La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 08, 1910, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 3.
SCO New Patterns to Select Your Fall Suit.
torn Made
$35.00 up,
crni n n
BOlil TO
Comes to L Grande This Morning
- With Prominent Officials.
Dropping in on his friends unan
nounced Acting Governor Jay Bower
man of Condon, carried his primary
nomination campaign , into Eastern
Oregon proper early this morning.
The governor came to La Grande on
the fast mall in company with a dele
gation of hleh government officials
who have been inspecting the govern
ment irrigation projects throughout
the northwest, and having gone over
tho Umatilla project and being greatly
Impressed with the virtues of that pro
Ject, they left for Idaho where other
government undertakings have been
commenced. A stirring meeting was
held at Hermiston last evening. The
Oregon delegation In . congress at
tended, the acting governor was there
it is now
will again be in effect between
September 15th, and October 15.
during which period tickets. to La
Grande will be on sale daily from
OMAHA . . .
and from other cities correspond
ingly low. These are Westbound,
one-way fare only, but anyone
here can PREPAY for relatives
or friends in the East, If desired.
Consult your local railroad agent.
and made a speech to the government
officials, Congressman Ellis made a
speech and long before the Informal
meeting was over the Inspectors had
been deeply impressed with the worth
of the government undertaking there.
The governor in his speech to the of
ficials : pointed . out . many Important
matters.1 It la the unanimous feeling
among the dignitaries who attended
the meeting that the officials will
positively recommend a speedy com
pletion of the Umatilla project .
. Bowerman to Wallowa County.
Arriving in La Grande at 7 o'clock
this morning, Mr. Bowerman snatched
a short rest at the Foley and was
wide awake again when the 9 o'clock
trains were due. He met a large num
ber of prominent republicans and dem
ocrats alike, and Ms broad smile of
confidence accented his statements
that "things are looking fine as a fid
dle." While he is campaigning in Wal
lowa county today and tomorrow, he
will not make a public speech unless
it becomes in keeping with the urg
ent requests from republicans in that
county. He plans to call on the const!
tuency there informally, discuss poll
tlcal Issues and return again without
having made a public speech.
He comes to La Grande again next
Saturday to spend the evening in
this city, again conferring informally
with the voters of the city. He does
not contemplate making a speech, at
that time. He is undecided whether he
will go to Baker City or to Pendle
ton when he returns frpm Wallowa.
Fred Stelwer the Pendleton attorney of
the firm of Phelps & Stelwer, Is his
guest on the Wallowa trip.
"I have found things looking fine
and encouraging in the Umatilla
County," Bald the acting governor this
morning. Lieutenants with him aver
the same thing and It Is evident that
Eastern Oregon's son Is going y to
make a clean sweep of things In the
republican primaries.
Mr. Bowerman was so enthused
with the Impression made on the
government Inspectors that he really
overlooked several opportunities to
drive home a vote in rehearsing the
Interesting meeting last evening at
Hermiston. The men who were there
and went over the project and came
away feeling that the government Is
not wasting money by completing the
Oregon Oddfellowship at Atlanta
Hands of H. E. tollldge. ,i
Expect Frost Tomorrow. ,
Chicago, Sept. 8. Private weather
prophets who stick to the old "Blgns,"
are confidently - predicting that Col
Jack Frost will swoop down upon the
central west tomorrow. It is alleged
that the katydid is responsible, that
i cheerful Insect having for ages been
recognized as a weather prophet sec
ond only to the groundhog and the
raccoon. Predictions of a froBt, based
on the peculiar song of the katydid,
have come from many central Btates,
and nearly all agree that Sept. 9 is the
date. Local sharps hold1 that this In
dicates a very heavy and general frost
Drugs come from all all parts of the earth. There an
thousands of them. To be able to identify them, hstthetn
.ami tvffijviffifj lucid yrvpeny is a iasn war requires exper
ience. '
H. E. Coolidge, sovereign, grand
lodge representative from Oregon to
Atlanta, Ga., left this morning accom
panied by his wife for a trip over the
United States that will consume
more than a month and take the tour
ists to the principal cities of United
Stated. Mr. Collldge who is past
grand master of Oregon Oddfellows,
was named at the last grand lodge to
represent , Oregon at the sovereign
grand lodge to Atlanta, and thp trip
which commenced today is a part of
that junket. In addition to handling
the affairs of Oregons grand lodge at
the highest conclave of Oddfellow
ship. Mr. Collldge is in line for recog
nition by the Sovereign grand lodge as
an official of that order a distinction
which .has fallen to Oregon but sel
dom. ' V-
When the lodge is ended, Mr. Col
lldge will go to Los Angeles and
attend the banker's convention In that
city., :'' ' '
Women Swimmers fo Compete.
New York, Sept. 8.Human fish of
the fair sex will display their speed
and skill in the big pool aConey Is
land tonight at the second Interna
tional world's championship swim
ming racea for women. The entries
Include nearly all the crack feminine
swimmers of the metropolitan dis
trict, with several from other cities
and abroad. -
eo Art
02 OOl tfmatllla project are men high in the
- ; Brigadier-General W. L. Marshall
ZO.UU consulting engineer to the Secretary
25.00. of War; Lieutenant-Colonel W. C.
Lanefllt. Major W. W. Hartls, Major
Harry Burgess, Supervising E. G.
Hobson, of the Pacific district of the
Reclamation Service. Lieutenant Col
onel John Blddte, chairman of the
board and Major Charles W. Kutt
General Passenger Agent William
McMurray and Traveling Passenger
Agent J. H. 0NeIl accompanied the
party as special envoys for the rail
road and. escorted them safely to the
"Border" at Huntington
(Continued from Page One.)
Who endeavors to serve you in a manner must ust
endless care in the selection and handling of his stock.
IVe exercise such care. Te know that the drugs we sell
are worthy ip every way-and we charge you nothing extra
foi the protection we afford you.' s v
Reliable Druggists
Wreck East of focatello Stops All Or
crland Traffic Today.
Westbound passenger service Is tied
up today east of Pocatello. Passenger
Number 17 due here this morning
will arrive some time about 4 o'clock
tomorrow morning. The Portland lo
cal No. 1 was also late as It waited at
Baker City for , the Short line stub
train which runs ahead of the regular
The cause of the delav is a derail
ment of a freight train but the reports j
do not indicate than anyone was hurt
In the smashup.
the law. Such 'frauds as those can
only be prevented by vigorous execu
tive officers. ;
"Much has been said in recent
years about executive usurpation in'
administering the land laws, but I
have yet to learn or a specific case.
The critics, of 'honest, vigorous en
forcement of the land laws objected
to the new order" of things because
it prevented them from feteallng pub
lic lands.
"Exactly as the. cry of executive
usurpation was raised so now the
ghost of states rights la dragged 'out
to frighten the public. There Is no
real conflict between nation and
states in dealing with public lands.
Mr. Simmons followed Garfield,
"The people generally do not yet
understand the real object of con
servation. The majority have not yet
grasped the idea that one of the prime
objects of the conservation movement
is to preserve the fertility and pro
ductivity of the soli. v.
"Conservation does not aim to sus
pend use Its object Is to perpetuate
usefulness In full measure this year
and every year to come.
."It Is not generally known that In
stead of wishing to keep Bettlers out
of the national forest reservations,
inducements are given by the departs
ment to get people to settle within
their boundaries. Homesteaders are
free to pasture their domestic stock
within the reservation and to cut
from the forests the timber they re
quire. "It la not generally understood that
mnklng a forest reservation does not
mran that no more timber is to be cut
for AB
We will be pleased to
have all our old customers
send us their laundry as
well as many new ones.
:'V--.. . &f V
to let the world know of our vast
resources and splendid opportun
ities for HOME BUILDING. Write
.to everyone you know in the
East. Send, them good Instruc
tive printed matter, and tell them
that the coBt of getting here is
but little more than halt the us
ual cost, and to call on a repre
rtv?vr rt 6. It. & N. Co.,
- A. lnformat:on, or
General Passenger Agent
Elklns Denies Engagement
Elkins, W. Va., Sept. 8 Senator El
klns today denied that he was In Eu
rope where the rumor said he had
gone to discuss plans for announcing
the engagement of his daughter. Kath-
erlne, to the Duke de Abruzzl.
"I am right here In the United
States." ealdvthe Senator angrily. "I
have denied the silly rumors until 1
am worn out My daughter Is not
going to marry deAbruzzl. and she Is
not to be made a countess. I much pre
fer my daughter to marry an Amerl
can than any nobleman living,"
f there for market; on the contrary Its
prime object Is to Insure continued
cutting and selling for all time.
"When this nation understands that
conservation Is simply another term
for. business management of the peo
ple's capital the pressure of public
opinion will be so strong behind this
: movement as to brook no Interference
To Wear $GO,000 Gown. . or delay in the passage and enforce
Newport, R. I., Sept. 8 When Miss ment of the laws needed to at once
Irene Sherman weds Lawrence Gilles- begin a business administration,
pie tomorrow the bride will wear the j "how to spread a more correct un
rcosi expensive ana eiaooriue sow u demanding of sucn facts Is a most
ever seen in this country. It will cost Important problem. I suEKest that each
Timely Discovery. ,
It has been discovered by La Grande
people that a SINGLE DOSE of Adler-l-ka,
the new German Appendicitis
remedy, relieves wind or gas in the'
stomach, or bowels, sour stomach or
constipation. A. T. Hill.
$C0.00 and be made prlucess style of
! a very rich satin and lace. The wed
ding Is to take place at the home of
i the bride's parents on Ochre point
governor summon to his capital, say
six of the leading business men of the
state, selecting those who have, In
their own business, by the use of sue-
cessful advertising, demonstrated that ,
they have learned to reach the"lndi
vldual, how to tell him something they
want him to know.
"Give the people of your state the
benefit of his experience. Ask Buch
a group of advertisers to formulate a
Bcheme of reaching the public with
the kind of f information they want
and should have about conservation
"Enlist the army o; commerci
travelers within each state in
ing information about conserva'0
Tell the people in the simplest
most direct way what is meant W
pork barrel in politics, how it
ing used to retard the proper
opment of our natural resourced