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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1910)
LA OHANDE EVENEJCTOBSERVJER MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1910. PAGE FOUR THE OBSERVER PuMhhed Dally Except Sunday. Bruce Denni s, Editor and Owner, Entered at the postofflce at La Gr?.nde as second-class matter. SUBSCniPTION RATE3. Dally, single copy,..'......... Pally, per week..... Daily, per month....... 5c 15c 6c This paper' will not publish an ar- tlcle appearing over i nom de plume. Signed articles wttf be revised sub- . feet. to. the discretion of the editor. ..Please sign year articles and save esappointmeDi. . .. ' ,-. From the pen of Attorney McMahon came an yrucie mcanns. an jcowi dayi Oreonlan that is worthy of ev ery voter's attention. McMahon ceased all Jnun'dos regarding Hofer and (.-ail ed a tpflde a spade. He charges htm ' with Several things directly and invites ' Ulel suit. J ' .' i u. AA,.., $e wants to. He Is the man who puts "Colonel ' In front of his last name for a wind shield and to lend dignity ' to his picture whlchU taken with his. style. ; Now, Hofer can no longer stand be fore the people unless he brings a lib el suit against McMahan. Should he re fuse to do so he has no right to the npport of any self-respecting citizen. Let the wheels begin to buzz. ' Speaking of the Townsend case, did It ever occur to you that tinder strict regulations men cannot and do not go about the rural districts running Joints. According to the evidence Townsend was operating a Joint In a remote part of the county where po lice regulation was out of the ques tion. Such things are natural follow Ings of the local option la.w. But under heavy pressure and rigid restriction so Joint would run without a license, and no license would be Issued to a man In remote parts of the county. Some people in La Grande who en thusiastically favor local option fall to distinguish between prohibition and alleged prohibition. In speaking of prohibition brings up the picture of in effectiveness' at the same time, for it does not bring the results expected , Mr. Seever Likes La Grande. Hf CaAHa. r.1 ll.n 1, ....mam . Cove, stated to the Observer today that he 'likes La Grande more and more. He Is convinced that this is to be the large city and pointed to the fact that Cov6 was equipped to sup ply fruit to a town of 40,000 people if called upon to do so. Tawney May be Defeated. St. Paul, Sept, 19 Interest in to morrow's congressional primaries in MInneso!a centers In th first district where Congrepsman Tawney is fight ing for a renomlnation with Sydney Anderson, an Insurgent, opposing. PInchot is among the notables behind Anderson, who is conceded to have an even chance with Tawney. GEORGE PALMER, Pres. F. J. HOLMES, Vlee-Prea. F. L. METERS, Cashier. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000.00 DIRECTORS - W. L. BSE9B01TS F. I. KITEB9 ' W. M. PIERCE j. cBcscn F, J. ROUTES With ear ample meareei tad facilities we can reader job efficient service ai handle yaar baslaei i to year entire satisfaction. AFFECTS II IDILLOI LITTLE CHAYGE IX LAM OPENING BEAKS PRINCIPALLY OX AREA LOCAT - ED IX BAKEK tOl'XTV. The Excellent Lands of I'nion and Wallowa Mill be Opened As First Described. ' ' "There is little change in the lands' of Wallowa and Union countjes from the revised description of the federal government has made," said Land At torney Brichoux this morning to a rep resentative bf 'the Observer. Mr. Bri-. choux is keeping" jn close touch, with the opening on October 22 ana.anyr thing pertaining to it Is carefully studied by' Wm. , . ... "The district named In' Saturday icsai uuuvo cnuuges ine area in ti&&- I tr rnnnfv rnnnMoraMn hut la scarcely any changes of Importance In Unlon and Wailowa'countles and none first I was fearful lest the revision would upset all former plans and cause additional information to be for warded to. the multitude of people who have written me regarding .this opening. This Ib not necessary I find since consulting the map' and going carefully over the descriptions." . ' ' An Elaborate 8uifimer Home. ' "Have they a nice summer cottager "Splendid. It actually has wooden partitions between the bedrooms In stead of curtalns."-Detrolt Free Press. , Cherchai La Fimmi. , When you see a bashful lover Blushing- crimson In the face Every time .he takes bis watch out .'.There's a woman In tha cue," -Harvard Lampoon. ,,, . . . A Woman's Way. A woman bates to be told to wait for the next car, though it may take her nearer home than the one she misses. Washington Post . Oh, to Be a Bee! How doth the Uttfc busy bee V . Improve each shining minute T By gayly loafing in his hive . And eating all that's In It . 1 Judge's Library. ' ' Organ Recitals. . "Going up to hear that lecture on appendicitis today?" ' " "Naw. I'm tired of these organ re dtaIs."-CorneU Widow. Those Horrid Creatures. . "1 thtnK i Know," said little May, . "Junt .why itiey call them "boye. Th reaHon'a JuM aa plain aa day , It'a cause that rhymea with nolsa" Catholic HtanUard and Times. ' flight Wait For a Riae. Bore Thiit Impel tlnent fellow Prowu offered me $500 to reslgu my member ship of the club. What would you ad rise me to do? Jollyboy-nang on a bit. You'll get morel Toronto Saturday Night An Improvement The bonelesa codnah la O. K.', , And boneless ham's not bad. But what we'd like to see today Would be a bonelesa shad. Chicago News, . W. L. BREXII0LTS, Ass'L Cash. EARL ZUXDEL, ti Ass't Cash. 8 C C. PIMXGT0N a CLEAYER F. tL BYRK1T THE KING'S WATCH. A Napoleonio Gift That Embarrassed Jerome Bonaparte. , Previous to hi elevation to the sov ereignty Jerome Bonaparte had formed a friendship u ltli some young author at that time In vogue for their wit and reckless gayety. On the evening after bis nomination to the crown of West phalia be met two of his Jovial com panions Just 'as he was leaving the theater. "My dear fellows." said he, "I am delighted to see you; I suppose you know that I have been created king of Westphalia r Yes. sire, and permit us to be among the first" "Eh. what? You are ceremonious, me thinks. That might pans were I sur rounded by my court but at present away with form and let us be off to supper," ; : .-, ;: Upon this Jerome took bis friends to one of the best restaurants : in the Palais Royal. ' The three chatted and laughed and said and did a thousand of those foolish things which when .un premeditated are so delightful. It may be supposed that the conversation was not kept, op without drinking. When the wine they had drunk began to take effect, "My good friends," said Jerome, "why 6hould we quit each other? If you approve of my proposal you shall .accompany me! You. C., Bhall be pay secretary.: As for you.. P., who are fond pf books, I appoint you my libra-! rlani ' The arrangement was, accept ed and ratified over a fresh bottle of chaippagne. . i .yr At length the party began to think of. leaving end accordingly called for the bill. Jerome produced his purse, but the king cf Weetphalia could only mall portion of 200 francs, the nmount of the bill The new dignitaries by club- Ding tnelr wealth could only muster about 3 francs. : , What was to be done? At 1 o'clock In the morning where could resources be found? Tb'ey determined to send for the master of the bouse and ac quaint him how matters stood. lie eemed to take the frolic in good part ana merely requested to know tbtlr names. Having told him, the restany rateur set his customers down as sharpers and threatened to send for the commissary of police. This alarm ed Jerome, who, seeing that the res taurateur doubted them, handed over his watch In payment. This watch had been a present from Napoleon, and on the back was the emperor's cipher In brilliants. ; On examining the watch the restau rateur concluded '. thnt It had been stolen and took It to the commissary of police. The latter, recognizing the imperial cipher, ran with Itto the pre fect The prefect flew to the minister of the Interior, and he la turn went to the emperor at St Cloud. Next morn During the past tnree winters at Washington Congressman Ellis has: Secured appropriations for three fine federal buildings for Oregon clt les. ' ' Been honored by being placed on the ranking committee In the House of Representatives Ways and Means. This la the first time .Oregon has ever had a place on this great committee with the In ' fluence It gives. Been a consistent friend of the "old soldier" having supported ev ery bill Introduced In his behalf; secured passage of many private bills for very needy old veterans and their widows; and handled many hundreds of different claims for pensions which were acted on by the pension bureau. The Second Oregon district stood at or near the head in the sums appropriated in thfe last . House bill for Its river and har ' bori, (11.800.000.) Congressman Ellis has llaed in the district over 26 years; he knows the people and what they want and need. He has been in congress ten years, and gained an experience on the floor of the House and In the committee rooms and an acquaintance with the membership of Congress which puts him In a better position to satisfy the needs of Oregon than any new man could be for maty years. j WHY MAKE ANY CHANGE? Paid Advertisement. ; . t CONNELLY CRUISER SHOES, $5 00 to $7.00 PAIR ? 'r: .' ' : ; WEYENBERGER LOGGER if lng the Moniteur conta. an ami. nance in which Jerome was"ordered to Westphalia at once and prohibited from conferring any appointments till his arrival at his capltaL-T. P.'s Lon don Weekly. DAMES AND DAUGHTERS. . Miss Mary S. Ames has been chosen to succeed Mrs. ii, Howland Shaw as president of the Massachusetts Asso ciation Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Lady Cook of London, formerly Ten nessee Claflln of New York, has gone for a six months' stay in Italy for the purpose of , studying the financial con ditions of the country as they pertain to women. Following the resignation of Miss Caroline nnznrd. president of Welles- ley college, it was stated that Miss Ellen W. Pendleton, dean of Welleslev. will serve as acting president of the Institution until the election of a sue censor. " Mrs. HartlKiroush Sherard. n VIr glnia woiimu w ho now lives In Hug luud. has formed tin association ij young people Interested in birds mlM tb L'ncle lilt k society. The purpose of be society Is to furnish food uu.l water for wild beasts, especially when provisions are scarce. Paris has a new Infant phenomenon. a five-and-a-half-year-old girl, who has been astonishing It with her violin playing. Her nuine Is Antoinette de Roman!, and she is the daughter of the director of the World's Graphic Press. This child . also plays the olano and speaks fluently English, French, Ital ian ana Spanish. Proof. "Blow can yon say he is stupid, fa. therr ' i "Because I can't say anything else." "I think he is smart" Humphr "Well, I do." "What evidence do yon see of ftT "Well, didn't he pick out a rich fa ther?" Increasing Its Value. "Do you believe there are canals on larsr - "NoImhI.v knows. The most powerful ifi' uiily makes the planet lk ' II tl!IIH " !iiU" tlny will build one . thr -i iri'- we la and nciKe 1 'MOST COMPUTE SHOE SIOCK IH EASTIRH OREGON WE SUND BACK OF EVERY PAIR OF SHOES WLSELL Shoe Lines That You Can Depend On Men's Shoe Department J. L TITTS FINE DRESS SHOES $t.00, $t.50 and $5.00 NAPA TAN WORK SHOES $3.50 to 55.00 MEN'S EASE WORK SHOES $5.50 to $4.50 BERGEMAN'S HAND-MADE LOGGERS $7.00 pair . '; ;, . PINGREE LADIES' SHOES ; $3.50 to $4.00 pair ; 1 r ; UTZ & DUNN'S LADIES' SHOES $2.50 to S4.50 pair MUDGE COMFORT- SHOES AND JULIETS LITTLE WANDERER MISSES SHOES EDUCATOR SHOES for MISSES and CHILDREN GOODYEAR RUBBERS WEST Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FilZGERALD, Proprietor ' , Gjmplete Machine Shops and Foundry There are plenty of persons who think that the saying of one agreeable thing gives them the privilege of say ing ten disagreeable ones. Sometimes a man acts odd just for a chance to get even with some one. . . 1 A Suspicious. The Ice cream cona of commerce With glue la stuck together, - And It la quite aa healthful As any brand f leather. . And one who goes against It May know the taste of soling ' As Cook and Peary uaed It For lunch when they went poling. . The experts have discovered With glue it la compounded To maka It strong and shapely And' keep It plump and rounded, And little are the eaters Aware what they are doing When they without suspecting Oat stuck up In their chewing. ' And If a person eats It As long as he Is able Be may grow Ilka a dresser Or like a chair or table. And that la an ambition That man la not pursuing. Whatever else may ail him. His atomacb needs not gluing. 1 When we for summer eating The very thing had found It The chemists In their wisdom . Make danger marks around it. Another Idol fallen v Or sadly needing pruning. To get Ice cream untainted We'll have to take it spoontng. . Quite Noticeably. Ihere Is such a thing as carry ing a Joke too far." -"Is therer "I think so," . "Wen. that's trill ' I hVa ma. ticed that a lot of yours are farfetched." and CRUISERS, $650 PAIR THE QUALITY STORE HEADACHES -. More Headaches Come From EYE TROUBLE than from any other cause.' Many people suffer INTENSE PAIN when (hey could be 1 - entirely relieved ' : by proper glasses' I have several hundred cases thai bear me out in this statement Fit Glasses that Relieve the Strain. and lens duplicated In a few min utes. Several Leading; Physicians, of La Grande are now sending me all (heir patients when they suspect eye strain. ,'',' I Grind All My Glasses - HEACOGIC Eyesight Specialist n