lit ISIS; LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER . THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1910. , PAC -TONIGHT'S PROGRAM Daughter of Dixie Kalem. Willful Peggy Btograph. ' AFair Exchange. A personal Matter Essany. gong Be Jolly, Molly. ; . . Beautiful dishes given play to lODDj. to lady See dlB- -AMISSION 10c- For a bargain In a plpno. dresser and rockers call Ind. 555. F. D. Halsten has a force of men busy re-arranging his furnitje store. They are putting In suspended decks which will give additional -space for showing the new line of rugs, carpets and couch covers. O000000 , & PERSONALS., L. F. Ivanhoe of Perry, is 'spending a few ;jjy5 yith frienis m Baker City. , P. K. Parkhurst, a prominent un rn , y,nA v uen.acr vi ruruana, was a visitor r: . u, au.uu.ou3 young men ln Grand - S. R. Haworth the contractor, went to Enterprise this and ladies in the field of "Wireless" or railway telegraphy. Since the 8 hour law became effective, and since the Wireless companies are estab lishing stations throughout the coun try there Is a great shortage of tele graphers. Positions pay beginners rrom. ?70 to $90 per month, with I ) aa . . . Account remodeling of store must close morning to look after business matters there. H. A. Bodmer or the firm of Bolton- j.. nl nnto Bodmer Co., left last night on a bus- jO"' ' UlICC iness trip east to, visit the ttacine Saterly Buggy company at Racine and , the Bane Wagon company at Kenosha a Wis. He will also visit his old home good chance of advancement. The Na- at Bangor, Wis. He is taking the pic- tional Telegraph Institute operates turesque route via Nelson, B. C, and six, official institutes in America un- famous Kootney lake- der supervision of R. R. and Wireless W' J" Cook the man " ho secured the rights of way for the Elgin extension officials and places all graduates into j u , .1 -. positions. It will pay you to write Water Motor company ' of Portland, them for wull details at Cinclnnatf, O., and L. L. Osbourne, president of the V'h U q (1 al th i 'i tin - rvt.i(. rrAM. ' - . - 1 v t A A AAA AAA AAA I - "'"v-'f"" .ucuiijuib, icuu,, same cuuiiiauj, , passeu iiuvugu, xa W999VW99 i Davenport, ia., Columbia. S. C, or Grande this morning on their way if vnu have any second-hand school i Portland, Ore., according to where you to Harney. They are sending In a new 4 t$44K OObQQOQG LOCALS V iooks to dispose of, bring them to r wisn to enter, Newlin Book and Stationery Co. Everything for the school children t Newl'n Book and Stationery Co. " . L. C. Smith of the Smith garage will announce ln a few days the new I styles and features of the Ford car. t The Ramsey . Commission firm Is Cudahay hams, Dacon , ana iara ; Kept busy loading out cars of Grande 'they stand the pure'food test, a little j Ronde apples for the Dakota and Min- cheaper than others. Grand Union Tea nesota markets. Co. Phone block 1521. Hotel rule cards, trespassing cards, bouses for rent carda printed in red ind black. For sale cheap at The Ob lerver office. 1 : ' , Clean house with a vacuum carpet cleaner. All work guaranteed. Prices right. Phone3 Red 562 or Red 141. The ladies of SU Peter's Guild will told a cooked food sale at Russell's meat market Saturday afternoon. 3t Miss Margaret Jesse who has for the last 3 years held one of the most responsible positions In the Cloak and Suit department of Olds Wort man & King of Portland, takes charge of a similar position with the Fair of this city. Cherry Blossoms are marshmellows and cherries'. Delicious confection. Eusiness chance in Wallowa good established wagon and machine shop tor sale. $4,000.00 for grounds, build ings and fixtures. Stock at cost and freight. Easy terms. Write T. L. Davis, Wallowa, Ore. ... The W. C. T. U. will meet at the res idence of Para Thornton 1802 Cedar Street, Thursday afternoon at 2:30, alUre Invited. Mr. Lee Harper Walker, late of Portland, formerly of Salt Lake, has accepted a position in the clothing de partment of The Fair store. Mr. Walk er Is a clothing man of extensive ex perience and comes to La Grande with highest recommendations. The iBaker City Normal and Busi ness College will begin Sept. 5. Those entering for a six month's course at the beginning will receive one month without charge. Madame Delmar the noted medium palmist and lecturer has arrived In La Grande and will give readings, seances and lectures during her stay at her residence 1423 Adams avenue. All are Invited. water motor . which generates its power from a head of water running in a flume, and pumps the water to a higher level. A party of six tlmbermen of Minne sota, headed by, 0., Thonem, were in the city this morning consulting with J. T.. . Williamson about timber, land In Wallowa county. The Interest tak-! en in this opening Is wide for local land offices are ' flooded with letters of Inquiry daily. People are Interest ed in the opening from Main to Cali fornia. - :. ' ( Bab Day, one of the Enterprise Fair boosters, also ln the livery business ln that city, was very busy telling parties that are figuring : on 'home steading ln Wallow that- Enterprise was the logical point to come to ln order to get a start to make a home. J. R. McDonald representing the celebrated Packard shoes, is register ed at the- Sommer. Machinist Arthur Mulligan has re turned from an extended trip through Montana, Nebraska, Colorado and oth er states, lie has reported for work at the Bhops again. ' ' Machinist Penny with of Ogden has accepted a position as, machinist ln ne local snops ana win oring nis amily here to locate permanently. Thomas Thompson, L. L. Main, S. R. Thompson, F. S. Creal. Claud D. Cron, Joe Rothlein, S. A. . Newberry, , all prominent citizens of Umatilla coun ty, Ore, registered at the Foley. Uplift Ml 9x12 Best Ax minsfer, price $31.00 jo af 26.00 All 9x12 Axminsfer price $29.00 90 a' $23.50 clothes Our values &re l eciS to see. irt,i K Ml 8 1-2x10 1-2 flx- minsier Rugs, price $22.50 , go af ; 18.75 Ml 27x60 Axmins fer Rugs, price $2.75 9 al $1.95 Notice of Dissolution. Notice Is hereby given that the La Grande Meat company has been dis solved by mutual consent and that M. Hally withdraws from the firm. The outstanding bills will be collected by and the firm will be managed by Fred Boch and Paul Rohr. ' . . ' FRED BOCH. V : M. J. HALLY, " PAUL ROHR. - -Portland, Ongan S - ami and Dy School for Qlrti nnder r mra of Buteraof ft. John Bpt i.t I Kpincoi! iA ltrpl, Murin, Art, Klorntlon. Cymnaalum. (Unidont papili miui bs over 14 jrean of and wdllTooummendad. Tho Bumhr U limited to flftr. Application ahonlil b made early.) Addrcrt Th S'tw Supwief.Ottica 28, St, Helena Hll, Prln,Cr. F1EL1 CLASSES ARE fOT JfEEVED TO SEE THE FlffE VOIfTS OF VEHFECTIOJ A THE,KIf1 0F CLOTHES WE SELL. STVLE. FIT AJVD EVE1W &TAtL OF FIJVE TAILOnifG A"RE HE'RE IfSIVE OUT. IF HETTEH CLOTHES COULT HE THIS STO'RE WOULD HAVE THEM. WE t&ECIALLy IJiVITE TA'RTICULA'R DTtESSEHS. WHO eve-r WOHE HEATy MAVE clothes 0 SEE OU-RS. QUALITY UT. VRICE VOWff. FARTtlERS' BUSINESS Velvet Rugs, worth $2.25 go af $1.65 FURNITURE , AND ' , HARDWARE IClassffled Advertising WE GIVE PARTICU LAR MENTION TO THE BUSINESS FARMERS, WEC0R DIALLY INVITE THEM TO MAKE WIS1HUR BANKING HOME. COpK WANTED Al Oregon Hotel. 11 :' 1 1 uw Tfte L!prd's Famous Clairvoyant and Palmist Tells Past, Present and Future sriir- -"1'.,: I i ID f GG00 U n..t' mr,iMw.t--m,,,li;WII.'li.a-i,"UHi'- - Iini ' S life The world famous seeres and prophet, MAD AME j DELMAR has no equal m ; ner profession, one si lone, the Queen of readers. question, and at a glance, she gives nemes, dates, facts, and localities in the vast problem of life. Tells what you came for and guarantees to re veal every incident in your life," past, present and future; advises you on love, courtship, marriage and divorce; sales, changes, speculations, wills, property; business losses, and sickness. ; v-.-. v :0-:':-X:cj' Pasitively no (fee : accepted in advance and not at all unless perfectly satisfied. This is Fair, is it Not? Lessons in palmistry and mediumship. Mediumistic persons developed. . ;., . . V:.;.v . ' r-X OFFICE HOURS: 10 a. m- to 9 p. m. 1423 Adams Ave., La Grande, Ore. FOR SALE 500 sheep, Waiter Glenn, ' U. F. D. No 2. WANTED Position by married man on ranch. -Address X, Observer. LOST A lady's hunting case gold watch with a black fob. Finder re turn to Observer Office and receive suitable reward. ' WANTED An elderly man to do chores. ' Steady position. ; Apply to John Anthony, Rondowa Ave. , Don't waste your money buyhifj plaster, when you can get a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment for twenty-five cents. A piece of flannel dampened with this liniment is supe rior to any planter for lame back, pains ia the side and chest, and much cheaper. The United States National Bank, LA GRANDE, OREGON. We Want Your LAUNDRY mom We have one of the finest laundry plants in the state outside of Portland. Everybody is invited to call and inspect it. Everything new, modern and up-to-date. Now in full operation. Ladies are especially invited to call. --v-:;y;; V--Tv"--'-;''V--'''; I X': K Experienced Help. Prompt Service. Right Prices. GOOD WORK CHERRTS NEW LAUNDRY " BOTH PHONES THE CLOTHIERS AHD FURNISHERS i