V LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVE!. "WEDNESDAY SEPTUM t 7 Ai 11 1010. PA- VC JIIIMT'S FRDCHU X Daughter of Dixie Kalem. Willful Peggy Blograpb. A Fair Exchange. . i personal Matter Essany. Song-Be Jolly, Molly. ; Beautiful dishes given to lady ) jatrons or tne matinee, tee ais- play in ioddj. . ISS10N 10 c- 7 3 $090 4$oooo$ ; locals I If you have any second-hand school books to dispose of, bring them to Newlln Book and Stationery Co. Everything for the school children itNewl'n Book and Stationery Co. Cudahay hams, bacon ' and lard IKJ Stand tilt puio iuvu tcl, a IIi.i.10 cheaper than others. Grand Union Tea Co. Phone block 1521. Hotel rule cards, trespassing cards, louses for rent cardaprlnted In red and black. For sale cheap at The Ob server office. Clean house with a vacuum carpet cleaner. All work guaranteed. Prices right Phones Red 562 or Red 141- The ladies of St. Peterfc Guild will kid a cooked food sale at Russell's meat market? Saturday afternoon: 3t Cherry Blossoms are marshmellows and cherries. Delicious confection. Easiness chance in Wallowa good established wagon and machine shop for sale. $4,000.00 for grounds, build lugs and fixtures. Stock at cost and freight Easy terms. Write T. L. Davis, Wallowa, Ore. The W. C. T. U. will meet & the res idence of Para Thornton 1802 Cedar Street, Thursday afternoon at 2:30, all are Invited. ijADLLK M Fall Suits Are RearJv SiVf - - , . e 7 II S I I B . : ; t. i rt mm y I mmi' - p i ilk'' ill 1 . Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies In the field of "Wireless" or railway telegraphy. Since the 8 hour law became effective, and since the Wireless companies are estab lishing stations throughout the coun try there is a great shoring ; grapners. Positions I from 70 to 90 per month, with a I good chance of advancement. The Na tional xelegraph Institute operates six official institutes in America un der supervision of R. R. and Wireless officials and places all graduates Into positions. It will pay you to write them for wull details at Cincinnati, 0 , Philadelphia, Pa.,', Memphis, Tenn Davenport, la., Columbia, s. C, or Portland. Ore., according to where you wish to enter. . PERSONALS. Henry Spence, city mashal of Wal lowa Is a guest of the Foley. A. Achtert, chemist for the Warren Construction Co., Is stopping at the Foley. ,Mr. and Mrs., Fred Gaskel arrived home this morning from ', Portland where they went to place their daugh ter In St. Helen's hail where Bhe will commence a course of study. iwctor uconners has returned from Baker City where he went to. look af ter busines matters pertaining to the opening of his tract east of La Grande. FredB. Currey, who Is secretary of the Eastern Oregon Agricultural as sociation came over from Hot Lake last evening to attend the fair di rectors' luncheon. Frank Howe, ih ' - - v. i.v i j ttuumuui- i tlon man who won high score at the fcigin shoot for professionals, Btayed at the Sommer last night and this morning went to Walla Walla. George S. Craig, a prominent tftock man and vice president of the Wallo wa Nationa) bank of Enterprise is In the city on Lis way home from "Wal la Walla. He says there ws great ex citement over the primaries in Wash ington yesterday, , N. A. Sheffler, the merchant tail or of Pendleton, accompanied by his wife, registered at the Foley laBt night. They are on their way home from their annual outing at Wallowa lake. Miss Lucrese Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wood, left Inst Avon. ing for Eugene, where she will take up her studies In the state univer sity. Suits that are ti e produc- tion of the highest salaried ners and that were tail. Ored DV thft mnsf vnorf WorUt -J -- - UIVI V Tf VIA men, from elegant Foreign and Domestic Woolens. - , -There are no radical style changes this season but there are many improvements in Tailoring details that make for handsome Garments. SUITS AT $12.50, $20.00 to $30.00 If you. "have already been casting Sbout for a Fall Suit, Sir, we'll take pleasure in showing you what you have been missing by not coming here first - ; ; ; : ' I ajaney .Makln, of Cove, who was fearfully burned a few days ago when i i re came In contact with a live elec ' trie wire, i3 resting well and steady improvement has begun in his case. For. a time Dr. Molitor. his physi cian, was uncertain as to results. The young man is being carefully nursed at the Grande Ronde hospital. Mrs. Alice Proctor of Elgin was a guest last night with Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Massee. She is on her way to Chi cago where she will enter the North western university at Bvanston. Illi nois. This Is one of the big institu tions of the mlddlewest Nelson Waldron of Willamette, Ore., Is a guest with friends and relatives in the city today. He is on his way to Parma, Idaho, to visit relatives and friends. . Oliver Geddls of Ellensburg, Wash., Is a guest at the Sommer today. J. W. Keugler of Boise is a guest In the city, staying at the Sommer. Clyde Evans of Portland is staying at the Sommer while attending to business matters here today. George W. Stevenson of Carlsbad, N. M., Is staying at tha Sommer to day. - T. V. Larsen of La Center, Wn., is here this afternoon, a gueBt of the Sommer hotel. Simple Salve. For instant relief in case pf cramps In limbs din th hnnil In nM wratar and rub under the4 knee of the cramped limb. V 'Y ;"V ' "-' Apply glycerin to a scald directly the accident happens and cover It op with strips of rag soaked, in glycerin. If the glycerin is not at hand apply olive oil In the same way. - When one is subject to sore throat a soothing drink Is made from a nlnt of barley water brought to the boiling point over a bot fire. To this Is added an ounce of the best cum arable. which is constantly stirred until dis- BoIveL State Lines. Sheep raising in Pennsylvania dates from about 1683. New Mexico is third to rank among the states as a producer of wool. The first industry In volume In Mas sachusetts, aDd the second In New Eng land is shoes and leather.- . Illinois ranks first of all the states In the matter of Internal revenue" col lections. New York Is second. " . ( ' ' Recent Inventions. A Nevada Inventor baa patented a power driven rotary boof parer for use by borseshoers. To deal cards from a pack without 'danger of misdeals or v turning them over is the idea of a machine patented by a New York man. To mark goods In a laundry In a uniform manner a machine has been invented in which type is set by a key board, after which the articles to be marked are run through the machine and printed. XoUce of Dissolution. ; Notice Is hereby given that the La Grande Meat company has .been dis- I solved by mutual consent and that: M. J. Hally withdraws from the firm. The I niitatanAlncr lilllo n.llt V v.. and the firm will be managed by Fred Boch and Paul Rohr, FRED BOCH. I , M. J. HALLY, S ' , PAUL ROHR, - FARIERS'BUSINESS ve give particu lar ATIENT10N TO THE BUSINESS FARMERS. WE COR DIALLY INVITE THEM TO MAKE THIS 7 HE? BANKING HOME. The United States National Bank, ; LA GRANDE, OREGON . Hurler rr;rl - ' .- c - I I i (. ,tmk . IT 1 ';;;''. '.r w ., tit )JI Hill t-l ' n:i .ii ij 1 ,, I,. you urv r.ui.i U lii l,.iiu .ii, K Tiik $:.ut !. uf your rrt;nlv- Mir! f riiMiiN mitt itn-y wiU-i:i w hmsit oim iImi ttiey will KDiib yon. Miki jti nrt proud alM mi M 'triliiu thai i ly oucui id umi.-siu tl nr. There aret twiple who are pntud rImmu the nxxipy that their clothe txi and other who are proud abum tut? money that their clothes didn't cost. Being good depends almost wholly upon the point of view of the person concerned Between the people that lt'a bard to get along with and those that it's bard to pet along without life is pretty utrenuous. During the past three winters at Washington Congressman Ellis has? Secured appropriations for ; three fine federal buildings for Oregon cit ies. ';.''!.':',.'.. v Been honored by being placed on the ranking committee in the House of . Representatives Ways and Means. This is the first time Oregon has ever had a place on ' this great committee with the in fluence it gives. ) : , : ; Been a consistent friend of the "old Boldier" having supported ev ery bill introduced in his behalf; secured passage of many private ; bills for very needy old veterans '. and their widows; and handled many hundreds of different claims for pensions which were acted on by the pension bureau. ' v The, Second Oregon ' district stood at or near the head in the Bums appropriated in the last House bill for its rivers and har bors. ($1,800,000). ' Congressman Ellis has lived in the district over 26 years; he knows, the people and what they want and need. He has been in congress ten years, and gained an experience on the floor of the House and In the committee rooms and an. acquaintance with the membership of Congress which puts him In. a better position to 'satisfy the heeds of Oregon than any new man could he for many years. -WHY MAKE ANY CHANGE? Paid Advertisement. v We Want Your ( 'V rx-r- - 'lis V: . - ' DDfil ...Nsi y I LAUNDRY We have one of the finest laundry plants in the state outside of Portland, is invited to call and inspect it. Everything new, modern and up-to-date. Now in full operation. Ladies are especially invited to call. 1vvi v."r;:;.v':'J Experienced Help. Prompt Service, GOOD WORK Back Gay Gossip. "Are those rtx-'Ple from Cbleazo av slmilatlns acy of the spirit of Dostont" "Oh. some. Tbey now sterilize the strap whenever they castigate their off spring." Washington Herald. . A Contingency. Th enrly bird will get th worm," Of that thort la no queatlon. But If that worm abould chano to turn He'd jet the Indignation. ' Upptncott'a Both Times. Blobbs They say all the mean acta of a man's life are brought up before him when be is drowning. Slobba Also when he Is running for office. Philadelphia Record. Near War. Peace htth Ita victoria. oDnerve, No ha renowned than war. The aolemn southpaw's simple curve Vtay serve to tlx the score. . Air Light Sunshine act in onr factory, Costly Mater ials and Skill in Making are the conditions and ingre dients that combine to taake Modern Sweets so perfect a "Patnnitt ih Modem DtaW iodtm CwitwtUrwy C., Mln., NriUnd, Omcm IrdDOD Baker Chocolate pound . A. 40c '30c box Cocoa ........ 25c 10c Gloss Starch pkg ..... 7c ', lOe Corn Starch , pkg. V... 7c .TT-S3.' Jell-o . i 25c" 'KtHos'a Corn Flakes .... 10c Dtink QUALITY COFFEE One Stkr ............ 25c lb Two Star .....30c lb Four Star, 3 pounds .'. . . . . $ 1.00 Save Coupons and Get Your No-. , tions Free. ' ' Get your Stationery and School supplies from us and 6ave mon- ey. (! : ,;. ; i I Ladies' 35c Fleeced Underwear ,at special price of ...... 25c Blankets and Comforters at very low prices. ' ' ' ' Postcards, 5 for 51 cents. u Sis Tcmmy. Wn pop talUa Standard Oil. by JInka, It makes my heart beat faster Tur fear 1 11 git some, cause be thlnica The Standard OH u castor: r-'tnoIlc Standard and Times. Left the Ship, hear Jones, the sea ranrnin u it hard luck. He married a girl, and she ran away from him." "Tea: he took her for a mnto Vint he was a skippers-Princeton Tler. Time Is Money. If time Is money some folk try Their best to turn the trick, And that Is why they always buy t On tick. Baltimore American. Not an Attractive D.i Dlggs-l se that the Chinese want to Dorrow a billion dollars. Wlggs Say. I'd hate to lend It ta m an tnen have to take it out in laundry workl-Cleveland Plain Dealer. On 8uffrsge Days, "Mother, may i to out to voter" "Yes. tf you're oa the rolls. Wear your prettiest hat end cost,' But don't go near the polls,". W4 BuKMfi 1 " Vaef i fldvertisina COOK WANTED At Oregon Hotel. FOR SALE 500 sheep,. Waiter Glenn. v' n. P. D. No 2. WANTED An elderly man to do chores. Steady position. Apply to John Anthony, Rondowa Ave. LOST A lady's honting caBe gold watch with a black fob. Finder re turn to Observer Office and receive suitable reward. , , '- WANTED Position by married man on ranch. Address X, Observer. If only . IN A SLIGHT DEGREE your vision has become v DEFECTIVE ' , , ', consult me. You cannot afford to pos sess anything but THE BEST EYE SIGHT In troubles of the eyes you CANNOT AFFORD to counsel with any other than THE MOST. SKILLED of the optical profession. PROGRESS is my watchword: A method employed 20 yeare ago IS OBSOLETE TODAY. It ia my policy to be PROGRESSIVE and to your ad vantage to PROGRESS WITH ME. Any lens duplicated in a few min utes. - I GRIND AIL MY GLASSES. HEACOGK Eyesight Specialist. 5ext Door to Tost Office. Right Prices. 1 R - WORK JHE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS v 1 BOTH PHONES P ' ass i t