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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 11, 1910. , page gevi::i : J'L-k c:;- ' l ; kl, hSj 11 IN JJ !! . : . 7 i -i I I II I 11 Sfcilf M;M: :'y I II f II f II ; ; ' ' v' This season will go down in the snnsis of fashion as one distinguished by rarely beautiful style. Fabrics are rich in coloring and exquisite in weave. Gar ments are graceful and becoming to an unusual degree. THIS STORE INVITES YOU TO AN EXHIBITION OF AUTUMN APPARELS Ihe labors of many months are represented in the beautiful goods now on displaylwhile summer holds undisputed sway, looms have been running in distant work shops preparing for your fall needs, designers racking their brains in an ticipation of your autumn demands for garments more attractive than ever before, and the results are worthy of so much effort and Ingenuity. In beauty and fineness this seasons garments surpass ail previous efforts. In selecting these garments for the fall and winter wear we have tried to see them with eyes of one who would be making a selection for themselves, and can say In every instance we have omitted anything of a freaky natute, trying at all times 1 lc n ic. staple selections. V a little scanty, not too much. Coats for Auto as well as street wear are' long and&hsndscme,many made In mannish effect. Silk costumes and waists are per fect pictureslqt beauty. Thislseason as in the past, our popular price suit af $22.50 '."All V' ' sir1 Ji r ! ' ' ' ' A w7 be a verysfrongninfccr. Af this price we ate able to sell suits in all the staple materials. , BEAUTFUL SLK GOWNS Thhis a mosf popular gaiment. Fit for any occasion and moderate in price, in staple colors, brown, blue, black, etc, 5 i ;;y!0-:.y Practical keciuseihe) nay be worn with any skirt, and appearance will be neat and dressy. More popular Ihislseison than ever before. We are showing a - larger range of styles and patterns. millinery The sf yes fftfs season areQufe varto'. Turfcan are worn, as are the large shapes. May wear any slielyou prefer and still be in style this season. Our line is much larger than ever before, and we are in a position to serve you with anything ' you wish in the hat line. ' V.'! .''..''VV-' FALL OPEMHG, 38 DAYS BEGINNING THURSDAY, SEPT. 15 V MEN'S FURNISHINGS Our $10.00 and $12.50 line of men's suits look better this fall than ever. The long cloth ulsters and the three quarter length dress coat are the most- in demand this season for men.' A neat new line of child's overcoats, in Staple Grey and Browns. Very lattractive and gotten up at the popular prices. McKIBBON FALL HAT STYLES ARE WINNERS All of the late novelties and new things are found in this line. ; HARDWARE, DISHES AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS , Heatinor Stave are soon to be much sought for. You will find in our line almost anyihng needed, from the small Air Tight Burner to the beautiful Parlor Heater. Our Lorain Range, without doubt, is the best Range on the market for anything like the price. SHOES FOR FALL Lasts that are just the shape of the foot. Can't help but be comfortable. This is what you want. They must be made of good material. Vici, Gun-Metal, or a fine Patent., We know we can please you in Fall Footwear, in either dress or common shoes for any member of the family. Our line is especially strong. . i Never before have we shown the fine class of under wear that we are showing this season. Ladies fine silk-and-wool and fine Australian wool. Nothing better on the market, either in union or two piece suits. - In children's, our stock is very complete and under- , .wear prices this season are very low considering quality. DISHES AND CHINA Nothing sb adorn the horn as nice dishes. They are like beautiful pictures, for decorating the home There is nothing nicer than pictures. Any house-wife prizes her dishes highly. ' Out line of table ware is large and complete. In Johnson's decorated semi-porcelain Dinner ware, we have six patterns all new and very pretty In China almost anything you may desire will be found in our stock, and besides, we carry three patterns in Haviland Dinner ware. These may be bought in sets or odd pieces, as you may desire. We shall be oleased to have you look over our show in the dish and china ware. OUR BARGAIN-BASEMENT Our Bargain Basement needs no comment. Just buy all you need in any department up stairs, get your coupons and you can supply al most any necessity in Household needs in our Bargain Basement. The coupons are the same as 5 per cent, on the cost of living saved. Why not look after this 5 per cent, is a good investment. 07 V-' : 1 TT "IT 4 1 1 N