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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1910. PAGE FIVE IIIEISIS -TDHiGHT'S " PROGH&U The Unfair Game Vitigraph. The Latest Fashiou in Skirts. . I jj,e 50th Anniversary of Yoko tama, Jayan-rathe. ... Tie House Wi;h the Closed ' Shat?erB.-BlograPh: . : ! gong-My Irish Caruso. dutiful dishes given to lady '.Jroni ot the matinee. See dis p in lobby. " : -AMISSION l(lc- A Epeclal sale on house plants for sale by Mrs. Anthony. 1C06 Sixth street will commense Sept. 21. With a few exceptions the plants will not exceed twenty-five cent3 each. to solicit advertising for that occasion. the great majority of cases, no sense J r C. El Collidee. whn with hia w!f LOCALS J j Hotel rule car,dB, trespassing cardB. ijasesr for rent cards 'printed In red black. For sale cheap at, The Ob rrer office. .' -,,-." Qean house with a vacuum carpet .!eaner. All work guaranteed. Prices Lv ohnnoa Ttpft 562 or Red 141. ' <k m - ; --. - Cherry Blossoms are marsbmellows d cherries. Delicious confection. i Can be had by ambitious young men ad ladles hi the field of "Wireless" if railway telegraphy. ; Since the 8 ;itmr law became effective, and since ale Wireless companies, are estab- isMng stations throughout the coun- o $oo O PERSONALS. Donald Bangs was a Sunday visitor in Union. Philip S. Bates publisher of the Great Northwest, is in a Grande today talking good roads. Mrs. Fred P. Bangs was called to Coeur d'Alene last evening to look af ter business matters. S. F. Wilson came in from Athena last night to look after his political canvass for Joint senator He is In Elgin today. . Herman Seigrlst is home from Sal em where his two-year-old mare ' won Becond money in' one of the prominent races. ; Rev. H E'McLeod former M E. pas tor here but now at Vale is in the city attending to business matters He likes his new location well but can't forget La Grande' in a hurry. V P. A. Chalrton, the veterinary sur geon, is home from Salens where he attended the big fair. He reports the attendance enormous, and the fair gOOd. ;. . , '-. ; Hon. and Mrs. Jerry. P. -Rusk, who lost their residence In Joseph by fire last Saturday, are Irk aL Grande to day visiting friends while he Is at tending to political matters. "- The Bltulithic engine is doing ser vice now at the crossing on Elm street which is good news' for It will be but a few days until the principal business Bection on Adams avenue will have been completed. , ' .. ' , - ' ., The Foley hotel last evening extend ed an Invitation' to ' the La Grande band to' meet next Sunday evening af- rr there is a great shortage of tele TOhers! Positions pay beginners ter the concert In the grill room and be served with one or tne ceieoratea jvoi ey Sunday. dinners.. . - . With a second story on the new Bird 'Levis building, La Grande will Mts. M.E. Ernst of Walla ...Walla show signs of ; overcoming the one . stopped at the Foley, yesterday while !rem $70 to $90 per month, with a tood chance of advancement. The Na tional Telegraph1 Institute operates six official institutes In America un 3er supervision of R. R. and Wireless Is attending the- Oddfellows soverign grand lodge at Atlanta, has written to T. J. Scroggin and others from New York, saying they were enjoying the trip immensely. They will return via Los Angeles. ; . ' " ' - Robert Knowles of Denver, arrived yesterday to spend a Tew days here with his son, -Circuit Judge J. W. Knowles. Mrs. E. C. Thatcher of Chicago, has reached here to Join her husband, and they will make their future home In this city. While finding a suitable lo cation they will be guests with Judge and Mrs. J. W. Knowles. Attorney L. Denham of Elgin Is here on legal business this afternoon. T. B. JohnBon. the ex-sheriff of Un ion county, now living at Cove, was in the city this morning on his way from Portland and Salem. . : - ' J. C. Gulling was able to be down town this 'morning, following a long and painful illness. - Mrs. George O'Conner and daughter LMiss Marie, have gone to Union to visit with the family of General Good brod. ., ' G. R. Stone was In from Palmer Junction yesterday. He was a guest at the Savoy. , , , J. L. Met calf of Imbler, Is In the city. He Is at the Savoy. . H. 3. Newcomb and wife of Cove were Sunday visitors at the Savoy, John Graham came In from Salt Lake last evening and is registered at the Savoy. ;, Sarah Sneppara or Bumpier wan Sunday visitor In the city stopping at the Fjley. . , . Mrs. L. F. Massee has gone to Elgin to visit friends for a week or bo. ; Mr. and Mrs. Mose Larmle of Den ver were guests at the Foley over Sunday.'-. ';. ''.-' . x ';'. ".' '.; , ,.; C. A. Barret of Athena Is a guest in I La Grande looking after political mat ters., s .: ,, ',.u": . i ., .'Robert E. Bird of Seattle Is a busi ness visitor In theclty today, a guest at the Foley. ; ... of pain. If the pressure online optic nerve continues .for too long a time, it goes to "Eleeir forever; and you are hopelessly, totally blind. If you were to ask as to what causes the pressure on the nerves the answer would be: Congestion caused by eye strain or over-working of the eyes. If you have ever noticed the way some folks read, you will notice that they hang or drop their heads, the blood vessels and musck-s in this way be coming distended and stretched, the eye nerves and muscles in time be come affected. You cannot afford to depend upon wearing glasses alto gether. You muat consult a good phy sician, t ' Inflamation of the optic nerve (Op- tis Neuritis) is distinguished by the following symptoms: The pupil be- ! comeB enlarged, swollen and promin ent, the smooth, transparent, delicate appearancei of the pupil is lost, and it assumes an opaque reddish-gray tint. The veins are much dilated, dark and often very painful. The disease generally affects both eye9 and sight Is often greatly Impaired. Sometimes the loss of .vision is very Budden, the patient becoming totally blind ,ln a few hours, while in other cases, the vision Is but little affected. The pat lent is often much trobuled with sub jective' appearanceB of light, which from their fantastic shapes and con stant presence may prove a source of great distress and anxiety. Inflamation of the optic nerve Is generally ac companied by more or less marked symptoms of brain disease, such aa 10B8 Ot memory, feuiuiueae, , vuuuu, impairment of the sense of smell, taste or hearing paralytic affectations and severe headache. " (To be continued.) ' ' iftcialB and places all graduates into ; 8tory haDit positions. It will pay you to write tan for wull details at Cincinnati,' 0., Philadelphia, Pa., Memphis, . Tenn., Davenport, la., Columbia, ; S. C, or Portland, Ore., according- to where you ilsh to enter. : Grand Reception, hot coffee, with light lunch served free all day Tues iy and Wednesday,! September, 20 md 21. A practical demonstrator will be with us to demonstrate Leege & Hasklns Celebrated high grade Cof fee, the best goods sold on this coast. For one week, beginning Sept. 20 and ffldlng Sept. 27, we will give free one m pound of coffee with each pur chase of one and one half pounds. Peerless 40 cents, Menado 35 cents, Oriental Blend, 25 cents. ; Good Music wd a good time. Come! Geddes' Bros. M. H. Kirtley Is Improving slowly and will Boon be able to attend per sonally to his livery business. The Ferchants association will have a feed Wednesday night and talk over matters. It begins 'at 6:30 sharp, ac cording to the Corpe-oraJ in charge. , 111 who doubt that La Grande is the ibest town in the country should take a look' at the Isls theatre on Sunday evening and see the crowds. The new balcony' in the Haisten store Is about, completed and several carloads of goods are being received. Augmented scavanger service would aid in keeping La Grande clean ac cording to many. he Union County Exposition has In no way endorsed an official program and the "easy money" lads at work upon it have no authority whatever spending a few hours In La Grande . .. Mrs. W. Hogoboom of Joseph, spent yesterday In the city, a guest at the Foley. iff 1 won nits one men s yfE carry special , line3 of Suits for Workingmen Suits that are built with the purpose in view of meeting every requirement." ; t ; ; The fabrics are neat patterns of the most durable Cheviots" and Gassimeres. ;,-; 1 The tailoring is as strong as tailoring can be made, with reinforcements at every point where there is any special strain.;.;: ' The cut of the garments is genteel and roomy. Every Garment is Union Made These Suits were made in the Country's best Uuion Taylor Shops, and we backv them to do duty with a guarantee. ; .. THE CLOTHIERS AHD FURNISHERS . M I ' ! U ; J U ti'l M -' t1 H ii i. I ! The World's Famous Clairvoyant and Palmist Tells Past, Present and Future r. i ... ' ! ,& S;. Ml : it I tt rjrx. - r 0 1 .. V RECORD CROWD HEARS MUSIC Sunday Matinee Was largely Attended by the Music Lovers. , The La Grande band yesterday was the attraction - which drew several J hundred to the down town section. The t program was well rendered arid great- j ly enjoyed. The ' crowd was much j larger than those attending former j S.mday matinee concerts.' j BIth Record! . v ; Born to Mr. and Mrs. A.' W. Nelson, September 17, In this city, a daughter. TWELFTH SERIES. DISEASES OF THE OPTIC SERVE. Written for the Benefit of the Public. (By Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn, Doctor f upucs.j . ; , ; Of all the diseases that affect the eye, perhaps one of the most Insidious and dreaded, is paralysis or atrophy of the optie nerve. The vlctlrrfts usu ally given but little warning of the approach of this trobue. The eyes may feel tired, there may be an Itching, burning sensation, and they feel some better when closed and rested for a few minutes'. In some instances the eyesight seems weak and the patient feels that it would be necessary to obtain glasses. He sees specks and spots' floating before his vlBion. In some ways his eyesight seems nor mal, and in other ways it is poor or dim. Stronjg light affects him, and he avoids it. In some cases there is dou ble vision? - -v.' '. v .'.; ..$$5. ' Pains in :4hp eye, are sometimes" present but not alwayB, headaches and impairment of taste, hearing and smelling occurs. , v It must be noted that" In a great many cases of paralysis ot the optic nerve pain is not present at all. When pain Is present It Is often a sign of plaucoma. :. The blurring of the Bight, and float ing Bpecks, are many times the only symptoms of the beginning of atrophy or paralysis. In order to fully un derstand and j explain , Intelligently, how easy It la to bring on this dan derous affliction it 'will be well to give a limited description of the an atomy of those parts of the eye in volved In this trouble. The optic nerves start from the un der side ot the forward part of the brain, and pass through small open ings in the Bkull, in order to enter the eye socket These openings are extremely small. In fact Just barely large enough to permit the passage, of the nerves with their sheaths and ar teries,, and the slightest Increase In the Bize of these arteries, or sheaths, as well as any enlargement of the nerves, causes them to strangulate or "choke" the nerve in the little hole lri the Bkull. When any unnatur al pressure, is brought to bear on the optic nerve, It begins to "go to sleep," that is, to become numbed and deadened. The sight now becomes dim and blurred. There Is however, in Improved Cigar Store. ; The Van Buren cigar store Is un dergolng a complete change with new furnishings and decorations.' 1 FREE DIXXER OCTOBER FIRST. Farmers' Union at Allcel Tlans Big Picnic Dinner for That Day, W. J. Case and John Speckart, offi cials of the Allcel Farmers Union lo cal, have been busy today and Satur day advertising the big free dinner and picnic to be given on October first at Allcel. State President Sykes will attend and be the principal speaker. DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Sub The world famous seereos and prophet, MADAME DELMAR has no equal in her profession. She stands alone, the Queen of life readers. question, and at a glance, she gives names, dates, facts, and localities in the vast problem of life. Tells you came for ahd guarantees to re veal every incident in your life, past, present and future; advises you on love, courtship, marriage and divorce; sales, changes, speculations, wills, property, business losses and sickness; Positively no fee accepted in advance and not at all unless perfectly satisfied. This is Fair, is it Not? Lessons in pajmistry and ,mediumship. Mediumistic persons developed. r1.;'": . . ' ; v OFFIGE HOURS: 10 a. m- to 9 p. m. ;' 1423 Adams Ave., La GraAde, Ore. 8. ' S DOCTOR OF OPTICS. PERMANENTLY LOCATED ' AT 1105 ADAMS AVE. ' ' FOLEY HOTEL. . Ask any business man, your neigh bor, or your physician, where Is. the mot reliable place to have your eyes fitted. ' ,, v...' ' Doctor Mendelsohn has been prac ticing and has the experience of 29 years, fitting glasses. We have the professional equipment, as well as the science. . ( SKILL, REPUTATION V AND HONESTY, should be taken Into consideration, to have your eyes rightly fitted. The satisfaction of those we have served Is your guarantee that we will serve you satisfactorily. All broken glasses replaced while yon wait' OFFICE HOURS 8:30 a. m. to 12 m. V 1 to 5 p. m. EYENINGS BY APP0IXT3TENT. 4 lnmvtictrr 4 FOR SALE 500 sheep, Waner Glenn, R. F. D. No S. WANTED Position by, . married man on ranch. Address X; Observer. FOR SALE 2 two-year-old graded Jersey heifers. I almost thoroughbred, and the other , half Jersey and half Short Horn. Call or phone 1107 Ad amB Ave. La Grande, ' ' ' 6t ADD POLIT AN : FOR RENT House keeping rooms 1617 th Btreet Mrs. E. C. Moore. 6t FOR SALE Good Singer sewing machine 702 Washington St. - . 6t FOR SALE Fufnitur. , for three rooms In a four room house which can be rented. See Oakley Coffin at Star theatre. . , FARMERS' BUSINESS 1 LOST Gordon sefter pup, 4 months old. Reward for return to post office. . Don't waste your money buying plasters when you can get a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment for twenty-five cents. A piece of n&nnel dampened with this liniment is supe rior to any plaster for lame back, pains in the side and chest, and much cheaper. WE GtVE PARTICU LAR. AT1ENT10N TO THE BUSINESS FARMERS. WE COR DIALLY INVITE THEFJI TO MAKE WIS 1HE1R BANKING HOME. The United 'States National Ban!:, LA GRANDE, OREGON. Medicines that aid nature are always ml ' succeseiu!. Chamberlain's Cojigh Remedy acts on this plan. It loosen the cough, re lieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids ' nMnre ip renarfojr U ?rs5n a healthy (f v ............... ... , "XT"