LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1910. IV I THE ISIS -IMIEHT'S PB0GH1U- Death of Michael Grady Old Love and the New Edison. Through the Enemy's Line. Tbe Walled City of Pekln Ed ison. Song Don Forget to DrP a Line to Mother. Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dls play to lobby. EMISSION IBc- agents for Rose-. Rolled Rye. It makes the best and healthiest nour ishment of any cerial. WeEt's Millinery Department U the fashion center Just now. New Gage Hats received. XHean house with a vacuum carpet cleaner. All work guaranteed. Prices right Phones Red 662 or Red 141. First shipment of Gage hats received at N. K. Wests. Pattern You will find a good force of clerks at SUverthorn's .family drug store ready to sell you all kinds of school books, tablets, pencils, Ink and every thing used in a school room. LOCALS i If you have any second-hand school books to dispose of, "bring them to Newlin Book and Stationery Co. I All kinds of school books and school mpplies at SUverthorn's family druj itore. Everything for the school children tt Newlin Book and Stationery Co. ' next Monday. Sam R. Ilaworth the contractor re turned this morning from an extend ed stay in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Seigrist and son leave this evening for Portland and Salem where at the latter place they will attend the state fair. BiBhop Paddock of the Eastern Oregon diocese . of the Episcopal church arrived today to spend a few days with Rev. Upton H. Glbbs. S. 0. Swackhammef, Nils Schoon- ever and T. J. Foster are among the Union people visiting friends In La Grande this afternoon. Mrs. Tom Ruckman and daughter who have been spending the past two weeks with the Cochran family Is In the city returning this morning to their home In Allcel. tuasswea COOK WANTED At Oregon Hotel. k FOR SALE 600 sheep, Waaler Glenn. R. F. D. No 2. , Would like to have two unfurnished moms close In by man and wife. Par ties are very-agreeable. Can furnish the highest reference. Write St. No. Care Observer. Mrs. E. P. Day will conduct the nniblc classes of Prof. Day In the fu ture as in the paBt. . V Cherry Bloosoms at Selders. Second hand school books. We buy them for cash at SUverthorn's family drug store. , . 3t Cudahay hams, bacon and lard . they stand the pure food test, a little cheaper than others. Grand Union Tea Co. Phone block 1521. Hotel rule cards, trespassing cards, houses for rent cards printed In red and black. For sale cheap at The Ob server office. . You should see the new Gage Pat tern Hats In West's. Millinery De partment - " O FfcKSUSALS. J. C. Gulling Is slightly improved to day over the past few days. Mvris Hector Phy of Hot Lake is here this afternoon visiting friends. Elsie G. Helens of Enterprise Is registered at the Sommer this after noon. Mrs. Frank Bay is critically 111 with typhoid fever. Doctor A. L. Richard son is attending to her treatment MtlsBoq flnr ToHo mnA Anno Thalia of Josenh are here this afternoon and are registered at the Sommer. A. C. Davis left this morning for Springfield, 111., to visit his old home which he has not seen for thirty one years. : F. E. Hetherlngton of Spokane ar rived this afternoon from the Wallo wa branch and will go to Spokane to night. He Is at the Foley. Mrs. Fred B. Currey arrived home this afternoon from Hot Lake where she has been spending a few days with her husband. L. II. Russell Is home from a busi ness trip to Portland. Contractor T. J. Norvel is over from Union today transacting business. Editor George Sclblrd the Union Republican owner, is here on his regular Saturday visit today.; . , , ' Joe Ebersole who has resigned his position as clerk at the Savoy, left today for Baker City to visit friendB. N. K. West reached home today from Portland where he has.been at tending the Portland Live Stock show. ' I. B. Bach the Imbler sawmill man ager arrived home today from a vis it In Portland. : ' F, C. Tuckey will accept a position swim TY. FOR RENT CHEAP Brick store building, 106 Fir street Apply at the marble works. WANTED An elderly man to do chores. Steady position. Apply to John Anthony, Rondowa Ave. SCIENCE In one's profession is conscience ap plied; it Is honesty, veracity and fldel Ity. : ' 1 ' I - . " Mechanical equipment Is a? matter of purchase. Professional equipment the result of study, acquaintance with conditions, appreciation of what you need when yotf need it. We feel that it is all right to tell you that we tave satisfied i.early 2100 people, and among them are 190 child ren between the ages, of 6 and 15 in Union and Wallowa counties. Dr. Mendelsohn has been practicing and has the experience of 29 years, fitting ttuu km iuuutocu mi Wi VMt- I tng oculists on the Pacific Coast and all the physicians of La Grande. We have the professional equipment as well as the science. ' ' SKILL, REFUTATION AND HONESTY A man's heart must be lh his skill, and a man's soul in his craftsmanship. Our heart and soul are in ouv work. The satisfaction of those we havo served Is your guarantee that we will serve you satisfactorily. ' ' High class work at lowes, possible prices.. " ,' ; AH broken lenses, replaced while yon wait. DR. M. P. ME! DOCTOR OF OPTICS . PERMANENTLY LOCATED 1105 ADAMS AVENUE FOLEY. HOTEL BUILDING ; PRICES REASONABLE. OFFICE HOCUS, 8:80 to 12, 1 to 5 P. M. EV ENINGS BY APPOINTMENT, WANTED AT ONCE An apprentice for the Millinery Department at Gold en Rule Co. ' LOST A lady's hunting case gold watch with a black, fob. Finder re turn to Observer Office and receive suitable reward. Fopular dancing parties are as sured the coming winter. A club was organized last night and christened the "Blllken" club which will, during the winter months give an Informal party each month commencing with September if possible and continue throughout the season. The club is composed of many of the young lad ies and gentlemen who figured so con taken of with the same relish that so many little tots would have gone. Souvenirs in the way of tiny dolls, playthings or Juvenile things and toys were also given away by the generous hostess. Miss Dawson has been com plimented on the success of . the lit tle party by the following who , at tended: Misses Olive Massee, Maud FARMERS' BUSINESS IV GIVE PARTICU LAR ATI ENT10H TO THE BUSINESS 1 FARMERS. AYE COR DIALLY INVITE THEM TO MAKE T HIS 1 HEIR BANKING HOME. .- The last agricultural bulletin says Amount of nourishment in meat Is 16 per cent. Dairy products 18 per cent. I Rye 31 per cent. Geddes Bros, are the with the Frank Lilly hardware store Fall Suits Are Ready, Sir! i pi' m I i . )74 1 mm ' ' I . w A m'imLnmi. h are li fe W-m H 1 ' , , r 77771 ' W''i ' Si t ,ti T'yysp.v J lit 1 III I ASH , Suits that are the produc tion of the highest salaried Designers and that were tail ored by the most expert Work men, from '- elegant Foreign and Domestic Woolens. There are no radical style changes this season but there many improvements in Tailoring details that make for handsome Garments. Jfo. 12 Report of the Condition of the POWDEB TALLEI STATE BANK, at North Powder, In the state of Ore gon at the close of business Sept. 1, 1910. . Resources. Loans and discounts s. $41,196.08 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ...... . . . . . i . 3,500.54 Bonds, securities, etc...... 7,039.50 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ............. t 3,545.45 Other real estate owned .... 2,500.00 Due from approved re serve banks .......... .. 9,669.31 Checks and other cash Items 67.60 Claims and Judgements.... 3,911.80 Cash on hand ........ 3,284.61 Expenses .. .. .. 1,661.64 SUITS AT $12.50, $20.00 to $30.00 If you have already been casting about for a Fall Suit, Sir, we'll take pleasure - in showing you' what you have been missing by not coming here first. ' . THE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS Total ..... ...... f76.376.43 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In .. ....$20,000.00 Undivided nroflta .......... 316.96 Individual deposits subject to check ........ 41,739.29 Demand certificates of de posit 4,548.92 Tlmo certificates of deposit 1,116.50 Cashier's checks outstanding 654.76 Bills payable, including cer tificates of deposit for money borrowed ....... . 8,000.00 The United States National Bank, LA GRANDE, OREGON. Clemments, Helen Clare Curry, Nina splcuously in the several popular dan- Tucky, Pauline Newton, Ivy Long, Sel- cing parties last winter arid they are 'man Ilenson, Francis Breckenrldge, therefore versed In the management Josephine Higglns. Janle Harris, Hat of these social events of the winter- ( tie McMurray, Harriet Harris, Jean tide. More will be heard from the ette Wheatley, Ruth Ghormly, Ber Bllllkens Nater. The club organized ' nice Stansfield. last evening Is composed of: Mr. and' Mrs. J. G. . Snodgrass, Mr. and Mrs Oscar Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Snodgrass, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scrl ber, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bay, and Miy and Mrs. Hugh McCall; Misses Irene Murphey, Ethel Gulling and Marjorle McCall; Messrs. Roscoe Doane, Walter Fran cis and Frank Conners. One of the most unique and enter taining parties this season was that arranged last evening by Miss Lulu Dawson at her home. 1610 Alder street tiitsuuH. it wan juveuiiv piitj iu Mil senses of the world for the guests came dressed to kill in little misses gowns and games and everything per taining to the party was refJly In keeping with the general scheme. Some of the gowns worn by tha young ladies were stunning creations that would more than delight the younger misses whose ageB they caricatured. To begin with the guests '.vere enter tained with games like ."Pussy wants a corner."; "Who's got the Button" and other games that are royal en tertainers to the little ladles. To cap the climax a picnic luncheon was serv ed on the floor to the assembled mis ses,, and doughnuts, peanuts, candy and pop corn and what not was par- A. CHURCH NOTICES St Peter's, Church. Sixteenth Sunday after Trlntly Holy Communion, 8 a. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Service 11 a. m. Evening Service 7:30 p. m. "The Purposes and, Function of Education" will be the Bubject for the morning's sermon. . UPTON H. GIBBS, Rector . T . Catholic Church. . Morning services 7 a. m. ' Lata services 10 a, ml Evening services 7:30 p. m. ;. Bishop Paddock will hold service and preach In St. Peter's church Mon day evening at 7:30. This will be his last visit for sometime as he leaves soon for the east to attend the General The progressive dinner given last night by one section of the 'Ladles aid of the Presbyterian church to the other section of the same order was a great success. Later in the evening the mock trial at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brenholts was filled with screams of amusement. More than a score of characters were carried out with great amusement to the audi ence. : . .:.. , . : Mrs. W; R. Jons entertained the . Bridge club this week. Mrs. Jay Van Buren won the honors. Cove, Sept 10, (Special) Saturday evening Sept. 3rd at the close of the regular meeting the Odd Fellows, Re becccs and Lady Maccabees tendered a farewell reception to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Martin of Cove who leave in the near future to make their hom In Highland, California. A bountiful chicken supper , was served and the evening spent pleasantly with games. Mrs. Martin was the recipient, of a beautiful dresser scarf presented by the Lady Maccabees and a dainty gar and cream which, was presented"'' by Mrs. Joe Goette. Mr. and Mrs. Martin will carry with them the beBt wishes of the many friends for their future success and happiness. be a good congregation, to meet him. Rev. Gillian will qccupy the pulpit in the Methodist church ; tomorrow morning and evening. Levjr Has New Stable. : Gus Levy has fixed up a flne'stable at his place In Union and. will al ways have a few fine horses therein. Union Republican. Advertised elttcrs. Following Is a list of letters re maining undelivered in the La Grande Post Office for the week ending Sept. 9. 1910. ; ' "J -v.-' : - GENTLEMEN. - 1 " Battleson, Hans., Bingham, Lewis B. 1 ; i Conner M. Tom. Franor .Mr. George. Grey Capt Lester I Hill George. , Hamilton George. - , Hughes, Mr. J. "W. Johnson, Mr. J. B. Kline, Mr. J. M. Long, Mr. J. A. Lilly, F. C. Nelson, Mr. Gust. s . - i Nelson, M. A. : ' Pederson, Mr. J. L. 1 i ' :' Pardo, Mr. Brock S. Rucker John T. , ' Salten, Gust A. - . Thomas, Mr. Alvin, (2) Wilson, L. B. Wilson, Mr.Chas ' (2) . , ' When calling for the above please say "Advertised", same will be sent Roosevelt In Pittsburg. ' ' Pittsburg, Sept. 10. Labor will rub elbows with wealth when Col. Roose velt delivers the last-address of the present trip before' an audience rep resentative of all classes of citizens of the Smoky City. American, Ger man, Welsh, Italian, Hungarian, Croa taln and Negro workmen will sit side by s!de,wlth captains of Industry and multl-mllllonalres while the , former president speaks on "The Civic Ad vance." The topic ' selected by Col. Roosevelt offers a wide range for the expression of his ideas of "the square deal," and his last address of the tour is likely to be among the most Inter esting. Mr. Roosevelt will probably ! to the dead letter office on Sept. 23rd. here shortly before midnight , 1910. , , ' . , leave Convention and other points. Let there for York and Oyster Bay. G. M, RICIIEY, P. M. Total '.I.... ..... $76,376.43 State of Oregon, county of Union, as: I, A.' E. Lambert, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the beBt of my knowledge and belief. A. E. LAMBERT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of Sept., 1910, BEN F. EVANS, NotaryPubllc. Correct Attest: t W. J. CAVENDER, H. O. GORHAM, , Directors. -! (Seal) ' .'-.j .' '. " : -"'''": ROYAL ARCn MASONS ATTENTION There will be a special meeting of La Grande Chapter No. 9 tonight, for the purpose of receiving the Grand High Priest, Frank J. Miller. By order L.H. RUSSELL, Sacm. We Want Your AUNDRY WORIC. We have one of the finest laundry plants in the state' outside-of Poiti and inspect it. Everything new, modern and up-to: full operation. Ladies are especially date. Now in invited to call. Experienced Help: Prompt Service. : Right Prices. GOOD WORK CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY . - BOTH PHONES :.v