PAGE SIX LA GHANDE EVENING OBSERVED SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. I; SPORTSMAN and TELEPHONE EVERY TIME a man wants to get away from all connection with the busy world, the telephone is an important helper. The local service is useful in arranging his affairs at home, and the Long 'Distance service of the Bell System helps him to decide where to go' and what to take.: : r " -'.v. : . ' . ' By means of his Bell telephone he can find out whether the fish are biting or the birds are flying, and whether guides or horses can be secured.' After he has been out a while if he wants to get word from the city, the nearest Bell telephone is a menamneea. , ' ' Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Every Bell Telephone is the Centre DIRECTORY FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE., ORE H. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every Monday in the month at the I. 0, 0., F. hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially Invited to attend. ' I. R. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX, Clerk. ' Woodmen of the World. La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. 0. W. meets every second and fourth Tues day in the month. All visiting mem bers welcome. NERI ACKLES, C. C. J. H. KEENEY, Clerk. Rebekas. Crystal Lodge No. 50 meets every Tuesday . evening in the I. O. 0. F. hall. All visiting members are invited to attend. '" - MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. G, MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH, Ses. ' a. f. & a. ar. : La Grande Lodge No. 41, A F. & A. 4. holds regular meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. f JOHN Ct HODWIN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. B. X. 0. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Elk's club corner of Depot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordallly Invited to at tend. DR. G. L. DIGGERS, Ex. Rul HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. Knights of Pythias. ' Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets ev ery Monday night in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. v JESS PAUL, C. C. R. L." LINCOLN, M. of R. & S. 0. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, 0. E. C. holds stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each : month. Visiting members cordially invited. MARY A. WARNICK, Sec. PAULINE EDERLEE, W. M. Women or Woodcraft. Grande Ronde Circle No. 47 meets every first and third Thursday even ing in the month at the I. 0. 0. F. Hall. AH visiting members are wel come. '' CHLOE ROBINSON. G? M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk. SEE LA GR ANDES LEADIHG JEWELER t t I When in need of anything In watches, clocks, Jewelry, cut glass, hand pain ted China, or any other article carried by a first class Jewel ry store, investigate our prices before buying and you will s ave money, and be sure of securing first quality goods. - If your eyes tro uble you. have them fitted by an opti cian of experience. Opposite the U. S. Land Office, Adams Ave. In Name, and in Make SUPERIOR DRILLS The name tells the storv. Thev are honestW manufflrt- 4 j uied and honest in sewing the grain. The feed the t r4 positive force is the most simDia and easilv handled 9a 4 of any seeding device yet constructed. Sofire of Street Improvement ; j To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that In pur suance of a resolution adopts by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, on the fifth day of August, 1909. creating Improvement District No. 1 and designating Adams Avenue", as such' district, and in pur suance of a, resolution adopted by said Common Council on the twenty fourth day of August, 1910, whereby said Council determined and declared its intention to Improve all that por tion of Adams' Avenue, la said im provement district as hereinafter de scribed, by laying thereon bitullthic pavement, the council will, tendays after the service of this notlee upon the owners of the property affected and' benefitted by such improvement, order that said above described im provement be made; that' the boun daries of said district to be so im proved are as follows: All that portion of Adams Avenue from the weBt line of Fourth street to the east line of Third street, Notice In hereby further given that the Coun cil will levy a special assessment on all the property "affected and benefit ted by such improvement for the pur pose of paying for such Improvement. That the estimated cost of such im provement is . the sum of $3742.70. That the Council will on the twenty first day of September, 1910, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M., to consider said esti mated cost and the levy of said as sessment," 'when ' a ' hearing will be granted to any person feeding ag grieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, September 7, 1910... .' .'. 7 , CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, i ' ORE. By D. E, COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Or. Sept 9 to 20. --: ' ;. j New I Dill ickles Justin 20c per Qt. t 9 jj City Grocery andi f Bakery mmmmm m mm HI Fw iii the tlmo to settle your rcf;rqr rroblem, ' e.vA the mot A TOTiwiiicrl and 8atisfaetory 'ay is louse , ; asszstcs nconr:3 ' It is rfrmcmenily durable Ve cnuso mado cf Acsestos. an inde- struttibla rninercl. which is not & affected by fire, rot, rest c wear ft "j-w ' 13 mo cniy prepared roofirjr , which docs rot require coathur or rainHrjr rcscrve it" Henco i; w tho "choapest-per-r year" roofing". Easily applied. 4 Asbestoside la on AslSestoa Siding for buildings nnd is the most economical, durable and t easily applied siding known. Askfortampte$ and prices. JOHN MELVILLE X J Sales Agent r " 1428 Adams Ave. La Grande, Ore o ' V ilii )) n I have no land of my own to offer. I sell strictly on percentage. Both owner and buyer receive the same fair treatment I mean that your property is offered at exactly the price yon place on It We Jn. tlte yonr consideration, of the following listings. - City Property - Four room house, two lots, good cellar, 1414-Z avenue. This place has been listed for some, time at $1100. A special price, if sold during the next ten days, at ?950. . $500 cash, time on balance.' , . Two story house, with barn, lot 55x90, one door north of M. E. church, South; $1400, $600 cash, bal ance on easy terms. , ' ' ' ' Seven room house, situated west end of Pennsylvania avenue, plastered stone foundation, city water in house; price $1,000. Why pay rent? Terms $100 down, balance $15 per month,. Fine large home in North La Grande, two blocks, splendid house, barn and out buildings. Fine or ard; an ideal home with ample room for garden, poultry, cow and horse. This Is, an exceptional fine offer. Price $4,000. ' - . . Nice , new home, two lots in West La Grander price $2,000. , , ' A well built house on Main Avenue, facing North; close in; price, $2,500. One-half cash, .balance on ; :tlme. ' . ' , "' V; .; . Four room house on Monroe Avenue; nice barn and extra well built poultry house. Three lots, four ' room house with cellar, city water. All in good condition. $1400, easy terms. ' . House and two lots in Block 1, Grandy's addition, for $1100. Three lots in same block at $900. This Is desirable property. . ' A new seven-room house on East Adams avenue, roomy basement, plastered, well finished throughout, 12 room house, barn, 8 acres of land, 100 fruit trees, barn, spring, well and city water. Sightly view: nice home in South La Grande. V Large 10-room house with entire block of ground. Here Is chance for investment; five bouses can be built ori this .property. All close to the high school building. Good barn on place, price $3500. Five room house, modern plumbing, lot 60x110, near court house, beautiful location,-$1800; $800 cash, balance two years. , ' ' :. , 1 ' Seven room house on Adams avenue; well built plastered, basement, desirable location, v $2500. $500 cash, balance on easy terms. . . Four room house, near big brick school house, north of track, $1100. Plastered house in North La Grande, entire block, $4,000 on easy terms. . Nice home in North, La Grande, fruit, barn, accessible to new R. R. shops $1700. Town Lots I Have some splendid buys in town lots In all portions of the city, extra choice locations at $300 to $750. Very good lots for $100. Sbme Farm Lands r Fine Stock Ranch ''.''''. - 2600 hundred acres near La Grande, 300 acres of meadow land, from which 400 to 600 tons of hay can be cut annually. Well watered; reasonable terms. - . " . Near La Grande Fine foothill farm four miles from La Grande, 800 acres, well improved, $16,000, terms. V- Sandridge Farm - ; 160 acres well improved. All good land, 70 acres of summer fallow seeded, one ' half mile to nine months' school, less than one mile to depot. This is a snap, $92 per acre. Terms. . Sandridge Farm 160 acres near good school and depot adjoining place. Good roads all the way to La Grande, 6 miles. . ; . ' ; , . ' ; Fruit Farm: ' . . :' u; : . 20 acres commercial orchard In Fruitdale, trees 8 years old, well cared for and in splendid condition. $7,500. . ; Ten-acre Fruit Farm Situated near school house in Fruitdale, trees 12 years old. crop estimated between 2,000 and 3,000 boxes; $6,500, good, terms or will exchange for city property. f 80 acres one quarter mile from the city, modern house, fine cellar with spring; five acres of fine or chard, crop goes witli place if taken at once. Fine dairy, fruit and noult farm nnn ; w vvivvvi : 320 acre farm. 300 acres summer fallow and seeded to grain, water right six miles east Grande, $52 per acre. Investigate this. Here is a Snap Look This Up st of La Grande, well impro Mt. Glenn Farm of La 500 acres of land eight miles east of La Grande, well improved, fine stock, alfalfa and grain ranch. $Ov) P6F HCr6 80 acres, all good land, 5 acres in orchard; large barn, several springs near school rural deliverv Farm produced 40 bushels of wheat to the acre last year. $8,000. very reasonable terms. ' 50-acre Fruit Farm Situated near Summervllle. will trade for city property or will selPon very easy terms. Fine Farm , ZrzT.T. year thl8 land produced 129 busheIs of oat8 to 320 acres, 60 cultivatable, 400 In Lower Cove fine fruit trees, fine spring. $4,000, easy terms. Grazing Land 240 acres, well watered in lower Cove, $7 per acre. Mountain Ranch Splendid fruit land, large meadow, several acres in alfalfa, three miles south of La Grande. ?8. ier Land ,000. 80 acres south of La Grande, $800, one-half cash! U1 TDM REAL i 11- ESTAET . i i.O m. & M. CO. V