PAGE 3. LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1910. COUBSES OF STUDY TAUGHT A'D THEIB ARIM.XGEMEXTS. Eupcriatcndent Advise Parents Aid Students la Selection. to Extreme care, caution and co-operation between pupil and parent Is necessary and essential at the open ing of the school year In the selec tion of courses and branches of study to be carried. Superintendent Stout advises the students to' make careful eiecuon oi ueir courses ana to aia me parents in assisting their children la this Important matter The Ob- eerver publishes the appended list: j . 'h. ... 1 or courses ana me studies tney com- - prlso, planned and specified by the head of the school system: Classical Coarse. First year El. Algebra, Greclau I History, English and Latin. Second Semester El. Algebra, Ro man History, English and Latin. Second Year Plane Geometry, English, Latin, Mediaeval History. Second Semester Plane- Geometry, Third Year English, Physics, Lat in, Advanced Algebra or German or French. Second Semester English, Physics, Latin, Solid Geometry or German or . French. .' , Fourth Year English, U. S. His tory, Latin, Economics or German or French. Second Semester English, Civics, Latin, Astronomy or Higher Algebra, or German or French. Scientific Course. First Year El. Algebra, ' Grecian History, English, Physical Geogra phy. ' v ' Second Semester El. Algebra, Ro man History, EngliBh, Physiology. . Second Year Plane Geometry, Eng lish, Botany, Mediaeval History. Second SemesterPlane Geometry, English, Botany Modern History. ', Third Year English Physics, Ad vanced Algebra, German or French. Second Semester English, Physics, German or French, Solid Geometry. Fourth . Year English, U. S. Hla- PEOPLE OREGON it h now UP TO YOU The popular COLONIST FARES will again be In effect between September 15th, and October 15, during which period tickets to La Granae will be on sale daily from CHICAGO at . . $33.00 ST. LOUIS . . . 32.00 OMAHA . . ; . 25.00 KANSAS CITY . , 25.00 ST. PAUL . . ; 25.00 and from other cities correspond ingly low. These are Westbound, one-way fare only,' but anyone here can PREPAY for relatives or friends in the East, if desired. Consult your local railroad ag ent. NOW IS THE TIME to let the world know of our vast resources and splendid opportun ities for HOME BUILDING. Write to everyone you know In the East. Send them good Instruc- " tite printed matter, and tell them that the cost of getting here Is but little more than half the us ual coBt. and to call on a repre ntV!w o' O. R. ft .N. Co., .-v: v.; -i; i ' Information, or ii''T-ssa . WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON tory, , German or French, Chemistry or Geology or Economics". Second Semester EngliBh, Civics, Geramn of French, Chemistry or As tronomy orHIgher Algebra. ) . Commercial Course. I First Year EL Algebra, Grecian ; History, EngliBh, Com. Arithmetic i and Business Forms. I Second Semester EI. Algebra, Ro man History, English, Common Geog' , raphy. - Second Year Plane Geometry, Eng lish, Bookkeeping, Mediaeval History Second Semester Plane Qeometry, : English, Bookkeeping, Modern His itory. Third Year English, Physics, Ad , vanced Algebra, ' Stenography and Typewriting. .' ( Second Semester English, Physics Bookkeeplug, Stenography and Type writing, Fourth Year English, U. S. His tory, Economics, Stenography and Typewriting. Second Semester-English, Clcics, Commercial Law. Stenography and Typewriting. ' - THE SPECIAL EDITIOX. A Those wishing copies of the A Observer's Annual Industrial A edition mailed to friends can' have the same done by bring- lng wrappers addressed, to A office or they can furnish a list of names and this of-' flee will wrap and mall any number of copies. In the lat- A A A A ter case five cents will be A charged to cover expense of wrapping and postage. Send- in your order early for the de- maud has already been very strong for this edition and It will only be a short time un- til It Is exhausted, It tells A about this wonderful coun- try and will save writing descriptive letters. No charge is . made to merchants and A business people for mailing O A .a reasonably, number. A AAA A A AAA A A K. of P. Meeting. The Knights of Pythias will hold an Important meeting Monday night. Air members are requested to be present. Sets New Record. Boston, Sept. 12 Clifford Harmon today borrowed Graham White's aero plane and made an 18 minute trip in which he established a record. Har mon circled the course In seven min utes 47 4-5 seconds a record for slow ness and scored 12 points In bomb throwing contests. AGAIN IN THE CITY Now Tod Have the Opportunity to Consult DR. W. H. KEATING . OF SALT LAKE The Well Known Eyesight Specialist If you have defective eyesight or Improperly fitted glasses. Dr. W. H Keating is not a stranger as he has visited your city for the last six years and will visit here regularly in the future every three months and can furnish you many references in La Grande. He also grinds and makes ev ery pair of glasses he fits and carries the latest Instruments for making a thorough examination of the eye. SOW AT HOTEL SOMMER. Don't wait, do It now. Oftice hours from 1 i. . "til J m. . . J 1 iiniDiis EMEKTJ1ISE FA IB THIS SEASON WILL BE GOOD. Management Has Matters Well in ' Hand for Wallowa County Fair. Enterprise, Ore., Sept. 12 (Special) The most of the stalls and sheds for the housing of live Hock during the Wallowa County Fair here, were prac tically completed. Saturday last. Work will now be begun on the big ampl tbieatre and afterwards on the exhibi tion hall. At least that is the pres ent intention. The exhibits from over the county are being arranged 'with such completeness that the Fair com mittee will be compelled to provide enlarged space for the exhibits! This is what the Fair committee wants to do, however, as they realize that the real Buccess of. the Fair depends largely, almost wholly, upon the com pleteness of its exhibits. Plenty of Amusements Visitors will not want for plenty of amusement here during the whole of Fair week, beginning September 26. 4 no mail uiocm tutu utty ui ilia fair will be made from a distance of' 80 feet. A whole array of carnival shows will be running full blast, each with a big program of good, clean 'attrac tions. Other shows will also be in op eration. The Madison Square Stock company will appear at the opera house each" night during the Fair Races of several different classes, in cluding a three-day relay race of fif teen miles, a daily live Btock sale which will probably be the biggest live stock sale ever held in eastern O-egon, and a hundred and one dif ferent attractions are forthcoming. Programs will be sent out this week by the. Fair' committee. In an 'inter view witfo President A. C. Miller about the Fair,-that gentleman said; "If we have good weather during Fair week, there will be thousands in attendance. From the present outlook I can see the biggest Fair ever held In the his tory of the country, and this will be the best advertisement possible for this county and for East Oregon. We expect hundreds of people from Wash ington and western Oregon.' Jfotlce of Dissolution. . Notice Is hereby given that the La Grande Meat company has been dis solved by mutual consent and that! M. J. Hally withdraws from the firm. The outstanding bills will be collected by and the firm will be managed by Fred Boch and Paul Rohr. FRED BOCH. M. J. HALLY, PAUL ROHR, ELI BREVITIES Elgin, Ore. Sept. 10 (Special) El gin public schools opened Monday the 5th, for the year 1910-11. with an en rollment of about 300 pupils. This is a very good attendance tor the beginning of the term, others will register later in the season when the farm work 1b over. Supt. Bailey has charge of the school and will be assisted by an able corps of teachers. J. Dobbins, the well known sheep man of Enterprise, shipped 23 dou ble deck car loads of sheep from the local stock yards Thursday. , A number of girls were employed by the Commission company this week packing apples to be shipped to out side points. ' . , 1 Mrs. John Rhoads returned Thurs day from a visit with relatives at En terprise. , Lee Bell Is out from Wallowa on a visit: Mrs. August Hug who left Thurs day for an extended visit to California for her health, was taken Quite ill in La Grande and was forced to post pone her trip and return home until he Is better able to travel. E. L. Wiley from Wallowa was a vlBltor In our city Thursday. Jul. Roesch of La Grande was In our city Friday, The Hallgarth BIdg., and the Presby terian church are being greatly Im proved by a new coat of paint. O. R. ft N. Agent Bryant Is confined Opening the great tailoring Me Displaying everything in Suiting and Over coatings that is correct and desirable for Fajl and Winter 1910. Jpecial representative of the Wear Clothes specially made for YOU at the price of hand-me-downs. Suits and day M onday TDUE If AODSIOIE (fAOGS to his home this week on account of sickness. Mrs. Brooks from Summerville was a guest at R. C. Mays home last Thursday. Miss Lillian Morris left today for Seattle. ; Ed. Morris from Portland is here to attend today's shoot. -. A number of young ladies surpris ed Miss Lula Hackett with a shower party Friday evening in honor of her approaching marriage. The evening was spent in playing games, after which refreshments were served. Ev-ery-one reports a very enjoyable time. Miss Hackett was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. MACHINERY BREAKS TWICE IX TEN DAYS. Hard Quality of Rock Make Trou ble With Rock Crusher Plant Unusually hard grades of rock used . in the foundations for bltullthlc' pavement In this city is responsible for considerable trouble with the rock crusher. For the second time In ten days the7 rock crusher was put out of business with broken machinery and no "hot stuff" was poured today again. The rock used is so hard that it breaks without creating dust which is very desirable In securing sufficient finer grades of rock for finishing. But the crews were not Idle for grading on Depot street which will be HARD ROCKS ARE TROUBLESOME i THE : BIG DAY Overcoats $15 to S40 Tue sday and Thursday This Sale Continues 15." ' " 'I' 1 "' " II " " --HUM Fresh Shipment DILL PICKLES and SARATOGA CHIPS SNO paved immediately, was taken up this morning. The company is running shorthanded and the breakdown to the machinery did not stop progress any. where except In the laying of the hot stuff. Bitumen will be poured tomor row again.' Band Dance Wednesday, The members of the La Grande Band will give another of their popu lar dances at the Elk's hall next Wednesday night A ten piece orches tra will be in attendance and a good time Is assured to all. Tons; lYar Lets Up. San Francisco, Sept 12-Chlnatown w edne s- of DGRAS'S is quiet today following last night's outbreak of warring tongs In. which two men were shot in a running street flgfit. Neither victim died and no fur ther disorder is expected until the outcome of the. injured men is ascer tained. The shooting last nla-ht was tha first time ia eleven years that the Chinese waged their war on the open streets. So fr five were killed In this war. .Vh.:iKw On aill nature .re nlmva ia- ' liHcWul. Chamberlain's C:1. iUm.i en on this .lan. ;t )(K)6en, rv. lines U l',.niopet.8theaecreuonsiind aiJa