PAGE SIX LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVE!. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 191G. y - AlT'l r.! vl'V Tafci ,7 i V I TT Ott HI 5500.00 ME OFFERED. for the thirty most interesting, oldest, most unique or post artistically made quilts entered in the contest and von will nerhana pain a distinction of ownin&r the most tl t i. o - - s ; valuable quilt in America. Get one of the Books of Rules THEY'RE FUEE FOTt THE A.SKIJVG No purchase is necessary to enter your quilts in the con test, and the entries may be seen at the store next week absolutely free. We want some woman in La Grande to win the first prize, which is now being contested for by women all over the country. - t v -' Get a Booklet today AM) LEATKjS ALL A.'BOUT IT A i T.:i - l 1.1.. -!- J. . . - iinnnnTAnnii rrm auu wuuo nt uio siuio as a. iu ego actuuioyjuct iUi- T0N BATTS stitched together in full quilt size, ready for the covering. The P 3B The George Palmer HUMID EDS CCD RETAIL DEPARTMENT We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, . , promptly. Phone Main 8. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Ml! ..VV nrr Have You an Old Quilt at Home? Or a quilt with a history? If so, enter it in our REVOLU TIONARY QUILT CON TEST which begins next Monday and continues all week. IN PRIZES n. eopies atore OBSERVER Could You Eat a Hippo? wciii ul ,m like a biH- potawus meuk fur dinner': What: You would a lief eat borv Well. If ibfe blub price i-tiu; luue fcviu Ik driven to horse or. veu worse. t a mule dbt. But. getting back to llin l)ipf steak, it Is ijuite tbe tliiny in Afrh a. Come 'to tbiuk ol It. tliere I nothing so awful about eating a bippu imtainus eicept the size of b Iwaat; and tbat would be nothing apiinst li to a hungry man. Your full trn-un tolppo welU.t only aliout four tou Tbe blppo Ijeloiijjs to the pig family aud ! much cleaner than tbe pis In Its eatius;. We eat lam and bacon when we ran, afford to, so why not hippo There la a serious movement on In Louisiana to Introduce tbe blppopot atutis as a table delicacy: also to use him as a river dredge and alare mouthed consumer of the overproduc tion of water lilies. The big brute can be tamed easily, though hardly suitable for a household pet. But be Is a fine river dredge and eats, water lilies like a cyclone. Thus be Is au aid to navigation, for he cleans out the streams, and at low water a few hippos wallowing la a river would bring It np bank full. So serious are the Loulslanians In their desire to Induce the hippopot amus to settle In their midst that they have organized the "New Food Sup ply . society," with Representative Broussard at Its head, and have em ployed Captain Fritz Duquepue. a noted Boer soldier, who kqows all about hippos, to look Into the matter. After a thorough Investigation of Lou isiana conditions Captain Duquesne reports enthusiastically in favor of tbe proposition , and says the plan Is also feasible for Florida and southern Cal ifornia. After dwelling at lentrth on v n. I . f - - . .. 0APTAIK FRITZ DUQUESNE AND WHAT HX WiKTS TO rBBO VS. the pest the water lily has become, Its hindrance to navigation and its injury to health he says; "The water Illy grows in Africa as abundantly as it does here, but in Africa It never gets complete control of a river, and when the hippopot amus Is suffered, to range unmolested the streams tire kept clear, for the Illy and. In fact, all aquatic plants are the natural food of the hippopotamus. Then why uot put the big beast in the rivers, where It would act as a dredge and remove tbe cause of all the trou ble by devouring the worst pest with which the state has to contend? "The tHppootiinm would fjod no Purity - v 4MMvm woo: . . . v . . , ... v ... I .V. v r I CANDY r MTHNCI THt aoDtm DtAUl ! difficulty In living In Looialaaa, -tot the temperature there Is exactly Ilk that of Its habiftt Tbe animal Is ex tremely hardy and very docile when reared In domestication, as tests made all over the world hare proved. Mr. Hornaday from one female la the Bronx zoological park reared seven out of eight hippopotamuses born In I eight years un2er. to say tbe least of : It, unfavorable circumstances. "1 can see do reason why the hippo potamus should not become a part of the animal life of this continent to the great advantage, of the human Inhab itants. Think of an animal that will tow from birth to four tons In four years! Some additions to tbe hippo potamus as an inhabitant would be the water buck, wart bog. reed buck, dlk dlk. Cape buffalo, all excellent food animals. trryinie fine leather making hides. This, will give you an idea of what we Intend to do. Some have said the animals will not live here. Well, when one takes Into consideration that every domestic animal. Including white and negro, on this continent was Impoited and has Increased and multiplied, there ueed be no fear that a few others can not be found to do tbe same. Tbe cir cus Is good evidence that It cm be done." INDIGESTION DEPARTS. Stomach Agony and After Dinner Dis . stress Stopped In 5 Minutes. Why should any sensible person con tinue to suffer day after day with terrible stomach ailments when the Newlln Drug Co. guarantees MI-O-NA Btomach tablets to' cure even the worst case of Indigestion, or money buck. If your stomach rebells after eating and food sours or ferments in the sto mach causing gas, pain, heartburn, and heaviness, two MI-O-NA-tablets will drive away misery in five minutes and leave the stomach feeling splen did. A large box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets costs 50 cents at the Newlln Drug Co., and leading druggists ev erywhere. If you have stomach trouble of any kind, start to use MI-O-NA stomach tablets today. They not only build up the stomach, but they act as a tonic to the entire body. They are makers of rich red blood and nerves that never flinch; they increase vitality and make the weak more vigorous. ' Sept 8-20-29. gnM tromADOt Oregon J BMidratandDaTbchnolforO rianiiilrrXir r ran of biatenof tt. John BsptiMtKoiMtujuli CoiiiNrtttn, Academic andf) ElrnivnUirj IJnpU. Music, Art, l-Jocuilon, Guiiuuluro, (IividBt popili dim be over 14 jrrani ot anu welt recommended, lb number U limited r Application ahonld be n-ade early.) Adr're TkSWrSoiriir,Ollic2S, St.Helens H'l,PorMiio fr. FORT LAND. ORKOON A Splendid Boarding and Day School for YOIINO Ml? AM) HOV8 Kitennlve ooarm In Ool!'e, HighHchool and Com. nierciel work. Grammar aradee tauaht to liore ovi-r U year, tichool oitena KeM. 13, 1910, Catalog Free, adilreaa. Kit. JoxrpR LUann. 0. 8. 0- Pre. tJOLUMBUL UtiIT7.iII. f OBTLiyO, OaUMKHI. Change of Time Soo-Spokane-Portland Train De Luxe Now Leaves Spokane at 2:00 P. M. AH trains from the Inland Empire make connection with this popular train. A card will bring a traveling repre sentative to explain In detail any trip desired. Any agent cf the O. R. & K. will Is sue through tickets at lowest current rates. ' O. M. Jackson Geo. A. Walton T. P. A. Gen. Agt U Wall St, Spokane. 7m POLK'S ip GAZETTEER A. Bub pirectorr af cadi City, VUlait la Ort-toa and Pketrh of earh idaUML Location. B. CO- la. Soattla, Wnafc? 1 i NEW LOT OF o P 9 T3 O Willi 11 :S Sugar Cured Hams and Winchester aeon City Grocery and Bakery Celery I T aIIiiaa ... . ' . V Pumpkins Garlic Green Peppers I Onions I Tomatoes " I Cabbage Squash Royal Grocery si Bakery roberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diar- Remedy Is today the best known med- a use for the relief and cure of bowel JiCfinints. It cures griping, diarrhoea, fjoemerr, and Bhould lie taken at the first unnatural looseness of the bowels. It is equally valuable for children and adults. It always cures. ; SEE I. H. PEARE LA GRANDES LEADING JEWELER o When in need of anything In watehes, clocks, jewelry, cut glass, hand painted China, or any other article carried by a first class jewelry store, investigate our prices before buying and you will save money, and be sure of securing first quality goods. If your eyes trouble you, have them fitted by an opti cian of experience. Opposite the U. S. Land DRINK I Natu ral M iheral Water y BoHed as Flows From the Spring Ifs Good for what Ms You $65,000 City of La Grande, Oregon Improvement Bonds r Notice is hereby given that seal ed proposals will be received by the Mayor and City Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, until Wednesday, October 51b, 1910 At the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. for the purchase of $65,000 Improve ment bonds, the proceeds to be used for the construction of Blth ullthlc pavement, bonds of the de nomination of $1000 each, rate 6 per cent per annum to be paid an nually, maturity ten years from date thereof, subject to call by the City Treasurer at any time that there is money In the Local Im provement Funds bonds to be paid In numerical order. Bids shall be sealed and marked, "Bids for Local Improvement Bonds," and shall be "accompanied by a certified check of $5,000. The Council reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Bonds are se cured by Hen on abutting proper ty. : . La Grande, Oregon, September.9, 1910. F. L. MEYERS, Mayor. D. E. COX, Recorder. D-Sept 9 to 28. Office, Adams Are. a.