LA QKANDE EVENING OBSERVER MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1910. PAGE SEVEN Jk A .0 , PEOFESSIOXAL DIRECTORY, g fBlSlCIAXS AND 'SI'ECEOSS? H tpTON. Ph. G. M. D. Physician 1 d surgeon. Special attention to , Ear, Nose and Throat. Office i u u Grande National Bank Build ! phones: Office Main 2, Resl- deuce laln 32. : : . iTjilCHARDSON Physician and I nrgcoo. Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. i ejcept Sunday. Sunday by appoint. Ben,g Telephones: Office, Black ) 1362; Ind- 353 : re8idence' Man 55 ' 1 ms is a OREGON if is now UP TO YOU Fac Simils of , IfepuMican ; Ticket -EO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath I phVsiclan. Sommer Bldg., Rooms J, I 9 and 10. rnones: nome fcflc. Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. ' Successor to Dr. C. E. Moore. jr. M P- MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses ptted and made to order.. All er rors of Refraction Corrected. 1105 Adams Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg. La Grande, Oregon. DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD and DR. DORA J. UNDERWOOD umce ov er Red Cross "Drug store. t Phones, office Main p2; Res. Main 728. .. unTJT&R. M. D. Physician and Burgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Pepot street. " Office, Main 68; , Resi dence 69. I, C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist. ; Room 23 La Grande National Bank Build Ling. Phone Black 399.. DR. A. L CHARTON Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande. Residence phone, Red 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 53; both phones at residence. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. COCHRAN & COCHRAN Attorneys: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. The popular COLONIST FARES will again be in effect between September loth, and October 15," during which period tickets to La Granae will be on sale 'daily from CHICAGO at . . $33.00 ST. LOUIS . . , . 32.00 OMAHA . . , 25.00 KANSAS CITY. . 25.00 ST.PAUL. ... 25.00 and from other cities correspond ingly low. These are Westbound, one-way fare . only, but anyone here can PREPAY for relatives or friends in the East, if desired. Consult your local railroad ag ent , NOW IS the Time to let the world know of our vast resources and splendid opportun ities for HOME BUILDING. Write East. Send them good instruc tive printed matter, and tell them that the cost of getting here is ' but little more than halt the us ual cost, and to call on a repre sented c' O. R, &.N. Co., 1m fi! :'..;'; e ' Information, or ad'iresa ' WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices in al lthe courts of the State and United States. Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. D, W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer, Baker City, Oregon. Som Provocation. ne refuses to drown tbo , kittens for his wife." ' "Too tender hearted T" "Yes." , "That's al'. put on. I saw him yes terday sw'.ri:lnK bis arms and shout Ini: Kill tue umplrer" t "... ' ' Accommodating."' "Pretty swell restaurant we were io." ;..:''-... "Yes. and I noticed you didn't tip the waiter. Isn't that allowed?"! "Yes. but 1 forgot about it" "1 wish 1 bad a memory like that" Directory of the Fraternal Orders of ,a Qrands. Oregon iF. & A. M. La Grande Lodge No. lit A. F. & A. M. holds regular meet ings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. , JOHN C. HODWIN, W. M. f C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. iP.O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Elk's club, corner of De Pot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially in cited to attend. -DR. G. L. BIGGERS, Ex Rul. HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge No. 50 meets every evening In the I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting members xa invited to attend. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. G MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH, Sec. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Cross Lodge No, 27 meets every Monday night in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall.) A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. JESS PAUL, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN, M. of R. & S.- 'OODMEN OF THE WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 XW. O. W. meets every second and fourth Tues day In the month. All visiting mem bra welcome. ' NERI ACKLES, C. C. J. H. KEENEY, Clerk. ? A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 neeu every Monday in the month at L O. 0. F. hall. All visiting "Jjghbors are cordially invited to ltend. r I. R, SNOOK, C. D. E. COX, Clerk. 0. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, 0. E. C. holds stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cor dially invited. MARY A. WARNICK, Sec. PAULINE EDERLEE, W. M. ' WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Grande RondS Circle No. 47 meets every first and third Thursday evenings in the month at the 1. 0. 0. F. hall. All visiting memberB are welcome. CHLOE ROBINSON, G. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk. BRIDGE AND BEACH LINE OF HEATERS ith same amount of fuel they will produce more heat J -OIL STOVES that are positively guaranteed, ttl. & H. CO. f STUB To Be Torn Off by the Chairman. STUB To Be Torn Off by the First Clerk. Official Primary Nominating Election Ballot for the Republican ' Party for Antelope Precinct, Union County, at the Primary Nominating Election to be Held on Satarday, the 24th Day of September, 1910 Hake a Cross (X)Between the dumber and Name of Each Candidate Toted For. The Republican Candidates for Nomination for Representa tive in Congress and for State Offices FOB ItEFKESEJiTATlVK IS COSGKESI StC0M D1S TBJCT. " J Tote for One. 12. 'v W. R. ELLIS, of Umatilla Countjr. FOB COMMISSIONER OF THE BAILROAD- COlEfflSSIOX OF OREGON N 'or O"6 86. FRANK J. MILLER, of Linn County. . ' Republican Assembly's recommendation." 13. A. W. LAFFEhTY, of Multnomah County. ; "Direct Primary Candidate. Gve Oregon the benefit ot her - own natural resources. ' 14. C. J. REED, ot Multnomah County. "Insurgent candidate; favors people's power and Roosevelt policies; opposes Cannonlsm and standpatters." 15. GEORGE S. SHEPHERD, of Multnomah County. "Republican. ! Deep water to the ea." ; FOB GOVERN OB Tote for One. 16, ALBERT ABRAHAM, of Douglas Countjr. "Party organlatioa on the Hughea-Tatt-Kooseveit pian: 17. JAY BOWERMAN, of GUliam County. "Republican Assembly's choice. Conduct State affairs on business principles." ( v IST" GRANT B. DIM1CK, of Clackamas County. . "Republican who endorses the primary law, and strict econ- omy In public affairs." ' . 19. . E. HOFER, ot ' Marion County. "Good laws, good administration, good roadB, good will to all. Develop Oregon." ' :'' ' ' FOB SECRETARY OF STATE Tote for One. 20. F. W. BENSON, of Douglas County. "Present Incumbent respectfully asks for election to second term on his record." 21. G. WING ATE, of Clatsop County. "Direct Primary Candidate; economical administration; close personal attention to official duties." FOB STATE TREASURER Tote for One. 22. RALPH W. HOYT, of Multnomah County. "Republican Assembly's Recommendation." 23i THOMAS B. KAY, of Marlon County. "Direct Primary Candidate; an honest administration; fair treatment to all." ' ' ' "' : FOB JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT. (Four Year Term.) , f Tote for Two. 24. HENRY J. BEAN, of Umatilla County. "Administer the law fairly and Impartially to the poor and . . the rich.". ...... ' ' - : .-. ; 25 THOMAS AJ McBRIDE, of Clackamas County. 26. WALLACE McCAMANT, of Multnomah County. "Republican Assembly's recommendation." FOR JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT, "(Six Year. Term.) Tote For Two., 27. GEO. H. BURNETT, of Marion County. "Republican Assembly's Recommendation." 28. FRANK A. MOORE, of Columbia County. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL Toto for One-. 29. A. M, CRAWFORD, of Douglas County. "Direct Primary Candidate. Considers welfare of the people paramount to private Interests." 30. J. N. HART, of Baker County. "Promote public interests only. No private interests to . serve." ' FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. " t Tote for One. 81. L. R. ALDERMAN, of Lane County. "Republican Assembly's recommendation. Equal educational opportunities for Oregon boys and girls." FOR STATE PRINTER Tote for One. 32. WM. J. CLARK, of Marlon County. "Republican Assembly's recommendation. Favor flat salary for State Printer, guaranteeing economic administration." 3T" WILLIS S. DUNIWAY, of Multnomah County. "Favors direct primaries; aBks second term; saved taxpayers large sums; economies continued." FOB COMMISSIONER OF LABOR STATISTICS AND IN SPECTOB OF FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. Tote for One. 34. 0. P. HOFF, ot Multnomah County. , . "Continued fearless, Impartial and economical administration ' of the duties of the office." 35. ., 0. M. ORTON, of Multnomah County. "Against 'Assembly' for strict observance of direct primary nominating elections law." Vote for One. FOB STATE ENGINEER 87. JOHN H. LEWIS, of Marlon County, ' "My record as Oregon's first State Engineer and necessity for consistent administration." . '' ' Republican Candidates for Nomination for District and i County Offices. FOB DIY1S10N SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER DIVISION NUMBER TWO. ' Vo to Be' 38. GEO. T. COCHRAN, of Union County. "Experienced In practical application of irrigation law; will FOB PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, TENTH JUDICIAL Dli TRICT, UNION AND WALLOWA COUNTIES. x Tote for One. 89. FRANCIS S. IVANHOE, of Union County. . "Impartially perform all official duties, without tear," favor or ,v" ' oppression." - FOB SENATOR, NINETEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT, MORROW, UMATILLA AND UNION COUNTIES. , Tote for One; 40. C. A. BARRETT, of Umatilla County. "People's choice for Senator. Maintenance of the Primary Law and Statement No. 1." '41. - ; S. FRED WILSON, of Umatilla County. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, TWENTY-FOURTH REPRESEN TATITE DISTRICT, UNION AND WALLOWA COUNT IES. - i Tote for One. 42! CLYDE T. HOCKETT, of Wallowa County. 43. JOHN P. RUSK, of Wallowa County. "Pledge to Primary Law and Statement No. 1 and economy." FOR REPRESENTATIVE FROM UNION COUNTV. Tote for One. 44. WILLIAM J. CHURCH, of La Grande. FOR COUNTV JUDGE OF UNION COUNTY Vote for One. 45. J. C. HENRY, of La Grande. FOR SHERIFF OF UNION COUNTY. Vote for One. 46. W. W. RANDALL, of La Grande. . 47 JOHN F. STEINBECK, of La Grande. a FOR COUNTY CLERK OF UNION COUNTY. Vote for One. 48. ED WRIGHT, of La Grande. FOR RECORDER OF CONVEYANCES OF UMON COUNTY. . "; Tote for One. 49. ' . I. R. SNOOK, of La Grande. - ; FOB COUNTY TREASURER OF UNION COUNTY. .Tote for One. 60. JOHN FRAWLEY, of La Grande. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR OF UNION CQUNTY. Tote for One. FOR COUNTY CORONER OF UNION COUNTY. Vote for One. 61. C. T. BACON, of La Grande. - FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER OF UNION COUNTY. Tote for One 62. C. A. GALLOWAY, of Elgin. Republican Candidates for Nomination for Precinct Offices FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE for La Grande Justice of the Peace and Countable District. Tote for One. 53. ARTHUR C WILLI AMsTof La Grande. FOB CONSTABLE FOR La Grande Justice of the Peace and Constable District Tote for One. 64. I. W. FAULK, of La Grande. 65. J. M. HILTS, of La Grande. 66. ADNA B. ROGERS, of La Grande. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR ELECTION FOR COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEEMAN FROM LA GRANDE PRE CINCT NO. 1. Tote for One. 67. JOHN A. MATOTT. 9 . V. 'I t 8 'i ....J..J.J.j.......j.j...J.J.J.JI.J.J,J.Ufc4M(44MM' ft 3.