LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1910. PAGE TWO r: '' i. li 8 5 if it- i i I Wit a tj i Vi i I 1 . - -I ?: if t it 4 1 1 1. V- CRYSTAL CAFE. Old Clothes Made Equal to New Sieam, French Dry and Chemical Cleaning at the Elite Dying and Cleaning Vorks Ladies work a Mahaffey Bldg. Depot I Have a Summer Without Headaches Summer should be a recreation time, a time when life is really enjoyed and when vitality is stored for the more trying seasons- The pleasure of many people is spoiled by head aches. Travel, outings or exposure to the sun is apt to bring on this affliction. Don't have headaches this summer. Keep a supply of bur Newliifs Instant Headache : j: Cure on hand. They stop, coming headaches or cure head aches that have already arrived. A simple reliable remedy with a record of many years back of them. The remedy you should always have and depen upon. Price 25 tents Sold by us only . Newlin Drug Co. La Grande, Oregon A BARGAIN 112 1-2 acres, 5 acres bearing orchard, 75 acres under cultivation, 6 room house, pantry, bath and closets; new; large barn, 60x90 feet; good condition; household furniture; 3 head horses, 3 cows, 1 year ling, 1 calf, 2 pigs, 1 wagon, 1 uiower; 1 rake; one sulkey plow; ' 1 hand plow; 1 cultivator; 1 harrow; 2 lawn mowers; JSO.OO sep . arator and all other small tools on farm; 4 miles from La Grande; all for $12,000.00. Let me show you. C. J. BLACK 77ie Real Estate Man DRINK Natural Mineral Water Bottled as It Flows From the Spring It's Good for what Ails You Gomplete equipment for rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FHZ3ERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry Home cooking. Everything the market' affords. Will make a spe cialty of dinner. U. L. Clark.'Prcp " 209 Fir street 8 specialty H. B. WAGGONER, Prop st Phone Main 6. 4 4 r4 2 s 4 '6 9. 4 t ESS3E resetting and repairing Use ELECTRIC LIGHT Its Convenience and Economy will Surprise You let us tell you all about it EASTERN OREGON Light and Power Company European Hlan Only Rooms 50c to $1.50 First class Throughout SAVOf D.' G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEP01 . La Grande, Oregon Hfhy pay Rent? We loan you money to build, and you pay us as you would rent. J. R. OLIVER. MOTE fln Indian can be happy without a Piano. But who wants, J to be an Indian? ' J ZsTElNWAY, LUDWIG, KERTZMANN, A. B. CHASE and $ C0N0VER Pianos J. J. SCOJJ Forty-Ninth Annual OREGON STATE FAIR HELDAT SALEM ' SEPTEMBER 12th to 17th $35,000.00 in Premiums and Purses Grand Live Stock, Agricultural and Horticultural Exhibits. Splendid Races, Band Concerts. Free Attractions and Fireworks. Redu:ed Rates an all Railroads. For further information address FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary. SUBSCRIBE FOR o p PROFLSSIAL DIKECTOR1. 4 O ooof aOLITOR, M. 1). Ppyslcian and S'.rgeou Cier A2i.T- n:l Depot strut ClE -c lalfl 68 Residue A. L. KICUARDSOX rbjslclan and Surgeon Office Hours:, 2 to 5 p. m. except Sun day. Sunday by appointments. Tele phones: Office, Black 1362; Ind. 353; residence. Main 55; Ind. 312. v C. II. LTTOS, Ph. G. M. D. Ppysiclan anil Surgton Special attention 'jo Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office in La Grande Nat ional Bank BuUdipg. Phones: Of fice Main 2, Residence Main 32. GEO. VI. ZULVERMIN 03t3opath Physician Sommer Bldg. Rooms 7. 8, 9 and 10 j Phones: Home 1332, Pacific Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Suc cessor to Dr. -V. E. Moore. i Dr. M. P. MENDELSOHN". Doctor of Optics. Spectacles r.nd Eye Glaases Fltteci and made to order. All Errors of Refraction Corrected 1105 Adams Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg. La Grande, ' . Ore goa T. IL CBAWFOHD Attorney-at-law . Practices in all the courts of the State and Un'ted States. Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg La Gr nde, Oregon 3)a.;.A CHRLTCiC Vuler.'j r Surgecn Office at HiJi'n Drug Store, La Gran It i Residence phone, Red 701 ; Office phone, Black, 1361; Independent phone 53: th phones at leBidenc Chas. E. Cochran Geo. T. O ' COCHRAN & COCHRAK Attorney -I a Grande National Bank B La Grande ' , Oreicor DR, H. L. U5DEEW00D DX'DORA J. UNDERSTOOD i Office ever Red Crou Drug store. Phones, office Main 22; Rea. Mala 728 D. W.CXELSOS Mlnlnr Engineer Baker City - Oregon J. & PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Building. ho e Black 390 for sale THE OBSERVER EUT-DFF IS ALL RIGHT OF WAY SECURED FOR SEW ISLAND ROAD. Belief for Congestion at Fir Street " Crossing Made Possible. A deal was completed yesterday af ternoon in which the county pur chased sixty feet of land ofT a lot belonging to Ed. Kammerer and which is the connecting link between the proposed extension of Island City ave nue and the county road recently itorchased by the county. As soon as the city completes a project of re pair and road building, the cut-off will be open for traffic and will short j en the distance to lsiana cuy anu will relieve the congested condition at the Fir street crossing. It runs .... . V lll 1 south of the railroad. This deal has been under contem plation for some time and the city has been buying pieces of land atvarious times with the result that the pro ject is now complete as far as right of way is concerned. for years a congested district With trains switching and a heavy traffic on the street, business. Is often block ed for ten and sometimes fifteen min utes. Now it will be possible for the Island City traffic to come over Is land City avenue where there, is less switching trains and In this way the relief Is obtainable. IMPROVING HIS HOTEL. Landlord McCrae to 3IaJic 3Iore Room for Guests. Wallowa, Sept. 14 Special In creased business and every indication of more to come has forced Landlord McCrae to Increase the size of his popular hotel and workmen are now busily at work enlarging the building and making an addition of another story on part of It. The lobby Is to be arranged in a different way mak ing the(offlce of the hotel nearer the street. Mr. McCrae deliphts In tell ing his guests of his abiding faith in Wallowa and urges upon every stran ger the fact that Wallowa county has JuBt started to grow. Conductors Change Again. J. Heughan has resumed charge of the Pilot Rock train while Frank Parkhurst, the popular . freight con ductor who has been In charge of the Pilot Rock train and the motor car alternately, during the past few weeks i C01PETE BUY DIRECT AND SA VE MONEY Carloads of perfect building material, cut to a hair, to fit like the paper on the wall, shipped dally Our 5-cross panel $1.50 Door is the best value ever offered anywhere for this remarkably low price, and It la only a sample of the many good things and price-savers contained In our catalogue. "We own and operate our own mill in Seattle and SAVE YOU MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS Send In a list of what you need and let us show you In ACTUAL FIGURES what we save you. We. sell everybody and ship anywhere. Save middlemen's profits "FOR THIS CHILDREN." senu ror catalogue. Market Quotations. SUGAR Cash Price Sugar, $6.75; beet sugar $0.55. VEGETABLES New dry onions, 4c lb; green onions three bunches for 10 c. tomatoes 10c lb.; new potatoes, 2c lb.; cabbage 4c; green corn 20c; string tenna, 10c lb; green peppers, 15c lb. FRUIT Oranges, &0c per doten; lemonB, 45c per dozen; uananas, 40c per do; ' 'c. Blackberries 2 boxes, 23c; water melons 2 l-2c lb; cant&lop 10 k 16c 8c; peaches 85c and $1.00 per box; plums 2c lb. Grapes, 2 lbs for 25c. M EATS Hogs, lire weight, well finished. $9 cwt: cows. 3 1-2 to 4c; veal 4 to 4 l-2c ; mutton 4 to 5; chick ens, 2c; fries, 17c. '. barley Producers' price: rolled. 26; brewing. $25. Wheat, $33 per ton. m l LLSTCFFS Brand, $22. shorts, has moved back to La Grande to r ' enter me ireigm service, it ig ts ported that Motor Car Conductor M Cross is also to move to La Graa an dthat one of the older freight "' ductors will be promoted to the m tor run. renoieton East Oregonlaa. j Bier Apple Show. ' j Clinton, Jlass., Sept 14 A b!g aJ pie show, in which displays of fra. have been entered by the leading horJ ticul'.urists of Massachusetts, '.' opened today In connection with thi twenty-second Worcester East Fair' li is probable that the winning exhibit tors will send apples to the National Apple Show to be held In Spokane' Wash., this autumn. Infant Sob Burled. , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Childers. 'in- near Baker City, brought their infant' son, Charles W'., who died after lingering illness, to the SummerviliJ cemetery for burial. The funeral er vices were held at the cemetery Sept 9. H. P. Peterson of Summerville of- lclating. ' " POLK'S GAZETTEER A DasJnM Director? f ffh CUt. Town and Village la Oregon aoj Kltetrii of earn place, tonlion, HhipiilnjT FaciUUe and m cihm4. El aodri roiewion. B. L.crotB: ft CO, Inc. oeaiue, tvaaa. We have a fresh supply of . FRUIT BISCUITS VANILLA WAFERS CHEESE SANDWICHES LEMON SNAPS PEANUT WAFERS GRAHAM WAFERS OATMEAL CRACKERS BUTTER THlrl CRACKERS' Royal Grocery and Bakery i BuildcrsNeedj This Catalog one price to everynoay HAY Alfalfa, baled, $16; timothy, baled, $20. FLOUR High patent, 5.60; family patent, $5.20; straight $4.80. Portland Market?. BUTTER Extra creamery. 35c; store 22 l-224 1-2. BUTTER FAT Delllver t o. b. at Portland sw cream 32 1-2; sour 30. EGGS Local, candled,. 30 29. POULTRY Mix chickens 16c8c; fancy 19 cents; turkeys, all 20 & 21; pigeons squars, $2.50; dres sed chickens, 1 to 2c higher than alive. BARLEY Producers price, 1810: Feed 23.50; rolled 25.5026.80, brew ing 25. WHEAT Nominal track, club, 81 and 88; bluestem 96; William Val ley 90. Valley 97. MILLSTUFFS Selling price Cran $22; mldling, 30; shorts, $24. chop 1 325. FLOUR Old crop patents, $5J& BO. San j ' 1 ! i j Hoi iin ) opera Sci did not the pla Pa! the Cil $24. i '