LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBERS, 1910. IFF A PAMPHLETS ME U LINE TWO REFRIGERATOR CAES BADLY SMASHED IT. Strin? on Elevated Too Lonir for the Track and Smashup Occurs. Two refrigerator cars were bumped off the high line track yesterday ev ening and seriously "Injured." While , the damage to the body of the two cars was not so extensive, the trucks and fittings were twisted and torn from their places with serious consequen ces. The wrecking crew was at work : most of the morning putting things' right again. The fall was more than twenty feet. The two refrigerator cars were . the last two of a string of empties which had been run up on the high line to be out of the way of the switching crews and when another string of cars was run up the Incline it bumped the two foremost off the end, the first time such a thing has happened since the elevated was constructed, with a i crash that notified the crew of their !,mlstrke, the cars struck the ground and bottom of the coal bins. Fortu nately there was no frleglit In the cars. o Last Day to Register. Tomorrow Is the lst day to register before the pri mary elections. The books, are open at the court house ' and every voter who has not already attended to this Im portant matter Is urged to do so at once. The books will open September 28 for the November elections. o o o , Pope Said to be I1L Tdome " Sept. 30 A report that the pope Is suffering from hardening of the arteries of the heart and also gout Is circulated through the city today. The report Is denied at the Vatican. Nevertheless 'It has alarmed the city. PEOPLE Of OREGON it Is now UP TO YOU AMI INCOMPLETE AND DO NOT, COYER ENTIRE GROUND. Cochran left out With Several Others From LIht of Candidates. Th popular COLONIST FARES will again be tn effect between September 15th, and October 15, during which period tickets to La Granae will be on sale dally from CHICAGO at . . $33.00 ST. LOUIS . . . 32.00 OMAHA .... 25.00 KANSAS CITY. . 25.00 ST.PAUL ... 25.00 and from other cities correspond ingly low. These are WeBtbound, one-way fare only, but anyone here can PREPAY for relatives or friends In the Bast, If desired. Consult your local railroad ag- ent. ' NOW IS THE TIME to let the world know of our vast resources and splendid opportun ities for HOME BUILDING. Write to everyone you know In' the East. Send them good Instruc tive printed matter, and tell them that the cost of getting here is but little more than halt the us ual cost, and to call on a repre sentative O. R. & N. Co., '.v1.' Information, or WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON A "pamphlet" containing a copy of ali measures referred to the people by the legislative assembly, referendum ordered by petition o the people and proposed by Initiative petition, all to be submitted to the legal voters of the state for Oregon for their approv al or rejection at the regular general election to be held on. the eighth day of November, 1910, together with ar guments filed favoring and opposing certain of said measures, has reached La Grande and within a short time every local voter will be supplied with a copy. In addition to this pamphlet, the state printer has also 'sent out a pamphlet containing cuts and state ments 'of Republican Candidates who have filed their petitions for nomina tion with the secretary of state not later thn th fnrtv-flrt ii hfor September 24th the date of the primary nomination election, to be submitted to the republican voters of the state at the primary ; nominating election to be held on the 24th of this month. The cuts are accompanied with the argu ments filed favoring or opposing cer tain of the candidates In the counties of Baker, Crook, Gilliam, Grant, Har ney, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Um atilla, Union, Wallowa and Wheeler. They are compiled by Frank W. Ben son, secretary of state. Neither the first-named pamphlet or the latter named, have a complete list and It Is impossible for the voter to gain any information about all thu measures Involved in the general elec tion or to study the arguments for and against all the candidates in Eastern Oregon. The names of the men appear ing in the latter phamplet does not in clude George T. Cochran, candidate for water commissioner, and there are several others missing. The list follows: Name Abraham, Albert Alderman, L. R. ...... Assembly Argument Bowerman, Jay .... .". . . 1 1 Burnett, George H, 17 Clarke, Wm. J. 26 Crawford, A. M .23 Dunlway, W. S 27-28-29-30 Hart. J. N. 24 Hofer, E. 15 Moff, O. P ;. 31 Hoyt, Ralph W 16 Lafferty, A. W. ....2-3-4-5 McCamant, Wallace 18 Non-Polltlal Judiciary Argument, affirmative ....19-20 Non-Polltlal Judiciary Argument, negative 21-22 Shepherd, George S 6 Page ..7-8-9-10 .23 . 12-13-14 C. T. FERRIN GIVEN MENTION IN -THE EVIDENCE." 31 ' " I mmmtmmrmm I mtT-ii wm r g mix. ,n M:h 1 !-'h4.' F , . i f: - -V CormiaHT iio tm hot aw tilok St. Louis Taper Publishes Picture and Comment ou Local Salesmun. 1. illini'., ... ; ... ffC J. t WE BRIliO INTO EVERY HOME IDUE If ADD8; MK FAD02 bringing to clothes-wearers everywhere the genius and skill of picked Metropolitan Tailors. We lift big-city tailoring from the realm'of a luxury and make it economy for every man to have his CLOTHES BUILT TO HIS ORDER in a genuine Broadway tailor shop- select in his own town an advanced fabric and style, a season in advance of the local tailor's showing. Our special representative is in your city today; will be here tomorrow and the next day. . He is here to give you the benefit of an expert's advice and show you the most complete assortment of styles and fabrics ever dis played in your city. Do not fail to avail yourself of this opportunity. 9t Costs ess to Press getter Suits and Overcoats $15.00 to $40.00 Sertf garment guaranteed to gm Satisfaction tfou to be the Judge ,. , , , , t , m , 'S:1mi::i .1 ... i . j C. P. Ferrln. shoeman at the Gol den Rule store, comes In for praise and mention In "The Evidence", a per iodical published In St. Louis with the purpose of helping the "Star Brand" merchants throughout the country. Among other things the Evidence says: "The man with the show is Mr. C. P. Ferrin, shoe salesman for the Gol den Rule Co. of La Grande, Ore. The Golden Rule company operates a large shoe department and Is making a lot of money selling 'Stars.' Mr. Forrln knows all the fine points about shoe salesmanship and why the 'Star Brand shoes are better' and for that reason has done a great deal toward helping his shoe department" In addition to the words ff r. raise Mr. Ferrin's picture Is published, showing him in the act of demonstrat ing the fine points of the shoe he sells. SEPTIC TANK AT T 11 .cut by the excavations for thetank was dedicated to the city, but since about 50 feet of the excavation has bee done it was found that the road was In reality a county road, and the tank will have to be shifted about fifty feet to one side. SLIGHT DELAY CAUSED BY A MISUNDERSTANDING. Road Thought to be City's Is Really a County Roadway. A slight delay In excavating for the septic tank to be used as a refuse con sumer for the sewer system, has been occasioned through a misunderstand Ing as to the real relationship of a piece of roadway passing the city property where the disposal plant is to be located. It was thought by En Sineer Darley that the road which was COMING HERE TO LOCATE. Idaho Van Boys Proierty Near Town and Will Make Ills Home Hf re. Albert BenBon, of Idaho, has pur chased a small tract of land near La Grande and by the J5th of this month will reach here with his family to make his home. He will live In La Grande during the fall months and later on move his family to his newly acquired tract. The deal was consumated through the Van Duyne Realty company. TRUANT OFFICER AT IK PARENTS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOB THEIR CHILDREN. Wanted. Fruit pickers and packers and box makers. J. B. Stoddard, Frultdale. Jail Imprisonment and Heavy Fines Can be Imposed on Parents. Truant Officer I. W. Faulk Is al ready on the trail of dellquent school children. He announces that the par ents are held responsible for the ab sence of their children from school, and following out the orders of the cchool board, this morning commenced to "round up" those who were not in school and should be there. The stat utes provide that the parents can be Jailed and fined both for not -insisting on their chlldrens' presence in the school, and Mr. Faulk announces that a fair warning will be given the par enta before drastic action is taken. If there are flagrant violations of the school attendance laws arrests will certainly follow. Racing Men at Fair. Syracuse, N. T., Sept. 13 Follow ers of the harness racing sport are here in force today for the Grand circuit meet to be held on the track of the New York State Fair. The horse show entries at the fair are practi cally complete today and include rib bon winners from all the best sta bles of the. east . Mistake In Print. An error occurred in the last three editions' of this paper as to the date of the limit of receiving bonds for the construction of Bitulithic pave ment The date read Oct. 15th when It should have read Oct 5th.