers
consisting of Mr?. ITattic Wolfe, of
Unlnn. president; Shs. Graie McAl-
lister, of La Grande, vice president;
Mrs. Haitie Clark, s;;r j e ary and Mrs.
Olive nolton. I-t G:ande, treasurer
and several committees -have prepar
ed a splendid program for the two-day
session. .'
Mrs. Sllbaugh who Is one of the
chief speakers of the program, comes
to La Grando highly recommended by
-the state president, Mrs. Ada Wallace
Vnrah. At IHIsboro she was credited
with being fully an entertaining and
as Instructive as Mrs. Sheppard the
Salt Lake lecturer, who has been here
several times.
The program for the coming con
tention follows: ...
V We1ni1r 1 tftA . m.
Song;, prayer and praise, led by Mrs.
Hattle Wolfe. 1 .
Paper "What Should our Women
do to Promote Social Purity" Mrs.
M. Montgomery. . '
Address of Welcome Mrs. A. Law
rence. Responses Mrs. Silabaugh and
Evangelistic Work In this County
Mrs: Olive Bolton,, .
Recitation Original Poem Mrs. E.
C. Moore. , , , , ,
"The Appetite: Some Causes Some
Cures" Mrs. Grace FcAllster.
Song. Geneva Alden.
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
Bible Reading Rev. Frank Gray.
Prayer Rev. S. W. Seeman.
Song Quartette.
"The Saloon Problem' Mrs. Jack
Bon Sllbaugh, National Organizer W.
C. T.vU.
Thursday, 9:00 a. m.
' Devotions Led by Mrs. Lldzle Wll
lis. '
Roll Coll responded to with. Scrip
ture Texts.
Reports of Local Presidents and
superintendents. -
Paper "Suffrage" Mrs. Thomp
son. Paper "Non Alcoholic Medication"
Mrs. R. L. Mathews.
Election of Officers.' "'
Discussion of Proposed Liquor Laws
Led by Mrs. Jackson Sllbaugh. Mrs.
Rachel Worstell, Mrs. Rosa Glass.
Luncheon served to all present.
Tliarxdaj, i p. m.
Prayer and Praise Led by Mrs.
Para Thorn -on. -
Paper "Single . Standard" Mrs. A.
S. McGee.
Superintendents named and ratified.
Pper "Temperance Work In Sun
day School'' Mrs. Truehlood.
Recitation Selected 'Mrs. Edith
Paper "How Cn Mothers Safe
guard Their Children's Morals In the
Public Schools'Mr' J. D. Smith.
Thursday, 7:30 p. in. . ut Christian
.' - Church. .
Bible Reading Rev.. Ford Ellis.
Prayer Rev. Gillilan.
. Add: ess Hon. J. M. Glass. ,
When Vlloate Work U Flushed,
Roofing Will Be Rushed Spcedilj.
In two days the terra co;ta will
have been placed on the high Bchool
building. Architect Gauntt Is of the
opinion that the building will be
A v.w u a v - . -
- 9 - - - & bkw 4 J 14 V 4Ufc
November or the first of December.
Whether the high school will move In
at that time or , wait until the holi
days, remains for the board to decide.
The roof of the building will be on
In tw'o weeks If the weather Is fav
orable. The terra cotta work Is slow
and tedious but as soon as It Is fin
ished, the finishing details can be
rushed. . .'
Much of the furniture for laborator
ies, libraries and lecture rooms, In the
way of tables, stands and desks will
be made while the building is going
up so that there will be les3 for the
school board to purchase, and as soon
as the manual . training school is in
Working order, additional furniture
will be made, This will reduce the cost
of furnishing the building.
$350! TAKEN BY
A Chaptar on Freniiad Finance With
, an Unuaual E.idinj.
One of the moot tearfui hihJ wonder
ful chapters of frenzied tinu nee ever
known in Wall trm concerned the
looting of the surface railways of New
Tork city. It is again, called to the
public mind by the refreshing informa
tion that the men concerned in the
deal have beeu compelled by your
Uncle Samuel to put It back.
The looting of the surface lines cul
minated in the Metropolitan Securities
company. One of the characteristic
transactions o the men composing
this concern, which practically consti
tuted a traction trust of the chief city
of the country, was to tur n over at a
good round figure the Wall and Cort
landt street , ferries railway, an- en-
1 5 '
Two Greeks Tudor Arrest Rut Doubt
ful If Eildetifp Is Sufliclent.
Three hundred and fifty dollars were
stolen early this morning from the
Greek restaurant on Depot street, and
two Greeks are now In jail pending
further investigation. The men were
arrested at the Instance of their fel
low countrymen. ,
The money had been placed in a
wooden box when the place closed up
at 2:30 this morning, against the ad
vice of one of the proprietors, who
had requested the money be placed Id
the bank yesterday. Knowing there
w,ere bills to pay, the real proprietor
.oftbe place, L. Schlerls, planned to
hold the money until morning. ."
, The proprietors eiplalned tothe
police that someone must have over
beard the conversation and after clos
ing hours, broke Into the place from
the rear, and the rest was easy. The
police doubt that there Is a case
igalrist the suspects.
, ai K V r R
By an error of the manufacturers our order f or5 Fall Millinery was doubled. J ust twice the quantity
. of Hats was shipped that should have teen. . " '.'
We have arranged to keep this surplus and will give the ladies of . La Grande the benefit of the mis-
. take, ' . ...'-.'
Weday, Thursd'y
Sf) Fnday and Sat'rd'y
We will place these hats on sale at prices that will clean them out in four days. We will reduce our
stock to what we should carry; you will reap the benefit in prices never before attempted in your city.
Sale begins tomorrow, continued the rest of the week. Early selections will be best.
Eiea nnance transactions, sometnmg:
like f 7,000.000 In all have been refund
ed. Thomas F. Ryan was the head
financial genius In the traction trust
and, heads the list which is as followsr
Thomas F. JRyan-tl.000.000 Interborough
Metropolltan note, 1133.648 Wall and Cert-'
landt atreet ferries refund and S300.000
caah paid Receiver Ladd; total, $1,438,648. I
P. A. B. Widener 11,000,000 interbor-
ough-Metropolltan note. 1133764S Wall and
Cortlandt atreet ferrtea refunS and J300,-
000 caab paid Receiver Ladd; total. 1.433,- '
648. !
E. J. BerwlndR, 000.000 In terbo rough-
Metropolitan note and 1300.000 caah paid
Receiver Ladd; total. 11,300.000.
John D. Cnmmlna Jl.000,000 note, leaa
certain minor participations, and 1300,000
cash paid Receiver Ladd; total. (1,300,000.
xnomaa Doian-fl38,438 Wall and Cort
landt atreet ferrtea refund.
. Elklna Eatate-38,438 Wall and Cort
landt atreet ferrtea refund. 1
Whitney Estate U38.438 Wall and Cort
landt atreet ferries refund.
Paul O. Cravath $100,000 cash paid Re
ceiver Ladd. '
Mortimer L. Schlff, Thomaa P. Fowler
and H. H. Vreeiand about 1200.000 caab
between them.
We uave to ao Borne tmngs because
we want to and a lot of others he-
cause our better half wants to.
We are always waiting to get. an
opportunity instead of going out and
making one out of hand.
Tou can't tell much by Its shabbi
ness bow much money a purse has
carried In its time.
There are a lot of people who are
much more expert at taking an order
than they are about delivering the
We like to, have our own way, but it
does look unlovely to see others In
sisting In season and out of season up
on having theirs. ;
Next to baviug a very excellent rep
ntation comes having one that makes
rifionle afraid of von.
. uuut toit HEARING'"' '
If Our Wagon Does Not Call
Please Phone
We started with a business much larger than expected, and our driver was
unable to reach everyone. V
In order to more . promptly handle the business, we will add another new wagon
to our delivery service on Monday.
Monday we will again start our REPAIRIN3 DEPARTMENT for single men.
rerprW that w whlly -r pupr snrt
on will-;i n 'i n ingii tl or rail U:id
vir hei-n (it '! ,
I'll- nifv,r:iM ivmilt f Mirli tinun
ciei'iiiit th nurfHo r.Ulr'i(lN
i 'Hi rit.v i.r New VirK ci't
t:w' in ut, i a ri'ivi. :i.n
uolt tl: ii.dlvlilli.tK iiu)i-;iiij tin
M'iroitiliHii itrttls iMiu'p.inx h tv.
lmu -i'iii;ittiii - pjtjf tm-.-k 4n,ii
KM i,.iat -udr.Ki.K-kMl lit
iciiatorlal Ini estimation of Lorlmer's
Electtnn Starts Soon.
Chicago, Sept. 20 The senatorial
nquiry Into the alleged bribery, frauds
n connection with Lorimer's elec
lon to the senate, began here today.
Ul members of the committee were
resent save Frazler, Tenna and
lulkney, of Connecticut. The three
re enroute. The committee held an
xecutlve meeting this morning to
onstder the methods of procedure at
he Congress hotel. Lorlmer was there
ut did not see the committeemen.
Hie real hearing commences tomor--ow.
Salted Almonds We salt them ourselves
and Peanuts aK fresft. selder's ni door to posMtke
j ' ' ,- .- ......
' riiYllllllT im" - " 'xsl,.. :'",vrr , -
Waters, Stanchfield Produce Go.
'onr New Infractors Ilave Been Ad
drd to the Teaching Force. .
University of Oregon, Eugene, Sept.
20 -SpecialToday, -Sept 20, the
State University again opens Its doors
for registration of students for the
Bchool year. From the number of ap
plications for admission wjiich have
ccme In advance, a good gain in at
tendance over that- of last year Is an
ticipated. The. total enrollment in all
edpartments of the university for last
year was 1,031.
Admission to the state university is
based upon the completion of the reg
ular high school course of four years, j
The number of high schools through
out the state has increased so rapidly
of late years, that within the last
three years the enrollment of the uni
versity has been practically doubled.
The Board of Regents found It nec
essary to add four new instructors
to the teaching force besides several
assistants. Dr. C J. C. Bennett, presi
dent of the State Normal School, Fair
mount. West Virginia, was elected to
the chair in Psychology, to take the
place of Prof. Benjamin Hawthorne,
retired on Carnegie pension. Mr. Ar
thur J. Collier, for many years in ac-"
tlve service In the field force of the
U. S. Geological Survey, was elected
to the chair of Geology, which has not
been regularly occupied since the
death of Dr. Thomas Condon, the for
mer head of the department Mr. Geo.
Lusaky, from Concordia College and
professor of German in the Blooming
ton high school of Illinois, was made
assistant in- the department of Ger
man. And Mr. E. J; Kempthorne,
from the University of Wisconsin, was
made an assistant in the Mathematics
Department Several assistants, in ad
dition, have had to be appointed from
the University's graduates and stud
ents. ' . ' s.-'
Jersey Republicans.
Trenton, N. J., Sept. 20 Delegates
to the number of 973 met In the Tay-
and frame a platform. Vivian M. Lewis
of Paterson, state commissioner of
banking and insurance, Is prominent
ly mentioned as the probable guber
natorial nominee. Senator Frelinghuy
sen, president of the state senate, who
entered the race some time ago, is in
"bad" because of the opposition of the
automobile owners of the state. He
was the father of the automobile law
bearing his name, passed last year,
which led to the enactment of retalia
tory measures by the states of New
York, Pennsylvania and (Massachu
setts. The automobile clubs of the
state have banded together to , op
pose all connected with the passage
of the New Jersey law, and the plat
form to be adopted today will contain
an automobile plank designed to pla
cate the angered motorists. Among
Othnra menHnnail In onnnnrtlon with
Tthe nomination for'the governorship
vav U-vu iu v UO &aj UUUilUailVIU 1UI lUfJ juiuuui r
lor Opera House today to nominate a are Senator Wakelee and Judge Gil-
repuoucan canUflate for governor hert Collins, of Jersey City
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