La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 16, 1910, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 3.
m bister
Some Cash Taken Biit 'ot Known If
Goods Were Molested by Thief.
Either a gang of thieves or a lone
burglar Is plying the burglary craft In
La Grande. Several breaks have been
consumated within the past week, the
last one being the robbery of the J.
O. Snodgrasa grocery store last even
ing sometime. While about $6 in cash
was removed the greatest loss was
in the breaking of the cash register.
The thief, pried the main doOr open
or else used a key In some way to op
en the front door. Then too, a lever
'wag used on the cash drawer. Several
pieces of the mechanism were broken
by the thief and It will require. an ex
pert to remedy the troubles. Mr. Snrfd
graaa cannot ascertain the loss of
goods, If there were any, until further
investigation. ; ,
, Makes Attempt at Next Door.
; The night before someone had tried
to effect an entrance into the Peo
ple's store back door. The attempt was
unsuccessful though the burglar left
his mark on the rear of the premises,
It Is presumed that this is the same
party which broke into the White
Grocery store and the 0. R. & N,
freight depot earlier in the week. ;
Residence of Representative Burned
Buit Furniture Is Saved.
Jobeph, Sept. 16 Special Electri
cal disturbances of more than ordi
nary fierceness broke suddenly over
Joseph today at 10:50, leaving the
smouldering ashes of Representative
J. P. Rusk's residence as a mark of
It's passing. The electrical storm was
accompanied by fa heavy shower of
rain which though welcomed by the
farmers, was the cause of ruin and de
struction to the furniture which had
been removed from the Rusk home by
volunteer fire fighters. '
It was but a short time from the
moment the lightning struck the house
until flames were seen leaping up
from the roof of the fashionable dwel
ling. Neighbors prevented a spread of
the blaze to adjoining buildings by
the bucket brigade method. However
as the city water works Is-not com
pleted it was Impossible to save the
building. The furniture was removed
later, almost ruined by the rain.
Mr. and Mrs. Rusk are out of the
i:uy ana iaia mis auernoon naa not ,
been advised of the fire.
Will Make La Grande Their Home
. . Groom Wll lnovtn Here,
L. B. Billings, one of the popular
durg clerks at the A. T. Hill drug
store was , niarrled In yes
terday to Miss Edna Benson and the
groom and his bride arrived In the
city this morning to make their future
home in thla city. The bride is a pop
ular Portland lady.
Mr. Billings la a Union county boy,
but 'of late years has been away at
tending school, lie Is a graduate of
O. A. C. and for " the past several
months has been employed In the A
T. Hill drug store.
, ' Totinsond Found Guilty.
At 5 o'clock this evening the Town
send Jury returned a verdict of guilty.
Jmes J. BCrs Birthday.
Mr. James J. Hill, who Is seventy-
two years old today, Is also in accord
with Chief Forester Henry 8. Graves,
the friend and successor of Mr. GIfford
Pinchot. There were several memor
able addresses made at the recent Con
servation Congress held at St Paul,
and Jim Hill's was one of them. He
thinks the whole business of conser
vation should be turned over to the
states. Hill claims that the operations
of the national government are too
slow, cumbrous ' and costly; that the
state governments are nearer to the
objects to be conserved and better un
derstand the interest and desires of the
people. , And that Is where the differ
ence between Mr. Hill and 4 Colonel
Roosevelt begins, or at least onts of
them, for there are several points of
difference between Messrs. Roosevelt
and Hill.' But in one thing, at least,
they are exactly alike. . Each man
reaches a conclusion after calm, cool
deliberation and then he sticks to it
like fun. As Is the case with Roose
velt, the views of Hill do not always
agree with the rest of the world. In
fact, sometimes he finds It hard , to
agree with himself. Every now and
then he pricks some bubble of fancy
with the needle of fact He's a dour,
hard-headed, practical old man, is
"Tim Hell," as the Swedes of the
northwest call him. Wall street does
n't like him very well; he doesn't like
Wall Street. He seems to have a bit
of the best of It for he makes use of
the street now and then, whereas that
heart and a wear, , affirm and- pledge
Its sacred honor that it never made use
of Jim Hill. Hill holds that the chief
business of Wall Street is gambling
Gambling, he says, is a highly per
nicious trick unless you can frame it
up so the other man loses. His real
business is (he development of a wide
domain, and even Wall Street agrees
that Hill has taken about thirty-three
degrees In it. Hill Is going strong at
seventy-two. He didn't get Into the
railroad business until he was forty
years old. Born in Guolph, Ontario,
In 1833, he has been a farm-boy, cftun
ter-jumper, mud clerk on a line of
Mississippi boats and baggage man by
turns. Because he made good he had
been given the agency for that boat
line In St. Paul, at a time when St.
Paul's only unknown dimension was
that of depth. By and by he branched
out for himself, and whipped the Hud
son Bay Company which for grip and
avarice has the Standard Oil Company
acting like a charity school Into di
viding the Red River traffic with him.
And then he got hold of two streaks
or rust and a right of way there are
various stories as to how he got It
and woke up a millionaire. Since then
he has devoted himself to building up
that northwest. He brought in emi
grants and staked them and trained
them. Because 'his traffic was east
bound, he built a line of steamers to
Japan after he got his road to tha
coast and hauled wheat west. Where
wheat would not grow Hill planted
little. And he never used any gentle
means. The man that got In his road
was run over or shoved aside." What
he wanted he took and what he took
he held. Short, thick-necked, eyes as
black as shoe strong and fierce as
a gamecock's, broad-shouldered, deep
chested, he is a fighting man all
through. He has been selfish, arro
gant, imperious, Indomitable, feroc
ious but he has -also been an empire
builder. His enemies, placed edge on
edge, would like the Great Northern
roa(j from Bea to sea.
Back of them
would be massed men who have Buc-j
ceedea because Jim um cieareu me
way. ilia conversation is as pictur
esque as a fire In the packinghouse
district? and as highly flavored. His
methods are as direct as manslaughter.
I: was Hill who Revised the modern
methods of running railroads and
Hill Is about the only one who could
keep those methods running on time.
He has no patience with weakness or
Inaccuracy or tardiness or sloth. Also
he has no patleuce with anything else
under the brlght'sky except Jim Hill.
Puts Hair on Yoor Head and Keeps
It There.
What's the use of being bald? What
sense Is there In deliberately allow-,
Ing your hair to turn gray?
Do you want to look old before your
time? Give up the thought; old age
will come all too soon.
Look after your hair. If you have
dandruff, get rid of It Just as quickly
as you can. Parisian Sage will kill
the dandruff germs, and Is the only
preparation, so far as we know, that
is guaranteed by the Newlln Drug Co.
Man -or woman, no matter how old
f 1
I' ll )
jl ; i j i
i " Hi ' !
1 J
Is in place ready for your
inspection and selection
When you have looked
you will agree with us
that never before have
the accepted styles in
cluded eo many desirable
things; so many garments
of real artistic beauty.
. -" 'j' '-"j - . nr-T,"'ni-,"-.- l K"
you are, Parisian Sage, the unequalled
hair tonic, will make you look young
er. . ' - " ; ;..
Why not go to the Newlln Drug Co.
and get a generous sided bottle today
It only costs 50 cents and your money
back If It does not cure dandruff, stop
falling hair or itching scalp. It will
make your hair luxuriant, bright and
beautiful, and it is the most refresh
ing, pleasant and invigorating hair
dressing made. Made only in America
by the GIroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y,
The girl with the auburn hair on ev
ery bottle. '
During the past three winters at
Washington Congressman Ellis has:
Secured appropriations for three
fine federal buildings for Oregon cit
ies.'; Been honored by being placed on
the ranking committee In the
House of Representatives' Ways
and Means. This is the first time
Oregon has ever had a place on
this great committee with the in
fluence It gives. .
Been a consistent friend of the
"old soldier" having supported ev
ery Din introduced in his behalf;
t secured passage of many private
bills for vory needy old veterans
and their widows; and handled
many hundreds of different claims
lor pensions which were acted on
by the pension bureau.
jffhe Second Oregon dlstrlc
stood at or near the head in the
Btti appropriate In tha last
' Claa id fee d rton and bar-
bora. ($w4ai5nmir3
Congrauman Ellla tu Uni la the
district over St Ttcn; ta tsowi Um
people and what they want and need.
He has been in congress ten years,
and gained an experience on the floor
of the House and In the committee
rooms and an acquaintance with the
membership of Congress which puts
him in a better position to satisfy
the needs of Oregon than, any new
man Could be for many years.
Paid Advertisement
and Misses
and Coat
If Our Wagon Does Not Call
Please Phone
started with a
unable to reach everyone.,
y In order to more promptly handle the business, we will
to our delivery service on Monday.
Monday we wnl again
And interest
by buying a
applied siding
Ak for samples
U28 Adams Aatenue,
Senator Albert Abraham
. '.-
" :.t)
business much . larcrer than ejected. X7A niir 4r!var nros
start our REPAIRIN3 DEPARTMENT for single
'v . . . ! " . "
has to bo aid on it every year
ncVot Wh en
St& tha 5rst St is the only W
.::I-Kothinfftorot, rust or (M
yourbuilcUntrVCf;.15"''- .W- Protect flT
is tha wn.??S 13 an.A?beos Sheathing, and 1
is tae most 'economical, durable .n;.! Ill
. 1 " -w V ' M
and prices.
La Grande, Oregon
Albert Abrah am
Jenator Jfbraham is candi
date for ths Republican Ifomi
nation for Governor on the
Jtughes-Jajt-Koosevelt phn.
r- sTm. V a.
add another new wagon
FOR SALE 500 sheep. Waiter Glenn.
' H. P, D. Nb 2.. , '
WANTED Position , , by married
man on ranch. Address X, Observer.
FOR RENT House 2109 3rd street.
FOR SALE 2 two-year-old graded,
Jersey heifers. I almost thoroughbred,
and the other half JerBey and half
Short Horn. Call at phone 1107 Ad
ams Ave. La Grande. . v .- Bt
FOR RENT House keeping rooms
1617 4th street Mrs. E. C. Moore. Ct
FOR SALE Good Singer sewing
machine 702 Washington St. Gt
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the La
Grande Meat company has been dis
solved by mutual consent and that M.
J. Hally withdraws from the firm. The
outstanding bills will be collected by
and the firm will be managed by Fred
Boch and Paul Rohr.
- Chamberlain's Stomach ami LirprTV le
invariably bring relief to women i..t ::ns
from chronic constipation, head i he.
ness, dininesa, saliovrne cf l.
dysitepsia. S