(MM $M$X ill! 0 i Ivt kit ilil'" V V VOL.XJV. LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1910. NUMBER 277 FLIGHT ACROSS THE W IS 11 UNDER i ALL BUT OXE MACUIXE FEAR TO' ATTEMPT DARE-DEVIL rLlUUT 15 AIR, MEANS DEATH TO AUGHT Greatest Undertaking 1b History of Fljtng Kaehlaes from Brig U Milan f.Brs Leads Oier Reeky Cliffs Hardiest of U Disregards Headings of Friends and Faeoet Gale at the Lodge Is Ailing. Boston Sept 19 Fear was express- ed today that Senator Lodge wont be able to keep his speaking engagements during the remainder of the campaign owing to his poor health. . REFUSES TO BE PAID OFF. Mmc Cavallerl AT ill Xot Be Mercen ary In the Conflict Harris, Sept 19 Mme. Cavallerl won't accept the offer of the Chanler family to cancel her pre-nup;lal agree ment with her husband. "They need not submit any proposition to give me an annuity of $5,000 and a lump sum of (10,000 for I Intend to stand on my rights If I have ny and want nothing If I hare no rights," eald the Diva to day. "They offer me money as though I were an adventuress and likewise accuse me of being mercenary. Their reported offer shows who, is mercen ary." ' MIMHII TMi ROOSEVELT RUSHES TO TIFT FOR POLITICAL ISSUE year was one of the big features of the fair. . . .. So Official Program. There are no official prograr. a. a n withstanding that efforts ? . v ;, s, made to collect advertising ,.::'. r. r such a program. The nierchai.' nr warned of this fact ' New Haven, Conn.. Sept' 19 Pres ident Taft is here attending a meet ing of the Yale Corporation but will hold a consultation this afternoon with Col. Roosevelt who left Oyster Bay for that purpose, it Is understood New York politics will be the subject and It la believed they will come" to a clear understanding about Roose velt's intended attitude during the coming campaign ' ' 'X . Roosevelt requested the interview with Taft He slipped out of Oyster Bay by motor boat and was driven to New Haven In Secretary Norton's car. The utmost secrecy was attempted but it failed. Taft and Roosevelt lunched together Confident that he has the oppor tunity to deliver It from the platform as temporary chairman of the New York convention or on the floor as a delegate, Roosevelt has been working on a speech for delivery at Saratoga. The address according to those' close to the Colonel will not contain any further endorsement of the, Taft ad ministration than that which has al ready bean published. Senatorial Committee Meets. Chicago Sept. , 19 The senatorial i committee . that will investigate the charges of corruption in connection with the election of Lorlmer to the Un ited States senate, will convene here tomorrow. The committee is empower er to subpoena anyone .they desire to examine and to force the production of documents. It is expected Lorlmer will be called before the committee. The members of the committee are Senators Burrows, Gamble, Heyburn, Bulkley, Frailer, Paynter and John son. . ' f . lion iiulo if REFUSE Brig, Switzerlasl, Set " It De spite a gale and against the pleas of stieir1 friends. Aviators George Chaves and N. Waymann, started today their dare devil attempt to CTOsthe Alps from Brig to Milan, tie most hazardous flight ever undertaken by fclrOea. ,.r t Slmplon pass with an altitude of 67.r 00 feet lies directly la the course of the first twenty-seven mUea and there afe yawning canyons an4 tllffn that will make descent means Instant death. Chaves drove his little mono plane, the same machine In which he sncantly soared to a height of 8972 feet Eight aviators planned to com rete for the prize offered but the gale scared them. xeham . ihn nvlator made the first 1 iv start the wind forced aim to alight, They watted a short time and sue eeeded in getting under way. Elabor ate preparations have been made for the event and every hamlet along tne toute is waiting for the passage of the air craft . , " The huge captive balloon at Milan narks the end of tbe4 course which Is about 75 miles, bee line. The route follows the old road built by Napoleon in 1800 . 1 a i i a FACLTES KO X1 TO CAEBT MAIL BATS PRELIHIXABT ORDERS. Local Post Office Has Not Been Adtls; d of Uo Fad Te. -OF BOSKS I IE SEITE1CEAT While the La Grande post office has not received official orders to that effect It la nevertheless a fact that No. one, (ha local running between Baker City and Portland. Is to carry mall, giving La Grande another west mall every day. This has been a serious handicap to business, say many, and the additional service will be greatly appreciated. It is not such a vast dif ference regarding Portland mall, but local mall west will be a great bene fitto the extent of an entire day. The local train does not reach Portland In time to catch the evening delivery, but all points between here and Portland can get mall a day earlier this way than under the present system. Victor Townsend will hats to shirt down hie place of business at Palmer Junction and leave that vocation, pay $350 fine Immediately or pay the fine, keep his place of business open and spend thirty days in Jail. This sen tence was placed over Townsend's HIS UE ONCE : , ; PDIID! OCCUR! THIS Iffi IMP iitU IX T1IE i V r Jif.tV v;:,k srv: OB WILL XkSX. M,V!;, UHK ,'J:.V A IreJers AdaJisJSe Would t!v I sbllcans a E2r Coco sad EU' tie Hardest re Ideal Fight fu Cv-, rraorsklp c( lew Yerk Is Hany Tears Prefers to Elaetss Ktisai FCLrnciAxs rasp a fi 38 rcz . lit elt roiia. found cuil'.y Friday evening ." charge of bootlegging. It 1 understood Townsend will perfect an appeal." The sentence : named. Is as above with the provision that U the fin Is paid at once and the place of bus'ness closed down the court will parole Mr. case this morning by Circuit Judge' Townsend. It remains to be seen what Knowles as a consequence of his being i the defendant will do.1-' SEVEN OF NINE BALE STILLIN CROSS-COUNTRY RAGE XEW WORK IX YETEBIXABY. ..Dr. J. F. Merel to Take Charge tf5 Oregon Agricultural College Corvallls, Ore., Sept. 19 Special Veterinary science, hitherto taught in connection with animal husbandry, at Oregon Agricultural college, has been made a separate department this vcar fcnd be regents have appointed Dr. J. F. Morel to take charge of the rew inBtrvctlon. Dr Morel is a graduate of the Na tloniil University of Belgium. After receiving his degree there in 1900 he pursued his studies in the graduate Fchool oTthe Government Veterinary C'.V.Iefc of Paris, France. He came to the Vnlted States and secured a degree from Hie Chicago Veterinary college in '07, ana was afterwards appointed by the Chicago board of. health to make official tests of cattle for tuber culosis. Since last January he has been Grafter Sentnced to Prison. New York, Sept 19 Charles Heinze, former secretary of the Sugar Trust, was today sentenced to eight months' imprisonment and fined $5,000 by Judee Martin in the federal court The Imprisonment will be at Black- well's island. A stay of sentence pend ingan appeal was granted. Helnze's bond was reduced to $15,000. F 1 P S "WAKTS TAX AMI FORTIFIED. President Will Ask for Approprla tlon to Troiect Big CanaL Beverly, Sept. 19 Taft will In the ccmlng short session of congress urge appropriation for the fortifications of the Panama canal. Whilo no official announcement has been mads, it is intimated that the president desires lo hurry the plans fearing the demo crats may control the next congress and oppose the fortificat'on deal. He will ask for an appropriation of two Indianapolis, Sept 19 Seven of the nine battens which started In the na tional championship race which start- ed Saturday are still in the race today. University City landed late yesterday at McKeevert Pa., India II, landed yes terday at Wlllock, Pa. There is no trace of the other contestant since last night, when they passed over Wheeling. W. Va. The balloon Drifter was today awarded tho prize for win ning . the "free-for-all In which four contested. The Drifter landed at Un Ion town, Va. f TTltkf Cenaty Bates Caercitfal Iskr- est Terai to OntsUers. ' Primary .election ballots 1 tV ttea in Unjon county are off the press and will bo 'distributed by county" , clerk Wright to. the outlying precincts at ones. '. .. ' The primary eloctlon occurs next Saturday. This is rather unusual as this is the first time in several years that a sta'e election of any sort falls on Saturday. With election but six days away, po liticians are darting hither and thith er, getting ia the finishing licks be tween ; now and Saturday morning when all campaigning must have ceas ed. The local situation is lukewarm as far as the county officials are con cerned. The republican candidates tor county offices are running lone hand ed wlt! the exception of sheriff and constable. Even these candidates are not causing a stir, merely furthering their Interests by quiet personal cam paigning methods. Consequently the greater amount of interest centers in the legislative and gubernatorial, clr cles. RAILROAD CLERK UNION TO ll MEETS DEATH STOCK HERE million dollars for a starer and twen at Corvallls. where he ia head of the. ty millions eventually to be expended Corvallls Veterinary hospital. on the work. ; CHILD ill! KILLED FATHER BOTHER Newklrk, Okla, Sept 19 Posses are Beeking the supposed man who at tacked Alice Shopper, aged 13, and beat her and her father and brother to death were recalled today when the little girl hysterically confessed she killed both. According to her story her father beat her severely Saturday and that she fabricated the story of assault and murder to cover her own terrible deed, The child said after the beating she struck him from behind with an axe and then killed him Brother Xext; Ylctlm. Fearing her brother might tell she sought him out and killed him also The screams of the child immediate ly afterwards brought the neighbors to the house where the dead men were found and the child nearby uncon clous. When she revived she said she had been attacked and the posses started out WHILE rCOTECTIXG BIS DAUGB-, TER IS FATALLY SHOT. , Xegro Suspect Arrested In Fsshlon- able Chicago District E JCaw tck, t Sept 19 rolltlclaaa jiLtrally believe that Mayor Gaynor v.T.l accept the democratic ga.berna-t 4orUl nomination it It is presented to V,ia at tho coming state convention. The belief Is based on letters that Gay- , cor has written to politicians and friends.1 ' , ,"" "' 5 Today Gaynor told the United Press that fee would, rather net discuss the matter now, Wltathe probability ct Gay bo; ' heading tho-Democratic pick et it is predicted one of the hardest fought elections in years will take place.' : ' It is conceded that Gaynor Is very strong and popular. Sympathy is with him, due to his enforced absence from public life following the shooting some time ago. ArrOISTS XEW PROFESSOR. PRESIDENT YOGEL PROMISES SPLEXDID EXHIBIT. Club Will Meet at Union to Perfect Arrangements for Local Fair.' Cornell Van to Fill Chair at Oregon Agricultural Collejre. Corvallls, Ore. Sep'. 19 Dr. B. 0, reterson qf Cornell University, has been appointed by the rcgen's of the Oregon Agricultural collage to the chair of bacteriology for the coming ear,- to succeed Prof. E. E. Pornot, resigned. , Prof Peterson, whose home is Eakcr City,. Ore, received the degree- of ttoc or of philosophy at Cornell thte year He has served that Instltn llr.n for two years past as assistant professor of bacteriology and for some years previously as instructor In the same department. ALEX. JUL SOX OF DCXCAX MeDOXALD SUC COXBS TO TTFHOID. at Will Vogel today asserted that the stockmen at Union are laying exten- Chicago, Sept 19 Clarence Miller, chief clerk of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railroad, was shot to death "Ive plans for bringing a liberal stock . i . i- vi. oispiay to uk uranae aunng me iair, today by a negro burglar in his homo in a fashionable sea shore ml- club at Unlo( has returned to- dence district. This morning be heard dar from Salem and Portland and his daughter screaming in ' her bed from now on will see that Union does room He rushed In and saw a negro, little else than bringing a good stock . . . . and fruit and farm exhibit at the fair bis face half covered with a hand- kerchief. The negro fired twice and ' meetlng t0 perfect plans for the exhl'- the men clinched. Then Hlller slip- tits to be placed here. Mr. Vogel Is In ped to the floor. The family was aroused and the po lice summoned. William Jones a colored man was arrested after a desperate fight near the scene. Hlller Is wealthy. Pendleton Academy Student and About to Enter lligh School Alexander McDonald, son of Duncan McDonald, died this morning of ty phoid fever. The funeral will bs held at the farm home at 2 o'clock tomor row with Interment in tho Eunmcrvllle cemetery. The funeral sermon will be preached by Doctor Blcakney, a friend of the family and president of the Pendleton academy, , where the young man has attended school. Mr. McDonald was about to enter th,a La Crande high school, but fell ill three weeks ago and the grim reaper claim ed him fn spite of alt that medical skill and careful nursing could do. Ho was a sturdy youth of exemplar habits and warm friend of all who knew him. Cholera In Italy. Rome, Sept 19 Advices from Nap les say that 150 cholera cases are In the hospltals.'The death rate Is eighty percent Forty-FlTO In Yale Sqtad. Lakeville, Conn., Sept 19 With a squad of forty-five out today, the Yale football training was commenced. touch with stockmen of that end of the county which by the way is the top-of-the-notch stock corner of the county and he will use his personal influence to have a splendid array of blooded horses and cattle here during fair week. Tho stock from Union last i - : ' I ... Cardiff, Wales, Sept 19 Twelve thousand miners from the Cambrian colliery struck today. The strike tem porarily closes all the mines supply ing coal for the Brinish navy. The strikers in walking out violated orders of the union officials and federation of mine owners is considering locking out 220.0C0 men as a result If this action is taken one of the most serious labor disturbances in England may be gin. " ' '